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robert faurisson


The so-called diary of Anne Frank is a forgery by her father otto and cohorts.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 31 (tags)

" Le journal d´anne frank, authentique ? "

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 9 (tags)

anne frank is not the author of her diary

Banking on Our Ignorance: A holocaust denier is taken on by his cousin (tags)

The more ignorant or unfamiliar you are with and about statecraft, the easier people who want to perpetuate war can manipulate you. So committments to war or peace or radical sanity take form, and an intensifying radical's radical dialogue "becomes" between two persons who like each other at face value (and some years of background history). This communication may be instructive for those who want to better understand aggression and its rationalizations in order to ju-jitsu the worst of what happens when beliefs are allowed to bear the ugly fruits of perpetual war.

History- 17 Years Later (tags)

A wonderful piece by John Bennett in a time of conglomorate-controlled media.

Zizek on Chomsky (tags)

I pulled this from the NY-IMC, and though I think Zizek has issues as well, i really enjoyed reading this little critique of Chomsky. His cult of personality is a little much. I really enjoyed another theory book called- The End of Education by William Spanos. Writen by a much less known theorist (another reason to dislike zizek and Chomsky) this book goes into detail about some of what zizek says-while talking about 60s political movements and their "failure of the radical moment."

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