fix articles 48089, a car
two wheels standing up for rights (tags)
Things to do after being snubbed by a car
The Road to Carfreedom and Top Ten Myths (tags)
These articles from Carbusters 2006 are available at
Phoenix is the most expensive place in the nation to rent a car because of taxes (tags)
Taxes in Phoenix and Arizona make Arizona one of the most expensive places in the nation to rent a car. The government theives at Sky Harbor Airport will shake you down for $7.80 to $30 a day for a car rental
two wheels = the only solution
Flexcar: Public Car Sharing in Los Angeles (tags)
Flexcar is a car sharing program that started in Seattle, Wa., but it is quickly spreading across America. You can now share hybrid cars with strangers in Los Angeles, Chicago, San Diego and more!
How long can this go on? (tags)
Night for Bikes @ Griffith Park (tags)
Support the right of cyclists and pedestrians to view the Festival of Lights. Help break our oil habit. Have fun riding through the Griffith Park Lightshow. Show support for a Car Free Festival of Lights.
Night for Bikes! @ Griffith Park Festival of Lights (tags)
See the Griffith Park "Festival of Lights" on two wheels in the fresh air! Bring friends and family to show demand for Car Free days next year. Enjoy the Christmas Lights show without sitting in a car burning oil.
Baby's Arm Severed in LAPD Pursuit (fwd) (tags)
A 2-week-old baby's arm was torn off and six other people were injured when a car pursued by police crashed into another vehicle Tuesday, officials said. A limb reimplantation specialist examined the boy and determined that his arm could not be reattached, said Dr. James Stein of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles.