fix articles 473780, oyster
Nuke Plants Cause Excess CancerDeaths When Running, Rates Decline When They Shut Down (tags)
A recent study showed that nuclear power plants cause excess cancer caused by their routine radioactive releases when operating. The rates decline after they shut down.
Oldest US Nuke Plant Going Way of the Dinosauers (tags)
Next October the Oyster Creek nuclear plant in New Jersey, the oldest in the US, will be closing after nearly 50 years of running and releasing radiation into the environment that has likely harmed untold number of people.
Nuclear Shutdown News: April 2017 (tags)
Building Bridges Radio-Holidays Anti Sweatshop Rally & family of soldier who died in Iraq (tags)
Building Bridges: Your Community & Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. To listen click on indymedia link.