fix articles 478109, loic wacquant
Corona and psychology: Fear works against democratic coexistence (tags)
The current "simultaneous consolidation and weakening of the state" (Nicos Poulantzas) are two sides of the same coin: the rise of the punitive state goes hand in hand with growing social insecurity and disenfranchisement, rather than an increase in rule-breaking and crime. State authority & police strengthen
The Populist Makers and Dangerous Optimism (tags)
The people vote and capital decides. Another capitalism appears that is marked by an anti-liberal and intolerant culture. The goal of the new capitalists is the same as the old capitalists: to make the rich even richer. The governing elites gamble away the future of coming generations.
Punishing the Poor. The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity (tags)
Inequality hurts. Poverty returns with misguided policy