fix articles 47787, salvador atenco
International Day of Action in Solidarity with San Juan Copala (tags)
International Day of Action in Solidarity with the Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca, Mexico
Internation Day of Solidarity with Atenco (tags)
3+ years later, the humble farmers and people of San Salvador Atenco still resist the Mexican government's plans to place an airport over their sacred land, and demand release of their 12 political prisoners. Actions will take place at each of the Mexican consulates in Southern California area, and are times to coincide with International Human Rights Day to highlight the human rights abuses of political prisoners.
Dos delegados de San El Salvador Atenco, Perpignán (Cataluña Norte) (tags)
Dos delegados de San El Salvador Atenco, Perpignán 07/03/07, tarde de información México y de solidaridad internacional, miércoles 7 de marzo de 2007 de 18 h a 21 h en Perpignán...
movilizaciones masivas del EZLN en 5 caracoles, solidaridad con Oaxaca y Atenco (tags)
Exigimos la salida inmediato del autodenominado gobernador de Oaxaca, Ulises Ruiz Ortiz. Y también Policía Federal Preventivas, porque sólo están generando más torturas, represión, maltratos. Son los verdaderos criminales y responsables de lo que está sufriendo el pueblo de Oaxaca.
Fallece estudiante herido por la policía en la masacre de Atenco (tags)
Esta madrugada falleció el estudiante universitario de 20 años Alexis Benhumea, quien por un mes estuvo en estado de coma, tras ser herido por la policía el pasado 4 de mayo durante el asalto a San Salvador Atenco, México
NOON: Protest Atenco / Support the Farm (tags)
TIJUANA: PLAZA SANTA CECILIA (zona centro) 5.30 PM SAN DIEGO: Consulado de Mexico en San Diego 4:00pm
Coverage of Atenco in English (tags)
Does the AP and Reuters coverage of the situation in San Salvador Atenco, Mexico make you want to puke?
Protest at Wal Mart in response to Repression, death and brutality of Flower vendors near (tags)
Ya Basta! Protest Wal Mart // Stop Violence in Atenco! (tags)
We are standing in Solidarity of the DEAD, injured, disappeared and arrested flower vendors and people of San Salvador Atenco, near Mexico City, who have been repressed for selling where a Wal Mart is planning to open.
For Immediate Release: WAL MART STORES TIED TO ATTACKS ON PEASANTS (May 7th action) (tags)
Movilization against Walmart in Los Angeles to support compañeros brutally repressed near Mexico City
San Salvador Atenco Demonstration Recording (tags)
Listen to speeches by CZLA members Eduardo Torres and Sara -- from the the July 16th San Salvador Atenco solidarity Demo.
A July 11th Report from San Salvador Atenco (tags)
The following report was written by a member of the Comite Zapatista de Los Angeles (CZLA) who was in San Salvador Atenco. The piece was originally titled "Insurrection in San Salvador Atenco, Mobolize!" The original spanish version follows the english.
Demonstration in Solidarity with the people of San Salvador Atenco (tags)
Below is the text of the press release from the Comite Zapatista de Los Angeles (CZLA) in advance of today's demonstration in solidarity with the people of San Salvador Atenco held outside the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles. The spanish version follows the english.
Resistencia en San Salvador Atenco, México (tags)
A group of pueblos outside Mexico City organize themselves to fight the theft of their land, the introduction of a new airport, and the globalization of Fox´s Plan Pueblo Panama. San Salvador Atenco fights back, evicts the town president and all of the police and has declared and held an autonomous zone for more than 6 months.