fix articles 48650, indian wars
Stop Police Abuse - Build Community Self-Defense (tags)
Police killings and abuse with impunity are systemic. We can't rely on the courts for justice, but must build inter-communal solidarity and resistance and the capacity for community self-defense.
Many progressive Americans are hoping for a more peaceful U.S. foreign policy because President Bush lost control of Congress or after he leaves office — but the chances of this happening are not favorable.)
REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with evidence and everything! (tags)
REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with evidence and everything!
The 'Black Book' of U.S. Imperialism: Ward Churchill's Roosting Chickens (tags)
Todd Gitlin, Paul Berman and assorted intellectuals of the "decent left" have earned their keep arguing that anti-imperialism is nothing but an echo chamber of nihilism, oedipal rage and tacit support for whomever the governing class declares the enemy. Once upon a time their kind derided the Communist left as window dressing for the gulag; now they argue with parallel duplicity that anti-imperialists are shills for "Islamo-fascist" death cults and suicide bombers. As the gate-keepers of acceptable dissent, that is to say "none," they rarely take time to note what it is, this America, they've declared their loyalty to and what it is exactly the "anti-Americans" oppose.