fix articles 48781, topanga canyon
Let Malibu Burn: A political history of the Fire Coast Mike Davis (tags)
Fire in Malibu has a relentless, staccato rhythm. The rugged coastline is scourged by a large fire, on average, every two and a half years, and at least once a decade a blaze in the chaparral grows into a terrifying firestorm consuming hundreds of homes in an inexorable march across the mountains to the sea. In one week last month, 10 homes and 14,000 acres of brush went up in smoke.
The concert is being organized by the Topanga Peace Alliance (TPA), which will donate 100% of the proceeds of the event to the International Rescue Committee to be used for medical supplies, emergency housing, food, water and relocation assistance in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Public Readings of Lysistrata World-wide Condemn War (tags)
- On March 3, 2003, the Lysistrata Project will present worldwide readings of Aristophanes’ bawdy ancient Greek antiwar comedy Lysistrata. To date, 817 play readings are scheduled in 49 countries and in all 50 U.S. states to voice opposition to the war on Iraq
Protest against the war in topanga at topanga canyon and P.C.H. STarts at 4 pm be there and be aware......
Call LA City Council to Support Anti-War Resolution (tags)
On Feb. 18, seven members of the Los Angeles City Council voted "yes" today after Eric Garcetti eloquently introduced the No War In Iraq resolution which was seconded by Ruth Galanter. The only problem at City Council today was IT NEEDED 8 VOTES TO PASS! The seven voting "yes"---Cindy Miscikowski, Ed Reyes, Nate Holden, Janice Hahn, Ruth Galanter, Tom LaBonge and Eric Garcetti------needed an eighth vote. Please join us City Council again on Friday, Feb. 21 10:00 a.m. City Hall Chambers for what could be a historic day if we get the votes!
54 cities so far pass peace resolutions! (tags)
As of January 29, 54 city councils and other civic bodies have passed resolutions opposing war with Iraq.
PACIFICA ACTION: Join Rally against Ken Ford (tags)
Tuesday, July 10: Join actions against National Board member Ken Ford