fix articles 498674, on hunger strike
Anarchist prisoner on hunger strike in Catalunya (tags)
Amadeu Casellas(anarchist prisoner) remains on hunger strike since june 23rd. We need your help to spread and publish this information in the alternative medias and anarchist medias all over Europe. That,s why we send you here this information in english,frenchs and german, use the one you find closer to your languaje, or traslate it into your native languaje, and send to indymedias and anarchist websites.
100 North Korean Refugees on Hunger Strike in Tumen Detention Camp (tags)
In a desparate effort to avoid their repatriation to North Korea (DPRK) 100 North Korean refugees are on hunger strike in a Chinese border town. Repatriated refugees are considered as traitors and are tortured in horrible prison camps or even executed in the DPRK.
Hunger strikes and Violence in Bolivian Prisons
Jailed Activists on Hunger Strike Need You! (tags)
About 50 activists are still being held at the LA County Twin Towers jail. They are on hunger strike to protest inhumane treatment of the prisoners. Supporters are holding a 24-hour vigil in front of the visitors' entrance to No. 2 tower. Ten of us are also on hungerstrike in solidarity with the prisoners. We will stay here until they release our comrades, and we are asking you to stop by the vigil, and to make a few phone calls. Read on for details: