fix articles 46209, in memoriam
Aaron Swartz: Suicide or Murder? (tags)
In Memoriam: Robert Miles Parker, 1939-2012 (tags)
Pioneering San Diego-based Queer artist and photographer Robert Miles Parker also founded Save Our Heritage Organization (SOHO), dedicated to preserving San Diego's historic buildings and parks against redevelopment and gentrification. His recent passing in New York, where he had relocated, was memorialized by SOHO.
Media Manipulation of 9/11 Truth (tags)
Jewish Web Sites Opposed to Israeli Ethnic Cleansing etc... (tags)
This is a listing of Websites that are Jewish, and opposed to current Israeli Government Policies. The Zionists do not speak for all Jews.
Reference Links: Jews against Zionism (tags)
Zionists, and Israel, do not speak for all Jews - not even a majority. Any attempt to claim otherwise is Zionazi Propaganda.
"In Memoriam - The Death of America's Promise" handout (tags)
This is a handout I made to commemorate the shameful action of the US Congress in voting to authorize military force against Iraq.