fix articles 485, business Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : business


When will we finally end the party of the arms companies? (tags)

The people, however, want the opposite. They are afraid of war. They want peace and civil conflict resolution. They want social welfare and a decent standard of living.That is what politics should focus on. Unfortunately, in the current hysterical mood, there are only a few who have the courage to be pilloried as "party crashers", pro-Putin, pro-Hamas, pro-Mullah and other autocrats

The machine is broken (tags)

Corporations are also using their profits to repurchase their own shares (thereby boosting stock indices to record levels), to finance mergers and acquisitions (which increase concentration, but not investment, and often involve cutting jobs)...

Ukraine war: the business with death (tags)

State-sponsored arms shipments cause corporate profits to skyrocket. That warlike conflicts boost the business of arms corporations is a well-known fact, but never in recent history have Western arms firms and corporations been able to enrich themselves so shamelessly from human suffering as in the Ukraine conflict.

Cacophony of Corporatism, Subsidies & Inheritance Tax (tags)

History is written by the winners. The Orwellian "memory hole" has long been a reality and could soon lead to subsequent generations no longer being able to develop any awareness at all of what it means to lead a free and dignified life.

Who can afford capitalism anymore? and Why are prices rising? (tags)

When the state now debates the need to create relief packages for employees, pensioners, unemployment benefit recipients, trainees and families, this is official confirmation that the result of wage labor is also poverty. The majority of citizens find themselves in a dual role...



Keeping Business Alive: The Government Will Pay (tags)

A buyer-of-last-resort program would alleviate the hardship of workers and businesses. It would maintain the cash flow for families and businesses, so that the coronavirus shock has no secondary impacts on demand — Business activity is on hold today, but with an intravenous cash flow, it can be kept alive

There is an alternative to maximizing profits (tags)

In a new encyclical, the Pope denounces the pursuit of profit. The Sonntagszeitung spoke about this with the business ethicist Peter Ulrich. He defends the Holy Father, criticizes the managers and calls for economy for fifth graders..Financial products seek to make money out of money, without the inconvenient real economy.

Chicago School Economists Got it Wrong. Strong Antitrust Policy Boosts the Economy (tags)

When mergers increase market concentration, we know that competition has been harmed even if to a small extent. Since this is the case, it makes sense to ask the merging parties to establish that the merger will provide benefits to the economy.

Post-democratic Capitalism (tags)

The fact that money can buy political influence is a central problem for democracy. All citizens are equal in terms of their voting rights, but not in terms of their wealth - this is one of the great unsolved challenges of liberal systems of government.

Economic crime (tags)

The issue of white-collar crime, on the other hand, is apparently impossible to address. None of the major parties has so far shown any inclination to take up the demonstrable threat to the welfare state and democracy posed by white-collar crime in the election campaign.

Corona vaccines-nothing would work without public funding (tags)

"The Covid 19 crisis is a perfect test of whether a more public health approach to innovation and production will prevail in the years ahead. Although recent vaccine news has raised hopes, it has also exposed the broken business model of the pharmaceutical industry and cast doubt on the prospects of getting a vaccine to people..."

Self-reference in capital and in ourselves (tags)

"Lateral thinkers" defend their freedom. Capital serves no other purpose than the irrational end in itself of the multiplication of itself.

Game over for monopolists? (tags)

Elizabeth Warren, for instance, seeks to break up large technology platforms and then use public utility rules to make sure that there are no conflicts of interest in the dominant platform business model. In other words, if you operate a marketplace and set its rules, you cannot also sell products on it.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.

Business de l'inhumanitaire (tags)

Afin de ne plus réfléchir, afin de tout accepter...


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.

"It's a Wonderful Life": Jurors Protect a Family-Business From a "Potter" Type Nemesis (tags)

A Downtown Los Angeles Courtroom Becomes "Bedford Falls" for a Day as Milt and Edies Burbank Neighborhood Dry Cleaners Overcomes "The Power of Money" and Retains Adequate Parking for Its Legions of Loyal Customers


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.

Please Disrupt Capitalism! and The Return of Hope (tags)

The old quotation from Gramsci describes our plight: "The old dies and the new cannot come into the world. It is the time of the monster." The Good News is that the time of no alternatives is over. The Bad News is that the wrong alternatives and discussed.

Please Disrupt Capitalism! and The Return of Hope (tags)

The old quotation from Gramsci describes our plight: "The old dies and the new cannot come into the world. It is the time of the monster." The Good News is that the time of no alternatives is over. The Bad News is that the wrong alternatives are discussed.

Time Magazine Exposed Chinese Anto Satellite Space Delivey Test Against Carriier of Space (tags)

Time magazine about 12 years ago discussed a space mission from Lop Nor a governmental small town in western China . THe town 's history and environment are related to Nevada 50's history with nuclear testing in the atmosphere.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 23 (tags)

zionazi trolls are hiding me - but I fight on. And I´m way more human than them fascist bookburning thugs

Business de l'inhumanitaire (tags)

De l'humanitaire de la technologie sécuritaire...

Addendum: Benjamin Tucker American Mutualist: Tucker Did Not Advocate Voting in Businesses (tags)

This series is supposed to present the ideas of Tucker in an accurate fashion. So this article will focus on how Tucker himself intended businesses to be operated.

Finance Capitalism and the Digital Economy (tags)

The financialization of the economy and the rise of the commercial Internet are directly connected... At the beginning of the digital economy, as Marianna Mazzucato and others showed, was an investing state that took over the installment financing for digitalization.

Stephen Francis Jones’ Designs Suggests Thinking Little is the Next Big Thing (tags)

You’ve heard of tiny houses – but tiny restaurants? Well, that’s not too far off one of the many innovative new design concepts from Stephen Francis Jones and his team at SFJones Architects.

Architect Stephen Francis Jones (tags)

Stephen Francis Jones’ Designs Suggests Thinking Little is the Next Big Thing

Resolution of the Rent Strike in Boyle Heights (tags)

A brief summary of the conclusion, from Curbed.

Liberalization of Public Service: A Democratic Achievement is Subjected to Competition (tags)

Public service guarantees and influences the living conditions of our society and has a proven tradition in Germany for over 100 years. Privatizations have mainly led to private oligopolies. Corporations evade their responsibilities and expect intact infrastructure.

Four Day Weekend Comedy Opens Second Theater in Dallas, Texas (tags)

Opening night set for Saturday, February 3, 2018

Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) (tags)

Closing tax havens, ending tax competition, and prohibiting profit-shifting are necessary for a fair tax system. The richest 1% in Pennsylvania could receive another $3 billion from Trump’s tax scam! Democracy is different than plutocracy. Problems do not disappear when they are ignored.

The Driving Force of Global Inequality (tags)

Behind closed doors, a powerful industry has developed worldwide since the 1980s: tax avoidance. Taxes that are avoided must be compensated by higher taxation of households with lower incomes.

Fbi are human monsters who must be put out of business (tags)

This report on my efforts to destroy fbi reflects similar efforts by others everywhere.

Trump is More than "Silly Tricks" (tags)

Trump will run the US as a big business is run. Trump did not come out of nowhere. Trumpism is an expression of a reactionary revolt of those angry because they were politically stripped of power. Trump turns reality upside down.

Benjamin Tucker: American Mutualist Part 1 (tags)

In an Individualist Mutualist market economy of Josiah Warren, Benjamin Tucker, or Stephen Pearl Andrews employers can indeed pay themselves more money than their employees for equal time worked however even though they can pay themselves more money than their employees for equal time worked they are still Mutualists and not Capitalists. Why is this?

IN National and International News Teavana is Putting over 300 Stores Out of Business (tags)

Teavana owned by Starbucks is putting the "out of business " sign on over 300 locations in the USA. Starbucks office says it was due to low sales, profits and customer traffic.

Happy Accidents Offers The Secrets To Success From A Fresh New Perspective (tags)

Lessons from two decades of success from one of America’s most prominent improv/comedy troupes, Four Day Weekend

Tax Avoidance: Drastic Consequences for the Public (tags)

Taxes are the most important foundation of all government activities and public services. Corporate economic activity and profits cannot be clearly assigned to individual nation states anymore. Founding offshore centers is child's play Tax avoidance and tax fraud lead to revenue crisis

Private Enterprise Committed to Social Interests (tags)

Social needs like energy- and water-supply, the waste industry, education, senior pensions and health care can be solved better publically than privately.

63 Rural Hospitals Out of Business in Southeast according to USA TODAY (tags)

Over 63 Small rural hospitals have gone out of business in a number of Southeastern states that have not agreed to join Medicaid expansion. Some hospitals have closed child bearing rights in a few instances. IN Ga 40% of the hospitals are losing money and many are vulnerable NPR

Low Taxes is an Act of Desperation (tags)

A low business tax can be counter-productive if a deadbeat infrastructure arises through lower state revenues. Lowering business tax rates leads first to enormous budget holes. Employees will bear this burden at the end.

Democracy and the Uncanny Power of Money (tags)

Growing inequality is the greatest political problem of our time. Governments are often only actors or puppets of an anonymous regime for the benefit of the privileged where the interests of simple people do not count.

Tom Hayden on The Unfinished Business of Democracy (tags)

From helping to found the New Left in the 1960s right up to this turbulent election season, Hayden was a pillar of Democratic politics, a brilliant strategist and political thinker, and a leading advocate for a more just and equal society.

Kuwaiti Business man causht in al qaeda plot (tags)

Black Listed Terrorism Financiers still active.

Tax Havens: Threat for Public Budgets (tags)

The common good is abused. The struggle against tax havens is a struggle for the rule of law and democracy. Apple, Google, Amazon, Boeing and GE shift tens of billions to tax havens. According to a 2013 article, one building in Delaware has 285,000 mailbox firms.

Robert Tronge - President & Managing Director - Marriott International (tags)

Robert Tronge is a "true operator". Having launched his career leading teams in the rooms department of a hotel, he knows the hospitality business from the ground up. He is a hands-on executive whose nearly three-decade track record has earned him industry-wide recognition.

Announcing TCU’s newest Entrepreneur-in-Residence: Four Day Weekend Improvisational Troupe (tags)

Four Day Weekend’s “Yes, and” philosophy will help TCU business students identify opportunities, inspire creativity, create positive outcomes, build on ideas and nurture innovation

"Who is saving Whom?" (tags)

"Who is saving Whom?" shows what remains hidden. A tremendous redistribution from the bottom to the top.. Rescuing is taking place, for the 99% however there is no sign of a rescue.

KPFK Website in error, difficult to search and find? Is it still functional ? (tags)

KPFK WEBSITE has many strange omissions and confusing double entries and seems to be neglected. Updates or correct information seems difficult to find. And wrong results appear, more than a few times.

Presidential Candidates Criticize Pfizer Merger (tags)

Presidential candidates from both parties criticized pharmaceutical giant Pfizer's merger with Allergen, a smaller Ireland-based firm. The candidates claim Pfizer's goal is to move its headquarters to Ireland on paper where it will pay a lower tax rate without changing its US business activities. This practice is known as a "corporate inversion."



KPFK Updating: a coup? or failure? or.... (tags)

KPFK may be the vital part of Pacifica's failure and the maybe sell-off to privatize a take-over... or only a part of Pacifica's failures in administrative management, or any competent oversight, or their following CA state required audits and elections, and honest business practices, accounting, and many more lapses...that have already occurred. Updating some info for what is barely revealed to paid-up KPFK stakeholders.

Canadians Reject Harper: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Republican Race Tightens: Does It Matter? (tags)


Near Zero Percent Federal Funds Rate Since December 2008 (tags)


Corbyn v. Sanders (tags)


Irresponsibly Bashing Venezuelan Justice (tags)


Jeremy Corbyn Elected Britain's New Labour Party Leader (tags)


Phony Reports of Russian Casualties in Ukraine Resurface (tags)


Patients are not Customers (tags)

Mainstream economics is always based on the idea of homo oeconomicus, an egoist who maximizes his own advantages. In economics, the extreme form of egoism is treated as rationality. July 30 was Medicare's 50th birthday and August 14 is Social Security's 80th birthday. Celebrate!

Close Confidant's Emails to Hillary Bash Britain's Cameron (tags)


America's Sham Democracy (tags)

police state

Hillary Clinton: War Goddess, Corporate Shill, Anti-Populist (tags)


Thousands in St. Petersburg Defy US Sanctions (tags)


Jeb Bush Makes His Presidential Candidacy Official (tags)


KPFK buys premiums to re-sell them for donations -so (tags)

so donations are paid for twice by radio station supporters? The donations are not just for station essential maintanence? But to buy-and-sell their donors bribes - called "gifts"? The 'premiums'-gifts sometimes sent in return for $$$ to pay for Pacifica radio stations' maintenance are paid for by station donors too - while merchandisers are also gettiing so much Free Promotion, advertising, lauding by programmers and on-air-web exposure. Never ending chaos continues therein.

Reinvented War Criminal Tony Blair Resigns As Middle East Envoy (tags)


Grand Theft Poroshenko (tags)


Wealth is not a Private Affair (tags)

The US faces a revenue- and a war-spending crisis. The top tax rate was over 70% from 1938 to 1982; corporations put trillions in tax havens. Alternative economics emphasize profit maximizing is not profit making. In financial capitalism,Profits explode, not investments.

The Pacifica Radio Network and "local control" (tags)

SaveKPFA are the majority caucus on the elected KPFA Local Station Board (LSB). Their delegates to the Pacifica National Board (PNB) are also in the majority there. "Local control" has always been a main plank of their platform, but in February, the PNB cast a vote that seemed to institutionalize the exact opposite.

Public Storage management Kathleen Jarnagin & and Margaret Sommers, Unethical & Predatory (tags)

Public Storage is being sued all over the country for their unethical and even predatory business practices. And one LA artist tells us why... "This storage company 'Public Storage' has done nothing but put me in a constant state of prolonged emotional stress with there blatantly predatory and unethical business practices! Public Storage SUCKS!"

Unethical and Predatory Business Practices by Management of "Public Storage" (tags)

After having to put my belongings in storage unit at "Public Storage" for safe keeping, I found out the storage company itself, "Public Storage" was who I really needed protection from!



Netanyahu and Herzog Promise Business As Usual for Palestinians (tags)


Homo Economicus and Dethronement of the Profit Principle (tags)

Max Frisch summarized economism int he formula: "what brings profit is rational." Economism is a business ethics conception, a justification theory for profit maximization that declares ethics superfluous. Ultimately this is an "ethic" without morality.

Obama's War on Humanity at Home and Abroad: Roland John's Appalling Mistreatment (tags)

police state

Profit-Making is Different Than Profit-Maximizing (tags)

Discussions of jobs and the economy are often marked by trivialization, distortion, unreality and wishful thinking, The neoliberal model promotes profits, not investments and rationalization and digitalization lead to mass unemployment. System analysis and market failure are often glossed over

Sketchy Crusader Against Poor Brandishes Dildo at Council (tags)

John Webby of Webby Candies waved a sex toy around despite objection from Mayor Helene Schneider of Santa Barbara, ranting about the homeless. Investigation implicates his business in questionable practices possibly implicated in child slave labor.

Obama's Phony Middle Class Tax Relief Plan (tags)


Thoughts on New Year's Eve (tags)


Knee-Jerk Reaction to Sydney Hostage Siege (tags)


Hard Truths v. Obama Big Lies (tags)


September 2014 Honduras coup update (tags)

This September in Honduras...we now within two months of this infamous model cities (privatisation of entire cities) actually starting unless miraculous resistance springs up. But uprisings do actually happen, in Miskitia, a long boat ride or helicopter ride from much of Honduras, when pissed cops and soldiers arrested 40 at a party after people refused to give them alcohol or money for alcohol, and these agents of the system fired gunshots,wounding 4 who were locked up, the community didn't take it,the officers ran away, the community set on fire the copshop.

The Uber-fication of the Democratic Party (tags)

For decades, the Democrats have been the workingperson's party, but no longer. Many important muck-e-mucks have abandoned the beleaguered worker.

OECD Takes Strong Stance on Corporate Tax Avoidance (tags)

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released a major proposal for curbing corporate tax avoidance yesterday. The OECD recommends international cooperation to prevent large corporations from avoiding taxes in the countries where they do business. The OECD plan comes amidst increased calls to crack down on corporate tax avoidance.

Our Land, Our Business (tags)

Right now, millions of people are being thrown off their land because large corporations are being given special rights. The World Bank is driving this trend with its Doing Business rankings.

Are Anti-Israel Activists Distorting United Methodist Pensions Action? (tags)

Institute for religion and Democracy

Tax Extenders Cost Billions (tags)

The GE Loophole isn't just unfair to small businesses; it's a burden to us all. If the loophole is renewed, it will cost $62 billion over the next decade. That's money we won't have to fix roads, build schools, or find medical cures—the kinds of investments that strengthen our communities...

Putin in St. Petersburg (tags)

Putin and Lavrov

Fight for $15 in LA (tags)

Fight for 15 in LA has been hitting stores along Crenshaw

Kiev Losing Control? (tags)


Koch Brothers-Style Free Society (tags)

class war

Why is KPFK still failing to thrive ? (tags)

KPFK is more than intimately tied to it's umbrella leader Pacifica, whose latest Executive Director has been 'fired' by some of questionable authority and who refuses to accept the factionalization that predominates these radio stations operations. But no actual factual information is ever available, not locally from KPFK or most other sites on line. Mostly the usual malicious attacking anyone else blurbs are found online. Why do we who pay dearly to subscribe, to be members, to sponsor KPFK programs [tho we may not chose to pay for all pgrms presented there, if given any free choices ] . We, outside the sacred halls of radio station know NOTHING from our local sources of KPFK or Pacifica 'news' and information Finally 1 site just went up, see below. Just recently a new site went up that allows no comments but is intended to take a side in the national malicious arguments on line about who runs the Pacifica PNB [nat’l board] and petitions are included therein. see and also maybe tour thru facebook to learn a bit more about what is dramatically occurring in Pacifica’s Berkley offices. To search out what may be factual or actual from what are marketing-promotional or negative-attack-ads blurbs takes hours of time and reading and is uncompensated ‘work’ just to know where even our KPFK dollars are being spent or set up to be wasted. And other than a midnight interview that was not heard by the great majority of KPFK listeners gave a hint of what is happening to Pacific, about it’s Executive Director, and the future of the whole set of radio stations affiliated and dependent on some structure that is stable and honest…if possible.

Why is KPFK still failing to thrive ? (tags)

KPFK is more than intimately tied to it's umbrella Pacifica, whose latest Executive Director has been 'fired' by some and who refuses to accept the factionalization that predominates these radio stations operations. But no actual factual information is ever available, not locally from KPFK and only malicious attacking blurbs are found online. Why do we who pay dearly to subscribe, to be members, to sponsor KPFK programs [tho not all pgrms would we chose to pay for given any free choices ] know NOTHING from our local source of 'news' and information? ?

OJOS Eyewear: New Company Launches, Changing the World in Their Sights (tags)

No sacrifices to eyewear quality or style while they maintain being eco-stewards & global givers. Creating & inspiring change through their “Go, Be, Do” mantra. Go explore the globe, Be the change you want to see in this world, Do something extraordinary. Proceeds go towards creating a better world by combatting poverty, deforestation, & pollution. OJOS Eyewear’s launch campaign now live via Join the movement & share the news. Together we can change the world & inspire others. (Video is 98 seconds)

Corporate Taxes in America (tags)


Beltway Bandit Named Senior Obama Adviser (tags)



The Los Angeles River Artist Business Association is purposely turning a blind eye to their own president's blatant hypocrisy since his arrival in the Los Angeles Arts District. Joseph Pitruzzelli is a blatant hypocrite and must go as LARABA's president. Joseph Pitruzzelli has had no regard or respect for his artist neighbors since his business's rude arrival where he was cited by the city of Los Angeles for the illegal use of an Artist in Residence as a commercial warehouse in the heart of the LA Arts District. A use that has actually driven artists out of the Los Angeles Arts District itself, and the fact that Joseph Pitruzzelli's disruptive and illegal use continues still to date. This is blatant hypocrisy and a slap in the face of the actual artist in the Los Angeles Arts District. Joseph Pitruzzelli must go as the president of the Los Angeles River Artist Association. LARABA can not continue to turn a blind eye to their own president's hypocritical actions.

The Time Has Come For $15 Minimum Wage (tags)

In one of comedian Chris Rock’s routines, he observes: “You know what that means when someone pays you a minimum wage? You know what your boss is trying to say? ‘Hey, if I could pay you less, I would, but it’s against the law.’”

Protest Underscores Continuing Privatization of Oregon Schools (tags)

The Oregon Business Association (OBA) held its annual Statesman Dinner on October 17 to honor the Statesman of the Year. The event was fraught with anomalies, not least of which was the fact that the award went to Sue Levin, the Executive Director of Stand for Children Oregon.

Who is Saving Whom: Debunking the business case for ethics (tags)

Ulrich Thielemann is a professor of business ethics at the University of St. Galen, Switzerland.

VIDEO: Renegade Economist Show - The Pilot (tags)

The 31-minute video "Renegade Economist Show" from the UK from October 19, 2013 discusses productive and non-productive wealth and cooperatives outperforming four or five, housing associations and energy cooperatives.

slavery in the U.S. (tags)

They are not being nice to you.

Janet Yellen Likely New Fed Chairwoman: Hold the Cheers (tags)

class war

Wall Street plunders Detroit while pensioners take blame (tags)

In North America, Detroit fulfills the same function as Greece does for Europe: A scapegoat. Larger economic and social forces, disinvestment and financial industry legerdemain are the major factors in Detroit’s financial struggles.

Obama's Grand Bargain 2.0 (tags)

class war

New EU Guidelines on Israel (tags)


Spying? Who cares? Profits are at stake! (tags)

Despite the displays of anger and assertions of sovereignty, European government showed themselves not only subordinate to the U.S. but to their own industrialists and financiers. The U.S. government is similarly a captive of its own big business interests.

Business As Usual in Egypt (tags)

police state

Air France's Monkey Business (tags)

Please watch and share LCA's PSA: Air France's Monkey Business. Air France transports tens of thousands of primates each year for cruel and invasive animal experimentation.

Economic Ethics After the Crisis (tags)

Peter Ulrich is an emeritus professor of Economic Ethics at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland and author of Integrative Economic Ethics (2008). The economy should be embedded in society; society should not be embedded in the economy. The invisible hand is a myth to be unmasked.

Payday Loans: Modern Day Usury (tags)


Dissent, ethical human rights, to create 'thinking culture' for progress. (tags)

Dissent, shut down under neoliberalism, is taking New Zealand, prompted by the Chch earthquakes, from a 'stupid culture' to a 'thinking culture' to enable progress. I consider the global ethical human rights plan far superior to neolib.

Sen. Roberson versus the (SNWA) water monster (tags)

Speaking out against the powerful SNWA can have consequences, though some individuals like Steve Sisolak and Mike Roberson are putting their careers at risk in order to protect the spring fed ecosystems that would be destroyed by the SNWA pipeline.


Jan Perry will screw the actual people of Los Angeles in favor of business the same way she has screwed the actual artists in the LA Arts District in favor of all the commercial developers and noisy, intrusive, disruptive commercial activity in what was an artistic environment for almost 30 years.

Mega-developer H. Whittemore Remains Under Indictment for FEC Violations (tags)

In new documents, government lawyers challenged embattled developer Harvey Whittemore’s claims that the federal charges against him for allegedly making illegal campaign contributions to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., should be thrown out.

Austerity — the 1%’s Global Battle Cry (tags)

Whether we are left with the Fiscal Cliff or a Grand Bargain, workers in the U.S. face massive cuts to programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, unemployment insurance, Food Stamp assistance and other needed social safety nets. This is an example of “austerity” which has largely been pursued in the U.S. until now, on a statewide and local level.

Canada Resurrects Vampire—bill C-30 That Will Suck Internet Freedom Dry (tags)

Can Canadians Hold Out Against Their Government's Forceful Efforts to Wiretap Their Lives? The Obama Government also wants the power (without a warrant) to introduce as evidence in U.S. Civil; Criminal and Administrative prosecutions any phone call record, email or Internet activity.

Sandy: Katrina Redux? (tags)

class war

Los Angeles River Artist Business Assoc Shares Hypocrisy with President Joseph Pitruzzelli (tags)

The Los Angeles River Artist Business Association turns a blind Eye to the Blatant Hypocrisy of Their Own President, Joseph Pitruzzelli. Joseph Pitruzzelli is a hypocrite and must go as LARABA's president.

Obama vs. Romney (tags)

The strength of the democrats is the folly and mean-spiritedness of republicans. Programs to support the economy were rejected every time with the sole goal of bad economic data. Romney/Ryan rely on the short memory of voters who blame only Obama for the faltering economy Obstructionism should be the issue.

Karl Rove, Netanyahu and Islamic Uprisings (tags)

The hate machine, lie machine, and the money machine are all on full blast with intent to kill any chance progressives and liberals have standing—especially President Obama and some Senators. The Republican strategy has been to deny, ignore, deceive, and attack. What is also becoming known, since there is now no other viable alternative candidate in Ron Paul, is that the Romney/ Ryan team will likely be a huge disaster in the making for a majority of Americans. So despite what well seems like another stolen election in the making, such as with disenfranchising voters with new State laws, alienated, apathetic, disappointed, disheartened, angry, resentful, confused, Americans, and all independent minds must get out and vote in huge numbers this election—because this election still deeply matters.

Cooperation is not only a good idea, it already works in practice (tags)

Cooperative enterprises, in which all employees share in all the decision-making and manage themselves, are not pie in the sky. They already exist.

Mitt and Mormonism: Does It Matter? (tags)


Kissing Under The Stars at Chic-Fil-A in Hollywood, California Part 2 (tags)

Anti-Gay Chicken Franchise gets dressed down at Sunset and Highland. Photo Set 2 0f 2

Houston Janitors Strike for Economic Justice (tags)

Echoing the story of David vs. Goliath, janitors in Houston are on strike and taking on such corporate giants as JPMorganChase and Exxon Mobile in an effort to pressure the janitorial companies they employ to agree to the workers' modest demands. It is these big business behemoths that are the real powers behind cleaning contractors such as ABM, GCA, ISS etc. By striking against these contractors, and publicly targeting these contractors' employers, the janitors are using their collective power in a showdown that has great significance for not only the Labor Movement but all workers.

Legislative Alert: Legislation Attempts to Impose New Internet Sales Tax (tags)

On Tuesday, the Senate agreed to begin debating a small business tax bill (S.2237) that some say could boost job creation. Unfortunately, Senators Mike Enzi (R-WY), Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) have expressed plans to offer an Internet Sales Tax amendment. This amendment would make it much harder for entrepreneurial small business retailers to use the Internet to serve consumers across America, and raise the prices consumers would face when they shop from small businesses online.

RI Regains Mexican Presidency (tags)


How could they [SNWA] not have known? (tags)

Drought and over extended water rights to developers resulted in the SNWA pushing the panic button and proposing the rural water grab pipeline as a needed measure to prevent an "urban collapse" scenario. The SNWA propaganda may be serving the interests of developers looking to build suburban sprawl along the U.S. 93 corridor parallel to the proposed pipeline route.

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Is Still Alive at MCRD (tags)

Anyone who thinks anti-Queer discrimination in the military is a thing of the past needs to read this article! Zenger's Newsmagazine associate editor Leo E. Laurence was fired from his stint as a volunteer at the San Diego Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) for bringing his roommate to an on-base event.

Glorifying Israel Shames Harvard (tags)


President of Los Angeles River Artists and Business Assoc. Harassing Arts District Artist (tags)

Is the new token President of Los Angeles River Artists and Business Assoc., Joseph Pitruzzelli, a blatant hypocrite for attempting to violate an artists first amendment rights? The artist seems to think so, calling Joseph Pitruzzelli one of "The Anti-Artists of the Arts District". Is Joseph Pitruzzelli self fulfilling the artist's own prophecy with this law suit?

Viktor Bout: Victimized by US Injustice (tags)


Draconian Cybersecurity Bills (tags)

police state

Legislating Greater Wall Street Theft (tags)

grand theft

Philippine Labor party calls for removal of VAT on oil to reduce prices (tags)

One day after the transport protest against the unabated increases in oil prices, the Partido ng Manggagawa (PM) called on the administration of President Benigno Aquino III to remove the VAT on oil products as an immediate measure to reduce prices.

Goldman Sachs: Making Money by Stealing It (tags)

grand theft

Banker Occupied Europe and America (tags)


Even Local Businesses Support Efforts to Save LAUSD Adult Education (tags)

A week remains to save LAUSD Adult Education, a lifeline for immigrant families, impoverished communities, and students of color. Several local business have helped in the effort to save the program.

Mitt Romney's Hard-Right Agenda (tags)

class war

K-14 for a Brighter Future (tags)

A proposal for California. It's pro-jobs, without stupid giveaways to greedy corporations.

Responsible New York Banking (tags)


Dark hours canidate for 2012 run at White house gaining vast support Arthur swenson (tags)

New canidate pulling ahead fast but media will not say his name

When Financial Management Paralyzes Democracy (tags)

The 2010 Attac Bank Tribunal in Berlin was a civil society legal proceeding that decried the speculative business model: take excessive risks and burden taxpayers with the costs. Rating agencies should be public. Banks that are too big to fail are too big to exist and should be broken up

Critique of Marianne Williamson at Occupy LA (tags)

A critique of a small part of Williamson's speech regarding capitalism.

The Truth About "Class War" in America (tags)

According to the myth, higher profits lead to greater investments and more jobs. In truth, higher profits lead to speculation in foreign currencies and corporations buying back their own stock. In the 50s and 60s when the top tax rate was 90%, job creation and growth occurred.

What's the Beef? (tags)

The USDA sets stronger regulations on E. coli in ground beef.

Obama Style Stimulus (tags)


1200 Allstate Insurance Agents Join OPEIU- 08/18/11 (tags)

1200 small business owners have joined up with a labor union. Normally, unions are associated with factories and other large employers, but the Allstate agents are dispersed across many small offices, and each is self-employed. Despite this structural difference, they have opted to join a labor union affiliated with the AFL-CIO.

Broken Dreams, Pre And Post Foreclosure (tags)

This story will take you into the world of pre and post Foreclosure crisis. The pain, suffering and never ending struggles of one American Family caught in the web of Financial greed by the biggest Financial Institutions in the world.

Humala Wins Peru's Presidential Runoff (tags)


Obama Plans Gutting Regulations for Corporate Favorites (tags)


Economics as Brainwashing and Careerist Gets the Job (tags)

The self-regulating market and stgylizing all problems as exogenous, not endogenous are fatal myths as proven by Enron, Tepco, Citigroup and all corporate tax cheats. Can the real economy survive when financial profits amount to 40% of all profits? Viva economic learning!

The House Party (tags)

Press Release Immediate Contact: Anonymous

Waging War on Chicago Workers (tags)

labor struggles

Gioffre & Rader: Real-Life Gay Couple Do Video Together (tags)

Though the passage of Proposition 8 in November 2008 put a damper on their original business plan to market themselves as specialist in wedding videos for Gay and Lesbian couples, videographers and real-life husband and husband Gary Rader and Anthony Gioffre are going ahead with their company, Golden Lodestar Productions, and even marketing themselves as specialists in commitment ceremonies. They also do other kinds of video production and are frequently seen with their gear at local pro-Queer demonstrations and other political events they’re documenting for historical purposes.

Business in Crisis: Vulnerable to Attack (tags)

Sectarian leftists love to moan about the power of capitalism. It seems it cannot be upended or even reformed. Activists are hooked on hopelessness. Is it any wonder why activists are caught blindsided by events like Tunisia, Egypt, and Wisconsin? These recent actions are manifestations of resistance against the presumed neoliberal order.

America's Dire State of the Union (tags)

economic crisis

Big Finance and Big Business paying for corporate charter school advertisements (tags)

Most corporate charter-voucher schools have budgets for marketing advertising, but just in case, the well heeled bosses at the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce want to make sure you understand and act upon their corporate message.

This Is The Wikileak That Sparked The Tunisian Crisis (tags)

"One of the U.S. government cables released by WikiLeaks (via @spbaines) exposed the corruption of Tunisia's President's family, its reach into business in the country, and ability to transcend the rule of law. President Ben Ali's family was called "The Family" throughout the leak. The government attempted to block access to WikiLeaks earlier this month."

Jerry Brown Slows the Gentrification Juggernaut (tags)

Did you read the budget proposal?

Guns. Violence. Tucson. Mexico. China: The tentacles of capitalism (tags)

The capitalist class desperately try to separate the actions of individuals from society. There is no "system". Capitalism is never to blame, only the crazed and murderous actions of flawed individuals.

Business Ownership Proof Against Hostile Business Takeover Attempt (tags)

This Fictitious Business Name Statement provides proof of Laurance J.Sorrentino as the ONLY legally registered owner/president of Velvet Vision,LLC.

LLC Ownership Proof Against Hostile Business Takeover Attempt (tags)

This Fictitious Business Name Statement provides proof of Laurance J.Sorrentino as the ONLY legally registered owner/president of Velvet Vision,LLC.

Vote for Barry Hess as Arizona's next Governor! (tags)

Vote for Barry Hess for Arizona's next governor. Even if Barry Hess isn't 100 percent Libertarian he is better then police state thugs Jan Brewer and Terry Goddard. And Barry is against the drug war and will pardon victimless drug war criminals.

Where the Hell is the Progressive Rebel Party? (tags)

Teabaggers are being “bagged” back into the same old two party system—that is not just corrupted but corroded—so the joke will ultimately be on them—exactly in the same way that the joke was on progressives, who equally thought a corporate owned “top-down” Democratic Party was going to deliver a new deal of any kind—even as the bottom up got many of them elected into office.

Kick It Like Roosevelt (tags)

The October 2 "One Nation" demonstration in Washington DC is a call for government job creation in the face of mass unemployment and human pain. FDR's creation of 4 million jobs within 4 months is an example of government responding to crisis.



"Capitalism has Failed" (tags)

"The investments of businesses are ridiculously low, as low as after the Second World. The reason for this may be the immense indebtedness of private households. The only thing that blossomed in the US in the last years was Wall Street-that is now killing itself.."

Honduran Junta Murdering Journalists (tags)

Honduran fascism

Public Anger and Distrust of Business and Government (tags)

opposition to business and government

BANTAY Points Out ‘Conflict of interest’ in the Aquino III Cabinet (tags)

The BANTAY PILIPINAS based California said today that President Benigno Aquino lll’s decision to pick executives from big business for key Cabinet posts has placed his administration in potential conflict-of-interest situations, particularly in state-regulated enterprises, such as power, water, telecommunications and toll roads, the EPCC noted Tuesday. The BANTAY PILIPINAS said the big business appointments were a growing public concern because they were identified with four of the most influential business conglomerates in the country – the Ayala, Lopez, Aboitiz and Metro Pacific groups – to positions with powers to make or unmake business empires. The appointees mentioned were Transportation Secretary Jose de Jesus, Public Works Secretary Rogelio Singson and Energy Secretary Jose Rene Almendras. De Jesus used to be president of Meralco (where the Lopez group and Manuel V. Pangilinan of Metro Pacific are controlling partners) and former executive vice president of Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (headed by Pangilinan). Singson is a former president of Lopez-owned Maynilad Water and former director of Metro Pacific Investments Corp. Almendras is a former president of Manila Water and Cebu Holdings Inc. (both owned by the Ayala group) and former treasurer of the Aboitiz group.

Banking in Crisis" Towards a Responsible Organization (tags)

Luc Van Liedekerke, 1962, Professor of business ethics at the University of Leuven and Antwerp, Director of the Center for Economics and Ethics, KULeuven. Wim Dubbink, 1964, professor of business ethics at the University of Tilburg

Annotated Text of SB1070 (tags)

The text of the controversial Arizona law, with comments interspersed. Read it and pass it on. If you're protesting, you owe it to yourself to know the law.

Green Party U.S. Senate Candidate Says Prop 14 is a “Power Grab” by Big Business Interests (tags)

Prop 14 is an attempt by big business interests to consolidate their stranglehold over elections under the guise of “reform.”

Landlord Crybabies Forced To Ellis Because Landlording Became So Unpleasant (tags)

If being a landlord is so unpleasant, why don't you just sell your building without evicting the tenants?

Governor Candidate Stewart Alexander Question Whitman’s Ties to Goldman Sachs (tags)

Alexander says Californians need to pause and examine Meg Whitman’s business dealing with Goldman Sachs considering the alleged fraud by Goldman Sachs occurred on Whitman’s watch with the investment bank; “Only Washington has the resources to launch an immediate investigation during the final months before the November Election.”

The "Houdini Recovery" under IMF-Type Austerity (tags)

the recovery is the big lie

Above the Law (tags)

The business sector of the U.S. — particularly the giant corporations that dominate our economy — literally regard themselves as above the law. Not only do they pay millions of dollars in legal bribes to politicians under the guise of “campaign contributions” to gain legislation that makes them BILLIONS in additional profits, they merrily disregard existing laws on issues ranging from labor to the environment to health and safety and paying their taxes. And a U.S. population brainwashed by decades of Right-wing propaganda extolling the private sector and the “free market” as good, efficient and honest — and damning the public sector as ineffective and hopelessly corrupt — has led most Americans to see government, not corporations, as their real enemy.

The Business of Water: Privatizing an Essential Resource (tags)

Water is life, not a commodity

March 4 in Riverside (with embedded video) (tags)

March 4, 2010
RIVERSIDE - In a demonstration infused with dance, students and workers of the University of California, Riverside demanded an end to fee hikes, staffing furloughs, and cuts in class offerings. They chanted as they marched to downtown Riverside, where they were met by a contingent of student and worker activists from Riverside Community College for another rally. After the speeches, a carefully-orchestrated symbolic "death of public education" and die-in blocked traffic on University Avenue for about five minutes before protesters voluntarily cleared the street and avoided any threat of arrest.
Photo set 1:
Photo set 2:

Terrorist Joe Stack (1956-2010) (tags)

Right wing extremist Joe Stack finally gets fed up with Republicanism and Capitalist extremism and decides to take a few out with him.

"We are in the Greatrest Financial Bubble of all Time" (tags)

"An old world perishes as a new world arises-pictorially comparable to a caterpillar that dies because the butterfly comes to life. What is called financial crisis is only a superficial symptom.. One of the main causes of the debacle is the Americanized corporate governance." (F.Malik)

The President's Leadership Challenge: A Call to Bold Action (tags)

"Mr. President, there has never been any doubt you are a brilliant orator. And it is also clear that nothing you have said will cause the Republicans in the Senate to break their stranglehold on progress, using threats of filibusters to destroy the majority rule that is the hallmark ..."

Obama's Outreach to Americans: Empty Rhetoric, Business As usual (tags)

Expect business as usual ahead

Lessons from the Crisis (tags)

Governments are extorted by multinational corporations. Those who made massive profits with bank business must now answer for the losses. The taxpayer may not pay for their crises. If control is not exercised by politics, banks will become absolute rulers with a state guarantee.

Argentine Power: “Nothing will matter, only money”. “The perverse is not sensitive (tags) by Silvia Paglioni – Translation special is carried out by Mrs. Alicia Vega (see other). Transcript of the dialogue between Dr. Graciela Gómez (lawyer) Estela Gamero (psychologist) and Silvia Paglioni, host of “It depends …” during the Micro “Echoes of Romang Informa” on Tuesday 22 December which was on FM 89.5 Las Américas. Graciela was referring to the tremendous unequal risky struggle (threats and squeeze) that is carried out by complaints to the Justice by lawyers, doctors, scientists, injured citizens and few journalist since over two years with respect the issue of pesticides, fumigation, transgenic soya, etc.., being Graciela Gómez, a lawyer and notary, one of the complainants with more courage to publicly defend the Argentine citizens who are helpless and bewildered as all their legal, civil and human rights are broken , by political power, business, foreign corporates.

Tenants, Thugs and CDOs (tags)

A local tale of unmitigated greed and the criminal enterprise of one family to corner the residential real estate market in San Francisco led to the shady world of collateralized debt obligations and derivatives.

The Consequences of the Digital Disruption for the Economy (tags)

The greatest social and economic revolution since industrialization opens up unlimited possibilities for people and businesses. Craigslist made a million-dollar business out of a billion-dollar business. A redefinition of unemployment and a discussion of unconditional basic income are inevitable.

Profits=Investments=Jobs? (tags)

The claimed connection between profits, investments and jobs is not right. Orders-literally demand-are more important than the profits that are investede for the creation of jobs. Market radicals repress market and system failure.

Facts for Working People (tags)

Facts for Working People on Education * Capitalism Loves death! * Charter Schools- a move to privitize education * Teachers- Why you shouldn't work "off the clock" * Teaching " to the test" Poor Children Left Behind * Bailout vs Public Education * Detroit Education Strike

Internet Manifesto (tags)

The freedom of the Internet is inviolable. The Internet's open architecture constitutes the basic IT law of a society which communicates digitally and, consequently, of journalism. The web constitutes an infrastructure for social exchange superior to that of 20th century mass media.

Mexican Nationals fleeing into the United States (tags)

Shopkeepers along the U.S. Mexican border recite the list of "protection" fees they pay to the MDC’s to just stay in business: 100 pesos a month for a stall in a street market, 30,000 pesos for an auto dealership or construction-supply firm. First offense for nonpayment: a severe beating. Those who keep ignoring the fees - or try to charge their own - may pay with their lives

Corporate180: Failing Due to Ineptitude or Bush Bailout Backlash? (tags)

Corporate180 is having serious problems: are they due to a backlash against the Bush Administration or the company's failure to perform in key business areas?

Former U.S. Ambassador Roger Noriega hired to push Honduran putsch agenda (tags)

"On one side are foreign oligarchs seeking to cloak their self-interested pecuniary agenda under the mantle of U.S. national security and from that concealed, disingenuous platform are working to trump even democracy. On the other side, in the streets of Honduras, and from below all across the Americas, are the forces of authentic democracy, fighting back the only way they can — with their hearts, minds and the blood of their convictions. Stay tuned …."

India vs China: finance, outsourcing, hightech, politics, trade, jobs (tags)

Watch out on China and India! Are these giants are taking advantages of global financial crisis? Will they emerge to become the leaders of 21st century?

Zhibin Gu: China stock market, outsourcing, banking, finance, politics map (tags)

how to walk out the mud of global financial cisis? How to get better world politics and business map? Is Chinese century arriving sooner? What is really behind all the changes inside Chinese and Indian politics, business, finance and society? Get most provocative economic and political lessons and knowledge from a timely book covering long history and revolution of both Mao's era and current capitalist revolution in relation to world finance, competition, and entrepreneurship.

BBZ Resource Management screws people with fraudlent gas vouchers (tags)

Troy Warren moves from Search Big Daddy to BBZ Resource Management and is using that company to screw people selling fraudlent gas vouchers

The Dumbing-Down of America (tags)

The Endless Loop of Public Education: "Is Our Children Learning?"

South Side Alderman Decides Not To Pursue Eminent Domain (tags)

City planned to take Latino family land to sell to neighboring business for their 5.7 million expansion

Zhibin Gu: how China's outsourcing, logistics, tech, manufacturing centers are created? (tags)

Get inside story about Chinese business and management. How is global financial crisis reshaping Chinese and world politics, finance, banking, trade and outsourcing? How to profit from rising Chinese trade, yuan and stock market? How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get real investigations from a timely book.

The Case for Arbitration in Labor Law Reform and The Employee Free Choice Act EFCA (tags)

Labor law reform must ensure that workers who want to join a union are able to do so without facing endless delays from corporations seeking to deny them a voice in the workplace.

Zhibin Gu: how is China's manufacturing center created? (tags)

Get inside story about Chinese business and management. How is global financial crisis reshaping Chinese and world politics, finance, banking, trade and outsourcing? How to profit from rising Chinese trade, yuan and stock market? How do over a half million international companies make profits in China? Learn about Chinese multinationals, society, banking, management, outsourcing, education, politics, individual life during a transition period. How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get real investigations from a timely book.

Zhibin Gu: how a dead China is saved by entrepreneurship, open society, outside world? (tags)

how to walk out the mud of global financial cisis? How to get better world politics and business map? Is Chinese century arriving sooner? What is really behind all the changes inside Chinese and Indian politics, business, finance and society? Get most provocative economic and political lessons and knowledge from a timely book covering long history and revolution of both Mao's era and current capitalist revolution in relation to world finance, competition, and entrepreneurship.

Zhibin Gu: China, India, new world map vs global financial crisis (tags)

Is global financial crisis reshaping world leadership and lifestyle? Are surging China and India to bring new world leaders in finance, banking, politics, and management? Which nation to lead 21st century, India, China, US, or Europe? Is a trade war coming? Get timely information and analysis from a timely book guide.

Zhibin Gu: China's future: law, corruption, politics vs global financial crisis (tags)

How is global financial crisis reshaping Chinese and world politics, finance, banking, trade and outsourcing? How to profit from rising Chinese trade, yuan and stock market? How do over a half million international companies make profits in China? How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get real investigations from a timely book.

ANTI - EFCA Group Plants False Story about Senator Feinstein Not Supporting EFCA (tags)

Feinstein Denies Report That She's Fully Opposed To EFCA after The business community trumpeted the news, with the Workforce Fairness Institute blasting the story out to a list of reporters.

Zhibin Gu: China's deadly troubles vs global financial crisis: challenges, conflicts, war (tags)

Is global financial crisis leading to new world wars? Which nation is to emerge as the next global leader, China, India, US, or Europe? How to walk out current traps of employment, shrinking business, and leadership crisis? Should entrepreneurship lead politics and competition?

Controversial Near South Side Plan Heads To Zoning Committee (tags)

Historic Mitchell, National and Lincoln business districts seen as mix commercial, but the plan failed to acknowledge the present Latino businesses or to enhance their growth along these corridors

China capitalist lessons vs global financial crisis (tags)

is global financial cisis changing global politics and business map? Is Chinese century arriving sooner? What is really behind all the changes inside Chinese and Indian politics, business, finance and society? Get most provocative economic and political lessons and knowledge from a timely book covering long history and revolution of both Mao's era and current capitalist revolution in relation to world finance, competition, and entrepreneurship.

heart of China's problems: self-appointed bureacuracy: Zhibin Gu (tags)

Is 21st century a Chinese century? Not really, according to provocative Chinese thinker George Zhibin Gu. Why? China remains to be trapped by a untamed bureaucratic power, totally corrupt and deadly troublesome. Get informed analysis and knowledge from leading scholars and journalists of World Association of International Studies at Stanford University.

Zhibin Gu: China vs global financial crisis: trends, challenges, wars (tags)

Is global financial crisis leading to new world wars ahead? Which nation is to emerge as the next global leader, China, India, US, or Europe? How to walk out current traps of employment, shrinking business, and leadership crisis? Should entrepreneurship lead politics and competition?

global financial crisis, China, India, new world: Zhibin Gu (tags)

Which nation to become new leader, China, India, Brazil, Russia, or US? Is global financial crisis leading to a new world order? How to move ahead in globalized business, jobs, politics, management and wealth? Get new insights and analysis.

China: politics, finance, economic map: George Zhibin Gu (tags)

is global financial cisis changing global politics and business map? Is Chinese century arriving sooner? What is really behind all the changes inside Chinese and Indian politics, business, finance and society? Get most provocative economic and political lessons and knowledge from a timely book covering long history and revolution of both Mao's era and current capitalist revolution in relation to world finance, competition, and entrepreneurship.

Shareholder Value (tags)

"From now on, you work only for the shareholder!" The disappearance of traditional paid labor relations accelerated by shareholder value strategies means the middle- and lower classes are permanently threatened in their social and economic existence.

The New Feasibility and the G20 (tags)

These fictional articles point to a future after the world turned upside down by financial speculation. They were published in a fictional issue of "DIE ZEIT," the famous Hamburg weekly.

With Our Opponent On The Ropes, It’s Time To Go On the Offensive (tags)

The pages of the capitalist press reveal the level of concern they have over the survival of their system

The IMF and Romania: A Road Less Travelled (tags)

IMF policies have left shattered economies.

Obama's War on Labor (tags)

targeting labor rights

Stewart Acuff, special assistant to AFL-CIO President John Sweeney touts EFCA (tags)

Employee Free Choice Act: Acuff told his Denver audience that he believes the legislation will come before Congress in seven to eight weeks and that he is hopeful Senate Democrats will be able to round up 60 votes.

Southside Development Plan In Use Against Minority Business (tags)

District Bids were left out of advisory plan

Unraveling The Card Check Debate (tags)

Sometimes in politics a particular issue strikes at the core of deeper social-economic forces. Card Check - properly named The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)- is such an issue. EFCA, if implemented as proposed, would allow workers at any work place to join a union simply by having the majority of employees sign union authorization cards. The current law mandates that there be a secret ballot election one month after the requisite number of signed cards are submitted. This one-month period allows employers to mount campaigns to discourage employees from voting for a union, often using conscious distortions and intimidation as tactics. EFCA would prohibit newly unionized workers from striking for two years to gain a first contract. Moreover, if a first contract has not been negotiated within the first three months, a Federal Mediator can step in and impose a contract. Currently, employers who are compelled to recognize a union do not have to concede to a negotiated contract at all; and if, after one year a contract has not been negotiated, the union can be subjected to a vote of decertification, which is often the case.

Media Release: ELF Press Office Applauds the Removal of General Motors' CEO Rick Wagoner (tags)

Force GM into Bankruptcy!

China politics, economy speaker: history, business, competition, entrepreneurship, jobs (tags)

Watch out on the surging Chinese economic power! What is really inside Chinese business, politics and economic world? How to take advantages of China's expanding market, cheap labor, and rising retail consumption? Get great information and analysis from elite speaker George Zhibin Gu from London Speaker Bureau

forecasting: China's coming collapse: corruption, finance, trade, outsourcing, politics (tags)

Is China to go burst or rising higher? Is global financial crisis impacting China? Is a runaway government corruption destroying Chinese economy and peace? What is really behind Chinese finance, politics, trade, politics and society? Has China's ongoing reform altered the nation's political-economic landscape as far as government corruption is concerned? What is the next if this corruption goes deeper? Get the powerful and insiders' reports on Chinese politics, government amid global financial meltdown.

India vs China: cheap labor, business chain, finance, capitalist, outsourcing, hightech (tags)

Why can India and China become top business and finance players in a globalized finance, trade, hightech, investment, and politics? Get latest info and analysis from leading experts on the ground.

Reality Check for Employee Free Choice Act Supporters -- Specter to Oppose Act (tags)

Arlen Specter tells business group head that he will oppose Employee Free Choice Act.

China wisdom: Chinese multinationals, stock market vs global financial crisis (tags)

How is global financial and economic crisis reshaping world politics, finance, banking, trade and outsourcing? Profiting from rising Chinese trade, yuan and stock market? How do over a half million international companies make profits in China? Learn about Chinese multinationals, society, banking, management, outsourcing, education, politics, individual life during a transition period. How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get real investigations from a timely book.

CHRY$LER: symbol of what is wrong in American business (tags)

Enough is enough! Chrysler is the epitome of greed prevalent in the corporate sector and it should be recognized as the symbol for much our economic woes.

Hopeful Change in El Salvador? (tags)

Salvadorans are being fooled again.


Today’s economy presents shopper’s with a dilemma: save money because you might need it tomorrow, or spend money to stimulate the economy and support your community. The solution is both, but shop wisely – art shows and festivals offer browsing and buying advantages: all items are hand-made and many are one-of-a-kind collectables. The Brentwood Spring Art Show is a one-stop, boutique-type mall adventure, where event-goers save time, gas, and money!

China speaker: stock market, finance, politics, economy vs global financial crisis (tags)

Is Chinese or Indian century emerging sooner in light of global fnancial crisis? What is the next in global job, manufacturing and research transfers? What is really inside Chinese business, politics and economic world? How to take advantages of China's expanding market, cheap labor, and rising retail consumption? Get first hand information and analysis from elite speaker George Zhibin Gu from London Speaker

Alternatives to Panic (tags)

"Mainstream politicians want to "fix" capitalism so we can return to a state of steady economic growth. But capitalism is broken when it is growing -- we don't want to return to business as usual. How can we use this period of economic collapse to move farther away from capitalism?"

China's global reach: Chinese business, finance, politics, economy vs world finance mess (tags)

Is Chinese century emerging sooner? What is really inside Chinese business, politics and economic world? How to take advantages of China's expanding market, cheap labor, and rising retail consumption? Get great information and analysis from elite speakper George Zhibin Gu from London Speaker Bureau

A Short History of US Government Handouts (tags)

The American way - socialized costs and privatizing profits

China's iron curtain: corruption, global financial crisis, banking, jobs, politics (tags)

How is global financial crisis aiding China Is corruption to bankrupt China soon? What is really inside Chinese business, government, banking, and finance world? Is global financial crisis accelerating the ongoing corruption and labor cisis? Get lastest analysis and knowledge by leading experts.

The Neo liberal elite seize their opportunity to increase unemployment globally. (tags)

The neo liberal elite seized their opportunity to create global unemployment when an ideological shift by the global elites occurred over the past four years at the UN from right wing neo liberalism (Bush) to left wing neo liberalism (Obama).

Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Exposed (tags)

You'd think a group called the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW) would be dedicated to promoting the needs and desires of America's workers.

Chinese multinationals, stock market vs global financial crisis (tags)

How is global financial and economic crisis reshaping world politics, finance, banking, trade and outsourcing? Profiting from rising Chinese trade, yuan and stock market? How do over a half million international companies make profits in China? Learn about Chinese multinationals, society, banking, management, outsourcing, education, politics, individual life during a transition period. How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get on-ground investigations from a timely book.

Bolivia's New Constitution: Progressive Change or Business As Usual (tags)

Bolivians vote.

Reid: Vote on Employee Free Choice Act card check bill, a labor priority, likely in summer (tags)

Washington — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the Senate will likely turn its attention this summer to the Employee Free Choice Act — the union organizing bill being watched in Las Vegas and across the nation.

Employee Free Choice (tags)

Unions grew under card check, and shrank under secret ballots.

The Mexican Revolution is starting (tags)

Civil war and vigilantism gripping Mexico (tags)

To date some 7,000 Mexicans have died in this war – all attributable to the government versus the rich and powerful Mexican Drug Cartels war.

Terrorist Chicago cousins convicted of violent jihad conspiracies. (tags)

According to court records, Zubair and Khaleem Ahmed both traveled to Cairo, Egypt on May 21, 2004 with the intent to engage in acts that would result in the murder or maiming of U.S. forces.

Sean Baker on Finance Capitalism (tags)

Education and health care are the new gold. Without massive investments in education and health care, dour country will be under-developed and under-achieving.

lessons: global financial crisis, China, India, competition, jobs, politics, law (tags)

is global financial cisis changing global politics and business map? Is Chinese century arriving sooner? What is really behind all the changes inside Chinese and Indian politics, business, finance and society? Get most provocative economic and political lessons and knowledge from a timely book covering long history and revolution of both Mao's era and current capitalist revolution in relation to world finance, competition, and entrepreneurship.

India vs China: new world frontrunners against global financial meltdown? (tags)

Are Asian giants China and India taking advatanges over global financial crisis and distressed US and Europe? Is India able to produce giant leap forwards in China style? Which nation is to lead the next stage global finance, trade, outsourcing, hightech and politics in a new century in view of global financial crisis that is going on? Talk to leading experts.

Economy Between Competition and Cooperation (tags)

"Market" already includes the concept of "symbiosis" in which two symbiots have advantages through their relation to one another. An increasing net consciousness will have a huge influence on economic interactions by strengthening the partnership principle.

The crisis hits the auto industry (tags)

A didactic drama about jobs

Save LA Public Access (tags)

I found this during a web search - it's a couple days out of date, but it's important information. Contact the person in the article for more information.


Labor Department statistics show that U.S. employers have cut 1.2 million jobs in the last three months. 'This was much worse than was expected,' one analyst says.

economic, political lessons behind China's surge amid global financial meltdown (tags)

is global financial cisis changing global politics and business map? Is Chinese century arriving sooner? What is really behind all the changes inside Chinese and Indian politics, business, finance and society? Get most provocative economic and political lessons and knowledge from a timely book covering long history and revolution of both Mao's era and current capitalist revolution in relation to world finance, competition, and entrepreneurship.

hHe's Back: Israeli Terrorist Mass Murderer And Businessman Dominik Suter Applies (tags)

Dominik Suter, the mysterious figure behind the 9-11 dancing back

Eworlde's Hollywood Music Awards being sued for 7 counts of violations of the Law. (tags)

Allegations include misappropriation of trade secrets, theft of intellectual property, unfair business practices and other charges.

The Fleecing of America (tags)

Public and private looting.

Parks Attacks Community Organizer (tags)

Dirty Bernie Parks is abusing his power to attack a political enemy. It's a low blow, but, not unexpected.

Meltdown and Bailout: Why Our Economic System Is on the Verge of Collapse (tags)

Today's highly speculative economy pushes capital into developing countries and into bubble after speculative bubble in search of a better profit margin.

Details of California Budget Show Republican Victory over Sacramento Democrats (tags)

The Republican 40 percent in Sacramento steamrolled the Democrat 60 percent with tax giveaways to business and cuts to medicaid for the poor.

No Compromise Means No Compromise: A Surprise Anti-HLS Tour (tags)

Over a period of thirty days and thirty nights, from mid-August 2008 through mid-September 2008, Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) customers and profiteers across the United States were struck by a surprise anti-HLS tour of the country.

Please! DO NOT BAIL out for-profiteers with our taxes !!! (tags)

A Letter to All our Government officials, openly sent requesting NO BAILOUTS !

New revelations on CIA drug planes (tags)

The largest and most respected Mexico City newspaper El Universal reports that it has obtained documents from the United States and the European Parliament which "show that the plane flew several times to Guantanamo, Cuba, presumably to transfer terrorism suspects." It said the European Parliament was investigating the private Grumman Gulfstream II, registered by the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation, for suspected use in CIA “drug transport and rendition” flights in which prisoners are covertly transferred to a third country or US-run detention centers outside of the USA.


The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) express deep outrage over the Los Angeles investigative report of the Los Angeles Times that shows that Tyrone Freeman, a known protégé of SIEU International head Andy Stern have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars( $ 404, 510) to firms owned by Freeman’s wife and in-laws. As the organization that religiously followed the union struggle between UHW-West and the SEIU international, the LA Times article which detailed allegations of corruption within SEIU Local 6334,the Southern California Long Term Care Local , the EPCC have no doubt that Stern and Ana Burger had knowledge of the outrageous happenings in the Tyrone Freeman’s free-wheeling and dealings!

SEIU Pres Stern's Key CA Operative Tyrone Freeman Linked To Corruption (tags)

SEIU Pres Andy Stern is seeking to consolidate hundreds of thousands of workers in California and force them into a homecare workers local led by hand picked LA operative Tyrone Freeman. It has now been revealed that Stern's ally is California has been using hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay his family members for video and pr services. The many workers of the local earn around $9.00 an hour

Check out the Strategic Edge Business Alliance (tags)

Check out the Strategic Edge Business Alliance

Without Ethics the Economy Runs into the Wall (tags)

Only 27% of Germans think the population benefits when business does well. Only 40% believe the economy and the population sit in the same boat. With tendencies to screen itself socially and give priority to its own goals, the economy loses the important capital of trust.

"Ruin Your Neighbor" (tags)

System criticism is often repressed. Private vice does not bring public virtue. Everyone pursuing self-interest does not usher in public welfare. Inequality, growth, competition and market fundamentalism are not panaceas or inevitabilities but false securities.

Rep. Colón Wants County D.A. To Investigate Possible Fraud (tags)

Credenciales USA targeted for investigation on allegations of fraud and misrepresentation

Official Looking ID’s By Local Business Rejected (tags)

Banks and the Mexican Consulate won’t accept them

Doug Dowd's "At the Cliff's Edge - Part II" (tags)

a stinging indictment of US imperialism

Global Economic Meltdown (tags)

Financial Instability is Leading to an Economic Catastrophe

Disturbing 2008 Global Peace Index Report (tags)

GPI unfairly targets Venezuela.

Plan Colombia Heads for Mexico (tags)

Call it NAFTA on steroids.

Grow Them Young, Pay Them Well - anti-Chavistas, That Is (tags)

Who said crime doesn't pay? Read on.

Frances Fox Piven's "Challenging Authority" (tags)

Advancing disruptive social protests for change.

Will the Neoliberal Consensus Survive the Banking Crisis? (tags)

These are hard times for the neoliberal consensus whose message was forced worldwide for three decades by the ruling classes in the imperialist metropolises on free capital flows. Business data is a fetish constructed for the goal of profit maximization.

“¡Aguirre Si, Labor No!” (tags)

Zenger's Newsmagazine announces its endorsement of progressive Democrat Mike Aguirre for re-election as San Diego city attorney, despite the opposition of reactionary city employee unions more concerned with preserving the pensions of current city workers than protecting the salaries and benefits of future ones.

Should TELECOMS pay “Your Legal Defense Costs” to fight NSA Illegal-Wiretap Evidence? (tags)

Perhaps the only thing that has stopped government from broadly using “illegal telecom assisted wiretap evidence” against ordinary Citizens is that Telecoms don’t have immunity from being sued by charged criminal and civil asset forfeiture defendants.



The Lost Generation (tags)

A whole manager generation will have to be retrained or change its ideas. Life is measured in money by such people becaused they learned this as the ultimate truth in their training, not because they are immoral or amoral. Countries that once amassed dollars to buy oil are now unloading dollars to diversity their holdings.

How U.S. Government Can use NSA Spy-Wiretaps against Citizens in Court (tags)

STOP! CONGRESS GIVING “RETROACTIVE IMMUNITY” to TELECOM INDUSTRY. See Attorney General Ashcroft's intentions to use illegal-wiretaps against ordinary Citizens, going back decades: not only against potential terrorists.

Lies, Damn Lies and the Murdoch Empire (tags)

Murdock media lies and deceit.

Laguna Beach Contractor Sued By State For Employee Rip-off (tags)

According to the AG “Interwall employed a sophisticated and heartless scheme, involving multiple businesses, to cheat its employees out of overtime and mandatory break periods

Arizona treats Mexicans like Nazi Germany treated Jews (tags)

Arizona treats Mexicans like Nazi Germany treated the Jews

Interview with Kurt Richebacher (tags)

"The dangers that loom on the currency front are immense. The US trade deficit and the accumulated foreign indebtedness have reached a scale that defies any possible action by central banks." Dr. Richebacher is a former economist of the Dresden Bank.

profits from China; hightech, travel, outsourcing, auto, retail, politics, jobs, strategy (tags)

How do over a half million international companies make profits in China? How do Airbus, Dell, Wal-Mart, Citibank, Morgan Stanley, Microsoft, Cisco, GM, Unilever perform there? What is really inside Chinese society, banking, management, outsourcing, education, politics, individual life? How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Get on-ground investigations from provocative journalist George Zhibin Gu.

Chinese and Asian century: competition, finance, trade, politics, outsourcing, wealth, job (tags)

Is Asian century arriving earlier than expected? Explore what is behind the surging Chinese and Indian economy, finance, banking, outsourcing, foreign trade, currencies, labor, consumption, entrepreneurship and politics. Get great ideas from a leading thinker George Zhibin Gu.

global competition: India vs China: finance, outsourcing, hightech, politics, trade, jobs (tags)

Which nation is to lead this century, China, India, or America? Why is 21st century could be dominated by Asians or Chinese? What is behind Chinese and Asian strengths in outsourcing, finance, competition, labor, management, investment, consumption, politics, and strategies? Get great new insights and inside stories.

The Chinese century: global competition, finance, politics, jobs, outsourcing, tech, law (tags)

Watch out on the next greatest empire! Why is China's economy and trade booming? What is really inside Chinese society, banking, management, outsourcing, education, politics, and daily life? How to do investing, travel, trade inside China? Talk to provocative thinker George Zhibin Gu.

Putting the NY Times Out of Business (tags)

Proposal to replace ALL corrupt media I have posted a proposal on the Randi Rhodes show forum for replacing our current media with a new, sustainable media that facilitates the selection of "filtering agents". You can think of these as honest gatekeepers that YOU trust - and that keep out trivial information, rather than very important information that groups with economic and other hidden agendas prefer to hide from you. Broadband access is now up to 42% in the US, so it is quite possible to target TELEVISION, which is how about 48% of Americans get 30+ minutes of news per day (as opposed to only about 9% over the internet). See

Blackwater's Bu$ine$$ (tags)

In one of the company's most bizarre recent actions, on December 1 Blackwater paratroopers staged a dramatic aerial landing, complete with Blackwater flags and parachutes--not in Baghdad or Kabul but in San Diego at Qualcomm Stadium during the halftime show at the San Diego State/BYU football game. The location was interesting, given that Blackwater is fighting fierce local opposition to its attempt to open a new camp--Blackwater West--on 824 acres in the small rural community of Potrero, just outside San Diego.

Blackwater aims high with unmanned aircraft (tags)

For nearly two years, Blackwater has been developing an airship to tap a growing government demand for aerial surveillance and security - from patrolling U.S. borders and coastal waters to guarding military bases in hostile lands.

Coup E'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela (tags)

The Bush administration aims to crush democracy in Venezuela.

Baldwin Park Citizens Against Eminent Domain Protest at BP City Hall (tags)

Homeowners and Business owners have united against the proposed demolition of 125 acres which will make way for a mixed use development proposed by Century City based Bisno Development. Mayor Lozano has stated that they do not have a plan for the proposed project and that the development may take up to 15+years. City records indicate the contrary, in a letter dated January 5, 2007 Bisno Development cites “the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association initiative” as a threat and urges the city to move quickly. Councilwoman Marlen Garcia stated at a the Council meeting of September 19, 2007 that anyone who was not in agreement could go to TJ (Tijuana). Councilman Anthony Bejarano at the same meeting when asked were will the current occupants of the area would go? Bejarano stated “they can go to East Los Angeles”.

Academic Capitalism (tags)

The academic world changes fundamentally when universities are understood as businesses. Rectors become CEOs and researchers and teachers become point chasers through conditioning.

Rating Agencies and Prophets (tags)

Some think rating agencies inevitably take the side of their patrons - to the burden of those who buy these "financial products" in good faith in the objective judgment of the auditors. Of course, the agencies refuse liability.

5th Annual Noche de Altares (tags)

Press Release for 5th Annual Noche de Altares - Santa Ana, CA

Promised Social Change in Ecuador (tags)

Hope for social change in Ecuador

A Hundred and Fifty Years Later and Marx Still Prevails (tags)

Marx Was Right But Don’t Tell Them

Reviewing James Petras' "Rulers and Ruled in the US Empire" (tags)

An in-depth review of James Petras' important new book.

That Damned Marx (tags)

No matter what they say, the bourgeois cannot escape the fact that Marx's ideas still hold water after all these years. His analysis of the capitalist system, its laws and contradictions are as relevant today as they were 150 years ago. The serious journals of capitalism confirm this.



Moravek Biochemicals Terminates Business With Notorious HLS (tags)

Moravek Biochemicals Terminates Business With Notorious Animal Lab Executive Paul Moravek Convinced As Animal Cruelty Exposed

The Bubble as the Work of Criminals (tags)

A conscious and organized deceit, a criminal fraud, is perpetrated on investors when speculators create marketable securities out of bad mortgages on an overheated real estatemarket.

Bamby Salcedo's speech on Victoria Arellano (tags)

English Transcript of the speech that Bamby Salcedo gave at the vigil.

Ex-Mossad chief+German uberspy+top-dollar GOP lobbyists = Kurds snag 15 tons of $100 bills (tags)

During Saddam Hussein’s rein, the Oil-for-Food “revenue was spent in Arab parts of Iraq but not in Kurdistan,” according to the Los Angeles Times. “Kurdistan’s share of the fund was set at 13%. At least $4 billion accrued in Kurdistan’s name, Kurdish officials say, and some contend that the amount could be as much as $5.5 billion.” The paper reported that in late June 2004, just five days before he turned Iraq back over to domestic rule and flew out of Iraq, then-top US official in Iraq Paul Bremer ordered the transfer by three U.S. military helicopters of $1.4 billion in 100 dollar bills to Kurdistan—his calculation of the Kurds’ share of Oil-for-Food funds; but the Kurds and their advocates believe they are owed a few billion more. It was so much cash—15 tons’ worth—the paper further reported, that no bank could be found in which to deposit it.

The War on Working Americans - Part I (tags)

Working Americans are losing out in the war waged against them.

The Royal Prerogative (tags)

The present economic crisis has the capitalist class calling for state intervention again. They claim another bout of memory loss, they simply "forgot" the business cycle exists.

National call for action in Missoula MT (tags)

My name is Jim Squatter. I'm a medical marijuana advocate who has been active in the San Francisco Bay Area for decades. Recently, I came to Missoula MT, to carry on the struggle here.

Beware of these scam artists (tags)

Corporate scam artists Ken Hollowell, Jim DeCicco & Marcus Barcroft are attempting to cheat musicians and sponsors of the Los Angeles Music community.

Workers' Rights Violated by One of L.A.'s Largest Real Estate Developers (tags)

Lawsuit Filed Against Thomas Gilmore and Associates

Dubai Aerospace Enterprise acquires Standard Aero and Aviation from Carlyle Group (tags)

Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) is part of an integrated aerospace cluster that is being assembled at Dubai World Central – the new 140 square kilometer airport and logistics city being constructed at Jebel Ali, Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. The firm is made up of 6 divisions – DAE Airports, DAE Capital, DAE Engineering, DAE Manufacturing, DAE Services, and DAE University. Dubai has long since taken over from Lebanon as the business and financial center of the Middle East, however, and DAW sees growing regional and global opportunities in the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) business. Which may explain the formal completion of DAE's $1.9 billion acquisition of aviation service providers Standard Aero and Landmark Aviation from The Carlyle Group… The operations of Landmark Aviation Airport Services and the sale process will be overseen by an independent board of trustees made up of former Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger, former Senator Bob Kerrey and former Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim. The sale process will be conducted by Merrill Lynch.

The Cheney Conspiracy (tags)

was simple

Reviewing Michael Parenti's "Democracy For the Few" - by Stephen Lendman (tags)

America's democracy serves only the privileged.

High noon for Israel's political gunslinger (tags)

Russian-Israeli billionaire Arcadi Gaydamak will succeed both in whitewashing his dubious past and emerging as a political kingmaker in the next Israeli elections.

Fresh & Easy: A Wal-Mart Clone? (tags)

An open letter to Fresh & Easy, Tesco's (UK) upcoming US subsidiary...

“Green” capitalism: German Greens adopt new economic programme (tags)

Germany’s Green Party recently agreed to a new economic programme, published under the title “The Green free-market economy.” The programme paper was developed by prominent party figures under the auspices of the party’s parliamentary faction leader Fritz Kuhn, heralding the free market as the guardian angel of the environment—and their own wallets. Every line of this document reflects the class outlook of the upper middle class—those owning medium-sized businesses and the better-off self-employed—by glorifying the market and private property, while simultaneously expressing the authors’ fear of mounting social inequalities. The entire document is characterised by a continuous “on the one hand...and on the other hand” type of argument.

Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's Terrorist List (tags)

Note that one of the first incidents that occured upon Christopher Cox becoming SEC Chair was that the San Francisco SEC office sent subpeonas to business journalists,including Dow Jones only real and award winning penny stock fraud investigator Carol Remond,all who were criticising the false naked shorting claim that Cox ands SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins and a number of scammy websites mentioned in this post have at some point promoted or aided and abetted.Yes,even the SEC Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox has been aiding U.S. penny stock fraud used offshore for money laundering by international criminals and the CIA who gives him a monthly 'briefing' !

Carlotta’s Passion Going Out Of Business Sale - July 5 to July 30! (tags)

Going Out of Business Sale...Massivbe Inventory...Political/Social Justice Art included

Flight to the Tax Haven (tags)

Halliburton's relocation to the Emirate is "an example of the most wicked entrepreneurial greed, an insult to US soldiers and taxpayers who paid the bill all these years for the no-bid contracts and exorbitant prices. Security policy differs from propaganda as sharing differs from megalomania

Where do the moneylenders get their money? (tags)

Accepting that labor creates all wealth alone will not open the road to our emancipation. Understanding how it creates it is paramount.

Timor-Leste: El Dorado of the South Pacific (tags)

The current population of East Timor is approximately one million souls while the value of its natural gas and oil reserves amount to billions of dollars. However, the tiny new island nation is impoverished with above 35% unemployment and a rural based economy. Without elaborating further, Timor-Leste presents an extremely volatile situation as greedy interests, primarily America via its ‘World’ Bank and Australia-New Zealand acting as the military arm, poise themselves to exploit the impoverished people and nation of Timor-Leste.

Losses as Profits: Review of Enron; The Smartest Guys in the Room (tags)

The firm's business idea consisted in showing future profits on the books as real profits.. In this "Darwinian tragedy," the Enron cadres ennobled their corrupt business practices by referring to "The Selfish Gene."

Sleepless on Skid Row (tags)

Guilty of Being Homeless in America!?


Artist responsibility. Freedom of Speech. Clarity through words. When politics, the environment and music meet, Jon Hartmann gets his message across. Now available for download on CD, George Bush Sings!

Reagan and GE-A Symbiosis (tags)

Reagan who defended democratic positions as a young man earned so much that he became increasingly conservative.. Because of "Playhouse 90" he became a friend of the family who mutated into an economist and theologian.

LA IMC Business Cards (tags)

Print business cards. Distribute.

30-Year IRS Agent Arrested for Tax Fraud (tags)

Harry Willner, an IRS agent for over 30 years, was arrested yesterday on tax fraud charges. Prosecutors allege that he and others dodged taxes by claiming that their income was offset by deductions belonging to a company he operated out of his home.

Economic sanctions on Israel (tags)

It is a disgrace that the Iranian government should be able to tell the US government what to do.

Chinese multinationals, trade and politics: challenges, opportunities, globalization (tags)

learn the deeper issues about globalization, China and world development

Chinese multinationals and globalization: insights on global business and politics (tags)

gain insights on China and globalization

China vs globalization: development, conflicts, business and politics (tags)

understand the deeper issues about China and globalization

Chinese business and politics vs global economy and development (tags)

Learn about China, globalization and world business and politics

Capitalism and Corruption (tags)

Until recently, the bribes paid by German firms abroad were deducted from the corpor-ation tax as operating expenses..The neoliberal dogma doesnt need any religion since it makes capitalism into a religion.. The cult of abstract riches cannot replace morality Mergers and takeovers are central.

Ag Industry Threatened by Animal Rights (tags)

As both the law and Big Ag respond to consumer pressures for humane treatment of animals, agriculture representatives fear a slippery slope that could lead to an end of their business as they know it, adding a meaningful wrinkle to the debate between so-called new welfarists and abolitionists, who ought to be teaming up in a full-court press on the industry (keeping them on the defense) rather than wasting time and efforts criticizing each other.

Chinese entrepreneurship, politics and globalization (tags)

Learn about China and globalization

In The Business of Death (tags)

Video of Redlands Demonstration and the issues of "holocausting" the eldelry through the conservatorship/guardianship process.

A Good Story (tags)

"From 200 years of American history, we have learned nothing is impossible." (Reagan) Occasionally this president replaced reality with his fictions. "The world changed every time a new technique of storytelling was intented." (Brian Ferren)

Government nannies shake down latinos selling elote (corn on the cob) (tags)

Valley corn sellers targeted Health officials give warnings, fines to those lacking permit

Students arrested for blocking UC nuclear labs (tags)

Six UC students and three community members were forcefully dragged from the UC Regents board meeting on Thursday by police after they informed the Regents that they would not allow the board to convene its DOE lab oversight committee, the Regents’ body in charge of UC’s nuclear weapons research, design, and manufacturing labs in Los Alamos, New Mexico and Livermore, California.

provocative book: China and the new world order (tags)

A fast developing China is creating vast opportunities. Learn how half million international businesses and investors conduct business in China.

Every School as a Small Business (tags)

The Bertelsmann foundation reorganizes German schools according to market criteria. A privatization of the political is occurring worldwide today.. Bertelsmann keeps a tight reign on public libraries, schools and universities through performance standards and control instruments.

Firms lose P43 million in damage from NPA attacks (tags)

PROPERTY destroyed by the New People’s Army (NPA) amounted to P43 million in the first quarter of the year. According to a study conducted by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), NPA rebels inflicted the damage on business firms that refused to pay the underground movement the so-called revolutionary tax.

The Improbable Lunch of an American Asshole (tags)

They out number us all.

Behind the love/hate relationship of China and the U.S. (tags)

A zealous distrust of China is something most American’s learn at an early age. The lessons include stunning visuals of atrocities, complete with attacks on helpless Tibetan monks and nuns, fearless democracy-seeking students staring down advancing tanks, and innumerable horrors of life within the totalitarian ‘communist’ society (yes they are still calling themselves that, and yes our government still clings to the word— as an abusive epithet— in a McCarthy-like attempt to browbeat). China cannot be defended if one is on the side of democracy, equality, and freedom, but neither can many of the US’ allies, past and present, who’ve had similar records (the US itself is looking more and more like China every day). Because China is outside the domain of US dominance, it is viewed as a competitor, and a threat; therefore, Chinese human-rights violations are a god-send for the White House PR staff, who look for any reason to conjure fear and create misgivings towards a country who, for purely economic reasons, is the prime candidate to face the US in World War III.

Trouble in the Pipeline (tags)

Hidden oil spills, cover up and manipulation of the media.

Law against renting to illegal migrants ready for Escondido council vote (tags)

Law against renting to illegal migrants ready for Escondido council vote.

Patients Call on Gov. to Sign Universal Health Care Bill (tags)

Patient advocates, nurses, and business owners will attempt to deliver two patients on stretchers to Governor Schwarzenegger at his office in Los Angeles and ask him to "Resuscitate California Health Care" by signing universal health care legislation, SB 840. The bill has passed the Senate and the Assembly

Charter your own flight, forget hassles at airport (tags)

Will the feds in their efforts to stop terrorists screw up commercial flights so bad that people will find it easier to charter private planes for trips????

Bad Solutions to Health Care Problem (tags)

The topic of just what is Big Insurance is too often left out of Health Care debates.

Nonviolent People Power on the Move in September 2006 (tags)

Direct Action Planned for September 26th & 27th at the U.S. Congress. Peace-loving people are moving to make nonviolent history in September 2006.

Public Transit Could Transform The Quality Of Life For Workers And The Environment (tags)

Having destroyed it once, public transit, like health care and education, is a service that US capitalism is incapable of providing its citizens.

Kuwait,Saudis,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico (tags)

Ranked among the 100 wealthiest Americans, Rainwater backed George W. Bush in four separate business ventures, including the Texas Rangers baseball team from which Bush, who had been drilling “dry holes” until then, profited handsomely. In a heated 1994 Governor’s race, Texas Democratic Governor Ann Richards charged Rainwater “owned" her Republican opponent Bush.- Daniel Hopsicker,

Nike Just Does it Again (tags)

Students and community to hold demonstration and press briefing in response to Nike’s actively shutting down its non-sweatshop factories

Government - the cause of the IMMIGRATION problem, not the solution (tags)

Again government is the cause of the problem, not the solution. If immigration was legal none of these crimes would be happening! And in fact this criminal activity did not start to exist until the feds started enforcing the immigration laws with a heavy hand.

Using the force of government to put your competitors out of business. (tags)

The City Council will be asked to approve a restriction that would "effectively kill" popular country stores in many east Mesa mobile-home and RV parks, says a manager of the weekly marketplaces.

ACTION NEEDED: Defeat CA AB 2680 (tags)

Bill Goes After The Employers Who Hire Undocumented Workers

New Yorks top cops pleads guilty to accepting bribes (tags)

Lt. Governor Candidate Is Pro Small Business (tags)

California and America must focus on protecting small businesses; at stake are jobs and $100’s billions in earnings for millions of American families. Stewart Alexander wants to provide California small businesses State financial assistance ranging from $50 to $500 thousand, and marketing assistance from State, local governments and private organizations.

The Enron verdicts: corruption and American capitalism (tags)

The guilty verdicts handed down by a Houston jury last week against former Enron chiefs Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling provide an opportunity to evaluate the significance of the company’s rise and fall within the context of American capitalism. Accounts by jurors given after the verdicts were announced indicate they all agreed that the evidence against the two executives was overwhelming. It consisted mainly of testimony from over a dozen former executives, who implicated Lay and Skilling for their roles in defrauding investors and employees through various forms of accounting manipulation. The jurors quickly rejected the absurd position of the defense that Enron was basically a healthy company that collapsed into bankruptcy in December 2001 largely as the result of Wall Street machinations and negative press coverage.

Hope Springs . . . at the South Central Farm (tags)

Last month, the Trust for Public Land negotiated purchase option with developer Ralph Horowitz that depended on the City coming up with a $5M match for $6M raised by the South Central Farm. Five days ago, the City reneged on the deal. Friday, with three days left, the Farmers and their supporters, ever hopeful, demanded that Mayor Villaraigosa step up to support the Farm.

Chinese development strategies (tags)

Vast business opportunites from China

Boycotters Who Favor Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Shoot Themselves in the Foot (tags)

The Solution to Illegal Aliens So what is the best option for the advocates of illegal aliens? Their best option would be to protest in front of buildings run by the government of Mexico. Like the Mexican Consulate buildings across this nation. They should protest against the extensive corruption in Mexico. Press the leaders in Mexico to remove corruption and address the issues in Mexico. Because while protests are held in America against businesses in America, not only do they hurt their own cause, they also give cover to the corruption in Mexico. If they were to protest the corruption in Mexico and press for change there, they would gain a much larger base of allies, me included.

Business Closures (tags)

Thread about business closures, effects.



Immigration Policy: Send Us Your Poor, They Will Wind Up in Iraq (tags)

They are coming by the millions from all over the world. Let them come here. Let them find that there are not enough jobs. They will find the military to be the last resort when their welfare is cut off. And let them acquire Gulf War Syndrom (radiation sickness from uranium munitions).! It works just fine in the minds of the neo-cons.

Water as a Commodity (tags)

The rage of the residents of Soweto is directed against the installed meters.. The first mammoth prepaid water project started in 1992 under Margaret hatcher.. The water suppliers cynically described this as "self-disconnect."

provocative book on China and globalization (tags)

New book reveals what is China and current global affairs.

Networking: Wiring the small office (tags)

The wealthy use technology to oppress the worker while he toils.

Hezbollah Profiting From African Diamonds (tags)

Smash Hizbollah! Bomb Lebanon!

Small business interests attack Costa Mesa Mayor (tags)

“What we have here is something that is nothing more than grandstanding and symbolism and it is symbolically scaring people,” said Blank. “What we need is a national immigration policy. We don't need a cowboy sitting in the mayor's seat in Costa Mesa saying, 'I'm going to round them all up and send them away.'”

Going Undercover to Become Donald Trump’s Apprentice (tags)

Casting for next season's "The Apprentice" is underway in New York, Tampa, Denver, Memphis, Sacramento, Chicago, Hartford, Honolulu, San Diego, Washington DC, Las Vegas and Phoenix. I went undercover at the Los Angeles auditions to bring you details about how the process works.

financial newshour: China's changing global role (tags)

China's development vs world

*Protest* Ruthless YESSI Clothing Illegally Fires Worker (tags)

YESSI clothing, a business in the L.A. Fashion District, fired a worker for calling in sick last Saturday. We will meet to protest the business at 11:30AM on Sunday MARCH 19th at the corner of 12th and Santee at the Taco Bell/Pizza Hut there.

SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon to Justice (tags)

According to a quote by Mr.Cox of a few days ago this would appear to be the case. The truth is more likely his and SEC attorneys' wish to gag both professional business journalists including at the WSJ as well as defrauded investors such as myself who wish to blow the whistle on SEC corruption and fraud.

Happy Iraq and Yuppie Careers in Iraq (tags)

While the spread of propaganda is prohibited in the US, it returns to the homefront on the roundabout way of foreign publications.. The witty and resilient Chalabi is still indirectly on the Pentagon payroll.

Why does Group of 184 hate Aristide? (tags)

Some reasons why Group of 184 participated in the coup against democratically elected Arisitide..

Colombia: How Not to Negotiate a Trade Agreement (tags)

Article by Andres Mejia-Vergnaud, Executive Director of the Instituto Progreso ILP, Bogota, Colombia.

Protest The ICE Man! (tags)

Protest and Boycott Costa Mesa city council member who voted for Neo-Nazi on a citizens' committee, voted to close the Day Labor Center and who created the city's new ICE propose against immigrants.

NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11 (tags)

Those behind the scenes of this UAE corporation may not even be from UAE at all for all we know.Who ever is behind it,the CIA or far right no doubt approves.But since when has our corrupt CIA,that has been gutted by Porter Goss and his ilk as it is,had our interests at heart ? Their only interest is self enrichment and corruption and they have led our military into a trap in Iraq and Afghanistan almost willfully. Why ?

Libertarianism: Bogus Anarchy (tags)

A rebuttal to this essay is Contra Sabatini: Bogus Critique by Tim Virkkala, wherein Sabatini's interpretation of the individualist anarchists is disputed. In my opinion the analytic meaning of "anarchism" takes precedence over historical factors. Thus any ideology which wants to disband the State can rightfully be called anarchist.

Gang Stalking (tags)

Gang Stalking in New York

New for Valentines: Love and Peace E-Greeting Cards (tags)

Greetings "give peace a chance" to be remembered at major holidays. PeaceWish.Com now soliciting artwork for Spring Holiday greetings.

Urgent! Protest Costa Mesa Immigrant Bashing Feb 10, 06 (tags)

Councilman enjoys the fruits of immigrant labor at his restaurant business, then exploits them for political profit

Download here anti-war artworks (tags)

Copyleft artworks by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

The “Free Market”: The Greatest Terror Of All (tags)

The economic system of production we live in is called capitalism or the free market. We are supposed to be fortunate because we are free to starve to death amidst abundance. This form of social organiztion has not existed for all time and need not exist in the future. The first step in eliminating it is accepting this simple idea.

Is NSA Spying a Case of China Business Blowback? (tags)

Capitalism isn’t bringing freedom to China, but it does seem to be bringing totalitarian control systems back from China to the U.S. courtesy of American business.

Finnish Citizen Missing Legal Protection (tags)

Where Swedish Chancellor of Justice blames Swedish Policemen for telling lies and Swedish Legal System for jailing innocent, have Finland continued the same policy lining having taken place three socialist president generations ago. This policy lining was started by President Mauno Koivisto (SDP), and it was carried on by Martti Ahtisaari (SDP) and President Tarja Halonen (SDP).

Direct Action Gets the Goods! IWW Chicago Victory for Unpaid Worker (tags)

IWW picket wins back wages for unpaid worker in Chicago, IL


The U.S. economy is being sold to the highest bidders in the world trade markets and our trade deficit is destroying our economy. Americans risk losing everything due to poor leadership in Washington D.C.

End of a Legend (tags)

Instead of overcapacities and selling houses to each other, America is called to radical economic change and sustainability. The economy should servie humanity. Progress and work should be redefined for the post-fossil age.

China's global reach: book excerpt (tags)

Huge development in China.

China's global reach (book excerpts) (tags)

China's fast growth vs international multinationals

SUPPORT Day Laborers and SHUT DOWN Save Our State! (tags)

Actions in San Bernardino Saturday Dec. 3 and Glendale Saturday Dec. 10 to counterprotest SOS.

Craigslist Planning To Shake Up Journalism (tags)

The San Francisco Web entrepreneur who's shaken the classified ad business has plans to expand into journalism, too. Speaking at an Oxford University business school forum, Craig Newmark said his news project will be introduced within three months.

Slave Revolt Radio, Sam 6 (tags)

Lose your land, lose your soul.

Shareholder Value (tags)

Since unemployment has reached an unparalleled dimension under the combination of increased productivity, global wage dumping, weakened unions and non-existent system competition, I prefer a radical redistribution of work and income.

Washington Mutual Fund Human/Animal Cruelty (tags)

America’s supposedly hippest Bank has been caught (blood) red-handed investing in Huntingdon Life Sciences, HLS. HLS tests drugs like Vioxx, artificial sweeteners like Splenda, cigarette smoke, pesticides, and food colorings "safe" on animals - while humans die as a result of the ill-effects of these products. Visit for more info... The ‘home of the free checking’ was also the home of guilt-free cruelty… until now. The Washington Mutual Group of Funds [High Yield Fund] holds 188,430 shares in Life Sciences Research (LSRI – OTCBB) which is the generically catchy holding company for HLS! Washington Mutual invests people’s hard-earned money in HLS without their disclosing the scope and nature of this business they are financially supporting. In early September SHAC USA Inc sent WaMu formal letters notifying WaMu executives and Fund managers of this possibly tragic oversight. Weeks have gone by with nary a response.

The DeLay Transformation (tags)

author: Jamie Malanowski / Washington Monthly Sep 29, 2005 09:12

There's an explanation for all this (tags)

“It will be a hard pill for many Americans to swallow--the idea of doing with less so that big business can have more...Nothing that this nation, or any other nation, has done in modern economic history compares with the selling job that must be done to make people except this reality.” (Business Week 10-12-74.)

City uses RICO Act to sue business that hires immigrant workers (tags)

City uses RICO Act to sue business that hires immigrant workers

What Does it Mean to be 'Pro-Labor?' (tags)

Do you want evidence of how ad-driven media works to silence labor? Read this follow-up to "'Alternative' Media Quietly Sells Out to Whole Foods Market" [ZNet, April 28, 2005]. Mark T. Harris answers Dragonfly Media's denial that it gave Whole Foods Market free advertising for a year in its Chicago publication, Conscious Choice, following the grocer's complaint about a UFCW ad that ran under the magazine's old management. Dragonfly says neither would it promise Whole Foods no more union ads. But when union activists attempted to purchase new ad space last December, Dragonfly said no.

THE DEATH OF PENSIONS? by Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)

Everybody wins -- except the workers.

Venezuela, Oil and the struggle for Democratic Socialism in the 21st Century (tags)

The country of Venezuela is a startling paradox of immense suffering and extreme wealth. According to a private Caracas-based polling company, Datanalisis, over 58% of the 25 million people in Venezuela live on less than $253 (Cdn) a month. The level of poverty becomes all the more damning when factoring in that Venezuela is also the world's fourth largest oil exporter. This glaring contradiction remained unchallenged until the election of Hugo Chavez as Venezuelan President.

Hate Crimes/Illegal Discrimination Against Homeless at Long Beach "Public" Libra (tags)

Homeless banned from library on flimsy excuses, assaulted by cops if they don't comply. Employees instructed to fawn on business executives.

New PATRIOT Act Legislation Destroys Liberty (tags)

The Fourth Amendment reads as follows: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

In the fight for the future, CEOs are MIA (tags)

America faces a huge set of challenges if it is going to retain its competitive edge. As a nation, we have a mounting education deficit, energy deficit, budget deficit, health care deficit and ambition deficit. The administration is in denial on this..

The Myth of the Fiscal Crisis (tags)

The first step that must be taken if we are to reverse the cuts and prevent the destruction of the New Deal’s gains is to understand in our own minds that there is no fiscal crisis.

Villaraigosa has made a point of stressing his interest in governing from the center (tags)

Villaraigosa's associates say he too will cultivate a network of well-respected advisors outside City Hall to guide him on such issues as education reform, transportation planning and economic development. Among them are likely to be former Assembly speaker and mayoral candidate Bob Hertzberg, former Metropolitan Transportation Authority board member Nick Patsaouras and entrepreneur and former national Democratic Party official Ari Swiller.

The Endless Cycle of Stupidity (California Style) (tags)

How does a state with the sixth-largest economy in the world go 9 billion in debt? The short answer is "Democrats."


LOS ANGELES [May 9, 05] A frustrated and annoyed President Tony Saca of El Salvador cut short a question and answer period during a pro-CAFTA event here Monday morning when activists angrily confronted him with a first series of hostile questions.

Grave System Error (tags)

The economy is in a kind of balance with massive underemployment..Growth in purchasing power of upper income persons cannot balance the loss in purchasing power of normal, low-income and unempoyed persons..Unemployment is a capitalist law.

New industrial union pushes working-class power (tags)

LAS VEGAS — It was the fire from below that powered up the merger convention of the USWA and PACE, held here April 11-14. Five thousand workers, their families and guests shared stories of battles on picket lines and in battleground state polling places. Many conversations started with, “Let me tell you what that son of a Bush did in Ohio …” or Texas, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Indiana or Southern California.

‘Don’t pick our pockets to line your own’ (tags)

“Privatizing Social Security may be good business for Charles Schwab, but it’s a bad deal for working Americans,” Chicago Federation of Labor President Dennis Gannon told the multiracial and multigenerational crowd of 300 that overflowed the sidewalk in front of the giant investment firm’s office here. “The stock market is a gamble,” Gannon continued, “I’ve got a mother who is 83, a daughter who is 22 and I’m 52. Privatization puts us all in jeopardy.”

George Bush is a murderer! (tags)

Lizard loyalist GW Bush and skull and bones homo erect this, is a terrorist and should be shot on site going by the laws and edicts written up since his 911 mass a cure...

The True Story of Modern Day Michelangelo (tags)

What happens when you find the Modern day Michelangelo in Hollywood, starving to death and needing exposure? Meet the Girls and follow their amazing true story.

Even U.S. Corporations Like Canada's National Health Plan (tags)

Even as they lobby in Washington against any move towards socializing the health care system, U.S. companies are shifting production to Canada where they don’t have the cost of paying for employee health care, and once there, they are joining Canadian firms in calling for better funding for health care and more extensive services. What’s going on here?

Black Writers On Tour (tags)

The 10th Annual Black Writers on Tour 2005 Conference is coming to Los Angeles. The theme for this year is "Literacy is Everybody's Business: Who Will Tell Our Story". The 2005 Literary Award will be presented to the Legendary Mr. Stevie Wonder.

Attny Gen. Spitzer Pulls the Pants Down on Mega-Corps (tags)

This speech was given by Mr. Spitzer at the National Press Club on 1/31/05

Wrong Brit Finds Harvey Weinstein (tags)

Little pink book "Looking For Harvey Weinstein" causes problems for the out of the box, pot smoking, alternative Hollywood agents, Veracity Management and co-authors, Holly and Shirley Yanez.

Plese, Help Spanish bulls! (tags)

Please, help Spanish bulls, they are cruelty killed!

No Business like socialism – booming blue collar business in Finland (tags)

When one has to pay 50USD for something normally worth of 5USD is there something wrong with the pricing in monopoly. But, how about selling it for 20USD in cash to fix the salary?

The Stone of Sisyphus (tags)

The government must act when entrepre-neurial rationality leads to undesired results. Who else can act? The government must renew the jobs program.. The capitalist world economy is in an over-production crisis. Businesses ..are part of social life.

Eli Lilly is Scum (tags)

Global Leadership Conference 2005: Chairman Sidney Taurel tells company leaders that "we must maintain our sense of urgency" in carrying out the 2005 priorities while adapting swiftly to the demands of a tough, ever-changing environment. (Urgent because we are sinking like a ton of Bricks) (Tougher for LLY to lie their way out. The evidence is mounting against them.) (Swiftly, because consumers are fed up with LLY Crap &Lies) Taurel emphasized those messages in opening and closing comments at the annual global leadership conference (GLC). More than 150 Lilly leaders from around the world attended in Indianapolis.

A Moralist on the Social State (tags)

A hundred years ago eight farmers worked to feed one non-farmer. Today one farmer feeds 88 persons..Income from assets and business activities have been consistently relieved of taxes in the last 25 years. Profits soar while investments fall.

Corruption: Intimidation, Politics and Drug Industry Cripple U.S. Medicine (tags)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is supposed to safeguard the nation's medical products, but they're "taking care of business rather than patient safety",says FDA's associate safety director Dr. David J. Graham. In interviews, he and others highlight the all too brutal facts.

USA & Ltd. or USA Ltd.? (tags)

What to do, when a state becomes a threat to private business and starts to compete with them? Should we start collecting taxes to our business so we could support our R&D better, or should we fake us to do the subcontracts to the government? Please compare.

Corporatism (A story for teenagers) (tags)

Students learn about corporatism first hand.

PowerNomics: Plan for Economic Power for Blacks (tags)

Dr. Claud Anderson will be in Los Angeles, California on Tuesday, December 14, 2004, at the Power of Love Hall, which is located at 1430 West Manchester, Los Angeles, CA, at 7:00 p.m. Please attend. This is a VERY important conference concerning the creation of economic wealth for Black America...PowerNomics.

PowerNomics, The Economic Plan for Empowerment for Black America (tags)

Dr. Claud Anderson, Ed.D, PowerNomics, The Economic Plan to Empower Black America




I guess compared to their nemesis Haliburton, KPFT are just small time crooks. This is how the scheme works. KPFT radio and Pacifica radio network use deceptive advertising and a confidential donor list to create symbiotic business relationships, like Jay Lee, his employer, and Microsoft. They do and do not accept contributions from for-profit entities.


Iran-contra alumni have been romancing al Qaeda for some time ... still do ...

An Iran-contra/al Qaeda Reader (tags)

"the presence of Secord in Best's Azerbaijani oil venture ought to have raised blood red flags around the world..."

An Iran-Contra/al Quaeda Reader (tags)

"the presence of Secord in Best's Azerbaijani oil venture ought to have raised blood red flags around the world..."

Dashing Mayor to the Rescue (tags)

San Francisco hotel workers strike heading in the wrong direction as millionaire mayor gets involved

National LGBT Business Convention Presents The LGBT Marketing Seminar (tags)

Echelon Magazine hosts the National LGBT Business Convention in Los Angeles on November 8, 2004. The Convention features The LGBT Marketing Seminar presented by the leaders in Gay and Lesbian advertising

Is Bush Turning Communist? (tags)

Confusion among capitalists and Union leaders mounts as Bush calls for ownership of health plans and appears to support big government involving itself in matters of the market.

Too good to be true: Look out for quick-cash jobs [USC Student Newspaper Article] (tags)

Students who stumble upon "dream" jobs such as envelope stuffing or knife selling, often end up with lost time and money.

AFL-CIO Leadership are Responsible for Defeats (tags)

With no serious alternative to Schwarzenegger, and with their support of the Team Concept, California's labor leaders have nothing to say to their members as usual.

Protest at Santa Monica Business that Displays Hate Speech in its Storefront (tags)

Students at Santa Monica College are planning to protest ALL PHONE WHOLESALE, a racist business that displays extreme anti-immigrant, anti-arab, anti-Muslim hate speech in its store window.

This Land Is Your Land documnetary screening (tags)

THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND shows that every person can make a difference, even when pitted against the enormous powers of big business. This funny and moving documentary criss-crosses the United States, interviewing experts and individuals about corporate influence on everyday life, hears how people feel their own lives have been affected, and looks at some of the brave, compelling and sometime hilarious ways in which individuals and communities are reacting.

THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND screens in LA (tags)

THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND shows that every person can make a difference, even when pitted against the enormous powers of big business. This funny and moving documentary criss-crosses the United States, interviewing experts and individuals about corporate influence on everyday life, hears how people feel their own lives have been affected, and looks at some of the brave, compelling and sometime hilarious ways in which individuals and communities are reacting.

Economics and Ethics: The Stakeholder Model (tags)

"Businesses cannot be reduced only to the principle of profit maximization.. Businesses are bound in a relational structure of different claimant groups including a critical public alongside the traditional economic actors.. Brent Spar is an example.."

Big Business Hurts Itself and Workers by Opposing Socialized Medicine (tags)

Ideological blindness makes U.S. corporate interests oppose socialized medicine, even though by having to pay health benefits themselves makes them wildly uncompetitive with similar companies in Europe or Canada.

The Fortune 500 are thinking Green (tags)

Global warming is becoming a major concern for businesses like Allianz Group, AON, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Johnson & Johnson and BP. They say it's a risk too costly to ignore.

Deporting Arab Muslims (tags)

Removing unwanted people from American national boundaries is an American tradition.

Texans can do no wrong (tags)

"After reading stacks of documents from the investigations and talking to energy experts, I found more smoking guns in California's energy crisis than in a Clint Eastwood movie, and none of them have Ken Lay's prints on them." -- Kathryn Jones, 2001

Halliburton/Cheney Investigated For Iran Deals (tags)

"This would be the first evidence that Halliburton was actively seeking business in Iran under Cheney in possible violation of U.S. laws" -- Dan Katz, chief counsel Sen. Frank Lautenberg, NJ



Politics and real estate: Industry no longer Republican domain (tags)

Democratic-leaning real estate professionals tend to be community-minded and interested in education, traditional Democrat issues. And because most real estate agents are independent contractors, they're also concerned about rising healthcare costs.

A Better Reason to Ban Moore - hint: the Saudis don't run NORAD (tags)

Moore's 2003 book "Dude, Where's my Country?" included severely deficient analysis of 9/11 that provides (hopefully) inadvertent support for the US's next war - the invasion of the Saudi oil fields, the largest on Earth. [on top of that, Moore PROTECTS the home grown US government terrorists by not touching the most obvious aspects which expose the 9/11 lie - the physical evidence of the collapses of the towers.]

Secrets and Lies Becoming Commonplace (tags)

The initial refusal of President Bush to let his national security adviser appear under oath before the 9/11 Commission might have been in keeping with a principle followed by other presidents -- the principle being, according to Bush, that calling his advisers to testify under oath is a congressional encroachment on the executive branch's turf. (Never mind that this commission is not a congressional body, but one he created and whose members he handpicked.)

Get Coke off Our Beach! (tags)

In 1999 the city of Huntington Beach awared a long term monopoly concession to the Coca Cola company in return for millions of dollars and annual payments. But Coke is complicit in the killings of labor organizers and in destroying and polluting water supplies abroad.

Air America Radio = Democratic Party Business as Usual (tags)

Air America

Two Finnish Business Executives killed on an unscheduled trip (tags)

Clarified summary on killed Finns in Iraq based on some news articles.

Lawsuit reveals SPAMMER is a White Supremacist (tags)

Hawke was the leader of a fledgling Internet-based organization called the "Knights of Freedom" while a student at Wofford College in South Carolina. He turned to spamming full time when the white-supremacist movement didn't take an interest in him.

Dennis Kucinich, President of the United States of America. (tags)

Waging active peace.

On Gay Marriage. (tags)

Gary Nolan says "Get the government out of marriage".

Bush, The Wars of the Texas Succession (tags)

review and analysis provided by two recent books.

Oakland Safeway Rally (tags)

The Safeway rally in Oakland was a study in contrasts - the fighting spirit of workers vs. the timidity of the official union leadership


With the Indian team waiting for the one day finals to play in Australia Whatever be the result of the game but after returning to home ,the people will see players in a new avatar, that is their endorsement packages will increase and we will see them encashing their popularity through commercial-ads ,inaugurations , interviews or might be judging the various contests.

Vietnam veteran outreach needed. (tags)

This is a general call for any Vietnam veterans in the LA are to help one of their own.

National Dividend Check (tags)

National Dividend Check

Why Do Republicans Lie So much (tags)

Truths and Half Truths

Native American Recommends Deporting Muslims (tags)

David Yeagley is a Native American Writer and Journalist

Why is the Pentagon ripping off the troops? (tags)

Explains WHY Pentagon penny-pinching budget cutters are betraying the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Millionaires and the Unemployed (tags)

"The millionaire could simply pay his unemployed. If we calculate 12X5X1000 is 60,000 Euros a year. This is the sum that the highest segment of this class saves by the lowering of the top tax rate from 48 to 42 percent planned by Mr. Schroeder."

San Joaquin Valley barren fields (tags)

When traveling through the vast San Joaquin Valley, one cannot help but noticing all the barren fields devoid of life. What happens to soil ecosystem biodiversity when exposed to UV radiation with no cover?


Why are they trying to stop the world from seeing the documentary “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised?”

The Fallacies Of American Democracy For Iraq (tags)

American democracy today is in serious trouble. At the national level, the process of electing a president, or representatives and senators has become so expensive that only the wealthy or candidates supported by them can play. The process has been co-opted and corrupted by increasingly concentrated ownership of media and business, including banking, transportation, manufacturing, and energy. Legislative programs and goals largely focus on catering to the large organizations and the wealthy contributors. Our system was designed to work on a basis of majority rule, but effective control by a shrinking pool of elitists who also control both parties through contributions, has led to a situation in which not even the majority, albeit often invoked for political discussion, can decide any important issue.

hush hush Richard N. Perle Secret lunch. (tags)

In January of this year, Khashoggi arranged a private lunch, in France, to bring together Harb Saleh al-Zuhair, a Saudi industrialist whose family fortune includes extensive holdings in construction, electronics, and engineering companies throughout the Middle East, and Richard N. Perle (member of 1-Council on Foreign Relations. 2-Zionist), the chairman of the Defense Policy Board, who is one of the most outspoken and influential American advocates of war with Iraq.

Students challenge employer (California State-Fullerton student paper) (tags)

Group says Vector Marketing / Cutco knife vendor misleads prospective workers with false claims.

FBI Spy Revelation Could be a Thread That Unravels the Bureau (tags)

Evidence has surfaced recently that the FBI has been spying on foreign nations for years.

Yes, indeed — the Bush boom has begun at last. (tags)

This week's report of a barnburner 7.2 percent rise in gross domestic product is very significant. It informs us of the likelihood of a true recovery boom — call it the Bush boom — in the months and quarters ahead.

Tommy Chong vs. Rush Limbaugh (tags)

Different strokes for different folks. Chong Chong does 9 months for selling bongs while Limbaugh, an admitted pill addict who bought in large quantities, is out free and speaking at events. Protest anyone?

Businessman Spends $25,000/year to Meet Federal Regulations (tags)

From the book "The State vs. The People" by Claire Wofe. Also, check out Alex Jones ( for more on government abuses.

America's Free Trade Despotism is in the Wings (tags)

"Every decent-paying job in the area is going, going or already gone and I'm faced with taking a job for $6, $7, $8 an hour".

Governor-elect Arnold "pay-to-play" Schwarzenegger gets millions from "spec (tags)

Schwarzenegger's list of contributors is largely made up of private business interests -- ranging from real estate developers and manufacturers to car dealers and a produce baron -- and has raised concerns from campaign finance watchdogs. He also drew criticism for collecting donations of up to six figures after announcing that he needed no help from contributors to finance the campaign.


"You are all free, free to go!"

Islam And The Terrorist’s Who Work Within The US. (tags)

The al-Qaida claimed responsibility for the great black out last month. They claimed they targeted the business district and the UN Headquarters’ but would not elaborate on how so they could repeat an attack. Another al-Qaida claim? Coincidently about three weeks later the British business district also experienced a power grid outage and the UN Headquarters was blown up in Iraq shortly after. The month prior Russia experienced a blackout believed to be caused by sabotage. In Iraq the power was also been sabotaged.

Governor Groper's reveals his economic plan for working Californians (tags)

Governor Groper plans to jumpstart California's sluggish economy by passing a law which will require millions of homeowners across the state to knock down their chimneys. Governer Groper estimates that rebuilding efforts alone will create thousands of "fantastic jobs" for thousands of unemployed workers.

New firm with Bush ties consults on Iraq business (tags)

WASHINGTON - A company that was created to help clients take advantage of business opportunities in Iraq is made up of businessmen associated with President Bush, his family and his administration.

Politics shouldn't get in way of conservation (tags)

The environment shouldn't be a partisan issue -- clean air and water are essential for survival. So in response to the anti-environmental zeal of Gingrich and his supporters, Martha Marks co-founded Republicans for Environmental Protection America.

The "special interests" behind Arnold Schwarzenegger's campaign (tags)

While Schwarzenegger has criticized Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante for taking money from unions and Indian tribes, the Republican candidate has collected at least $2.5 million from individual donors, attorneys, business interests, venture capitalists and California companies. Some of them employ full-time lobbyists in Sacramento.

This is feudalism (tags)

From Alex Jones (

Stealing The Internet (tags)

With Blessings from the FCC and Congress, the High-tech Industry Wants to Privatize the Internet. What Happens When you Have to Pay to Join the Information Revolution?

Radical right imposes austerity on Texas (tags)

AUSTIN, Texas – After three years in power, the Bush administration’s vision is coming more sharply into focus

If Big Business Runs the State.... (tags)

From "The Match" zine. Also, Alex Jones ( is good for government abuses.

Taxes for Revenue Are Obsolete (tags)

Taxes are NOT collected for revenue, but for redistribution of wealth to the wealthy, for the social control of YOU!

A Day Hopeful and Radiant: The Miami Call to Action (final draft) (tags)

This day is called the feast of Crispian: He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named, And rouse him at the name of Crispian. She that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast her neighbours, And say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian:' Then will she strip her sleeve and show her scars. And say 'These wounds I had on Crispin's day.'

Sidestepping Sanctions (tags)

While the Bush administration looks the other way, U.S. companies are dodging laws that bar them from doing business with nations accused of sponsoring terrorism.

Free-Market Capitalism and Ecological Disaster (tags)

The Free-Market libertarian argues that business leaders see and understand the effects of long-term environmental damage. But business leaders concentrate on short term profits, thus the planet continues its free-fall toward ecological disaster.

As plans keep failing, Bush restates 'em . . . (tags)

As for the charge that Iraq was bristling with other weapons of mass destruction, none have yet been found, raising the possibility that this, too, will be restated and the Bush administration will take a one-time charge against future credibility.

A bastard's manifesto: A call for corporate perestroika (tags)

Corporations are really all about colonialism, and the hyperinflation of their power through a top-heavy distribution of wealth must eventually tip over if our species is truly humane and democratic.

PayPal = SpyPal (tags)

PayPal is not your buddy. It is another corrupt Corporate Suck-up. Please do not use PayPal.

Living Wage Laws Killing Jobs and Businesses (tags)

Local 'Living Wage' ordinances passed by well meaning city councils are killing jobs and businesses. The author of this article is President and CEO of K-BOB'S Steakhouses, a family restaurant chain headquartered in New Mexico, with 26 locations in New Mexico, Texas, Colorado and Oklahoma.

How to Find Work in Iraq (tags)

Since compiling our initial list of reconstruction contracts in Iraq, we have received inquiries on how to find information on job and business opportunities in Iraq. A common complaint is how difficult it is to find out where to start. Unfortunately, the US Govt has not made it as simple as they could have by posting all of the relevant information on one web site. Those unfamilliar with government contracts are placed at a disadvantage as a result.

Clear Channel: the Media Mammoth that Stole the Airwaves (tags)

Clear Channel Communications of San Antonio may not be a household name yet, but in less than six years it has rocketed to a place alongside NBC and Gannett as one of the largest media companies in the United States. The mega-company has gained a reputation for its ugly hardball tactics. Clear Channel has played a leading role in destroying media diversity in the United States. And yes, it is the same media company that allegedly "blacklisted" certain songs following September 11, including Cat Stevens' Peace Train and John Lennon's Imagine.

The masters of the universe (tags)

"Depending on the ideological prism applied, the Bilderberg club may be considered an ultra-VIP international lobby of the power elite of Europe and America, capable of steering international policy from behind closed doors; a harmless "discussion group" of politicians, academics and business tycoons; or a capitalist secret society operating entirely through self interest and plotting world domination. "

An adult attitude towards Enforcement Act (tags)

What makes it so different and interesting to other Laws? How can it be used and how it is being used, and what are the possible consequences of abusing it.

Where does Al-Qaeda's Funding Come From? (tags)

Where does Al-Qaeda's Funding come from. Why would their supposed enemies ignore this huge Red Flag?

Computers N.L.A. Business Card (tags)

Business card of Computers N.L.A., physical headquarters of KOBE. Use this contact information.

Open Letter to Esquire Insurance (tags)

What business are you in? You seem to be more about image and status keeping. You know like LOSERS must do.

Build A Better Mousetrap for peace! (tags)

Check out Alex Jones (www.infowars.net0 for more on government abuses.

Government is Bad, Business is Good (tags)

Government is organized force. Business gives humanity what they want. They do not use force. Government uses force to steal our money.

How To Stop War (tags)

To stop war, become an entrepreneur, small business owner, street vendor. They can't operate without our money.

Just Say No To Forced Taxes (tags)

Don' want war? Don't pay forced taxes. Taxes should be voluntary only.

Arizona Attorney Alleges Conspiracy Between IRS and Justice Department (tags)

An Arizona attorney alleges that there is a criminal conspiracy between employees of the IRS and the Justice Department to allow big-time promoters of tax schemes to remain in business so that they have more common Americans to go after.

U.N./New World Order/World Government/Elite/Aristocrats (tags)

Government is bad. Business is good. So, U.N. is more government, only bigger and more controlling, with more money, thus more dangerous and more bad.

Become An Entrepreneur (tags)

Start your own business. Become a street vendor.

How To Stop War - Become An Entrepreneur (tags)

Do like Switzerland (before they bought into the UN, more big government crap).

Boycott of American Goods Over Iraq War Gains (tags)

Europeans are boycotting American products in protest against the war. Maybe it's time for Americans to issue a call for foreign tourists not to visit the US, until we get our democracy back.

Who is Paying for the Pro-War Rallies. (tags)

The Pro-War rallies are a contrived artifice of a few big Media Conglomerates pulling together a bunch of suckers and picking up the tab so it makes it easy for the Suckers to attend. Clear Channel has even been paying for professionally made signs.





The Fifth Column Left Declares War (tags)

The peace movement is not about peace, that it is a fifth column communist movement to destroy America and give victory to our totalitarian enemies.



The Vichy FBI (tags)

At what point does a "Law Enforcement Agency" become an instrument of Opression? At what point do we cease to trust their judgement or honor? When do people say "enough is enough". Or are the majority willing to be complacent cud-chewing bovine slaves? Are you?

War soon please. (tags)

Wake up from the ditto storm. Think for yourself and do not follow the heard in the streets of LA.

TRUST OR HUSTLE: The Bush Record  (tags)

“What you’ve got with Bush [George senior] is absolutely the largest number of siblings and children involved in what looks like a never-ending hustle.” - Republican pundit Kevin Philips.1


Smedley Butler was a true American Hero. Twice winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor (only one of 19 men to ever be so honored - and one of the few to live to tell about it). Commandant of the United States Marine Corp - in his later years he came to realize how his courage had been misused.

Assi Boycott Lunar New Year Action (tags)

Los Angeles CA ---- January 31, 2003 On the eve of the Lunar New Year, suspended Assi workers and community supporters took to the streets. The Korean Immigrant Workers Advocates (KIWA) has been in a struggle with Assi bosses for over a year to rehire workers suspended during an attempt to unionize.


We Want YOUR Help!

Humanity Lost on CBS Executives (tags)

Jan. 7, 2003 -- In 1906 the Bronx Zoo put a tribesman from the Congo on display in a cage with an orangutan and a parrot. Though the African-American clergy in the city vehemently protested, Zoo officials and even the mayor of New York refused to stop the spectacle. Crowds filed by to see this man not as who he was, but as who he was advertised to be, a pygmy cannibal from the African jungle.



New Chairman of 9/11 Commission (tags)

Now you would think that being a business partner of the brother in law and alleged financier of "Enemy No. 1" would be considered a bona fide "conflict of interest", particularly when your mandate --as part of the 9/11 Commission's work-- is to investigate "Enemy No. 1".

Qwest and Bank of America Accused of Defrauding Retired Teachers (tags)

The California Teachers Retirement System sued Qwest Communications and Bank of America for engaging in "fraudulent schemes" that cost the teachers' fund millions of dollars.

From Smart Bombs to Smart Bags (tags)

Some fear an Orwellian society over having to much security imposed on their lives through the advent of smarter technologies.

Rule of the pirates, the $ 200 billion payday – exposing Bush, Cheney and Halliburton (tags)

The figure had been bouncing around think tanks and Capitol Hill for months, and on Dec. 1 made the front page of The Washington Post: Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq will cost the American taxpayer between $100 and $200 billion.

The Human Side of Globalization (tags)

The Human Side of Globalization Nike in Indonesia - A Case Study Events booked at Pepperdine (1-21-03) and USC (1-22-03).

Taxes, taxes, taxes: High on the Bush agenda (tags)

It has been written that the more things change, the more they are the same. And that certainly holds true when it comes to battles over taxes. True, the powdered wigs of James Madison’s time are gone. And yes, George Bush has replaced "Teddy" Roosevelt. But the issues are the same – who pays and how much.

Stock Fraud, Swindles and the American Way (tags)

Prosecutors have been attempting to stop fraud, but not until the fall of Enron and Arthur Andersen did they do anything about. Even then, it’s the largest violators they're going after, little has been done in support of the common man in penny stock schemes and swindles.

Green or Mean Returns - Investing In The Environment (tags)

The environment can provide green investments or mean investments, depending on which end of the spectrum your on. The fishing industry off the coast of Spain is going to suffer, ship builders are going to benefit.

Toward Drug Legalization (tags)

From Narco News Bulletin. A Conversation with Gustavo de Grieff. Translated from the Spanish. Por Esto! November 14, 2002

Good reasons to DROP OUT OF SCHOOL and DROP OUT OF COLLEGE (tags)

John Taylor Gatto climaxed his 33 year teaching career as New York State Teacher of the Year after being named New York City Teacher of the Year on three occasions. He quit teaching on the OP ED page of the Wall Street Journal in 1991 while still New York State Teacher of the Year, claiming that he was no longer willing to hurt children. His books include: Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (1992); The Exhausted School (1993); A Different Kind of Teacher (2000); and The Underground History Of American Education (2001) The following was culled from his most recent work.

Long Beach Anti-War protests (tags)

This is happening every single friday night infront of the western union bank on 2nd street in the long beach at aprox 6:30pm to 9pm.

Canada Hydro defenders get SLAPPED for Accenture. (tags)

This is when globalization hits home for us: The Vancouver, British Colubia branch office of a Canadian law firm, based in the U.K., is threatening "Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation" (SLAPP) on behalf of Accenture which is based in the tax haven of Bermuda, to stop alleged “defamation” by critics of the secret dealing leading up to the probable privatization of the successful Hydro generating and distribution company which has turned considerable profits over to the people’s purse for many years.

When the White Liberals Fail it is Time for the Militants (tags)

We must teach these fascists that the overwhelming majority of people in the world do not think and act like them and in fact that Americans do not think and act like them.

Blogging Got Better (tags)

Local developers collaborate popularized web service web logs with tools for optimum publishing benefits.

Protest world Leaders at the Bakersfield Business Conferance. (tags)

Bakersfield Business Conferance Protest Sat oct 12 in front of Stern Library 12.00 noon Cal State Bakersfield University 9001 Stockdale hwy Bakersfield California.

Santa Monica cracks down on the homeless (tags)

One million job cuts this year, millions permanently unemployed (what the 'official unemployment rate' really means, decade after decade), and welfare now slashed and limited...Nothing like finding a solution to those pressing social problems...


In an effort to turn the WSSD's sustainable development goals into profit-making ventures that will "green" its image, the business lobby gathered yesterday for a full program of "Business Day" activities, featuring representatives from notorious environmental destroyers such as Dow Chemical and Syngenta Corporation. They blamed poverty for the woes of the planet and tried to downplay their own abysmal records.

Union members run for Congress (tags)

Even a brief look at the make-up of the 107th Congress helps explain why workers are catching hell these days. Yes, it is true that there are “friends of labor” who have 100 percent AFL-CIO voting records, but they find themselves out-gunned in a Congress whose 535 members include 150 millionaire lawyers, bankers and other business people.


Between the non-binding, unenforceable Global Compact and the partnerships being used by the likes of McDonald's to cloak themselves in the U.N. flag, it is becoming more and more evident that the U.N. has fallen into the pockets of big business -- all to the detriment of those who are supposed to matter most, the people.

Paradoxes of injustice: war and crises (tags)

This leads to the last and greatest paradox: The Bush Administration's use of war to resolve the domestic crises might just exacerbate all the internal contradictions...

Caterpillar Corporation: Complicit in war crimes in the West Bank and Gaza. (tags)

On June 24, the SUSTAIN Campaign, Free Palestine Alliance, and the Berkeley Students for Justice in Palestine sent a letter to the Caterpillar Corporation calling for a halt of all equipment sales to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). To date, Caterpillar has not responded. A international campaign to expose Caterpillar's complicity in Israel's war crimes and pressure the Peoria, Illinois based equipment manufacturer to stop all sales to the IDF is now underway.

Main St. goes to Wall St. (tags)

NEW YORK – Workers chanting, “Who’s city? Our city!” rallied here outside the New York Stock Exchange with laid-off workers from WorldCom, Enron and Arthur Andersen to tell Corporate America, “No more business as usual!”

Forbidden Truth:Mainstream Media Sellout (tags)

That Washington's media elite appears to be anesthetized to Bush's current drive to turning the United States into some mirror image of East Germany, China, or Pinochet's Chile cannot be overstated.

Port Strike Impact (tags)

Copied from the Press Telegram, article gives you an idea of the impact of a port strike. Truckers are trying to leverage the situation, and organize into unions.

Today's Voice: Bush As Corporate Reformer? (tags)

The Media tells us what is wrong with the world; Voice4change will tell you what to do about it! Our member organizations are busy organizing, so we want to bring their message to you. Our affiliates are doing great work every day. They need your support…We will be their link to you. Sign on to

RAVE bill scary! kill! kill! (tags)

More YOU Can Do to Stop the RAVE Bill: Call Senators Boxer + Feinstein and ask them to put a HOLD on the bills and to vote against any "unanimous consent request." even if you've called/written already! more below:

The Family that Preys Together (tags)

Something to tell your neighbours, before they start the TIPS program hahahahha

Bush covers for Wall Street thieves (tags)

WASHINGTON – Hammered with questions about his links to corporate crime, President George W. Bush hastily travelled to Wall Street July 9 and vowed to crack down on CEOs who enrich themselves through fraud while employees lose their jobs, pensions and health benefits.

responses to Bush's speech (tags)

we will use the full weight of the law to expose and root out corruption

Los Angeles Unified School District vs the Community of 52nd Place and 53rd Street (tags)

The Los Angeles School District has threatened long time residence and business owners with the law of eminent domain in their desire to remove elderly and poor citizens from their homes in order to build schools and income producing apartments.

March&Rally - Take it to the Bridge to Stop the War - May 25th in San Francisco (tags)

no more business as usual while the United States carries out its attacks on the peoples of the planet.

May Day Breakfast w/ Big Business Execs (tags)

World Trade Week in LA includes a hearty breakfast with well-marbled executives. Join them at the trough!

Call for anticapitalist convergence against ICC in Denver, CO May 5th-8th (tags)

Come to Denver May 5th-8th to stand up against the 34th World Congress of the International Chamber of Commerce, composed of representatives from thousands of corporations, which makes recommendations on policy to the UN, WTO, and G8.

When Socialism takes over the education (tags)

Socialist State university education on Business is like your 14 old son’s first drive with your old van; he has always wanted to do it, and he thinks he knows everything related to driving already, just because he has sat next to you, while you have been driving.

Police Brutality in San Francisco (tags)

Three incredible cases of police brutality in San Francisco, CA

Finnish police moral and ethic (tags)

Article describes in short some of the latest top police crimes taken place at Finland.

Swedish and Finnish Security Police technique (tags)

" of the used technique is to hurt citizen and close him/her into mental hospital for observation purpose..."

Finnish government police is keeping illegal record on people when to serve them (tags)

Finnish end police is keeping and maintaining registered information when to soon citizen.

Not a crime to a cop not to write a report of an offence of a crime (tags)

Mr District Prosecutor, what does a crime mean?

National Solidarity with Craig Rosebraugh (tags)

On Feb 12th, former ELF spokesperson, Craig Rosebraugh, will be forced to appear before a Congressional Subcommittee on 'Eco-terrorism'.

Divesting Scrooge & Marley - a seasonal commentary (tags)

Every December 25th, or there about, the ghost of Charles Dickens revives the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come, and still the wheels of commerce so often roll over our human condition

Chavez VS Big Business (tags)

Seen this before...

Downtown Neighborhood Council Approves bylaws/ business has an outomatic seat (tags)

From Journalistic Sources,

DEPOSE BUSH!!! (tags)

There is now more than enough evidence of the Bush family's business dealings with Osama bin Laden, plus their history of collaborating with Nazi Germany to more than justify a Congressional investigation and impeachment.


The civilizations of opportunism advanced by irresponsible government and big business, bring catastrophic destruction and dispair. Democratic power alone can make government and business responsible institutions. These words explore the terrible barriers and pragmatic possibilities for achiving a wise democracy in a technological civilization.


The civilizations of opportunism advanced by irresponsible government and big business, bring catastrophic destruction and dispair. Democratic power alone can make government and business responsible institutions. These words explore the terrible barriers and pragmatic possibilities for achiving a wise democracy in a technological civilization.

Civilizations of opportunism (tags)

The civilizations of opportunism advanced by irresponsible government and big business, bring catastrophic destruction and dispair. Democratic power alone can make government and business responsible institutions. These words explore the terrible barriers and pragmatic possibilities for achiving a wise democracy in a technological civilization.

ACTION ALERT: Tell Pottery Barn No to Sourcing from Burma! (tags)

Please call 1-800-922-9934 and tell the Pottery Barn to stop selling merchandise made in Burma. Email Pottery Barn on their website to tell them you will be boycotting them until they stop sourcing from Burma at

Guatemala Tax Protests Turn Violent, 83 Arrested (tags)

Guatemalan business men march during a national one-day work stoppage in Guatemala City August 1, 2001. Thousands of banner-waving students, workers and business leaders marched throughout Guatemala (Jorge Silva/Reuters)


FBI releases documents under FOIA linking former high level offical of the CIA with drug traffickers

Salzburg summit hit by protests (tags)

Clashes broke out when police tried to halt a march

Monsanto Moves to Control Water Resources--Vandana Shiva (tags)

Since water is as central to food production as seed is, and without water life is not possible,Monsanto is now trying to establish its control over water.

Downtown Prepares For BIO 2001, Shop Owners Hope For Business Boost (tags)

SAN DIEGO, 7:14 p.m. PDT June 22, 2001 -- Residents and shop owners in the Gaslamp Quarter are preparing for the coming BIO 2001 convention, 10News reported.

Jun 20th, 8h00 (GMT) Online-demo against deportation-business (tags)

DOWNLOAD - NOW! since sunday night - 3 days in advance to the online-demonstration against Lufthansa´s dirty deportation business - the online protest software is ready for download on about 30 international websites. with the aid of the software, those, who are against deportation, will be able to overload the lufthansa server on wednesday, 20th of june 2001, 10h00 German Local Time (i.e. 8h00 GMT) through multiple requests to LH´s public websites.

The History of Free Speech in San Diego, or Can't Jail the Spirit! (tags)

In 1912, the IWW (the Wobblies) were brutally suppressed in a struggle to maintain a freespeech area in downtown San Diego.

San Diego Indepent Media Center Activist/Biotech Movie Screenings 17 June!! (tags)

The San Diego Independent Media Center (SDIMC) will be screening three activist films, A Storm From The Mountain: The Zapatistas Take Mexico City, Risky Business: A Look at Biotechnology, and PRAHA 2000-Samurai Beat...

OB Protest Starbucks with Street Theatrics! (tags)

May 19th protest at Starbucks in Point Loma, San Diego

April Fools' Rate Hikes (tags)

The Disneyland Democrats had their state convention in Anaheim, California this April Fools' weekend and still insist on following their PG&E whore, Gov Gray Davis, like the blind fools they are, as he leads their party to sure oblivion into the gubernatorial campaign of 2002

Austria: a year after the FPO crept to power, who benefitted ? (tags)

In Austria, the regime of Haider's laughably named "Freedom" party may serve as an example of what to expect from a corporate state.

July 2000 Peice by Stephen Savage about his time with Russ Means (tags)

My family gave to the American Indian Movement, beginning at Yellow Thunder Camp, between $125,000 and $175,000 over the years, according to my sources.  The source of the funds was a business we sold to employees, in full, in 1982, via a perpetual (lifetime) royalty payout contract that was based on the success of the business and was NON-ASSIGNABLE.  The person to whom my family gave the love gifts was Russell Means/T.R.E.A.T.Y

Cincy Nov 16 Protest (TABD) TransAtlanticBus.Dialog (tags)

November 16-18, the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue (TABD) will be having their annual CEO conference in Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio at the Omni Netherlands Hotel. European Union Parliament, U.S. congress, and more than 200 American and European CEOs and business leaders will meet to talk about issues that impact transatlantic trade and develop

Business Outspends Labor 15-1 (tags)

The broadest classification of political donors separates them into business, labor, or ideological interests. Whatever slice you look at, business interests dominate, with an overall advantage over organized labor of about 15-to-1.

N16 - Protest the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue - Cincinnati! (tags)

Protest the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue Summit November 16-18 in Cincinnati, Ohio. The TABD is a group of 200 American and European CEO's and government officials which will be meeting to prepare trade proposals to present at the next round of the WTO talks. Over 50% of their trade proposals have been passed by the WTO in the past. Come to Cincinnati to let them know we are against their undemocratic policies and structure, that we're against corporate globalization, we're for environmental protection, worker's rights, indigenous rights, and the globalization of JUSTICE! Be in Cincinnati for N16



The real power behind the WTO meets in Cincinnati this November (tags)

This November, 200 of the world's most powerful CEO's will meet in Cincinnati, OH in the USA under the name of the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue to write the trade agenda for the WTO. These people are the real power behind the WTO

Landlord Crisis (coming soon to LA) (tags)

The SF IMC has put together this excellent overview of gentrification in the City. It's relevant to LA, insofar as many of the race and class dynamics described can happen here. Santa Monica, watch out!

LA Business Journal Denounces LAPD (tags)

Even the LA business community thinks the LAPD sucks. How much longer do we have to wait till the Feds takeover and we kick out the psychopaths who are wearing LAPD uniforms?

Los Angeles: A Reality Briefing (tags)

This ain't Chicago '68. It's way worse than that.

It is a long way to the Portest site! (tags)

Some lessons from Philly RNC (tags)

A few personal tactical/strategic observations from the Philly protests

ditto-head (tags)

One Hour Break from Business as Usuall? (tags)

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