fix articles 47542, david frost
Washington and Israel Threaten Humanity (tags)
Condoleezza Rice Challenged on War and Torture at Stanford (tags)
Stanford University students, staff, alumni, and community have called for Condoleezza Rice to be held accountable for war crimes and torture. Challenging her return to the University, they are petitioning for a probe into her alleged violations of international and U.S. law.
Using Bhutto for Imperial Gain (tags)
Bhutto killed for imperial gain
Al-Jazeera launches service in English (tags)
Al-Jazeera on Wednesday launched an English-language news channel available in more than 80 million homes but lacking major U.S. distribution.
Attorney General Attacks Free Press and Separation of Powers Doctrine (tags)
On the weekend of May 20, 2006 the Bush regime launched an attack on the separation of powers doctrine and the right of a free press. Significantly, both attacks originated with the actions and words of Attorney General Gonzales, the chief law enforcer (or is that breaker) in the nation. These attacks are part of the continuing effort to expand the imperial presidency or the unitary executive theory under this administration and to eliminate any so-called checks and balances between the branches of government.
Bush Regime Launches Attacks on Congress and Media to Silence Critics (tags)
Attorney General Gonzales is using the Justice Department as a political tool to silence and intimidate Bush regime critics, but his actions may have backfired.
Arresting Vanunu While Burying Arafat (tags)
"Mr. Vanunu, who is a Christian and who claims his faith profoundly directed and sustained him during the worse of his imprisonment, gives much credit to the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ."