fix articles 477335, darrell anderson
Take 2 minutes to vote for Anti-War Hero Dennis Kyne (tags)
Please learn why Anti-War Hero Dennis Kyne merits 2 minutes of time now for you to cast your vote for him in a contest
Interview with a war resister (tags)
Darrell Anderson received a purple heart after being wounded in Iraq, and has since been one of the wars harshest critics. He currently lives in Portland Oregon and continues to speak out against US war crimes committed in Iraq Q: What led you to join the military? A: Basically, I wanted money for education. I wanted a future. At the time I joined, it was a month before the war had started. So, I was ready to go to war, and I had actually joined because I wanted to see combat and wanted to go to war. I believed that If I died for my country, I’d be a hero, and I believed all the propaganda that they feed the youth of the country about war.