fix articles 4860, write
The disease of concealment: An open letter to future historians (tags)
We are afflicted with what I would call the disease of silence. We are confronted with the results of decades of propaganda, and with the insidious power of language when it is cynically misused. We look, but we don't recognize it. We hear, but we don't listen. The effectiveness of propaganda is so great that most of us are not even aware of our complicity in the genocide of a people
DIARY OF A CON MAN . 54 (tags)
the diary of anne frank amounts to commercial and political fraud
Opponents of SB County Jail's Letter Ban to Share Progress, Next Steps (tags)
Right to Write SB has been organizing against the postcard-only policy at the Santa Barbara County Jail for a year now. Tonight at the Santa Barbara community forum, they will be talking about how this policy relates to plans for jail expansion in SB county.
World Adult Soulmate © - Hollywood Script (tags)
World Adult Soulmate © - Bestselling Romantic Fiction
How to Write a Paper That Will Get an A (tags)
A guide for new writers, college students, and adults who need to write a paper.
Update on Lynne Stewart
Does George F. Will Write Like a Weasel (tags)
Recently George Will wrote a column as to whom Mitt Romney might choose as his Vice President. Within the context of exaggerated hyperbole Will proposes Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan or Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Thus this aging crank spent more time with blatant labeling of Obama (and the “entitlement state”) rather than making much of a case for either of his choices. If cartoonist and author Scott Adams wrote a book on politicians then George Will’s writing could easily inspire several chapters. What blowhard has written with more insinuation, illusion of logic, confusing sophistry, guilt by association, and whimsical vagary than this pretense of intellectual firepower? His political biases are almost always more prevalent than an ability to write clear and rational arguments.
ACTION ALERT: Transfer Mumia Abu-Jamal to General Population! (tags)
Last month, following the Philadelphia DA's decision to not hold a new sentencing hearing, Mumia Abu-Jamal was transferred to SCI Mahanoy, in Frackville, PA, where he as since been held in "Administrative Custody." His present conditions are actually worse than they were on death row at SCI Greene. Please join us in our call for Mumia to be immediately transferred into general population.
Novelist Anne Enright Speaks in San Diego (tags)
Irish novelist Anne Enright came to the San Diego Public Library October 10 to present "The Forgotten Waltz," her first book since her previous novel "The Gathering" won the prestigious Man Booker Prize in 2007. Enright talked about the pressures of sudden fame, how she combines writing with being a stay-at-home mom, and the roller-coaster ride of the Irish economy from boom in 2002 to bust in 2007. Though "The Forgotten Waltz" is not literally a political allegory, Enright says she meant it largely as a metaphoric portrayal of Ireland during its boom and bust years.
Video: The Story of Citizens United v. FEC (tags)
Wall Street and the banksters have destroyed our economy and received trillions of our money. A general strike was called today in Madison Wisc to regain control of our democracy and repel corporate power endangering elections and the economy.
trying to put a comment today to a Wikileaks article, the site repeatedly says "wrong anser to math question" when "one and four" is listed as FIVE ... 3X attempted same only to be rejected as if I could not add right, write ? hmmmm anyone else have this problem today 12/15/10 @ 1:20 pm... secret word would be "five" but site refuses to take it as 4+1=5 that my 3rd grade artithmetic teacher claimed to be "true"... hmmmmm? what is going on here ?
Eric McDavid's Appeal Denied (tags)
Eric's appeal has been denied
Leftist Sci-Fi Writer China Miéville Comes to San Diego (tags)
China Miéville isn’t exactly your typical multiple award-winning science-fiction writer. He’s also a Left-wing political activist, a member of the British Socialist Workers Party and former candidate for Parliament. Miéville came to San Diego for the July 22-25 Comic-Con, and took a detour for an afternoon question-and-answer session at the San Diego Public Library Sunday afternoon, July 25, during which he discussed his novels — notably his latest, “Kraken,” and his “New Crobuzon” series (“Perdido Street Station,” 2000; “The Scar,” 2001; “Iron Council,” 2002) — his politics and how the Internet has made the already difficult business of making a living from writing even harder.
LA: Thursday Night Community and Social Justice Fundraising Series (tags)
Los-cost beginning social justice and community fundraising workshop series on Thursdays in February.
Petition to Free Lynne Stewart (tags)
There is now an online Petition to Free Lynne Stewart, the lawyer who was framed on false charges because she spent her life defending the workingclass.
Push the Prez to fix Health Services NOW (tags) has a petition on line that goes right to your representative...but you can create and write your own better version. Send it out now. To everyone and every govt official you can find. Make your thinking known. Make a change. Now !
Prison on Lockdown and Eric McDavid in the Hole after Alleged IED Found (tags)
Eric McDavid is in the hole...
Oscar Grant! No Isolated Incident! A PhotoJourney of Unarmed Folks Killed by Cop Worldwide (tags)
Oscar Grant's murder: This is not an isolated incident! Remember Julian Alexander! Hammick in 2002, Kendra James in 2003, James Perez, James Philip Chasse, Jr. all unarmed and killed by Police. Diallo, Sean Bell, Ousmane Zongo, Jonny Gammage, Patrick Moses Dorismond, Alexandros Grigoropoulos and Now Oscar Grant, all unarmed and killed by Police. Within hours of Oscar Grant's shooting, Robbie Tolan!. Let the world know about! We will not allow a police state!
an expose of the abuse perpetrated by Bob Black, written by one of his victims
Vocalist-Songwriter-Musician-Producer Sonya Kahn Addresses Genocide in Whispering Souls (tags)
Vocalist-Songwriter-Musician-Producer, Sonya Kahn has taken on her responsibility as an artist to express herself with WHISPERING SOULS. This song addresses the politically controversial topic of genocide (something her family was personally affected by), where she mourns the passing of the souls killed senselessly, while she cries for tolerance, understanding and peace with a human rights message of hope for change for the future.
Update and Letter from Eric McDavid (tags)
Update on Eric's situation in Victorville, and a letter from Eric
Signs that lie, signs that say nothing (tags)
Signs everywhere. Signs that lie! Signs that say nothing! Signs everywhere.
Save the life of Reginald Blanton (tags)
Petition to save the life of Reginald Blanton, sentenced to death in Texas due to racial prejudice
We all know the true story concerning the injustice inflicted on America's Middlle Class and Working Poor Americans when it comes to the Federal appeal Process juudicial Process.
Equity Bill in the US Congress -Another Broken Promise? (tags)
he Democrats since 2006 have promised to pass the equity bill in the US congress. Even Philippine President jumped into the bandwagon. She will be thanking US President Bush for signing the equity bill, even though the bill is not yet on the floor of the house. But what really happened? What wrong with the bill? Is the equity bill dead?
ActionLA: URGENT Fund Raising Appeals for the China's Earthquake Victims (tags)
We would like to appeal to your URGENT financial supports China's earthquake victims.
LA TRASH Fees ROCKETING again (tags)
LA Mayor and Council want to AGAIN raise solid-waste-trash-collection fees, a 'hidden indirect tax". This is an OPEN letter to them. Copy it or write your own, please. Don't stay mute and be beaten down, like trash.
Eric McDavid Update - 1.08.08 (tags)
Hearings moved, letters to the judge, and more...
Letter from US Artists and Scholars in support of Cultural Relations with CUBA (tags)
More than 500 U.S. artists and academics demand an end to the blockade...
EASY Ways to Stop the Military Radioactive Contamination of Hawaii (tags)
The Army is salivating to get the 2/25th Stryker Brigade Combat Team established in Hawaii. Even volunteering one hour of your time will help! Here's how.
Arrivals, a play on Extraordinary Rendition (tags)
A play on Extraordinary Rendition(aka torture outsourcing) has been created by canadian playwright David Gow, performed in the US and been ignored by the theatre critics, similar to th reception of My Name is Rachel Corrie. Has anyone been to see it?
Nov 17th is an Action Day For Imprisoned Anarchists in The Philippines (tags)
A day of protest has been called for the Sagada 11, young anarchists falsely accused of a Maoist guerilla attack and tortured in The Philippines - Phone, fax, email, write on Friday, 17th November. Also more actions at embassies etc are encouraged, please copy and distribute the leaflet below, and last but not least please write to the prisoners directly.
Act now to defend Oaxaca (tags)
Dear friends- An amazing struggle is now being threatened with obliteration. The people of Oaxaca are facing an immenent attack by the federal government which will result in senseless bloodshed. Please take five minutes to send an e-mail or fax to the Mexican government to demand they not harm the Oaxacan people, who have been engaged in civil resistance for the past few months. Also, please forward this widely if you know of people who would want to act. I know it seems petty to write an email but it's the least you could do.What follows is a summary of what is occuring in Oaxaca.
For A Real Debate Between Candidates For Governor (tags)
(Picture Janice Jordan, Peace and Freedom Party Candidate for governor, arrested at the January 20th 2005 demonstrations in downtown San Diego.)
Aram Schefrin, author of Marwan (tags)
How did an Egyptian city planner, a Yemeni religious fanatic, a boy from the United Arab Emirates who worshipped sex, not Allah, and a young student of aircraft design who went to a Christian school in Lebanon - four very different men with very different ideas - get involved in flying the 9/11 planes? How did the plot develop, and who developed it?
Parole recommendation for Theresa Cruz will be on the governor's desk soon. Please write him in support of her release!
Steven--Say It Isn't So (tags)
Spielberg's newest movie is about the Munich massacre of Israeli athletes...and he's hired a script writer who has openly stated that Israel has no right to exist. Would Steven hire the Grand Dragon of the KKK to write the script for a movie about the struggle of Blacks to obtain civil rights?
Oh for the Day When Journalists Were Journalists (tags)
Even in World War II, when the enemy was fascism and Hitler, a reporter like Ernie Pyle could write of the horrors and waste of war, and describe the carnage in terms that defied the jingoism of the day. Where are reporters like that in today’s media, where we aren’t even allowed to see the dead, much less write about them. ------------------
Grassoots America is now actively designing and collaborating plans to rival the Republican think tanks that started in 1980 with the Reagan Administration. Here's a look at a group of 40 members in it's infancy. This online organization is one of the first of its kind in an era where think tank masteminds like Karl Rove almost singlehandly influence national and international policy in our nation.
Preparing for a Crooked Election: Angst for Nothin’ (tags)
Question: What good are democratic solutions if democracy no longer exists? Answer: Good question. For one writer’s take on this conundrum, read on.
After the Fix, How Do We Fix the Fix We’re In? (tags)
Uh, America, we have a problem. That is, of course, if you call fixed elections a problem. Some certainly do, and some also believe that if November 2’s funny business is left untouched, the unfunny truth is America will be out of business. For more details, read on.
Iraqi child deaths : Media indifferent as unicef reports worsening catastrophe (tags)
On February 16, 2003, Tony Blair responded to the biggest protest march in Britain's history the previous day: "Yes, there are consequences of war. If we remove Saddam by force, people will die, and some will be innocent. ... But there are also consequences of 'stop the war'. There will be no march for the victims of Saddam, no protests about the thousands of children that die needlessly every year under his rule..." (Blair, 'The price of my conviction,' The Observer, February 16, 2003)
10 things all Americans should do (tags)
Rules to live by.
Tre Arrow's next two hearings are both set for Monday, May 31st in Vancouver B.C. The first , an Admissibility for Refugee Status, is scheduled for 10am, followed by a Realease (bail) hearing. If he is found admissible for refugee status, then he could potentially be released. Contributions are urgently needed for bail and legal expenses.
IMCs Need Better Marketin (tags)
Ideas on how to improve readership and interest in publishing on Independent Media Center. Why the right to right as a citizen is important. Opportunities to write more opinion than the scrawny Letters to the Editors that are hacked up to a few sentences is a way to go. Can’t main stream media practice democracy?
USDA Downed Animal Ban Under Attack by Agribusiness (tags)
The USDA's recent downed cow ban represents a long overdue policy shift, and it is imperative that we do everything in our power to maintain it, and hopefully to expand it. Please write today.
Call for International Aid: Bring the Rule of Law to the US (tags)
Call for International Aid; Bring the Rule of Law to the US
Please urge Sen. Feinstein to support Nepal garment bill (tags)
Dear California residents, please take ten minutes to write to Senator Feinstein asking her to support a bill which would help the people of Nepal, who are in dire need due to civil war and poverty.
Los Angeles Indymedia noe CENSORING by IP address! (tags)
f you have been blocked, and you would like information on how to defeat this action, then visit KOBE Headquarters or e-mail me at in the meantime, write a complaint to and cite
The Fight for New Palestine (Fernwood/The Hood) (full story) (tags)
Every place needs a mythology. It sings for it. When it gets to the point which it is singing then it only hopes that it is heard. I hope I got to transcribe the notes right. It has a certain tone to it -- a certan bassline. This place/my hood/barrio/community, well, it became a place where you knew people cared enough to help each other out
We have oftentimes heard that there are people who have the ability to summon the spirits of the dead by means of a certain ritual. And some of us may perhaps have occasionally heard of the astonishing results of their practices. But is there any scientific explanation to this?
Divine Forces Radio needs your help (tags)
Divine forces radio needs listeners to flood the k.p.f.k offices with emails and let the program director know you want 3 hours of D.F.R.
It was bound to happen sooner or later. Bernie Weiner and I open a progressive web site ("The Crisis Papers" []) and write a few dissenting essays, and sure enough, we get an e-mail such as this: Are you people stoned? ...
Solidarity with Harold H. Thompson (tags)
The Anarchist prisoner Harold H. Thompson has been struck a very serious blow on his fight for prisoners rights and can't go on with it. Here's the whole info:
Proudhon and the Speculator's Manual in the Stock Exchange (tags)
Proudhon and the Speculator's Manual in the Stock Exchange
All Fallacy Writers come plz help i need to write a Fallacy plz help me!! (tags)
please help me write this Fallacy
Boycott Major Leage Baseball. MLB wants to participate in the blackmailing and censorship of free views and freedom of speech.
You! Write to the UN! Ask for War Crimes Charges! (tags)
Write to the UN! Ask for charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity!
Write LAT on Mandela censorship (tags)
The Los Angeles Times willfully failed to make any mention of Nelson Mandela's criticism of GWB and Tony Blair. Write them at
Call White House-tell them "NO!" to Additional $14 Billion in Aid to Israel (tags)
Call White House-tell them "NO!" to Additional $14 Billion in Aid to Israel
Write to a hatemonger (by Latuff) (tags)
Well, well...Just another hate email from an advocate for Israeli war crimes. This time, Keith Daves, CEO of Top Executive Greeting Cards.
The DIALECTIC and the SOCIAL in PROUDHON Join some of the works and articles, published and unknown, that the author of these pages had chance to write in these last sixteen years. 1- The DIALECTIC and the SOCIAL in PROUDHON 2 - INTRODUCTION TO THE FEDERATIVE PRINCIPLE OF PROUDHON
TO BE SOCIALIST, TODAY Subjects of interest yesterday as today that they can be found in Join in this site some of the works and articles, published and unknown, that the author of these pages had chance to write in these last sixteen years. 1- TO BE SOCIALIST, TODAY 2 - TOPICS FOR A PHILOSOPHY OF THE WORK IN PROUDHON
Action Alert: Write the UN Security Council to Stop the Rush to War! (tags)
The United States Congress has voted for going to war with Iraq— failing in its duty to represent a deeply divided American public. For people around the world who are troubled by what this conflict could bring, the vote in Congress is distressing since US military action now seems all but inevitable. There are still ways, however, to express your opposition to a war on Iraq and stop this invasion.
Protest War and Resident Bush with Sidewalk Chalk (tags)
Call for Anti-war, anti-terror, Chalking Action!
as you all know (or don't know), the adidas shoe company recently started using kangaroo skin to manufacture it's shoes. write the company and tell them what you think about it!
2nd Call for Info Chalking Action (tags)
Sidewalk Chalk and a message!
write on dollars (tags)
For the last couple of months activists in the uk have been writing the URL on five pound notes. how about you do the same on dollars?
Not a crime to a cop not to write a report of an offence of a crime (tags)
Mr District Prosecutor, what does a crime mean?
A short note about the DOR, and a link to a new website about internment.
Action: Stop Orange County Racist Attacks! call/write (tags)
Stop racist attacks in Orange County lesbian bar!
David Barsamian's wonderful award-winning program, "Alternative Radio (AR)"-a program offered for free to KPFK-has been taken off the air. DON'T STAND FOR IT!
FBI definition of "Terrorism." (tags)
The FBI's definition of "terrorism," appears to include civil disobedience. Go to, and go to search, type "Domestic Terrorism" in the search engine space, and hit go, then look through it all, peticularly the first one on the list.