fix articles 48956, clearance
US-Arroyo Regime practices brinkmanship, Provokes public outrage. (tags)
“ The US-Arroyo regime continues its game of brinkmanship. It continues to anger and provoke the public outrage.” The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) adds it strong voice to the vehement protest of the Filipino people over the clearance given by the Secretary of justice Alberto Agra to the Ampatuans and condems the US-Arroyo dangerous game of brinkmanship.
US-Arroyo Regime practices brinkmanship, Provokes public outrage. (tags)
“ The US-Arroyo regime continues its game of brinkmanship. It continues to anger and provoke the public outrage.” The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) adds it strong voice to the vehement protest of the Filipino people over the clearance given by the Secretary of justice Alberto Agra to the Ampatuans and condems the US-Arroyo dangerous game of brinkmanship. Agra on Friday issued a resolution clearing Governor Zaldy Ampatuan of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao and his cousin, former acting Maguindanao vice governor Akmad Ampatuan Sr.
Do not Work for the Department of Defense (tags)
Working for the Department of Defense is not worth it.
Army Disciplines Soldier who opened the Prisoner Abuse scandal (tags)
Sgt. Samuel Provance was notified by the Army that he was an official witness, and on May 14, his company commander ordered him not to talk. Instead, Provance decided he would give interviews to set the record straight.
Concerned citizen questions 9/11 Commission (tags)
Only two of the the 9/11 commissioners have above-top-secret clearance and are allowed to look at 300-plus documents of that classification, and one of them worked on the Bush-Cheney transition team.
Covert military ops ordered for North Korea? (tags)
I cut and pasted this article from the main IMC newswire. This could be VERY IMPORTANT.