fix articles 49441, local union
UGSOA President James Carney JUMPS SHIP. FCGOA is Ready to Take The Helm. (tags)
Federal Contract Guards of America FCGOA President Guy James stated "FCGOA is ready and able to represent the many UGSOA Security Police Professionals who wish to leave the United Government Security Officers of America UGSOA to join our organization FCGOA"
The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) and the Coalition of Filipino American organizations of California (CFAOC) wholeheartedly support the united voice of the rank and file workers of the United Health Care Workers -West-UHW who called for a ote for disaffiliation from SEIU International.
New industrial union pushes working-class power (tags)
LAS VEGAS — It was the fire from below that powered up the merger convention of the USWA and PACE, held here April 11-14. Five thousand workers, their families and guests shared stories of battles on picket lines and in battleground state polling places. Many conversations started with, “Let me tell you what that son of a Bush did in Ohio …” or Texas, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Indiana or Southern California.
Undocumented Workers Are Not The Enemy Of labor (tags)
I submitted the following article to my Local Union newsletter.
Rank-and-file Movement Wins Election in SEIU Local 36, Incumbents Refuse to Relinquish Pow (tags)
On December 13, members of Local 36 of the 1.6 million-member Service Employees International Union (SEIU), one of the largest in the AFL-CIO and originator of the national "Justice for Janitors" campaign, elected a new president, secretary-treasurer and 23 Executive Board members. This came in the 18th month of a national SEIU trusteeship over Local 36, which represents over 4,300 janitors, building maintenance workers, technicians and professionals in Philadelphia and its suburbs in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Local Union members demand money back from the energy companies at rally (tags)
Union Members rallied today to demand :"We want all the money back" from the energy companies.