fix articles 498186, nineteen
Pope Francis Sends Poverty Message with Selection of New Cardinals (tags)
Yesterday, Pope Francis appointed nineteen new Cardinals from around the world. Sixteen of the nineteen are eligible to vote for the next Pope. There were no new Cardinals selected from the United States.
TRULY Independent 9/11 Research (tags)
Before you decide whether or not to believe a word I say, it might do well to consider that in the last five years, I have had some forty or so email accounts hacked to uselessness as well as half a dozen mailing lists. I have dealt with literally, many thousands of electronic attacks, from files disappearing from my home computer (key files researching Booz, Allen, & Hamilton) to an unending stream of attempts at depositing worms and viruses in my hardware, sometimes to the tune of several hundred in a week. When I broke the connection to remote piloting, or unmanned aerial vehicles, and Teslian physics, my sister's house burned to the ground and a week later, my brother's apartment caught fire. During this time, I have had two dogs poisoned, about a year apart.