fix articles 48181, n. spring st
Why are the Park Rangers making it even more difficult for the homeless in Los Angeles? (tags)
Are The Park Rangers out of step with the new Los Angeles Policies regarding the Homeless?
An Event for All Musicians... and Bring Your Dad for FREE! (tags)
The swap meet for all things music is June 7, 2014.
SCF to Occupy LA City Hall (tags)
Farmers Join with Central–Alameda Residents and OccupyLA To Halt Sale of Last Piece of Urban Farm
Steve Murphy Sentencing on Monday! (tags)
Please join us in the courtroom on Monday!
Steve Murphy Update - Your Support Still Needed! (tags)
Ways you can help and email list problems...
Planned Parenthood Los Angeles needs your help to represent the opposition to the horrendous Stupak Ammendment. Please come out tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 20, and stand with us to speak out against this retrogressive bill.
Third Circuit Court Upholds Frame-Up Conviction of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Orders Hearing to Reinstate Death Penalty or Entomb Him for Life ! Free Mumia Now!
JFAV Marks RP Independence Day/Battle of Bessang Pass: SGS Inducted in LA (tags)
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE) and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) commemorates the 109th Philippine Independence Day and the 62nd Anniversary of the Battle of Bessang last June 12, 2007 at the Los Angeles City Hall. As a part of the commemorative events, Council Member Herb J. Wesson Jr. of the 10th Council District inducted the newly elected officers of the SGSI at the Mayor Tom Bradley Room or the City Tower at the 26th Floor, Los Angeles City Hall at 200 N. Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 90012
JFAV Marks RP Independence Day/Battle of Bessang Pass: SGS Inducted in LA (tags)
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE) and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) commemorates the 109th Philippine Independence Day and the 62nd Anniversary of the Battle of Bessang last June 12, 2007 at the Los Angeles City Hall. As a part of the commemorative events, Council Member Herb J. Wesson Jr. of the 10th Council District inducted the newly elected officers of the SGSI at the Mayor Tom Bradley Room or the City Tower at the 26th Floor, Los Angeles City Hall at 200 N. Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 90012
Labor Day Weekend 2006: Lists of Nationwide Immigrant Rights Marches (tags)
New Rounds of Marches For Immigrant Rights Movements!
RED ALERT!! Encampment and tree sit to resist the eviction and save the South Central Farm (tags)
RED ALERT!! Encampment and tree sit to resist the eviction and save the South Central Farm...
South Central Farmers to address City Council this Friday (tags)
Join the delegation of the South Central Farmers for Public Comments at:
Popular Nightclub Needs Help (tags)
Blue, a nightclub in Hollywood, is being targeted by it's rivals. IMC_BOT thinks it's because the clientele are young, and easy to get rid of.