fix articles 490479, catholic bishop conference
The Recent Philippine Supreme Court Split Decision, Splits the Public (tags)
The recent Supreme Court split decision on the TRO filed by GO Candidate Koko Pimentel clearly shows how polarize is the Philippine society. The decision again highlights that justice is partial and serves the status quo. The decision, religiously followed by the Filipino American community in the United States, clearly shows how divided the Filipino society is and it is reflected among the 14 justices of the Supreme Court. In its recent decisions especially in the 2007 national elections. It just repeated the injustice perpetrated against presidential candidate Fernando Poe Jr in 2004 only now, it is against Koko Pimentel. Basically it refused to decide on the conduct of elections and refers the cases to the Presidential, the
AJLPP-USA Statement on the Mass Rally in Manila, (tags)
The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace(AJLPP-United States, is one and united with the Filipino people and all the religious groups that finally saw the light and now united in converging and expressing their joy in ther tactical victory against the machinations of the US-Arroyo regime to change the constitution through nefarious and blatant means.