fix articles 47117, uninsured
Obamacare: Unaffordable Coverage (tags)
Universal Single-Payer Healthcare Coverage: An Economic Stimulus Plan (tags)
Imagine - doing the right thing is economically beneficial.
Census Bureau Confirms Rising Poverty, Falling Incomes, and Growing Numbers of Uninsured (tags)
growing poverty and despair in America
Leaving Las Vegas for a healthier state of being? (tags)
Since Nevada is no longer a frontier state, a fundamental rethinking of health care is in order; "The libertarian attitude has to evolve" else "we should all leave"
Health care not war fare and Rancho Tent city protest (tags)
Health care not warfare and Rancho Tent city protest
The economy: Nothing to remain silent about (tags)
Nearly two months have passed since President Bush hosted an “economic summit” – a flop the People’s Weekly World headlined as “all show and no go.” As events have since shown, we may have understated the case:
A Brief Letter From Atlanta (tags)
MARTA will not allow Non-Profit Groups to Use Buses and Trains to Place Advertisements for Approximately 510,000 Daily Riders.Emory University Continues Cover-Ups Regarding Public Health and Veterans Health.Opposition to these is Strong at Times then Waning. Sucess comes but is Hard to Gauge.Opposition Hampered by Several Factors:Firings,Money.