fix articles 486, artists Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : artists


SAG-AFTRA video game performers on strike (tags)

In the early morning of Friday, the Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) announced a strike against a dozen video game entertainment corporations, including Electronic Arts Productions, Inc., Disney Character Voices, Inc. and Warner Brothers Games, Inc.

Bertolt Brecht Testifies Before the House Un-American Activities Committee (1947) 2 min (tags)

725 free movies, 700 free ebooks and 450 free audio books (including "1984") are ours on Enjoy the feast! How can anyone be hard-nosed with 725 freed movies?

Public art project aspires to save California (tags)

Got Drought? billboard project and social media campaign debuts in Los Angeles this month.

Kiev Calls 567 Artists Threats to National Security (tags)


Why The Actual Artists Keep Fleeing What Once Was The Los Angeles Arts District (tags)

Why The Actual Artists Keep Fleeing What Once Was The Los Angeles Arts District

Washington's Nakba Museum (tags)



Proceeds of Nutty Traxx ‘Freedom’ go towards massive ADI rescue in South America

Save the Che: Letter from Zack de la Rocha (tags)

Save the Che Cafe! Letter of solidarity from Zack de la Rocha

60% of BET readers Urge Alicia Keys to Perform in Israel (tags)



Jan Perry will screw the actual people of Los Angeles in favor of business the same way she has screwed the actual artists in the LA Arts District in favor of all the commercial developers and noisy, intrusive, disruptive commercial activity in what was an artistic environment for almost 30 years.

Onyx Friday: a black friday alternative (tags)

Onyx Friday: a black friday alternative Friday, November 23rd, 2012 Starts at 8am (PST)! Get your holiday shopping done at home AND support fine artists and craftspeople all over the country.

The Worker's Rug: Fine Art From Day Labor (tags)

The Workers' Rug/La Alfombra Del Trabajador is an art done by day laborers, organizers affiliated with IDEPSCA, artist Katie Bachler and Jade Thacker, and the Craft and Folk Art Museum.

President of Los Angeles River Artists and Business Assoc. Harassing Arts District Artist (tags)

Is the new token President of Los Angeles River Artists and Business Assoc., Joseph Pitruzzelli, a blatant hypocrite for attempting to violate an artists first amendment rights? The artist seems to think so, calling Joseph Pitruzzelli one of "The Anti-Artists of the Arts District". Is Joseph Pitruzzelli self fulfilling the artist's own prophecy with this law suit?

Venice Boardwalk has cleaned out commercial vendors ! (tags)

Take a walk down the Venice Boardwalk and be surprised ! the re-sale cheap commercial merchandise is not long proliferating and crowding the area with hawkers and flea-market-junk being the main things there. Now all sorts of art and artists are the west-sidewalk displays. What a change !

WHY OCCUPY art exhibit (tags)

Art collective The Recruiter Syndicate bring their multimedia art exhibit WHY OCCUPY to downtown Los Angeles February 9th.

Trio of Performing Artists Follow Lead of America’s Greats - (tags)

Three musical groups produce songs to help in the funding of the search for a missing college student, Lauren Spierer.



Police choose new targets (tags)

Bill Rosendahl has brought a special squad of 21 LAPD officers into Venice, CA . Now that most of the Homeless Living in their cars and moterhomes have lost their vehicles... They now are forced to sleep on the sidewalk (not illegal) Having neutralized their targets, they are now targeting other groups of people to harass by intimidation and by impounding vehicles, Family Pets, or giving unwarranted parking tickets. I suspect these include Farmers, Raw foodists, Artists, Musicians, or any alternative or creative types.

Georgia Bible Belt artists critique class disparity: FREE MONEY (tags)

Team of middle Georgia artists invite public to agree to terms of contract, hand out enhanced dollar bills for redistribution of wealth.

Chicano Arts Pioneer Takes On Globalization and War (tags)

Pioneering Chicano artist Malaquias Montoya was present at the creation of the Chicano rights movement in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, being one of the organizers of the Mexican American Liberation Arts Front (MALAF) who helped create the images of that movement. But he’s also involved with current social and political controversies. In his show “Globalization and War: The Aftermath,” through March 4 at the Centro Cultural de la Raza in Balboa Park, he takes on Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib, the U.S. government’s rationalization of torture (“softening them up for interrogation”), the growing gap between rich and poor in the U.S. and throughout the world, and other progressive themes in a bold, assertive and often brutal style derived from 20th century New York artist Ben Shahn and the Mexican muralists Orozco and Siquieros.

Theater Artists Committed To The Madhouse (tags)

Andrew Utter announces formation of his new Los Angeles theater company, Uranium Madhouse

Is It a Gallery or a Garage? Larry Caveney’s Is Both (tags)

Every month, artist Larry Caveney throws open the door of his garage and reveals … an art gallery displaying a carefully curated theme show. In this interview from the September 2010 Zenger's Newsmagazine, he talks about his history of exploring non-traditional art spaces and the way The Garage helps him and the other artists he shows reach an audience in a comfortable non-commercial venue.


To laugh and to die of laughing.

1000 Artists from 40 Countries Merge Digital Art and Environmental Activism (tags)

The A&I Gallery in Hollywood hosts the U.S. premiere of Common Ground 2010, an exhibition of new media work at the intersection of art, technology, and eco-activism - all with an environmental theme - that runs from July 8 - August 13, 2010

Hello! The Beyond Patriarchy Convergence/Conference will be May 14-16th in Eugene Oregon (tags)

Workshop presenters, artists, interpreters, etc. requested for free sex-positive radical feminist gathering.


A good Brazilian book.

Another New Deal May Offer Arts a Needed Boost (tags)

Correspondent Spencer Michels reports on the prospects for a modern New Deal to help artists weather the recession. This PBS documentary was broadcast May 13, 2009.

GRant Writing Workshop for Activists and Artists Apr 22 (tags)

This is a low-cost community-friendly grant writing workshop. Come and learn some skills to help fund your activist and art projects.

Cross Cultural Day of the Dead Exhibit (tags)

Artists submissions sought for upcoming cross cultural Day of the Dead exhibit

Participation Matters (tags)

Each speech President Obama has delivered since his inauguration seems to paint a picture of change that is being created on the fly. I believe that – by nature of our humanity – we are all artists, and that we can all add a spontaneous stroke here or there to this potential masterpiece. But our current circumstances, as you will read in the below Op-Ed piece, present a serendipitous opportunity for public audiences to participate in community-based theater, and through that, to collaboratively address our social problems. If President Obama continues to publicly hold us accountable for re-creating a better America, this is one proven avenue for us to respond.

Pat Boone and Proposition 8 (tags)

1950's wimp-rocker Pat Boone recently published an article on the Right-wing Web site World News Daily comparing demonstrators protesting the passage of Proposition 8, which elimnated the right of same-sex couples to marry, with the terrorists who attacked hotels and religious centers in Mumbai, India. To this author, it's appropriate that Pat Boone should be expressing such bigotry and prejudice because he began his career taking advantage of bigotry and prejudice by ripping off great rock songs by African-American artists and having bigger hits with them than their creators did.

Eworld Music and the Award Show Confusion (tags)

Eworlde Companies, Inc brings confusion to the long standing LA Music Scene with new award show for lesser known artists, the Hollywood Music Awards.

Japan: Governor of Hyogo says Requiao that they will build a center to host brazilians (tags)

Tohizo Ido offered the dinner to Requiao and his entourage, as a form of retribute the upheld that he had in Parana in June, when the state came to participate, with the NARUHITO prince, heir to the throne of Japan, to celebrate the centenary of Japanese immigration . He told the governor that in his visit, was impressed with the

HUMBLE BEAUTY: Skid Row Artists Documentary (tags)

Humble Beauty is an hour long documentary that tells the story of talented homeless and formerly homeless men and women who, despite a daily struggle for survival, paint and create art in the worst area of Los Angeles known as Skid Row. People will make art, no matter how humble the circumstances.

HUMBLE BEAUTY photos (tags)

Fine arts paintings by homeless and formerly homeless artists on LA's Skid Row, profiled in the hour documentary, HUMBLE BEAUTY: Skid Row Artists. More info at

In Support of CUBA (tags)

We are sending an appeal to artists and intellectuals around the world to demand an immediate end to the criminal US blockade and to promote solidarity and support of our country.

"Flipping" Self Help Graphics? (tags)

LA Eastside writer Victoria Delgadillo is following what's happening with the recent sale of SHG to a real estate speculator and "flipper" who is on a house flipping show. Will SHG be flipped away? Click link for full story

Shepard Fairey’s Image Problem (tags)

As if Wal-Mart didn’t have enough controversies to deal with, imagine the consternation in the PR war room when news hit that the retail giant was selling t-shirts bearing a Nazi SS skull. As the story unraveled, it turned out that Wal-Mart’s designer had ripped off the image from pop art superstar Shepard Fairey, whose reference for the Gestapo logo was 1960’s “biker culture.” Oops.

LA vs WAR (tags)

The Los Angeles art community is uniting April 10-13, 2008 for an unmissable event: LA vs. WAR.

Letter from US Artists and Scholars in support of Cultural Relations with CUBA (tags)

More than 500 U.S. artists and academics demand an end to the blockade...

Cubans defect to ....America? (tags)

Eight Cuban acrobat jugglers disappeared before a performance at a festival in central Mexico last week, presumably to defect to the United States, organizers said on Friday.

Venice Gentrification H-Bomb --To Poor, Rainbows, Travelers and the Arts (tags)

L.A. City's Newest Plan Will Kick Everybody Living in Vehicles Out of Venice Beach

COO of the Los Angeles Music Awards (tags)

In response to numerous, malicious attempts to circumvent and discredit the Board of Directors of LA Entertainment Works, Inc. regarding the Los Angeles Music Awards.

Cruisin’ with Magu (tags)

Korean-American youth Artists & Chicano Art Icon

Beware of these scam artists (tags)

Corporate scam artists Ken Hollowell, Jim DeCicco & Marcus Barcroft are attempting to cheat musicians and sponsors of the Los Angeles Music community.


Hot on the heels of a very successful membership drive conducted at this year's San Diego Comic-Con, the LA Chapter of the Comicbook Artists Guild continues its march into the comics arena with a celebration of their labors at the South Bay area's best known comic dealer.

The Greater Wrong Of The Right (tags)


Open letter to the Rolling Stones regarding planned gig in Israel (tags)

Please circulate and forward widely The following letter is addressed to the Rolling Stones who are planning a concert in Israel. At this point we are soliciting endorsements from artists, cultural figures, intellectuals and cultural organizations, and others who wish to lend their support.

Don't Miss The Bus ! (tags)

There is Still Time...... To sign up for the IFCO/Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba this July as we collectively break the US blockade and travel ban by taking humanitarian aid, and ourselves, to Cuba without asking for a US government license.


LA Artlab presents FIRE ESCAPE, a group showing of artwork thematically inspired by the concept of fire. The show features new work specifically created for the exhibit by 15 innovative emerging artists within the LA Artlab collective. Pieces on display will include individual and group installations, mixed media, painting, drawing, photography, video and digital media.

Grand Opening (tags)

Grand opening of an art gallery in North Park for emerging Latino artists

Southern Voices in Cuba to Celebrate Fidel’s 80th Birthday (tags)

Artists committed to justice, dignity, and beauty hailing from Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, South Africa, Venezuela, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Puerto Rico, will be teaming up with local musicians for the "Todas las Voces Todas" (All the voices together) concert to take place December 30th at the Jose Marti Anti-imperialist Plaza in Havana.

Figure It Out (tags)

An art exhibition featuring over 20 exceptional artist from LA.

Street Signs and Solar Ovens! Social Craft in LA (tags)

A though provoking exhibition featuring artwork created with social activism as its inspiration. The exhibit explores the inventive objects and strategies created by artists in response to the environmental, political and social issues of our time. The objects featured will include protest art meant for public display as well as tools for socially conscious living.

Artists For Human Rights World tour Exhibit (tags)

Artists For Human Rights. Firs displayed in New York as part of the Global Summit on Human Rights held at United Nations Headquarters. The works of Over 30 artists, presenting their passionate and personal views on human rights.

Social Justice Art at Carlotta's Passion (tags)

The Saturday evening's NELAart Night at Carlotta's Passion Fine Art features works by artists engaged in social justice

Creation and Continuity (tags)

From cave painting to totemism ART has always been the means by/through which a given ‘reality’ is re-arranged (according to the will/desire/needs of the artist/s). Who is it that declares ART today? Everyone is an artist and everything, including murder and war is Art! War is the Art of violent imbeciles but it is art nevertheless. An existing relatively peaceful world was re-arranged by murder artists and today we have a new reality, one transformed by the art of lies and the implements of war. The methods to alter a given reality have never changed only tools (the means) change. It would be well that all become familiar with the means and ends of ‘ART’.

Mental Menudo Artists Exhibit New Work (tags)

Chicano: Pronouncing Diversity. Mental Menudo Artists Exhibit New Work in Landmark Show.

Beyond Entertainment: How Roger Waters Has Influenced Other Artists To Take A Stand (tags)

Roger Waters is an example of an artist who has taken a stand against injustice. His work has influenced others in music, film and other forms of creative expression.


Opening Reception Saturday June 17, 2006 7:00-10:00 p.m



The Raping of the Los Angeles Artist District (tags)

The Los Angeles Artist District is quickly being picked apart and may soon be gone completely if developers like Michael Shannon of the newly formed corporation 2121 Lofts Operating Company, LLC get there way.


show&tell: the art of time is the Zimmer Children's Museum's newest exhibition opening May 7th, 2006. This highly imaginative exhibit features works of art created from clocks by 78 artists, humanitarians and social activists. Using the metaphor of time, each piece is utterly unique, ranging from whimsical and decorative to meaningful and thought provoking. Beginning April 30, 2006, all clocks are for sale with 100% of the proceeds benefiting youTHink, an innovative art and education program serving public school students throughout California

CALL FOR ARTISTS: "Utopia" (tags)

The A Shenere Velt Gallery of West Los Angeles has issued an Artists Call for its upcoming exhibit, Utopia. Artists are being asked to submit slides of up to three wall-hung works in any media (except ceramics and jewelry) that speak to the theme of "Utopia."

A call for Street & Graffiti Artists (tags)

This is a call for all Graffiti Artists, Taggers and Writers, to show their solidarity with the Immigration and Workers Movement by adding Unete/Join Us, 1 de Mayo, May 1st, or anything similar, to all their pieces in the up-coming weeks leading up to May Day. We need your help getting the message out to the masses.

Artist's Call: Art of California Labor (tags)

This information on the Artist's Call for: Art of California Labor, was taken from artist Mark Vallen's weblog:



ampb report #70 (tags)

An update on the micro-power and pirate radio scene.

Audio: "Don't Talk About Religion or Politics" Talk & Presentation (tags)

MP3 audio recording download of a presentation/talk on art, religion, and politics, by artist/curator Mark Vallen and fellow exhibition artists Poli Marichal, Sergio Hernandez, John Paul Thornton, and Gwyneth Leech.

Artist's Forum on Art & Politics (tags)

As part of the continuing "Don't Talk About Religion or Politics" exhibition with Mark Vallen, Sergio Hernandez, Gwyneth Leech, John Paul Thornton, and Poli Marichal, the Avenue 50 Studio will present an artist's forum on Art & Politics. The exhibit runs until Feb (Photo: Opening night at the exhibition.)


The Avenue 50 Studio invites the public to an art exhibit focusing on questions of religion and politics. Featuring artists: Mark Vallen, Gwyneth Leech, Poli Marichal, Sergio Hernandez, John Paul Thorton. [ Posted image - "Station of the Cross # 10." Oil painting by Gwyneth Leech. ]

Pathbreaking Comedian Richard Pryor Dies (tags)

Richard Pryor, the caustic yet perceptive actor-comedian who lived dangerously close to the edge both on stage and off, has died. He was 65.

Jeanne Friscia, Carol Golemboski (tags)

George Billis Gallery, L.A. will exhibit recent photo based works by Jeanne Friscia, Carol Golemboski and a Holiday Salon Wall featuring small works by various artists. The exhibition will run from December 6 – January 14, 2006. A reception for the artists will be held at the gallery on Saturday, December 10 from 5 – 8 p.m.

Toni Scott - One Woman Art Bazaar (tags)

Does the old expression “Jack of all trades, master of none” hold any truth? Not for San Fernando Valley based visual artist Toni Scott. As a painter, sculptor and photographer, Toni is “A Jill of the arts trade and master of all.” Toni Scott is the featured artist in NoHo Gallery LA’s November exhibit “Art Bazaar” - a collection of art representing a variety of mediums and styles from November 2 – December 10. Artist reception party on Saturday, November 19 from 4-8PM, featuring fine art, music, food and wine.


Art, Music Edibles, good people for a good cause. Invite your whole neighborhood and enjoy life with us!!

Santa Monica Artist Travels to Italy (tags)

Santa Monica artist, Barbara Kolo is of the artists invited to represent the United States at the 2005 Florence Biennale (Biennale Internazionale Dell’Arte Contemporanea) next month in Italy. A new series of her figurative paintings will debut at the event.

Art Show "Demise of Democracy?" (tags)

From November 3rd through November 27th, 2005, sixty progressive artists working in a wide range of styles and mediums will be showing at, Demise of Democracy?, a group exhibit at California’s Orange County Center for Contemporary Art (OCCCA.) The exhibition presents works that authentically question where Americans currently stand in relation to democracy in the United States.

Chicano Artists Promote Healthy Diversity (tags)

Chicano artists “paint their own reality” by promoting multiculturalism and healthy diversity.

Native American Environmental Artists Needed (tags)

The International Center for Environmental Arts has a call for Indigenous visual and performing artists for the exhibition: Gathering of Power, featuring contemporary art from the Indigenous World. This will be a collaborative programs with The Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) and SITE, Santa Fe’s 2006 biennial exhibition, curated by independent curator Klaus Ottmann.

Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) 2005 (tags)

OPEN CALL FOR ART To Celebrate SELF HELP GRAPHICS & ART on Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) 2005

Tonight in LA: Guerilla Light Spectacle (tags)

Event tonight in Downtown Los Angeles

TONIGHT-Guerilla Projection Show Spectacle Uses Buildings as Screen-Spotlight-Child Abuse (tags)

Media Advisory for event tonight-Downtown Guerilla Slide Show Spectacle in Downtown LA Uses Building as Screen for Massive Art Projection--Event to Shed a Powerful Light on Child Abuse Artists and Community Activists Unite in Plea for Leadership in Prosecution What: A powerful, massive guerilla slide show projected onto buildings in Downtown Los Angeles to draw attention to child abuse and call for leadership in prosecuting offenders. This light spectacle event will utilize state of the art technology and potent images by local artists, projected on a massive scale, with Los Angeles buildings as the screen.

The World of Women, Art World (tags)

A Rare Look Into the “World of Women”: All-Female Exhibition Showcases Colorful Abstractions and Images

Attempts to Rescue Self Help Graphics & Art (tags)

A review of recent events surrounding the closure of East LA cultural center..SHG&A

Local Artists Invited to Display Work in Downtown (tags)

Downtown LA is brimming with artistic talent- to help show it off, the Downtown Center Business Improvement District along with the Central City Association is inviting local artists to have their artwork displayed in their office right in the heart of Downtown LA.

Venice Artists About Venice (tags)

Venice Artists, present their images and experiences about Venice. Curators: Emily Winters, Janet Gervers

Update on Self-Help Graphics protests & mass meetings (tags)

the following was pulled from Mark Vallen's weblog, an artist who has been covering that story and more.......


Self Help Graphics And Art has been shut down by it's "BOARD OF DIRECTORS". Artists planning protest Wednesday, June 22 at NOON in front of Self Help.

MARK VALLEN - Self Help Graphics Finished? (tags)

Los Angeles artist, Mark Vallen, wrote and posted the following article on his weblog concerning the closing of LA's Self Help Graphics. You can read more of his posts, at:

The Web: Movie-style graphics online (tags)

A story about cool graphics on the Web.

Artist Gets Creative with Fundraising (tags)

Cuts in funding for the Arts and almost non-existent resources for individual artists in the United States, has lead Santa Monica based artist/painter Barbara Kolo to seek alternative methods. The artist has opened an online store with Cafepress to help sponsor her invitation to the 2005 Florence Biennale (Biennale Internazionale Dell”Arte Contemporanea) this December in Italy.

call for rad. art (tags)

Attention Radical Artists! CALL FOR ARTWORK to be published in a new book. Deadline: October 31st, 2005 Reproduce and Revolt!: Radical Graphics for the 21st Century Edited by Josh MacPhee Soft Skull Press Reproduce and Revolt! is a graphic toolbox to be launched into the hands of political activists. The book will contain over 300 new and exciting high-quality illustrations and graphics about social justice and political activism for activists to use on flyers, posters, t-shirts, brochures, stencils or any other graphic aspects of political campaigns. All the graphics will be bold and easy to reproduce, in addition to being open source/anti-copyright. The book will come with clear instructions on how to best utilize the images so as to improve the graphic qualities of political campaigns. It will also contain a short history of political graphics, an archive of political flyers and posters throughout history, as well as information about and a bibliography of further reading for all of the social justice issues the art will cover.

Premier Film Screening Makeda’s Daughters (tags)

Friday April 15, 2005, 7:30 p.m. in South Los Angeles, Radical Women screen a new documentary that chronicles the artistic achievements of five Black women artists

Women's Exhibit: Convergence (tags)

Silverlake, CA, - Studio Gallery Presents a Women’s Art Showcase: “Convergence Of”: exhibition opening on Saturday, April 23, 2005. There will be an opening night reception on Saturday the 23rd from 4pm-10pm. It will be free of charge and open to the public.

The Trannie Road Show is coming.. to town! (tags)

Have a rockin' good time watching awesome trannie/queer sexuality performance art. Monday April 11 The Parlour 7702 Santa Monica Boulevard West Hollywood, CA 90046 (between Fairfax and La Brea at Stanley) Time 11:30pm Cost $3 Ages 21+ For more info (323) 650-7968

WITHERED Arts Journalism in LA? (tags)

"All historic epochs have cynics who pontificate that everything under the sun has been accomplished, and that there are "no more movements" on the horizon. Such proclamations are the clearest sign that all hell is about to break loose. Artists have always reacted to the world around them - with their collective actions forming schools or movements. To declare that we are in a "post-movement" period while the world is burning is nothing short of delusional."

Transport Gallery Benefit (tags)

A Benefit to support downtown art gallery that support both established and emerging artists along with the community.

DC Undergrund Film Fest Call for Entries (tags)

Mexican Mural School - Art of Estaño (tags)

A new website reveals the history of the Mexican Muralist Movement and one American artist’s personal connection to it. Philip Stein, also known as Estaño, worked alongside the famed Mexican Muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros from 1948 to 1958. He assisted the Mexican master in painting some of his most famous murals. Now a brand new website showcases the stirring artworks created during Estaño’s long career.

Surrealism in 2004 (tags)

This is a statement denouncing the hypocrisy and deception that exists within the current surrealist movement today in 2004. In order for a transformation of life and the chance for a positive engagement for freedom to take place, surrealism needs to redefine the goals of true revolution and to INVOLVE EVERYONE, not just a select few.

Important Film Premiere- The Yes Men Movie opens in LA 9/24 (tags)

Be amused and amazed while you help support the creative subversives known as The Yes Men, by attending a premiere showing of their new film release by United Artists. The bigger the initial turn out for The Yes Men movie, the wider the distributors will screen it across the country- and this is a film America needs to see!

Hiroshima Day, Art Slide Lecture by Artist Mark Vallen (tags)

Artworks clockwise: German Expressionist Felix Nussbaum's 1940 "Self-Portrait with Jewish Pass"; Mark Vallen's 1982 anti-Nuke "There Goes My Career"; Gert Wollheim's 1919 "The Wounded Man"; Atom Bomb survivor Takakura Nobuko's vision of a civilian melting in atomic fire; Vallen's 2001 "I Am Not The Enemy"; Vallen's 2003 "Not Our Children, Not Their Children" (published in the book Peace Signs).

Call for fundraiser-SITUATIONAL AWARENESS LA (tags)

Call for artists and party people: SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: an evening of audio/visual activism 8/28/04 produced by to benefit the Adbusters Media Foundation and's PAC. Help us spread the word about this one night political awareness show.

CALL FOR ARTISTS: SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: an evening of audio/visual activism (tags)

Call for artists: SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: an evening of audio/visual activism 8/28/04 produced by to benefit the Adbusters Media Foundation and's PAC. Help us spread the word about this one night political awareness show.

Activist and Art Convergence in Northeast LA (tags)

October Surprise This is our city, lets live in it!


Feds STILL unable to distinguish art from bioterrorism Grand jury to convene June 15 HELP URGENTLY NEEDED - SEE BELOW Three artists have been served subpoenas to appear before a federal grand jury that will consider bioterrorism charges against a university professor whose art involves the use of simple biology equipment.

Transgender artists showcase their talents (tags)

Transgender artists expressed their talents from spoken word to fine art at "Trans/Giving" on May 29th in West Hollywood.

Trans/Giving (tags)

Hatred Will Never Silence Our Art - Trans/Giving May 29, 6:30 PM -10:00 PM

UK Band ist set to BUCK the SYSTEM (tags)

A UK Band are determined to BUCK the SYSTEM on behalf of Quality Music, Film and TV

Memefest 2004 Looking for Artists And Activists (tags)

Memefest 2004 , the international festival of radical communications, has thrown open the doors on their annual competition and showcase of creative subversion.

Artivist Film Festival (tags)

Merging Art and Activism for Global Consciousness

Community action from ECO Maya (tags)

Celebrating our culture and protecting our Mother Earth, Connecting the Environment, Culture and Heritage

3 Strikes Latest Casualty - Pam Martinez (tags)


Trans/Giving Febuary 13th (tags)

Invitation to come to Trans/Giving on Friday the 13th

Long Beach All ages Venue under threat by LBPD (tags)

Long Beach Police AT IT AGAIN!!! (tags)


Boycott Corporations (tags)

great list of free anti-war anti-bush MP3's from incredible artists including Paula Cole, REM, Bonnie Raitt, Beastie Boys, Michael Franti, Billy Bragg, John Mellencamp and many many more!

Hatred Will Never Silence Our Art (tags)

Trans/Giving: A bimonthly celebration of trans/genderqueer/intersex artists

Trans/Giving (tags)

Hatred Will Never Silence Our Art Trans/Giving A bimonthly celebration of trans/genderqueer/intersex artists

Sept. Mexican Independence Day Art Exhibit (tags)

The ARTINO Arts Group of Los Angeles present a Group Exhibit celebrating Mexican Independence Day.


LIGHT AMONG SHADOWS... an Art exhibit dedicated to the struggle for human rights in the Americas and beyond.

New Anti-War Concert Documentary (tags)

Premiere of Night of Ferocious Joy, a film featuring interviews & performances with Saul Williams, Mystic, Ozomatli, Dilated Peoples, Blackalicious, The Coup and many more

Autonomous Art Collective (tags)

We need artists! Artists from all walks of life and from all corners of the planet are welcome to join. We will also need cyber-punks and technical gurus to help facilitate the website and archival systems. We have already procured server space for media storage and are ready to start recruiting dedicated humans to help fight for justice in a unique and fun way. If this sounds like you and you are willing to donate autonomous works to the collective free of charge then we are interested in seeing some of your work and discussing your personal views when concerning activism and change.

WAM 20th Anniversary Exhibit (tags)

Exhibit of women artists group be held at California State University, Long Beach from September 14-18, 2003

Ché Y Qué! Images of Ernesto Ché Guevara (tags)

Information about upcoming exhibit!

Where are the Right-Wing Artists? (tags)

Conservatives and libertarians expect their artists to be supported by the market, but that attitude ill serves the creation of a conservative or libertarian culture... the common perception in Hollywood is that Conservatives are "bigots"

Call to Arts! Expo (tags)

California Call to Arts! Expo on Saturday Aug 16th from 9am to 8pm at the beautiful Titan Student Union facilities at Cal State Fullerton (about 5 miles from Disneyland). The Call to Arts! Expo will include over 2000 artists coming together, 100 arts and music exhibitors and organizations, 25 musical performances/sets at the Creative Vision musical showcase (with folk, Latin, Rock, World Fusion and Visionary) on the Main Stage in the exhibition pavilion, a juried visual art exhibition of more than 30 top fine artists and the Longest Open Mic Showcase west of the Mississippi featuring another 100 songwriters.

Carnevale Venice Beach this Saturday! (tags)

The Costumed Celebration by the Sea Returns!

Birthday Tribute for Tupac Shakur Organized by Political Prisoner, Dr. Mutulu Shakur (tags)

Organized by Dr. Mutulu Shakur from behind prison walls, a bicoastal birthday tribute to his son, slain Hip Hop legend Tupac Amaru Shakur. Big name artisits scheduled to perform and attend in LA and NY, where the events are bieng held on June 14th (LA) and June 15th(NY).

The Twilight of Vanguardism (tags)

Revolutionary thinkers have been saying that the age of vanguardism is over for most of a century now. Outside of a handful of tiny sectarian groups, it's almost impossible to find a radical intellectuals seriously believe that their role should be to determine the correct historical analysis of the world situation, so as to lead the masses along in the one true revolutionary direction.

Freedom Fries Follies: Celebrating the Arts of Dissent (tags)

Freedom Fries Follies: Celebrating the Arts of Dissent will bring together a diverse group of artists to express their opposition to war, poverty, and injustice through music, poetry, spoken word, irreverent wit, and drama.


Introducing the Howling Dog megasite: radical writing, art, poetry by iconoclastic visionaries. These dogs never learned to fetch, roll over, or lay down--but they did learn to speak. Get dangerous, get discovered ...


U.K. Stuckist Artist, Ella Guru, painted this work titled, "Candlelit vigil in Trafalgar Square, 18/01/03." The Painting portrays a demonstration held by CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) and attended by former Labor Minister Tony Benn.

Mass Transition: The Gold Line's Challenge to N.E. Los Angeles (tags)

The new Gold Line light-rail project and gentrification in Northeast Los Angeles From the Arroyo Arts Collective Newsletter vol14, no2 March/April 2003

Call for International Antiprohibitionist Action Vienna 6th- 18th April 2003 (tags)

From underground to UPPERGROUND "A world free from prohibition: we can do it" International antiprohibitionist meeting for citizenship rights, personal liberties and freedom of therapy .

Call for international antiproibitionist action in Vienna (tags)

Meeting against United Nation's international conference for War on Drugs Vienna 6-18 April 2003

"Musicians United To Win Without War." (tags)

Dozens of Musicians and Music Industry Professionals have formed a new antiwar group... "Musicians United To Win Without War."

photoessay: CHANT DOWN BABYLON! artists against war, by Hans Bennett (tags)

On January 30, 2003, Chuck D, Ani Di Franco, Ozomatli, Saul Williams, and Michael Franti performed at an anti-war benefit concert for AWOL magazine. Includes essay and photos from the event.

Black or White: Race Workshop/Art show at Infoshoppe (tags)

What are the various forces that have worked to keep the "races" from mixing? How have "mixed" people been characterized throughout history? Can we work towards abolishing the concept of race? should we?

Call to Arts! Expo (tags)

I would like to invite you and/or the artists you work with to join us for the 2003 CALL TO ARTS! Music and Arts Expo. Get all the info at the expo website.

LA-Radical Film Collective Meeting (tags)

Come one, Come all .The first membership meeting of 2003 at the LAFCO building. Tuesday night 7-9pm 660 Venice Blvd. Get involved

Hollywood Follies (tags)

Brave actors oppose a war with Iraq! City Journal 31 December 2002

Hijas De Juarez (tags)

320+ women have mysteriously disapeared from Juarez over the course of the decade to turn up later as corpses in the desert. SPARC and Venice's Beyond Baroque and Placita Olvera are bringing this horrifying reality to LA in attempt to build pressure to solve these crimes.

Two revolutionary artists, Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera at a theatre near you (tags)

Two revolutionary artists, Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera at a theatre near you

¡VIVA SIQUEIROS! A new life for Revolutionary Art (tags)

The last surviving mural in the U.S. by the Mexican Revolutionary Artist, David Alfaro Siqueiros, is now on display in Santa Barbara California.

Cuban Artists Missing from Latin Grammys (tags)

Cuban artists treated like terrorists and Los Angeles culture is hijacked more by Miami right-wingers.

Music Freedom (tags)

Corporate Greed trying to stop 11 year award show.

Music Freedom (tags)

Corporate Greed trying to stop 11 year award show.

Music Freedom (tags)

Corporate greed trying to stop 11 year local music awards show


artists addressing dysfunctional relationships

Artists wanted for Infoshop Benefit (tags)

Artists and performers wanted for a benefit show for the Long Beach Infoshop.

Art Speaks! 2002 - Not In Our Name (tags)

The Artists Network and KPFK present the firwst major anit-war concert


Here's a chance to support Artists and two wonderful social change organizations, while purchasing some Fine Art for yourself! At this upcoming Benefit, you'll be able to view and acquire the works of socially conscious L.A. Artists both new and established. The prices will be affordable to Proletarians... so come and support the Artists who support you! (Photo from the Arts in Action Grand Opening).

KPFK seeks Artists, Curators, web editors (tags)

Los Angeles - KPFK 90.7 FM Pacifica Radio in Los Angeles is extending its commitment to community outreach by launching a virtual art gallery on the station website. The KPFK Art Gallery will showcase emerging Los Angeles area artists of all visual disciplines, races, ages, and genders. Original art will also be on public display at the radio station.

CALL FOR ARTISTS:The We Shall Not Be Moved Project (tags)

Nowhere are gentrification issues more sharply drawn and contested than in the Figueroa Corridor of Los Angeles, where some of the richest investors in the world are planning to develop a "Sports and Entertainment Corridor" through the City s poorest neighborhoods. Three Los Angeles community organizations -- Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE), the Centerfor the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG), and Self-Help Graphics and Art (SHG) -- are joining forces to challenge gentrification in this community through the We Shall Not Be Moved Project.

A Little on the Long Beach art scene (tags)

If you allow yourself to take a closer look, it‚s possible to hear the voices of the subcultures that would otherwise go unheard and unnoticed. On the outskirts of the so-called „Artist‰ district in downtown Long Beach, these voices are amplified. Here exists a populace that isexplicitly screaming for reform, solutions, and unity.


The ARTS IN ACTION Center has a wonderful Gallery space for exhibiting Visual Art, and I'm honored to be one of the Artists included in the Center's GALERIA DE NADIE, group show.


At the Grand Opening of the ARTS IN ACTION Center, I was lucky to catch the dynamic Spoken Word performance of Jerry Quickly.


At the Grand Opening of the ARTS IN ACTION Center, a number of socially conscious Hip-Hop Artists participated in the festivities.

ALERT!!! The L.A. Independant Media Center has been taken over by Americon (tags)

Americon purportedly bought out the IMC...

ARTS IN ACTION - Grand Opening (tags)

A Grand Exhibition opens an Activist Art Space at the old Convergence Center, February 9th.

Hip Hop Artists Aztlan Underground perform at KPFK protest, Friday (tags)

Hip Hop Artists Including Aztlan Underground and La Paz to Perform at Protest of Suspension of Program from KPFK 90.7 FM

The Role of cultural producers during war (tags)

Panel Discussion at CalArts focuses on role of art and artists in “Post-9-11” World

Democratic Post-Traumatic S11 Art Show At Track-16 (tags)

Track 16 Gallery Bergamot Station 2525 Michigan Ave Santa Monica- Originally in Soho NY, this show gathered a collection of images after the S11 tragedy and allowed for the audience to continually add the show creating a "A Democracy of Photographs". The democratic tradition continues in the LA show.


Multidisciplinary Art Performance oppossed to War slated for this weekend at "HIGHWAYS" Art Complex in Santa Monica.

New World Meaning of FASCIST. (tags)

Definition from the websters Dictionary for new world participants.

An Interlude: Copy Protection (tags)

An article that's not about the war! Relax and enjoy.

(cartoon) the reaility of so-called "selected targets" (tags)

free art!

(cartoon) "The U.S. & Britain are supported by the collective will of the world" (tags)

free art!

Same old poli-tricks of policymakers and their implementers (tags)

america in action: the usual trickery (art)

our grief is not a cry for war (tags)

a collective of NYC artists promotes the theme "our grief is not a cry for war"

critique of border hack report (tags)

Performance Artist Coco Fusco takes on border hacker boasts


A major online exhibition of Art by Atom Bomb Survivors

Artists of Resistance (tags)

The artists are on our side! I mean those poets and painters, singers and musicians, novelists and playwrights who speak to the world in a way that is impervious to assault because they wage the battle for justice in a sphere which is unreachable by the dullness of ordinary political discourse.

Graffiti artists at Hip Hop Awareness festival (tags)

Graffiti artists pose with finished work at Hip Hop Awareness Festival at USC today.

ARTSPEAKS! Jan 28th & 29th @ El Rey Theater (tags)

Don't miss it

UNITE FOR JUSTICE (Banner) (tags)

"It is by the force of images, that in the course of time, real revolutions are made." -Andre Breton (founder of the Surrealists)


PEOPLE'S ARTISTS take their message to the streets.

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