fix articles 46347, corn
Totalitarianism in Power (tags)
“Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity is still the best guarantee of their loyalty.” ― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
3 More NW Illinois Counties Show Insect Resistance to Monsanto's GMO Bt Corn (tags)
Five counties in northwestern Illinois have now shown resistance in western corn rootworms to Monsanto's GMO "Cry3Bb1" Bt protein. This trend of pest insects evolving resistance is expected to continue throughout the corn belt region of the Midwestern U.S., the result raising prices at the supermarkets. The recommendation is to avoid consumption of any and all corn products not specifically labeled "non-GMO" though even these are questionable due to pollen resistance. Humans will take longer developing resistance to GMO Bt toxins than the corn rootworm beetles and can expect long term health problems if GMO corn is ingested regularly.
Pepsi Burning Animals Alive In Going Back To Sugar (tags)
There are toxic effects to human health, animal protection, agricultural yield in Pepsi's decision to go back to lethal sugar.
25 Ingredients In McNuggets, 17 Ingredients in McDonald's Fries.. (tags)
Hidden toxins in McDonald's products besides human disease, animal agony, deforestation, energy waste, unionbusting, litter, etc.
Halt Approval of Agent Orange Resistant Corn (tags)
The purpose of this event is to increase the number of public comments sent to the USDA to oppose this proposal by Dow Chemical Corporation. Given the trend at the USDA, it will take more than merely public comments top prevent this outrage, but this is the essential first step - to make certain the will of the people is in the public record.
Repeal NAFTA to Restore Mexico's Economic Stability (tags)
The economic crisis in Mexico was worsened by the passage of NAFTA free trade agreement. Currently the neoliberal and neoconservative status quo politicians have appeared unable to try to repeal NAFTA, as if the document were written in stone and handed to William "Moses" Clinton by none other than God. Reality is that NAFTA was crafted by some very deceptive human beings who placed the interest of profits for corporations above the well being of the people of the U.S. and Mexico.
U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Says Ethanol Mistake “No Mistake” (tags)
Stewart Alexander says another “inconvenient truth” is that “Washington Democrats and Republicans know how to buy votes; take care of the corporations that produce ethanol, and in return it will generate campaign funding that will generate votes. The 2007 Energy Bill was only about buying political support.”
Calories on the Table, not in the Tank (tags)
For decades nearly all countries of the third world had to follow the "Washington Consensus"-a strategy of opening to the world market.. Wheat and corn land in the tank, not on the table. All of our dependence on the car appears here most perversely.
Zapatista University Chapter 3: How Science Works (tags)
Any Third World farmer knows more about biology than the president of the United States, because farmers spend all day working with plants and animals. Here’s my ongoing series on the biology of imperial politics. The complete book can be read on my site. Feel free to translate it into Spanish or any other language.
Obama Chooses Monsanto Creature, Tom Vilsack, for Secretary of Agriculture (tags)
We have just lost cabin pressure, and I don’t mean on the Monsanto corporate jet that Tom Vilsack uses.
Moompetam Gathering of the Salt Water People (tags)
“As one of the speakers at the event pointed out, this was a rare opportunity to experience Native cultures up-close via storytelling, food, one-on-one conversations, music, and workshops.”
Alert: FDA OKs Irradiated Spinach, EPA Sued 4 B Collapse Cover-up (tags)
Latest issue of OCA newsletter "Organic Bytes" alerts consumers about FDA approval of irradiated spinach, and features the lawsuit against the EPA for covering up the bee colony collapse. Other articles include victory gardens to support food independence.
Rude Awakening in Mexico (tags)
US businesses invested $120 billion in Mexico between 1994 and 2006. Only 80,000 jobs were created per year while 730,000 Mexicans pressed on the labor market every year. While migration climbed 95% from 1980 to 1994, it soared an incredible 452% from 1994 to 2006.
Hunger, GMOs and Speculation (tags)
Like many other countries, Kenya provided its own staple foods until the 1980s. Today the country imports 80% of its food. To buy up the entire grain harvest of the US, only $120 billion is needed-a small amount for speculators on currency market
South Central Farm Shows Alternative to Industrial Ag's Monocultura (tags)
The farming methods using crop diversity were evidenced at south central farm prior to the destruction by the L.A. Sheriff's bulldozers. SC farm's 'milpa' method is our escape from dependency on increasingly toxic petrochemicals used by industrial agribusiness monoculture plantations.
Mexico Exports Corn and Impoverished Farmers (tags)
Food that Mexico could have easily produced itself must be purchased for ten billion dollars every year from the US. Today Mexico can offer ruined farmers as its most important export article. Prices for corn, wheat and rice soared 40-50 percent within eight months.
Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods (tags)
The dangers these foods pose to human health
Dog Day Afternoon in Austin (tags)
Lively theater action in Austin on Feb. 15, organized by MDS/Austin as part of Iraq Moratorium, finds demonstrators dressed as dogs in an effort to "Curb Corn Dog Cornyn" -- Sen. John Cornyn (R, Texas), President Bush's loyal lap dog.
Forget oil, the new global crisis is food (tags)
A new crisis is emerging, a global food catastrophe that will reach further and be more crippling than anything the world has ever seen. The credit crunch and the reverberations of soaring oil prices around the world will pale in comparison to what is about to transpire, Donald Coxe, global portfolio strategist at BMO Financial Group said at the Empire Club's 14th annual investment outlook in Toronto on Thursday.
Reviewing F. William Engdahl's Seeds of Destruction (tags)
Agribusiness aims to control food worldwide and make it all genetically engineered
Biodiesel once, twice recycled? GMO smog? (tags)
Background on risks of promoting biodiesel as petroleum alternative, guarding against biotech's corporate takeover of corn, soy and other potential biodiesel sources. Local control of used fryer oil or rendering corporation monopoly??
U.S. corporations profit from undocumented migrants (tags)
Minutemen/SOS racist assertions derail any open dialogue about NAFTA/WTO free trade policies as a source of undocumented immigration that enables corporations to exploit migrant farmworkers..
Government nannies shake down latinos selling elote (corn on the cob) (tags)
Valley corn sellers targeted Health officials give warnings, fines to those lacking permit
A New Approach to Justice From The Doors Of A Mexican Consulate: From Portland to Oaxaca (tags)
Oaxaca occupies a sacred place in my heart; her mountains, coast, mole and native corns nourished my spirit for a good part of the years I lived in Mexico and her people—mis companeros/as—have been my teachers and friends. But this has been a sad couple of weeks. October 31 I found myself locked to the front door of the Mexican Consulate in Portland, Oregon to protest the violent repression against the People’s Popular Assembly of Oaxaca (APPO), a peaceful resistance movement in Oaxaca.
"We Want This Border to Disappear" (tags)
Marcos in Magdalena de Kino. Zapatista: Report Back from La Otra Campaña (The Other Campaign" in Rancho El Peñasco, Mexico
GMO Disease Epidemics: Maize (Corn) (tags)
Genetic Engineering (GE,GM,GMOs) is a nightmare technology that has already caused MANY disease epidemics -- documented but unpublicized. This is the 5th in the series, dealing here with CORN (maize). That genetic engineering has been allowed to contaminate this wonderful food, originated by native Americans 2,000 years ago, is vile beyond description.
The Most Important Place (tags)
"They can’t take away the Farm”, a child had told her, “because where will the lizards go”?
Monsanto's Bt corn Disaster: Burden not Boon to Agriculture (tags)
The Greenpeace report challenges Monsanto's claim that Bt corn is the answer to poverty.
Agua es para la gente, not Coca-cola (tags)
How does Coca-cola claim ownership of aquifers under las montanas de Chiapas? CEIPAC is organizing a campaign contra Coca-cola for the negative effects on health of the community.
It Was And Is the Theft of the Election Stupid. (tags)
Could somebody please tell me how this alternate reality appeared totally blotting out the well-documented history of election 2000. The alternate reality I am speaking of is the one that seems to have taken over the minds of the Democratic Party and their party hacks like Paul Bagala a host on CNN's Croosfire who up until Nader announced his candidacy to run for the presidency in 2004 claimed over and over and over again on the air that George Bush and the Republican dominated Supreme Court stole the presidential election in 2000. All across America Democrats screamed about the theft of the election over over and over again.
David Corn's Private Idaho (tags)
David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation, has adopted positions -- based, apparently, on thin air -- that exonerate the Bush administration from involvement in criminal conspiracies and mystify many of his progressive readers.
filipinos blame GM crop on mystery sickness (tags)
John Aglionby in Kalyong, southern pollen from Bt maize seems to be the culpret
GM Crops Failing In The Fields And Harming Farmers And The Environment (tags)
A new study published today by Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace demonstrates that the growing of GM crops in Spain is causing contamination of organic crops, producing low yields and its benefits are grossly overstated. The report is also highly critical of the Spanish Government for failing to properly control or monitor the situation. [1]
GM Frankenfood Allergies (tags)
"It is so widespread that to combat consumer awareness , schools have been allowed to prescribe medications for children that TEACHERS claim to be ADHD. The medical societies and pharmaceuticals pushed this legislation into effect to guarantee that the allergies will not be discovered..."
Leftist Starving the Poor (a la Mao) (tags)
Science offers the poor bread. . . the left offers a circus. Continuing in its grand tradition of starving the poor to death. . . the left opposes advances in food sciences!
EU ratifies UN Biosafety Proposal (tags)
"The protocol lets countries ban imports of a genetically-modified product if they feel there is not enough scientific evidence the product is safe and requires exporters to label shipments containing genetically-altered commodties such as corn or cotton."
David Corn & Marc Cooper of "The Nation" magazine have been attacking ANSWER. Here is a transcript of David Corn's appearance on the Bill O'Reilly talk show. If ever there was a shameless selling out of the Peace movement... here it is.
Red-baiting. "The Anti-War Movement and Its Critics. (tags)
"Do we have an antiwar movement? We're getting there. We must be, because we're catching flak from the anti-anti war movement, Light Infantry division, staffed by Marc Cooper, Todd Gitlin, David Corn, and Christopher Hitchens."
In most of these theories there were false assumption conflating Jewish religion and ethnicity, Israel, Zionism, and the current Israeli government. Sometimes the assertion was that Jews controlled U.S. foreign policy, while in other cases there were outright claims that the Israeli intelligence service Mossad had staged the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Starlink GE corn - Kraft "off the hook" (tags)
Kraft was sued for selling GE corn that isn't approved for human consumption in its Taco Bell supermarket products, but part of the court settlement is that they have to put coupons on their products in the stores. Coupons are a marketing tool - is this really punishment?
WRFG 89.3 FM 100,000 Watts Airs Key News in Farm Crisis:Middle America's Crisis! (tags)
This is a rough transcript from today's broadcast of our 100,000 watt radio station. Heather Gray has done work in interviewing a wide range of human-rights activists. Including people who work with her at the 12 state Federation of Southern Cooperatives: an outgrowth of the Civil Rights Movement that took seed in 1967.
EPA Releases Report on Biotech Corn (tags)
In a report to a panel of scientific advisers who meet Tuesday and Wednesday, EPA said testing by corn processors and seed companies have helped to dramatically reduce the amount of StarLink corn that could be in food.
Join the Citizens' Voluntary Labeling Brigade! (tags)
Join the Citizens' Voluntary Labeling Brigade!
AP piece boo-hooing about costs of GM food recall (tags)
are you shedding a tear for Kraft, Inc.? i'm not.