fix articles 4938, harald schumann
I consume, theerefore I am (tags)
People who, according to Erich Fromm, are afraid of freedom, who, suffer from "mental constipation" according to Wilhelm Reich, With consumer freedom, the long tradition of Enlightenment thinking is simply erased:
We the Scattered in the Insult Society (tags)
Hans-Peter Martin is the author of "Game Over. Prosperity for a Few, Democracy for No One and Nationalism for Everyone" (2018). Now it is Game Over for the West, for our civilization model. Capitalism functions without democracy, without observing liberal human rights.
Democracy and the Uncanny Power of Money (tags)
Growing inequality is the greatest political problem of our time. Governments are often only actors or puppets of an anonymous regime for the benefit of the privileged where the interests of simple people do not count.
The exodus from the casino capitalism producing ever faster and ever deeper crises cannot succeed without a broad and powerful democratic base. Parliamentary democracy is urged to finally take up the struggle around the primacy of politics
When Financial Management Paralyzes Democracy (tags)
The 2010 Attac Bank Tribunal in Berlin was a civil society legal proceeding that decried the speculative business model: take excessive risks and burden taxpayers with the costs. Rating agencies should be public. Banks that are too big to fail are too big to exist and should be broken up
America after the Attempted Assasination (tags)
For three decades, incomes and assets were increasingly unequally distributed in the US. While economic output increased 60% from 1990-2008, median income only rose 10%. All governments since Reagan's first term drove this development with their tax cuts, subsidies and neglect of educ.
Attac's Bank Tribunal: The Jury's Verdict (tags)
This crisis did not break out over society like a force of nature. Financial managers spread the legend that financial crises belong to capitalism as water belongs to the ocean and that euphoric phases of bubble formation and the bursting of bubbles come and go like the seasons.
Criticism of the Social State is Irrational (tags)
"Paul A Samuelson, an important economist of the 20th century, worries about the state of the US economy. He fears falling wages..`We in the US are on the way to a plutocratic democracy. Neither Bush nor Kerry can stop outsourcing'."
The Flexible Person: Critical Psychology and Fitness Training (tags)
With athletic and medical metaphors, persons even in nursery school are urged to fitness training. Under globalization, societies find themsevles in positional competition. National chances are set against the global threat. Trans.from German