fix articles 4969, generators Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : generators



How the San Onofre nuclear power plant shut down, and why

While NRC Contemplates San Onofre Restart, New Study Shows No Nukes = Less Cancer (tags)

While the NRC is contemplating restart of the San Onofre nuke plant in the Southland, a new study shows that cancer cases in Norcal declined after a nuke shutdown there.

San Onofre doesn't have to become our Fukushima (tags)

What went wrong at San Onofre last January is a classic tale of the abuse of power. San Onofre should be decommissioned (dismantled). It should never be allowed to restart.

San Onofre Layoffs: Latest Sign of Nuke Plant’s Demise (tags)

The announcement of the impending layoff of one third of the San Onofre nuclear plant's workforce is yet another indication of the demise of this troublesome nuke.

June 18th - Important NRC Meeting on San Onofre Nuclear Plant Safety (tags)

June 18th, 2012 5 PM – 9 PM San Juan Capistrano Your voice is needed! WE WILL HAVE A IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.

"A Hell of a Way to Boil Water": (tags)

Veteran anti-nuclear activist Ace Hoffman came to San Diego from his home in north San Diego County February 20 to talk about the dangers of nuclear power plants in general and two nuclear power plants in particular: the Fukushima Dai-Ichi reactor which melted down after last year's tsunami and the ones at San Onofre in southern California. The event was held in part to promote a march and rally at the San Onofre site March 11, the first-year anniversary of the Fukushima tsunami.

Bush's Blue Light Special (tags)

Things are not as they appear when the president speaks—not the backdrop, and not the promises he makes. In this land of Oz, where’s Toto when we need him?

The GRID: Profits vs Reliability (tags)

The "market" is already demanding "incentives" for expanding the transmission grid, but it will only increase their reach leaving the rest of the country even more vulnerable to widespread power outages.

Plum Island: A Disaster Waiting To Happen (tags)

Or has it already

Nuclear Industry Oversight Legislation signed by Gov Davis (tags)

Governor Davis signed SB 2065, nuclear industry oversight legislation, which requires low-level radioactive waste generators to systematically report on the waste they generate, treat, store, transfer and ship for disposal. The bill also mandates that DHS prepare annual analyses of the information for review by legislators and the public.

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