fix articles 49825, s. are
No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused (tags)
It looks like G.W. Bush is going to be a real bitch about all this nasty business of his capacity to conceive what we're saying actually as each other committed to reach beyond the 'grunt' stage in human developement eh? Typical.
Law of the Land - We Rule (tags)
Look, man.. The Taliban had a girl school program. Hear,read, phone Mozzam Begg. Kimmitt claimed Zarqawi was a boom for relations because he wouldn't target troops, but kill children while blaming al-CIA-duh.
Christ Wars Bushite Enemies for the Love of our Living God (tags)
See?, the zionist's hope is to create permanent war until it owns all as victim to slavery through censorship. Up on a cross somewhere Olmert would have you suffering as the Messiah forsaken. Steal your home, and everything you value as yours. Zionism is antithetical to the Jewish religion, for, as Hillel teaches us, to treat others as we would treat ourselves, would leave the innocent dying in some ungodly nazi concentration camp by the will of the Zionist criminal.
UNDERSTANDING CHRIST - Death of a President (tags)
Exit strategy: Outlaw lawlessness. Murder, rape, and the thieving of billions from America.
To Defend the Innocent they Target for Mass Murder (tags)
Bushite as enemies to Humanity, are TRULY ungodly, and worth destroying to defend the innocent they target for mass murder as Satanic liars. Death to the bushite, death to Humanity's purposeless cowardly enemies of Johnny, God and Life. Death to the pro-bush torturers, rapists, and war profiteering THIEVES. So would say, my America.
As Can Be Imagined - The Death of Freedom for America (tags)
So, those who supported blindly blaming the Taliban along with bin Laden for 9/11 while closing outstanding public inquiries are demon liars, who in materially supporting hostilities against the United States by refusing through censorship to Publicly support the arrest of those responsible for killing innocent Americans - became willingly, bonafide cahooting terrorists, true bad guy "enemy combatants".
Law of the Land - WE RULE - an indictment of the Bush regime (tags)
The UN-Elected Bush regime now states cowardly Americans have no longer any legal rights to defend themselves from unlawful arrest if commanded without reason by the lawless as godless, bushite enemy LIARS. Are YOU fooled?.. I didn't think so.
Arafat Death Still a Mystery (tags)
Palestinians continue to wonder how arafat died
Apparently the more natural function of public intellectuals, at least most of them, is to explain the ways of power to the uninformed and perhaps unthinking public at large ? or in more cynical terms, to serve as apologists for those in power. In the wake of a certain amount of criticism of the Bush administration over the issues of "weapons of mass destruction" ? a misnomer from the get-go in that it lumps nuclear weapons with chemical and biological weapons that are difficult to use tactically and create less actual mass destruction than some artillery barrages ? Bush apologists are coming out of the woodwork.