fix articles 47194, state senators
David Curtis launches campaign for Sec. of State, California (tags)
David Curtis launches his campaign for Secretary of State, California at the Mayflower Club in North Hollywood.
One Step Away from Protecting Muslim Calif. Workers' Rights (tags)
Throughout the year, CAIR-California has actively worked to mobilize community support in passing of Assembly Bill 1964 (the Workplace Religious Freedom Act). Your response to our call has been overwhelming.
National Leaders Council Fellow Doug White Promotes May 18 Fundraiser (tags)
The San Diego chapter of the New Leaders Council (NLC) is hosting a fundraiser at Urbn Coal-Fired Pizza, 3085 University Avenue in North Park, Wednesday, May 18, 6 to 8 p.m., to raise money for people to attend NLC?s national workshops. The people who go learn skills in political entrepreneurship, mentoring and professional advancement so they can become civic leaders in elective office, their communities and their workplaces. Doug White, an NLC fellow (that?s what they call their workshop graduates) and recently elected chair of the youth caucus of the San Diego Democratic Club, did an interview with Zenger?s Newsmagazine in which he talked about NLC, his own background and the prospects for a humane solution to California?s state budget crisis.
Wisconsin State Senate voted Today to end End Collective Bargaining! (tags)
Late Wednesday, Wisconsin Republicans rammed a measure through the Senate stripping collective bargaining rights from most public workers in the state.... Republicans were able to push through the measure... by separating the collective bargaining provision from the other elements of Governor Scott Walker's "budget repair bill.".... Scott Walker spent three weeks claiming that collective bargaining was a fiscal issue, and then the legislature just passed the bill as “non-fiscal.”..... Within hours of the vote, the Capitol was flooded with thousands of furious protesters......
Savings Accounts for Newborns in CA is a Bad Idea (tags)
The CA Senate Proposal to give $500.00 to all babies born in CA staring Jan.1, 2008 is a bad idea.
March-Rally of the Youth-Students in (tags)
Full Rights for All Immigrants! Continue the Struggle in Anthony’s Name! Approximately 7,000 youth-students from various nationalities came out into the streets once again to demonstrate their solidarity with the struggle of immigrants to defend their right to live and to work in America.
Please lobby NOW on AB 2949 (Loni Hancock Public Campaign $)!!! (tags)
We need to lobby our state legislators immediately to get the public campaign financing bill amended so it doesn't discriminate against third parties!
CA Senators Call to Decertify Paperless Voting:You can help push! (tags)
CA Senators Call to Decertify Paperless Voting:You can help push! Any Californian mistrust paperless voting machines? Well if you do, now is the time to tell Secretary of State, Kevin Shelly. "Delete the Machine, Save your vote" Last week two excellent Californian Senators Called on Secretary of State, Kevin Shelly to decertify all paperless voting systems in California. Please call Kevin Shelly and ask him to support this action.
DEC 2nd: Support HR2239 (tags)
DEC 2nd Call to Action for Support of HR2239 Don't shread your vote! and Call your Rep in the House to suppor the Bill for a paper trail to every electronic voting machine.
Info from US govt. source to prove Colombian military committed massacre (tags)
Four Colombian survivors of the 1998 Santo Domingo massacre will testify before a formal Tribunal of Opinion this weekend about the Colombian military's responsibility for the incident. Evidence will include documentation from a highly placed U.S. government source showing that at least one U.S. donated helicopter was used in the massacre.