fix articles 466727, mosh
Mosh video with new ending (tags)
Imagine it pouring, it's raining down on us, Mosh pits outside the oval office Someone's trying to tell us something, maybe this is God just saying we're responsible for this monster, this coward, that we have empowered...
Eminem releases mosh2 video with new ending (tags)
"It is time for all people of conscience to call upon America, come back home, come home America. I call on Washington today, I call on every man and woman of good will all over America today, I call on the young men of America who must make a choice today. Take a stand on this issue, tomorrow may be too late. Come home America." -MLK (1)
Eminem’s Mosh video: FUCK BUSH (tags)
Eminem’s Mosh video will awaken the rage within. The time is now to come together and fire the number one weapon of mass destruction: BUSH