fix articles 49326, campesinos
November 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags)
November 2019 Honduras coup update This month: one uni student of the students movement, Leonardo Castillo and a high school student, Sulmy López, were killed. Another high school student has been disappeared. An extermination plan is known – to silence opposition and to silence the drug trail of the TH-JOH politician brothers. One more exposition to JOH’s money laundering and scandals for funding the 2017 electoral campaign. Another journalist, José Arita, was assassinated. Human rights defenders Jorge Acosta and Ramón Aguilar were assassinated, another one received a death threat in his car. Villagers of Zacate Grande standing up to large landholders suffer repeat arrests. Campesinos of La Paz have court processes sitting on top of them. Guapinol community defenders against mining also has its eight political prisoners stuck in a dragged out court process, and a journalist who accompanies their struggle suffered a kidnap attempt, whilst the community there live under a state of siege as a public meeting approaches. As communities in Tegucigalpa mobilised again to protect the La Tigra national park from an enormous luxury apartments project, they suffered a violent eviction. The political prisoners from Pimienta suffer persecution outside the prison. Another political prisoner Gustavo Cáceres was finally released after almost 2 years. Surveillance intensified. Campesinos leader and his family were victims to gunshots attack in Bajo Aguan. Protests were repressed.
Honduran Police State Repression (tags)
police state
Los Torturadores del Obispo (tags)
Aplicando la misma estrategia de la policía política del dictador Stroessner, el gobierno del obispo Fernando Lugo, que ha desatado una guerra contra los campesinos paraguayos, niega que los campesinos sean torturados en San Pedro.
Santa Represión y sangre sobre el asfalto (tags)
Las fotografías de manifestantes con los rostros ensangrentados y activistas tendidos contusos en el asfalto que hoy muestran los periódicos en Paraguay, nos dicen que la frase podría aplicarse al momento que vive Paraguay bajo la conducción del obispo Fernando.
Derechos Humanos, Tema Prohibido (tags)
El tema Derechos Humanos, obviamente, no figuró en la agenda tratada por el obispo Fernando Lugo con su compañero de Trabajo George W. Bush.
Obispo asesino de pobres (tags)
Dijo Albert Einstein que existían dos cosas infinitas: el universo y la estupidez humana, pero no estaba seguro de la primera. La actitud de quienes se tragaron el cuento del “obispo de los pobres” corrobora efectivamente esa estupidez sin límites.
Campesino Activist Assassinated in Brazil by Syngenta's Hired Thugs (tags)
Brazil's Movement of Landless Workers & La Via Campesinos activist camp attacked by hired assassins after protesting Syngenta's GMO/GE biotech crop monopolies..
Campesinos de Acapulco se oponen a presa hidroléctrica (tags)
...que puede acabar con sus tierras y sus vidas
MOCASE denuncia detención de campesinos (tags)
La policía de Tintina estaría llevando adelante un operativo, diseñado por el empresario Aldo Schurrer, con el propósito de expulsar de las tierras a sus legítimos propietarios.
The Real Cancun Part II: Voices of the Campesinos (tags)
Bolivia: En pie de guerra (tags)
Cancun Confrontation: Thousands Protest the WTO and Capitalist Globalization (tags)
Mexico and WtO: La Bella y La Fea (tags)
Everywhere today, every aspect of our lives is being violently reorganized. Everywhere the system is at work dissolving us, our labor, our land, our culture into flows of capital.”
WTO/Cancun issues.... Agricultural Subsidies? (tags)
n peligro la soberanía alimentaria de Mexico. Avanza la resistencia de campesinos ante el (tags)
Miles de campesinos mexicanos continúan las protestas que buscan la renegociación del capítulo agropecuario del NAFTA y a favor de la soberanía alimentaria.Dentro de las negociaciones iniciadas el 1 de enero, la administración foxista incluyó en el proceso de diálogo a grupos empresariales que han sido favorecidos por el TLCAN, lo que fue considerado por los campesinos como una provocación.
The Spirit of La Magdalena- Fighting Campesinos (tags)
Walk for Farmworker Justice: round-up of portland indymedia coverage (tags)
Collected portland indymedia coverage of the 2002 Walk for Farmworker Justice in Woodburn, Oregon, on July 13.
SOLIDARITY WITH UPRISING IN MEXICO, info, where to get translations (tags)
Information about, where to get translations about, uprising in Mexico by farmers who are protesting the building of an airport on their land. GLOBAL SOLIDARITY!