fix articles 48933, vermont governor howard dean
URGENT: Open Letter to Legal Guild and Video Activists (tags)
Right Wing Radicals use threats to intimidate political activists from conducting a legal and peaceful protest.
Bush raises $170 Million, Kerry surges to $61 Million (tags)
Bush is aided by a network of 455 top fund-raisers who have each gathered at least $100,000 for the campaign.
The Democratic Candidates Are Too Dumb To Be President (tags)
They say Bush is dumb. Duh!!!
MidEast Policy and the Democratic Candidates (tags)
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is spiraling out of control, the venture into Iraq did not yield a quick victory and spillover of positive change, the U.S. position in the Middle East is more precarious, and U.S. allies in the region are more vulnerable to the forces of extremism. A new direction is needed.
Is Dean the Blackest White Candidate We Can Find? (tags)
It's a given that black candidates are unelectable. So who's the most black-friendly white candidate the Democrats have to offer?
With polls showing that up to 16% of the electorate is philosophically libertarian, this could be the real swing vote in 2004. Will libertarians decide that the Democratic candidate is the lesser of two evils for once? Or will they simply stay home in disgust on Election Day?
Bush is losing support among Arab-Americans voters (tags)
Three quarters of the Arab-Americans polled want the President to apply balanced pressure to both Israelis and Palestinians, simultaneously ending settlements and stopping the bombings -- but less than one quarter believe Bush will be balanced.
We are now, I believe, at the beginning of a long-delayed Washington political drama.
Howard Dean supporters, stop sleep walking. He's not a true progressive (tags)
repost from Portland IMC noting must-read articles about Dean -- and his limitations. Kucinich is a true progressive that doesn't simply make stuff up along the way in accord to political winds -- and even if you don't think he's electable, supporting him now through early primaries can really push the debate into areas we want to have sunshine