fix articles 49631, whole foods market
A Venice Rawesome Story (tags)
Venice Beach’s Lost Organic Food Club: forgotten and Ignored by some of the so-called progressive left.
Judicial Lynching In Texas.. Time For a Texorcism (tags)
Only 7 states murdered prisoners in 2013. Texas killed more than the other 6 combined.
NYT Editors Ignore GMO Health Dangers (tags)
My Encounter with the 'Precarious and Service Workers Assembly' of Occupy Oakland (tags)
It's their party, and they'll cry if they want to...
Some Critical Notes on the Nov. 2 Oakland General Strike (tags)
Remember, remember,the second of Novemeber -- and what can be imporved on next time...
Employee Free Choice Act Compromise No Compromise at All (tags)
Employee Free Choice Act ( EFCA) The Real Truth is Employers Don't want a Compromise they Just WantTo STEP on Workers RIGHTS - NO Compromise on the Employee Free Choice Act!
Alert: FDA OKs Irradiated Spinach, EPA Sued 4 B Collapse Cover-up (tags)
Latest issue of OCA newsletter "Organic Bytes" alerts consumers about FDA approval of irradiated spinach, and features the lawsuit against the EPA for covering up the bee colony collapse. Other articles include victory gardens to support food independence.
Los Angelino Artist Speaks Out About Censorhsip And Marginalization In The Arts (tags)
A public statement about a police intel domestic terrorism campaign aimed at the censorship and marginalization of artists
New, improved unions
A New Yorker goes to the first Trader Joe's in the city and feels oddly safe.
What Does it Mean to be 'Pro-Labor?' (tags)
Do you want evidence of how ad-driven media works to silence labor? Read this follow-up to "'Alternative' Media Quietly Sells Out to Whole Foods Market" [ZNet, April 28, 2005]. Mark T. Harris answers Dragonfly Media's denial that it gave Whole Foods Market free advertising for a year in its Chicago publication, Conscious Choice, following the grocer's complaint about a UFCW ad that ran under the magazine's old management. Dragonfly says neither would it promise Whole Foods no more union ads. But when union activists attempted to purchase new ad space last December, Dragonfly said no.
TURNING THE TABLES ON CRYPTOME.ORG: SPY PHOTO OF THEIR HQ (tags) ( ) says it wants to be "the most disreputable site on the web," and it pursues this goal by publishing declassified government memos and information about Government officials, including the names of FBI agents and pictures of officials' houses - the so-called "Eyeballing" series of photos. Here we have turned the tables on Cryptome operator John Young, "Eyeballing" his own abode.