fix articles 48615, berkeley housing authority
Eviction attorney Charles Ramsey wants to be Richmond's next mayor (tags)
For many years Ramsey has made a comfortable living for himself by threatening low-income tenants with eviction or sanctions, and evicting the poor, elderly, and disabled from their housing has become a way of life for Ramsey.
Archive Of Housing News by Lynda Carson: Struggle for Just Cause / Tenant's Rights (tags)
The battle over rent control, just cause eviction protections, tenant's rights and poverty issues are a never ending struggle.
City Council loans Berkeley Housing Authority $300,000 to privatize public housing units (tags)
On April 3, 2012, the Berkeley Housing Authority asked Berkeley's City Council for $400,000 in general funds from Berkeley's Housing Trust Fund (HTF), to cover the costs associated with the privatization and sale of Berkeley's 75 public housing units to some out of state billionaires!
HUD's Public Housing Privatization Scheme "PETRA" Is Rejected (tags)
People across the nation are speaking out against the scheme to privatize 1.2 million public housing units, under a HUD proposal called Transforming Rental Assistance (TRA) initiative. The struggle against the privatization of public housing in Berkeley and Oakland has blossomed into a nation wide struggle against the profiteers that are trying to terminate public housing programs across the nation! On May 25, 2010, at a congressional hearing, Congresswoman Maxine Waters and many housing advocacy organizations from across the country spoke-out against HUD's proposals, and submitted written statements for the hearing record opposing TRA, including the Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger and Homelessness and other Los Angeles housing and human rights organizations.
An ICF International / BHA Disposition Plan Conflict of Interest? (tags)
Did ICF International infiltrate the Berkeley Housing Authority through the Berkeley Housing Authority Chair Commissioner Carole Norris, as a way to help it's shareholders (including Wells Fargo Bank) to make a financial profit with the scheme to dismantle Berkeley's public housing program, and plan to dispose of Berkeley's public housing units?
Nonprofit does not want the poor in public housing units (tags)
Long-time public housing residents face displacement!
Nonprofit developers interested in Berkeley's public housing, minus the poor (tags)
Berkeley's mostly African-American public housing residents are not wanted by local nonprofit housing developers that are interested in the proposal to sell Berkeley's 75 public housing units!
Berkeley public housing residents demand resignations (tags)
Berkeley's Public Housing Residents Say "Hell No" To The Privatization Of Their Housing & Demand Resignation Of Housing Director!
$100 million for Section 8 housing crisis falls short (tags)
$100 million in extra federal funding helps to save the nation's Section 8 housing program in Berkeley, Alameda, San Jose, Los Angeles and elsewhere! According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), a whopping 15% of 2,400 Public Housing Authorities nationwide, are currently experiencing funding shortfalls in the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program! HUD is currently trying to release an additional $400 million to assist section 8 programs across the nation. See full list of troubled Public Housing Authorities, further below!
Sign Petition: Save the Berkeley Housing Authority (tags)
The Berkeley Housing Authority is in a crisis and needs you help!
An Uncertain Future For Berkeley's Section 8 Tenants (tags)
City Officials Take The Heat For Housing Authority Failures
Berkeley City Councilwoman Dona Spring Double-Crosses Tenants Group (tags)
Berkeley Councilwoman Dona Spring Double-Crosses Berkeley Tenants Group!
The Best Housing & Poverty Review of 2005 (tags)
The Nation's Housing Policies Are A Complete Disaster!