fix articles 4617, africa Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : africa


Another imperialist scam by the USA (tags)

The United States has been the main sponsor of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians since 1946, providing military, political, economic, financial, technical and propaganda support, which makes the United States complicit in Israeli genocide under Article III e of the 1948 Genocide Convention.

Debt Relief, Climate and Recovery Aid Needed, Say Africa Catholic Bishops (tags)

African Catholic Bishops called for an overhaul of the financial system to address health, climate, food and other challenges the region faces.

African Catholic Bishops: Marrakesh Meetings Should Act on “True Jubilee of Hope in Africa (tags)

World leaders attending the annual IMF, G20 and World Bank meetings should promote urgent debt relief, aid and lending policies to address the interlinked crises African countries face, noted a body that represents African Catholic Bishops.

African Bishops Call for Debt Relief and Aid to Address Multiple Crises (tags)

G7 and African finance leaders should work together to remove the heavy burdens of debts in Africa, Catholic bishops and other faith leaders from the region said in Accra, Ghana, at the end of a two-day meeting.

US: Domestic political gridlock and The Ukraine War (tags)

The Ukraine War: In Asia, Africa, and the Arab world, the prevailing view is that Europe is heading for disaster - and that the international order is falling apart. In much of Asia, Africa & the Middle East, the reaction to the war in Ukraine has been restrained. It is resounding silence.

Omicron and the Black Seers (tags)

Hope is not in season at the moment. The doomsayers determine the program and the policy. And unfortunately, the "Festival of Hope" just around the corner won't change that.

Planet Terra: Turkey and Germany missing on List of Pariah-State (tags)

Why can AKP/MHP (Turkey) can get weapon from CDU/SPD (Germany) without being even nominated??? Why In Germany still NSDAP-Like Player causing tenthousands of dead people and media still following silencing guidelines? The List of Evil seem to be ridiculous incomplete...

For a borderless pragmatism. Outline of a Progressive Migration Policy (tags)

Immigration leads to stronger economic growth, which in turn creates jobs, Without migration, we would all be sitting in Olduvia in East Africa, as we were 100,000 years ago. About 3% of the world's population, about 215 million people, live in a state other than the one in which they were born. Migration has always existed.

IMF Issues Debt and Financial Crisis Warnings (tags)

As the Spring World Bank and IMF meetings begin, the IMF issued concerns over unsustainable debt and a possible financial crisis in two reports. African and Latin American debt experts are releasing new analysis of growing debt at the meetings.

On the Refugee Debate (tags)

The rulers want to divert from the real causes of the refugee wave and from their own misdeeds because the cause of the misery is an exploitation crisis of capital and the greed of mammoth world corporations. Only the prospect for a future in their country can stop refugees.

In praise of indigenous people (tags)

Forgotten minorities


Animal Defenders International (ADI) dramatic mission to save all of Peru’s wild animals from illegal circuses

Pyongyang Retaliates for Killing of South Korean (tags)

It has all everything it needs to become a judicial precedent: Internal issues, global war crime and swift boat diplomacy. The recent killing of a South Korean in an American remote control air-to-ground attack with a so-called „drone“ in Gambia has not triggered a response from Seoul so far. But now it caused one from Pyongyang. A government spokesperson elaborated that due to a naming similarity the South Korean had been assassinated because the attackers believed the target was a North Korean. Pyongyang said it had arrested an American missionary to enforce compliance with investigations.

New video highlights bond of love between lions (tags)

“The video shows the strength of the family bond in a lion pride"

Hillary’s email revelation: France and US killed Qaddafi for his gold and oil (tags)

poster's note: Hillary's emails show 143 tons of gold held by Libya as well as oil were 2 of the factors along with others in the bombing of Libya

VIDEO: 33 lions leave behind circus suffering in South America, for a new life in Africa (tags)

33 lions that went from circus cages to freedom

Award winning Lion Ark returns to LA to help Save The Lions (tags)

LA Screen Actors Guild, 5.15pm, on Saturday April 9

Public to share the love to get rescued lions home to Africa (tags)

ADI is inviting the public to visit, share the love and help get the 33 lions home

Former South African President Visits US to Stop "Illicit Financial Flows" (tags)

Former South African President Thabo Mbeki visits the United States February 16-19 to raise awareness on how the developing world loses money to corruption.

‘Roar-some’ appeal and website launched for lifetime care of rescued lions (tags)

33 lions rescued from circuses in South America will be airlifted to new life in South Africa

US Forces South Africa To Import Sick Birds (tags)

The USG is interfering with S African autonomy in forcing their importation of poultry which might have avian flu

Pussy Galore: Sir Roger Moore calls on public to help fly 33 lions home to Africa (tags)

Ground-breaking airlift of abused ex-circus lions from South America

Passport Checks as Lions Get Ready to Fly (tags)

33 lions rescued from circuses in Peru and Colombia micro-chipped, ready for a journey of a lifetime home to Africa

Dream ending for circus lions rescued in South America: Huge airlift to take 33 lions home (tags)

Thirty-three lions rescued by Animal Defenders International

Former Science Ed of London Times: Smallpox Vaccine Triggered Aids (tags)

As Governor Brown, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer have worked to violate the 1st amendment which guarantees religious freedom and to violate the health of children, it's time to examine again the data which indicates the WHO smallpox vaccine spread AIDS around the world.

World Social Forum 2015 in Tunis Joins the Cry "Nous Sommes Bardo!" (tags)

The World Social Forum in Tunis (24-28 March 2015) closes with resounding unity against global warming, neoliberalism, militarism, terrorism, and for the increasingly important role of women in making another world possible.

Pacific Radio Discovers Audio Of Speech by Dr King To London Audience (tags)

Pacific Radio has discovered audio tape of a speech Dec 7 1964 Dr Martin Luther King gave in London days before his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize as the youngest recipient ever at that time. It is in audio at and in text at

Risking Possible Bloodbath in Palestine (tags)


Conflict in South Sudan (tags)

South Sudan

Tribute for Nelson Mandela (tags)

Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013, Mabuhay!

Socialist International honours the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela (tags)

The Socialist International is deeply moved by the passing of Nelson Mandela, the man who, representing the struggle for freedom of an entire nation, became a symbol for justice, reconciliation and peace for the entire world.

On the passing of Comrade Nelson Mandela (tags)

Mandela has served as a symbol of strength and hope for South Africa and the world. As one of the leaders of the African National Congress (ANC), Mandela was at the forefront of the movement for national liberation for the black majority in South Africa. He was eventually detained by the apartheid regime for his participation in the national liberation movement and was imprisoned for 27 years. Despite such hardship, his dream of freedom for his people never ceased.

Mandela Eulogies: Reinventing His Disturbing Legacy (tags)


Roger Water's Calls On Musicians to Boycott Israel (tags)

Pink Floyd star Roger Waters has published a long-awaited open letter calling on his fellow musicians to boycott Israel. The letter explains that Waters has been part of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for seven years, and has been mulling the letter over for some time. He condemns Israeli human rights violations and explains the reasons to act:

Britain's ‘humanitarian’ missions for African women and Syrian children (tags)

Having kept a low profile on the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, the British government launched two ‘humanitarian’ campaigns in an effort to disguise its genocidal wars in the Middle East and Africa. On the day Britain deployed troops to Mali, British Foreign Minister William Hague and United Nations goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie went on an “anti-rape mission” in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. The following day, British Prime Minister David Cameron’s wife Samantha Cameron visited Syrian refugee children in Lebanon as an ambassador for the British aid organisation Save the Children.

UNESCO Peace Prize to a War Criminal (tags)


Targeting Mali (tags)


Scrambling for Africa's Resources (tags)


Obama Plans African Wars (tags)


Raising Money for Killers (tags)


World Social Forum Free Palestine (tags)


Ape Rescue Mission to Exhibit at Los Angeles' Green Festival (tags)

Ape Rescue Mission (ARM), a fundraising initiative with a goal to send an experienced animal cruelty investigator to West Africa by early 2013, will be exhibiting at Green Festival Los Angeles, the world’s largest sustainability event, held at the Los Angeles Convention Center on November 17 and 18.

Drone Wars (tags)


Massacre of striking miners in South Africa (tags)

On July 18 the world bourgeoisie celebrated “Mandela Day”, established internationally by the UN in November 2009 under the sign of peace, freedom, reconciliation, etc. In South Africa, more than 12 million children sang hymns to Mandela before going to class, the whole population was called upon to devote 67 minutes of their time (corresponding to 67 years of Mandela’s activism) to helping others. The IMATU Union requested that this day where they celebrate “the 67 years of his life Mandela has given for the rights of humanity, equality, justice and democracy enjoyed today by all South Africans” become a public holiday, so that individuals can give much more than 67 minutes to useful causes....

The CDM in Africa Cannot Deliver the Money (tags)

At a time the carbon markets face a profound crisis, this report provides critical policy analysis and case documentation about the role of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in Africa. Instead of providing an appropriate flow of climate finance for projects related to greenhouse gas mitigation, the CDM has benefited large corporations (both South and North) and the governments they influence and often control. South Africa is a case in point, as both a victim and villain in relation to catastrophic climate change.

BTL:Critics Say Kony 2012 Campaign Offers Inappropriate Response to Central Africa's Compl (tags)

Interview with Kambale Musavuli, national spokesperson and student coordinator with Friends of the Congo, conducted by Scott Harris


Or how language creates ideological problems.

The Guardian: UK weighs up military strikes against Somalia rebels (tags)

After playing a leading role in the occupation of Kosovo (1999), Sierra Leone (2000), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003) and Libya (2011); Britain is now simultaneously threatening Iran, Syria and Somalia with war.

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: South Africa Session (tags)


Why Libya Was Attacked (tags)


BTL:Hedge Fund-Financed Land Grab in Africa Triggers Global Food Price Spike, Rise in Hung (tags)

Interview with Anuradha Mittal, executive director of The Oakland Institute, conducted by Scott Harris

Imperialist Hands off Libya (tags)

""The "lap dog presses" in western nations will not assist in revealing the horrific imperial grab now shaping up in North Africa. The western powers are on the "counter attack" as naval might is now poised to "intervene" in Libya to "save the day," read still the victory, after the people themselves have deposed the dictator and begun to set up their own government. That is the west's' worst nightmare. Normal human beings, peacefully governing themselves? That would be a disaster and the most feared example from the "great white mans" perspective. And of course they want the oil and a potential launch pad for attacks (remember the contra war against revolutionary Nicaragua) on the new governments in Tunisia and Egypt should they deem to be too independent from the dictates of capital. Eh gads! They might decide to meet the needs of their citizens! The people of Libya will need to state to the entire world that they will defend they're independence and sovereignty with the force of arms from all invaders. Only then will the imperialist consider backing off. Expose the imperialist plan! "

Obstructing and Delaying Aristide's Return (tags)


Calls for military intervention in Libya? (tags)

"The Imperialist powers, they’re economies wrecked by the hubris endemic to their systems, would like nothing better than to seize, Libya’s petroleum assets during this time of eternal turmoil. And why wouldn’t they desire to invade now? They get to derail revolution and they get the oil! This would be London and Washington’s wet dream. And it would be a disaster for the people everywhere! In fact we may ultimately find that their dirty, greedy hands were behind the disaster in Libya in order to create pretexts for actions “imperial in nature” all over Africa. At any rate, no progressive person can believe that “western intervention” will be other than another grotesque rape of the people of the African continent. Please do all you can to resist this horrible possibility? The western powers simply cannot be trusted. Defend the Libyan nations’ right, and indeed all the revolutionary peoples’ of Africa’s’ right to self-determination. No less, and in fact, much more is at stake."

Reactions to Aristide's Impending Return (tags)


After Mubarak: What's Next? (tags)


Let Aristide Return! (tags)

justice for Aristide

Interview with Sphinx from Indymedia Africa (Ambazonia) (tags)

Indymedia On Air, KPFK Los Angeles 90.7 FM - interview with Sphinx from Indymedia Africa (Ambazonia)

Notable WikiLeaks cables worth reading... (tags)

Join the world in reading some of the notable WikiLeaks cables that are freely available for your reading pleasure. No matter how much the right-wing war mongers cry out in anguish against the release of these documents, step right up, and read them while you still can...

Will Obama Administration screw Africa like all the rest? (tags)

There comes a moment in a lifetime when one has an opportunity to break with the bad old ways in order to open a great new future. That moment is still at hand for President Barack Obama with respect to U.S. relations with the African continent. His decisions could free millions of Africans from bondage -- the one imposed for decades now by African dictators often with Western collusion-- save millions of lives in avoided bloodshed, and help unleash the great reservoir wherein Africa's vast potential has been condemned.

Africa advocates to Obama; don't recognize Kagame election (tags)

President Obama said, in his 2009 speech in Accra, Ghana, that America should support strong institutions and not strong men. However, in the case of Rwanda, this has been no more than rhetoric. Rwandans, like most Africans, cheered Obama’s election, hoping that it might signal a new, more peaceful and cooperative relationship between the U.S. and Africa, but Obama has expanded AFRICOM, the U.S. Africa Command, and now he remains silent as Rwanda’s strongman, President Paul Kagame, prepares a sham presidential election to retain his brutal grip on power.

Ugandan Bomb Attack May Herald Spread of Somalia’s Instability: Be afraid! (tags)

“This very tragic event is a reminder of the wider regional risks that exist,” Rhazia Khan, an economist at Standard Chartered Plc in London, said in a phone interview. “It seems to reinforce that what is happening in the Horn of Africa region may have cross-border implications.” Thus we are told to fear!

FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa 1-1 Mexico goal by R.Márquez 11 june 2010 (tags)

FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa 1-1 Mexico goal by R.Márquez 11 june 2010

Universities for Bread & Roses (tags)

A view from the South on the global rebellion against the neo-liberal university. correspondent Godwin Agaba blams goverment for Kigali bombings and seeks asylum (tags)

On Thursday, March 4, two days after Senator Russ Feingold, Chair of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Africa, called for the opening of political space in Rwanda, grenades exploded again in Kigali, with 16 people hurt, some critically. The Feingold Statement on the Fragility of Democracy in Africa was read into the Congressional Record and released to the public on Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010, as tension continued to increase in the run up to this year's Rwandan presidential election, with polls scheduled for August 9th, and opposition parties still struggling to convene, register, campaign, and avoid arrest. Rwandan correspondent Godwin Agaba says that the Kagame government is staging the bombings to frighten the population and create an excuse to arrest its enemies. For more info, see Digital Journal,

Grenades, gunshots, and Feingold's call for rigthts in Rwanda (tags)

On March 5th, three days after Senator Russ Feingold, Chair of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Africa, called for the opening of political space in Rwanda, grenades exploded again in Kigali, with 16 people hurt, some critically.

U.S., French, & UK Imperialist Hands off Niger! (tags)

In Niger human rights organizations, trade unions, and opposition parties (including the Niger Party for Democracy and Socialism) are all supporting the coup. 10,000 people rallied in support on February 20th. Meanwhile the US, France, UK, UN, and African Union all have been quick to condemn the coup. Tandja did the bidding of U.S. imperialism. Meanwhile, according to the UN Development Program’s 2006 Human Development Index, Niger is the poorest country in the world. Sixty percent of the population lives on less than a dollar a day, life expectancy is only to 45-years old, and adult illiteracy is 71%.

Guinea: Bloody Repression Marks Independence (tags)

Today opposition and labor protesters descended from the main boulevards of the city to the national stadium ("Stade du 28 Septembre"), but were met with a ban order, lines of troops, live fire, and rumors that the military is disappearing captives and bodies of the dead. As many as 80 bodies have been rumored to have been laid out in the stadium itself. If anything like the events of 2007 reoccur, the military would be willing to continue this crackdown for weeks or even months.

Saifee Durbar: Increasing African Self Sufficiency (tags)

Saifee Durbar has a plan to increase Africa’s self sufficiency.

Aid for Darfur (tags)

Saifee Durbar plans to help the people of Darfur by building a railway from Sudan to Cameroon

Saifee Durbar: Railway Aid For Africa (tags)

Saif Durbar will span Africa with a railroad, helping it become more self sufficient.

Obama Snubs Africa, Then African Americans (tags)

Many people believed that after Bush had left the White House, rampant arrogance combined with stunning hypocrisy had also gone. Events have proven otherwise. A recent speech delivered in Africa — and one later directed specifically at African Americans — carried with them all the baggage of the Bush years, to the extent that one could safely claim that absolutely nothing had changed. And although Obama is able to give a more compassionate and intelligent speech than was possible with Bush, the essence of their policies is identical. Both Africans and African Americans can expect no help from the U.S. government in addressing their serious and specific grievances, themselves the result of past and current U.S. government policy. Instead, both were given the same solution: if you want help, help yourselves, “no excuses.”

California Wealth Management (tags)

Worldwide Precious Gem Stone Development. A different Giuen multifarious business activity encouraged to a first class of consistency and precision of the knowledge and care required

Fighting Foreclosure in South Africa: An Open Letter to US Activists (tags)

As the worldwide economic meltdown continues, it's becoming clear that the fight against foreclosures is not simply an American issue. As US activists come to terms with the human consequences of the crisis, there is much to be learned from activists elsewhere. This is a letter of support and solidarity from a group of South African activists with considerable experience fighting evictions.

Calories on the Table, not in the Tank (tags)

For decades nearly all countries of the third world had to follow the "Washington Consensus"-a strategy of opening to the world market.. Wheat and corn land in the tank, not on the table. All of our dependence on the car appears here most perversely.

The Dalai Lama Curt Schilling and Kosher Red Meat Hot Dogs (tags)

Truth is stranger than fiction.

PRESIDENT OBAMA YouTubes 4 US KIDS ??? (tags)


Sat: Vigil Protest Outside Israeli Dance Performance at UCLA (tags)

As part of a growing international cultural boycott movement, 8 Los Angeles groups, including Jewish organizations, will protest a performance of the Batsheva Dance Company of Israel Saturday night, February 28th, at UCLA. Los Angeles is near the end of Batsheva’s tour and they have faced protests all across the country, including in San Diego on February 26.

Journalist Snow Offers Alternative View of Africa (tags)

Independent journalist Keith Harmon Snow began his February 5 presentation at San Diego's World Beat Center with a promise to "piss you off" — and he succeeded. He took on innumerable progressive sacred cows, including the United Nations, the Peace Corps, the Nation magazine, Jane Goodall and Ben Affleck, and he presented an alternative view of recent African history focused on the role of Uganda, Rwanda and the U.S. in the continued war and exploitation in the Congo.

Oreo Cookie In Chief? (tags)

Bob Herbert the African-American New York Times columnist has just published a column in the New York Times called "Zimbabwe" in which he claims that Zimbabwe it is in a total mess and that it's all the president of Zimbabwe's fault.

Negative Image: Robert Mugabe through the Lens of Western Propaganda (tags)

If you ever wondered how you came to know what you know about Zimbabwe, here is your chance to find out.

Hunger, GMOs and Speculation (tags)

Like many other countries, Kenya provided its own staple foods until the 1980s. Today the country imports 80% of its food. To buy up the entire grain harvest of the US, only $120 billion is needed-a small amount for speculators on currency market

BBC should not lie about Zimbabwe (tags)

CAN the BBC tell the truth about Zimbabwe when its senior managers are appointed by the United Kingdom government and will they be fired if they step out of line and become realistic about Zimbabwe? Along with others like the New York Times, Sky News and CNN, the broadcaster is notably egregious, given its reputation that's now decidedly undeserved.

British firm 'polishes up' Tsvangirai for presidency (tags)

Once again we see foreigners ninterfering in the internal elections of a third world country. The.y dont dare allow the people elect a president who would be independent of foreign control

3 MOVE Women Denied Parole After 30 Years in Prison (tags)

Three female MOVE members who have been behind bars since the 1978 shootout that killed Philadelphia Police Officer James Ramp and injured seven others were denied parole this morning, according to a spokesman for the state Board of Probation and Parole.

Ramona Africa on at 4pm EST (tags)

Free the MOVE 9! Ramona Africa, MOVE Bombing Survivor to Appear on “Solidarity Not Charity” Sunday, March 23rd at 4pm EST

VIDEO: "This government, using corporate media, is laying the groundwork for a murder (tags)

The new video features a shortened slide show presentation of the newly discovered crime scene photos taken by press-photographer Pedro Polakoff, as well as Pam Africa, David A. Love, Linn Washington Jr, and Dave Lindorff. Also interesting is the exchange between the Reuters journalist covering the press conference, and the panel, as he questions them about why it took so long for the photos to emerge publicly as they are now.

Kenya: The Hidden Hand of Destabilisation (tags)

Circumstantial evidence is presented to advance the theory that Kenya is a victim of Western destabilisation to stop its growing economic relations with China

Jaded Tasks (tags)

Book review.

ENERGY-SOUTH AFRICA: Food Security Hobbles Biofuel Strategy (tags)

JOHANNESBURG, Dec 18 (IPS) - Worried that it may be seen as insensitive to the food needs of Africa, the South African government, which is facing a general election in 2009, has chosen food security in framing a biofuel policy.

The French Connection: Libya Seeking Arms Deals (tags)

"...there have been widespread reports in recent days that France and Libya have signed a Memorandum of Understanding covering arms deals worth up to EUR 4.5 billion, including the first foreign sale of the Rafale fighter. Has France learned the lessons of Morocco and Saudi Arabia? Can the Rafale find an export home at last? Will the deals come to fruition? DID reports."

"Africa and the West" Conference Broadcast (tags) to broadcast Omali Yeshitela's keynote address on December 16 from "Africa and the West" conference in Huelva, Spain

Africa: The Next Defense Market Opportunity? (tags)

Low value. Corrupt. Aid-driven. Despite the odd exception like Algeria, and South Africa's indigenous defense industry, most people think of these terms when they think of the African defense market. Analyst firm Forecast International sees a different picture, however: "tomorrow's growth market for the global defense industry."

22nd Annual Holiday Appeal for Class-War Prisoners (tags)

22nd Annual Holiday Appeal for Class-War Prisoners THIS IS NOT CHARITY--IT'S AN ACT OF SOLIDARITY WITH THOSE IN PRISON--THEIR FIGHT IS OUR FIGHT! Come to a Fundraising Party with a Live Musical Act by Exposition (of Audible Mainframe)

KPFK / Uprising Radio: Journalists Decry Racism in Media Coverage of Mumia (tags)

This morning (Thurs, Nov.29), the Pacifica Radio/KPFK Los Angeles show "Uprising Radio" spotlighted the recent media-activist campaign focusing on the Dec.6 NBC Today Show. Pam Africa of ICFFMAJ has a scheduled telephone conference with The Today Show on Friday, so people are urged to please take a minute and contact The Today Show to express support.

Tutu at Sabeel (tags)

This is what the Zionists didn't want you to hear at the Sabeel conf.

African Development Projects Call for Solidarity, Not Charity (tags)

The All African People's Development and Empowerment Project is an African-led, communitiy based iniative, building electrical, water purification and other types of infrastructure throughout the African world. The project envisions improved conditions, sustainability and true economic independence for African people.

America's Energy Wars - A New Front - Africa (tags)

With the U.S. military announcing this week that it is opening up what it is calling The Africa Command

South African leader tours U.S.; says conditions worse than apartheid (tags)

Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) tour exposes ongoing South African oppression and poverty under Mbeki and Mandela; conditions for most South Africans today - "Worse than Apartheid!"

AFRICOM: Wrong for Liberia, Disastrous for Africa (tags)

Just two months after U.S. aerial bombardments began in Somalia, the Bush administration solidified its militaristic engagement with Africa. In February 2007, the Department of Defense announced the creation of a new U.S. Africa Command infrastructure, code name AFRICOM, to “coordinate all U.S. military and security interests throughout the continent.”

Rosh Hashana Message: Celebrate Jewish Glasnost! (tags)

Despite a Backlash, Many Jews Are Questioning Israel

Solidarity Campaign Hosts Revolutionary Speakers from Africa (tags)

The African People's Solidarity Committee has launched a campaign to gain support and resources from the white community for the international African liberation movement. The campaign will culminate in mid-October with a series of events across the U.S. featuring speakers from Africa, multi-media presentations and cultural performances. (see

NeoCon 'Plan Africa' Oil Manifesto (tags)

“Along with Latin America, West Africa is expected to be one of the fastest growing sources of oil and gas for the American market. African oil tends to be of high quality and low in sulfur, making it suitable for stringent refined product requirements, and giving it a growing market share for the refining Centers on the East Coast of the U.S.” “National Energy Policy Report” Office of the Vice President Richard Cheney May 16, 2001

Love Thy Neighbor (tags)

In New York City, Afrocentric blacks and liberal whites fight over the image of Africa.

Questioning AFRICOM's intentions (tags)

As plans move ahead for a US Africa Command, African nations remain cool to the idea amid fears of mission creep and unclear US intentions.

Indymedia On Air - June 11, 2007, Part 2 (tags)

Part 2: Continued interview with Molefi Ndlovu of South Africa Indymedia; Interview with Dr. Joseph Gerson of AFSC and author of Empire and the Bomb

Indymedia On Air - June 11, 2007, Part 1 (tags)

Part 1: Media Minutes; interview with Molefi Ndlovu of South Africa Indymedia, by Sokari Ekine of Pambazuka News

Open letter to the Rolling Stones regarding planned gig in Israel (tags)

Please circulate and forward widely The following letter is addressed to the Rolling Stones who are planning a concert in Israel. At this point we are soliciting endorsements from artists, cultural figures, intellectuals and cultural organizations, and others who wish to lend their support.

Timor-Leste: El Dorado of the South Pacific (tags)

The current population of East Timor is approximately one million souls while the value of its natural gas and oil reserves amount to billions of dollars. However, the tiny new island nation is impoverished with above 35% unemployment and a rural based economy. Without elaborating further, Timor-Leste presents an extremely volatile situation as greedy interests, primarily America via its ‘World’ Bank and Australia-New Zealand acting as the military arm, poise themselves to exploit the impoverished people and nation of Timor-Leste.

The International Criminal Court Is a Racist! (tags)

Holy pigmentation, the president of Sudan is black guy! I thought the western media said he was an Arab. Oh, he's a Muslim with a Muslim name like millions of black people in Africa. Lt. Gen. Omar Ahmad al-Bashir, President of Sudan

How AIDS in Africa Was Overstated (tags)

The rate of HIV infection among Rwandans ages 15 to 49 is 3 percent, according to the study, enough to qualify as a major health problem but not nearly the national catastrophe once predicted.

The Shortwave Report 2/9/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Chinese Smile vs American Gun (tags)

China's President Hu Jintao re-establishes trade links with Africa vowing not to interfere with the sovereign rights of African nations. The net result of this soft approach is African nations clamouring to the Chinese whose trade links with Africa extend thousands of years into the past. Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of large African port cities containing artefacts and trade material from China and Africa. Large amounts of ceramics, ivory, gems, precious metals and a wealth of other artefacts reveal a long history of lively and thriving two-way trade between the two continents.

Ananse International Film Festival (tags)

The first international festival for Films, Videos and Television productions, Ananse International Film Festival, is slated for the 4 to 7 March 2007 under the auspices of the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Culture at the Ghana International Trade Fair Centre.

Birth of a New Nation (tags)

I want to preach this morning from the subject, "The Birth of a New Nation." And I would like to use as a basis for our thinking together a story that has long since been stenciled on the mental sheets of succeeding generations...

Somalia: US Foreign Policy and Gangsterism + Leaked emails (tags)

The failed UN/US intervention of 1993 led directly to the triumph of the warlords, who plundered, raped, and murdered their way through the streets of Mogadishu, the Somalian capital, and reduced the country to Mad Max territory. The same deadly chaos - made in the US - now again foments more hate.

BTL: US Can Do More to Pressure Sudan to Allow UN Protective Force in Darfur (tags)

Interview with Nii Akuetteh, executive director of Africa Action, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris



Campaign to free Dame Dieng, a young computer genius imprisoned in Senegal (tags)

Dame Dieng is 21 and has been arrested without any valid explanation, the Senegalese police invented the same old insult and threat known for centuries stuff when they invaded the political opponent, Idrissa Seck, headquarters where Dame Dieng happened to be, he had been recruited by this contradictor to the authoritarian Wade regime after having worked for a newspaper’s website and proved there his incredible gifts for computer matters.

WTO Announces Formalized Slavery Model for Africa (tags)

The initiative will require Western companies doing business in some parts of Africa to own their workers outright. Schmidt recounted how private stewardship has been successfully applied to transport, power, water, traditional knowledge, and even the human genome. The WTO's "full private stewardry" program will extend these successes to (re)privatize humans themselves.

"The Empire in Africa" screening at Artivist Film Festival (tags)

The shocking documentary "The Empire in Africa" will be screening at the Artivist Film Festival Friday, November 10 at 6pm. This film looks at Sierra Leone and the exploitation of an African country by the international community. Begins at 6pm. 87 minutes.

Eamon McGuire: The Life of an Undercover IRA Activist (tags)

What is it like to be on the run with the CIA looking for you? Well, Eamon McGuire, an Irishman, can tell you something about that, along with what it was like to be member of the IRA’s South Armagh Brigade. For over 20 years, McGuire led a double life: one as an aircraft engineer, the other as an IRA operative. His newly-released book, “Enemy of the Empire: Life as an International Undercover IRA Activist,” is compelling reading.

"The Empire In Africa" screenes during the Hollywood Film Festival 10/22 (tags)

Shocking documentary denounces role of UN and the western powers in the civil war in Sierra Leone.

Boycott Terrorist States (tags)

But always, always, remember the goal and vision. Anger and hatred, arising from the Lebanon debacle, must be channelled not into retaliation and vengeance but into principled action. Armed struggle against occupation remains legitimate and, if properly handled (no killing of civilians), is a key tool. But the goal of all efforts, of every stamp, must be to secure security for everyone, toward building a new peaceful future. It's very hard, in the midst of our moral outrage, to stay on the high road. That challenge is, however, well-known to human rights campaigns as it is to all three monotheistic faiths. It is what Islam knows as the "great jihad" - the struggle of the heart. It must remain the guiding torch of this effort, which we must defend together.

Has Mumia's Favorite Cult Killed Again? (tags)

Imperial Oil (tags)

addicted to oil

BTL:Growing Worldwide Movement Demands International Intervention to... (tags)

...End Genocide in Darfur~Interview with Ann-Louise Colgan, acting co-director of Africa Action, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Zimbabwe and Pan-African Liberation (tags)

An interview with Netfa Freeman, just returned from Zimbabwe

Sweet vindication!! (tags)

This was just SOOOOOOOOO sweet I had to share. It's the severest sort of condemnation, coming from a quarter that should peel back even the zionists' eyelids.

Boycott Now! The case for Boycotting Israel (tags)

But always, always, remember the goal and vision. Anger and hatred, arising from the Lebanon debacle, must be channelled not into retaliation and vengeance but into principled action. Armed struggle against occupation remains legitimate and, if properly handled (no killing of civilians), is a key tool. But the goal of all efforts, of every stamp, must be to secure security for everyone, toward building a new peaceful future. It's very hard, in the midst of our moral outrage, to stay on the high road. That challenge is, however, well-known to human rights campaigns as it is to all three monotheistic faiths. It is what Islam knows as the "great jihad" - the struggle of the heart. It must remain the guiding torch of this effort, which we must defend together.

Mr (tags)

Re: (Re: Soccer World Cup 2006 in Germany / Interpol / Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant / 16 th June Soweto Day/Youth Day / Steve Biko Day)

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Worst of AIDS Pandemic Over? Only in Media's Dreams (tags)

This week, articles appeared in the mainstream media that proclaimed that the AIDS pandemic peaked in the 1990s and is "better" now. At best, this was a calculated manipulation of facts, at worst, a cynical lie designed to protect government/corporate interests

Europe’s ‘Green’ militarists (tags)

The days when the German Green Party opposed international military operations by Germany’s armed forces, or at least criticized them, have long since passed. After seven years in government, the party has returned to the opposition benches, but it has by no means returned to its former pacifist positions. The Greens are among the most avid proponents of a German military mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, one that could easily become the most extensive and dangerous foreign operation conducted by German soldiers since World War II.

The Man Made Plagues...Rage On! (tags)

In 1992 I walked into the University of North Dakota Library to do some research of Congressional documents. I remember quite well the bitter cold of -40 below 0 and wind chills that would freeze you to the bone with some speed. However this cold is a warm summer day at the beach, in comparison to the documents I found.

The Year of Catastrophes (tags)

All the shock over hunger catastrophes remains without consequence if it does not go along with a radical change of course in local and environmental policy. Otherwise hunger catastrophes could become the normal state.

The Man Made Plagues (tags)

In 1992 I walked into the University of North Dakota Library to do some research of Congressional documents. I remember quite well the bitter cold of -40 below 0 and wind chills that would freeze you to the bone with some speed. However this cold is a warm summer day at the beach, in comparison to the documents I found.

Hezbollah Profiting From African Diamonds (tags)

Smash Hizbollah! Bomb Lebanon!


Leaders address the most pressing and widespread challenges facing the African continent

Bono the fake. (tags)

Bonoff is a fake and it time he stopped or did something right.

Geld-Off (tags)

Rob Africa.

Bono, man of the corporations. (tags)

More dead in Africa.


Look there is one reason and one reason only they're killin' Took....If he played their game - just wrote kidz books, he'd be alive at 12:05...But he dedicated his book to Angela Davis, Leonard Peltier, Mumia Abu Jamal, Dhoruba, George Jackson, John Africa and Ramona Africa... And the Terminator sez that's why Took's goin t die - said it straight out in his statement why he was goin t kill him.... Took's not dyin because he failed to so-called reform.... He's dyin because he WOKE UP spiritually and politically.... There is nothin more dangerous to the white than someone like that.

Oil rich Mauritania: Coup against the US and Israel? (tags)

The US gov't continues to deal with the old President of Mauritania: the oncoming clash is another guerilla war in Africa. Which like many other continents has been 'robbed blind', but is blamed for not being able to see!

Disappointed Hopes in Africa (tags)

"The $40 billion promised before the summit was only a small part of Africa's total $300 billion in debts and the more than $2.4 trillion of all developing countries. The IMF, World Bank and G8 still use the debts as an instru-ment for dictating development.."

Malnutrition in Africa #1 Killer (tags)

Malnutrition mimics the symptoms of "AIDS", yet improving diet is not as profitable as selling pharmaceutical products like AZT believed to "cure" AIDS..

BTL:Neoliberal Conditions Attached to G8 Debt Relief Plan for... (tags)

...Poor Nations Exacerbate Poverty ~ Interview with Bill Fletcher, president of Trans Africa Forum, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Tug of War (tags)

Some view the election of George W. Bush as providing him with a mandate to pursue his reactionary policies at home and abroad.

The Realities of MOVE (tags)

What is the reality of the far left's favorite cult?

“Knowing is Beautiful” (tags)

As a journalist who writes about AIDS, I am endlessly amazed by the difference between the public and the private face of HIV; between what the public is told and what’s explained in the medical literature.

AP: U.S. Officials Knew of AIDS Drug Risks (tags)

WASHINGTON - Weeks before President Bush (news - web sites) announced a plan to protect African babies from AIDS (news - web sites), top U.S. health officials were warned that research on the key drug was flawed and may have underreported thousands of severe reactions including deaths, government documents show.


There is no question mark after the title of this article because the title is not a question. It's a declarative statement.

The Economy of the Plundered South (tags)

The panacea of export orientation that the IMF and the World Bank promoted in the last 25 years for the South has led to absoute disaster..There is an alternative, abandoning export orientation and strengthening domestic demand.

President and Musician (tags)

you all are invitation to the UN day peace celebration with one of Africa hottest entertainer Rueben the Groover

Building Bridges Radio: Molly Ivins on Bush & So. Africa Union Federation Sec'y Vavi (tags)

Buiding Bridges presents this 29 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

"APARTHEID ISRAEL" – A Dr. Uri Davis Interview! (tags)

Uri Davis is a scholar and Jewish citizen of Israel, but prefers to describe himself as a Palestinian Jew. He was born in Jerusalem in 1943, when Palestine was still undivided. Dr. Davis’ research interests focus on questions of citizenship, democracy and human rights in Israel and Palestine.

Building Bridges Radio: Molly Ivins on Bush & So. Africa Union Federation Sec'y Vavi (tags)

Buiding Bridges presents this 29 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

A Tale of Two Kings (tags)

Colonialism changes form, but continues unabated as it has for over five hundred years. While reading King Leopold's Ghost, I was impressed by the similarity between the fabrications and lies Leopold used to justify his actions with those used by George W. Bush to justify the Iraq war. The economic motivation and incredible hypocrisy of both men are also similar.

Self-inflicted poverty (tags)

Imposing Western Values (tags)

Just for the record, I am not Ali Salem, I published an article by Ali and now am stuck with his name. It is fitting and funny though because I am an Israeli writer and activist female who now has the name of and Egyptian male..

The Pentagon is co-opting Northern Africa (tags)

The Pentagon's new "Africa Engagement" means it will not let ungoverned areas fester as terrorist havens -- and North Africa is on the receiving end of our military aid and our political will.

Dissident wins in record landslide (tags)

The people of South Africa speak. 'AIDS' is a scam and a myth.

BTL:After Long Delay, South Africa Begins Offering Treatment to AIDS Patients (tags)

Interview with Dudu Dlamini, of South Africa's Treatment Action Campaign, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Biodiversity & intercropping alternatives to GE biotech monoculture (tags)

With genetically engineered biotech crops taking over sustainable intercropping subsistence farming, the lives of African people are in the hands of multinational biotech corporations and their genetically engineered monoculture seeds..

Mbeki questions Aids stats (tags)

Country after country is finally speaking up and questioning 'AIDS' statistics that are based on nothing more then the Bengui Definition which fits EVERY Third World epidemic disease.

Celebrating Black History All Year Long African style (tags)

Discover Africa will play host to African civic leaders and businessmen and women

Celebrating Black History Month African style (tags)

African NGO will launch its 4th annual training symposium in celebration of Black History.

BTL:Global AIDS Pandemic Spreading at Alarming Rate While... (tags)

...Bush Administration Impedes Access to Life-Saving AIDS Treatment * Interview with Salih Booker, executive director of Africa Action, conducted by Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Genetic engineered crops future side effects (tags)

Genetically engineered foods side effects can appear decades after their initial introduction in the mid 90's. Just like nuclear waste, petrochemical pollution (DDT bioaccumulation, smog, global warming) and other technofix nightmares, genetically engineered crops can still be prevented from causing further damage..

challenging European/American male patriarchy (tags)

Oppression is perpetuated by wealthy European/American white male patriarchs; from Columbus slaughtering First People of North America to U.S. Dictators GW Bush and Cheney. The oppressed people were/are Iraqi, Dineh, African, Irish and any other race/nationality that did not suit the dominator's patriarchal culture.

14 More reasons (tags)

Even more evidence that 'AID$' is a rascist puritan myth

BTL:Bush Africa Tour a 'Photo-Op,' Not a Serious Policy Initiative (tags)

Interview with Bill Fletcher, president of TransAfrica Forum, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

"Compassionate Conservativism" ( so many words) (tags)

On eve of President Bush's trip to Africa, Condoleezza Rice emphasized U.S. commitment to world-wide quality of life. But the statement seemed to have questions in it.

Liberia in the Bush administration’s crosshairs (tags)

This week, U.S. President George Bush embarked on his first trip to sub-Saharan Africa. His five-day itinerary included Senegal, South Africa, Botswana, Uganda and Nigeria. Ironically, media attention has largely focused on another African country this week: Liberia.

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 7/11/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.0MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Spain, Netherlands, Russia, and Cuba.

HIV/AIDS and virgin coconut oil (tags)

coconut oil contains lauric fatty acid, which is anti-viral

Bangui Definition. (tags)

Mortalities (non natural) in S.A. remain at the same 2.2% P.A. that they were BEFORE AIDS. Either every other disease in the region vanished overnight or 'AIDS' is simply the old diseases with a new name. You decide


The author says, Israel is like the New South Africa and the proposed Palestinian state will be worse than the Old South Africa. Read the article, he has a good point!

American Oil's next target: Africa (tags)

American oil corpse like ExxonMobil are moving aggresively into African nations. There is no end to the mess they seek to create for millions of people.

The Liar in Speech, The Bush Lesion Begins to Pus (tags)

Just as George Bush and his criminal gang stole election 2000 by committing high crimes and misdemeanors, today the commander and thief in his speech before the Coast Guard commencement class attempted to steal the real answer to "Why do they hate us?".

BTL: Critics Say Bush AIDS Treatment Plan Flawed in Confronting Global Epidemic (tags)

Interview with Salih Booker, executive director of Africa Action, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus


JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africans mourned the passing of anti-apartheid hero Walter Sisulu, who died peacefully on Monday at the age of 90 in the arms of his wife. Sisulu, a veteran of the struggle against white minority rule in South Africa and long-time friend and mentor to Nelson Mandela, had suffered from Parkinson's disease.



Noam Chomsky and Oe Kanzaburo:An Exchnage on Current Affairs. (tags)

Noam Chomsky and Kanzaburo Oe exchange on current affairs.

Globe and Mail Editorial (Toronto) (tags)

The team leader of the trial, Dr Anatoli Kamalai, acknowledged that there was "no measurable reduction" in HIV incidence with "no hint of even a small effect." The trial showed there to be no connection between sexual activity and AIDS.

New Studies Raise Questions (tags)

A new African AIDS study seriously challenges the widely accepted hypothesis that HIV is a sexually transmitted virus. The study, by Dr. David Gisselquist, et al, appeared in the International Journal of STD & AIDS.

New sex study (tags)

A UK funded trial aimed at reducing the spread of Aids in Uganda by modifying sexual behaviour appears to have had little discernible effect.

Lawsuit filed demanding apartheid reparations from transnational corporations (tags)

Several groups have filed suit against the banks and other transnational corporations that financially propped up the apartheid government of South Africa during the sanctions era. The transnationals that funded the apartheid repression must be held accountable for their actions, and should pay reparations.

photoessay: CHANT DOWN BABYLON! artists against war, by Hans Bennett (tags)

On January 30, 2003, Chuck D, Ani Di Franco, Ozomatli, Saul Williams, and Michael Franti performed at an anti-war benefit concert for AWOL magazine. Includes essay and photos from the event.

What Racism? / What Truth? (tags)

* * * a commentary by Maria Gilardin regarding the ongoing power/passion play at Pacifica Radio's kpfK * * *

A New Movement Against Apartheid (tags)

International Movement Against Israeli Apartheid

Just Spam (tags)

Yes, a dire warning of genocide in a Marxist state should be considered as nothing other than spam.

Interview With South African Activist Against Israeli Apartheid (tags)

Interview with Na'eem Jeenah



World Bank and International Monetary Fund strangle economies of Third World (tags)

The World Bank’s origins go back to the Bretton Woods conference of July 1944, when leaders from 43 nations assembled to start building the global economy in the aftermath of World War II. U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, hoping to avoid another worldwide depression, called for creation of institutions that would create “a dynamic world community in which the peoples of every nation will be able to realize their potentialities in peace.”

US Special Envoy on AIDS (tags)

UN Special Envoy on AIDS in Africa to Speak in Los Angeles Ambassador Lewis Well-Known as a Passionate Advocate For the Rights of Children


I am writing this early Tuesday morning (Sept.17) right after visiting the MOVE home on Kingsessing Ave. in West Philadelphia. I spoke with three MOVE members keeping watch at the front gate of their home while the rest of the family was inside trying to get some rest. The situation is very tense right now and MOVE must be on 24 hour watch. The windows of their house (facing the street) are boarded up in preparation for a police assault.

Africa AIDS Crisis Worsening (tags)

The HIV/AIDS pandemic is playing a key role in the worsening health crisis in Zambia and southern Africa, according to James Morris, the U.N. secretary-general's special envoy for the humanitarian crisis in six southern African countries.

Double Standards, Lies and Iraq (tags)

Examples of double standards involving weapons of mass destruction and what John Pilger calls the lying game about Iraq.

Fund AIDS NOT Foreign Debt (tags)

African governments should fund programs to combat HIV before they service foreign debts, U.N. special adviser Jeffrey Sachs said on Saturday at an Earth Summit panel discussion.

World AIDS Crisis Worsening (tags)

The AIDS pandemic will rapidly worsen, with the number of cases possibly doubling in sub-Saharan Africa in five years, according to an analysis by US intelligence officials.

Treat the People! Drop the Debt! (tags)

Unless we act, the global AIDS pandemic will claim the lives of 68 million people by 2020, devastating societies all over the globe, particularly in Africa. This holocaust must be stopped!

“Africa Need Not Suffer” - Canadian Puzzled as World Hoards Wealth of Knowledg (tags)

Shelvan Kannuthurai wants to give the poor a fighting chance. He and the CCBC team have pioneered Professeurs Pour Liberté, which is utilizing the education portal,, to provide post-secondary education to as many as 92 million African students at no cost to them.

Global Day of Protest against Coca-Cola: O17 (tags)

In Barcelona, major AIDS groups from across the globe issued a call for actions on October 17th demanding AIDS drugs for Coca Cola's 100,000 employees and bottling plant workers in Africa. The numbers of countries and cities planning actions is growing rapidly, and the company is running scared. Here's how you can get involved in the Global Day of Protest.

Sara Lee? Not for me .... (tags)

The United States government is totally enthralled by the anti-democratic zionist lobby and the greed of the oil companies. Just like the white supremacist regime of apartheid South Africa the rules of war, international law and the Geneva Convention appear not to apply to Israel, which has been expanding its borders and building illegal colonies since 1947.

take our Gmaize or starve (tags)

they call themselves humanitarian, but in pushing GM food on to third world countries they are opportunistically exploiting other peoples tragedies

To Summit Up (tags)

Bush will not go to this summit

Hans Bennett photoessay: REMEMBER AUGUST 8, 1978! FREE THE MOVE 9! (tags)

On the corner of Broad and Walnut in Center City, Philadelphia, August 10, 2002, more than 25 MOVE members and supporters (including several visiting from Spain) gathered for a demonstration to commemorate August 8, 1978. On this day, 24 years ago, more than 500 heavily armed police officers attacked MOVE headquarters in the Powelton Village neighborhood of West Philadelphia. When the MOVE family fled into the basement to avoid the attack, police countered by flooding them out and imprisoning the MOVE 9 for the murder of Police officer James Ramp.

Direct Action Versus Electoralism (tags)

Anarchists engage in direct action as opposed to voting. This anti-electoralism (or anti-parliamentarianism) may seem strange and even perverse to many. After all, virtually the whole left believes in the importance of voting. In the US, liberals and state socialists have voted for the Democrats with a steadfastness that is almost religious, even as the Democrats have steadily moved to the right. In Western Europe, they have voted consistently for the Socialist or Labor Parties (social democrats), or Communist Parties, or, more recently, ex-Communist Parties.

USA/Africa: Anthrax, History and Security (tags)

In the New York Times of July 2, columnist Nicholas Kristof attacked FBI foot dragging in the investigation of last year's anthrax attacks. In particular, Kristof pointed to the failure of the FBI to fully investigate "Mr. Z," rumored within the biodefense community to be a prime suspect. "If Mr Z. were an Arab national, he would have been imprisoned long ago," Kristof commented. "Mr. Z" is identified elsewhere in news stories and on the internet as Steven J. Hatfill, an American bioterrorism specialist who is reported to have served in the Rhodesian military in the 1970s.

Bush Texans, bullies at G8 (tags)

Ottawa says Bush 'Texans' tried to bully G8 host > 'In your face with a boxing glove'


On the 4th of July, 2002 in Philadelphia, supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal gathered at City Hall for a rally and then marched down Market St. to the Liberty Bell to protest Colin Powell receiving the “Liberty Award”. Part one of this two-part photo-essay by Hans Bennett, documents the beginning of the day at City Hall. Part two (to be released tomorrow) documents the action at the Liberty Bell. Part two will also feature an original essay about the day including transcripts of Pam Africa and others’ speeches.

Globalization Has Helped the Poor: Study says (tags)

Contrary to anti-globalizers study says that globalization has helped the poorest in the world

Israel's Obstruction of S.A Humanitarian Aid To Palestine a Political Issue (tags)

Israeli Government deliberately prevented from delivering life saving humanitarian aid to Palestinians, besieged under Israeli occupation and 18 hour curfews.

(text) RAMONA AFRICA interview with photojournalist Hans Bennett (tags)

In this exclusive May, 2002 interview with photojournalist Hans Bennett, Ramona Africa of the MOVE organization, talks about Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Ed Rendell, the anniversary of the May 13, 1985 bombing of her home, self-defense, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and more.

RAMONA AFRICA interview with photojournalist Hans Bennett (tags)

In this exclusive May, 2002 interview with photojournalist Hans Bennett, Ramona Africa of the MOVE organization, talks about Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Ed Rendell, the anniversary of the May 13, 1985 bombing of her home, self-defense, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and more.

South African Apartheid in Israel (tags)

"It is shameful and disgraceful that the so-called civilized world is now embracing a new apartheid which is even more sinister than the defunct apartheid of South Africa" - PA minister of Labor Rafiq Natshe.

part 2 of MARIO AFRICA interview with photo-journalist Hans Bennett (tags)

This is the final part of a week-long photoessay series documenting the multitude of protesters gathered in Washington, DC on April 20, 2002. Part four featured the first part of Hans Bennett’s interview with Mario Africa, founder of AWOL magazine. Here is the last half of the interview as well as Hans’ “This is What a Police State Looks Like!,” featuring photos from assorted demonstrations.

Tutu Condemns Israeli Apartheid: BBC News Africa (tags)

Tutu said 'oppression' would not bring security

MARIO AFRICA of AWOL interview with photojournalist Hans Bennett (see pics) (tags)

In the fourth part of a week-long series documenting the 4/20 DC protests, photojournalist Hans Bennett interviews Mario Africa, founder of AWOL magazine. The interview appears in the newest issue of INSUBORDINATION magazine, which focuses on the topic: “Armed Struggle and Political Prisoners after Sept.11”. Included is a collection of Hans’ post 9/11 anti-war photos.

Building Bridges Radio - Denis Brutus & Horace Campbell on Globalizatio (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 59 min Internet Radio progam in which Denis Brutus and Horace Campbel talk about corporate globalization. Building Bridges is broadcast over WBAI Radio in NYC. PLEASE CLICK ON INDY MEDIA LINK TO LISTEN TO THIS PROGRAM

"The New Republic" lies about Durban Conference (tags)

The New Republic, a political journal of great influence in Washington DC, in its Sept. 10 issue publishes an "editorial" with a pack of lies about the Conference Against Racism.

Democrat Lantos Representing Republican Bush in South Africa (tags)

Democratic San Francisco/San Mateo Congressperson Tom Lantos is a member of the delegation representing the Republican George Bush, II's administration at the UN conference on racism in South Africa, and participated in the shameful exit, along with the US puppet, Israel, when that conference proposed a resolution condemning the racist actions of the government of Israel.


Over 10,000 people marched in Durban South Africa to support the Palestinian People


Over 10,000 people marched in Durban South Africa to support the Palestinian People.


Over 10,000 people march in Durban South Africa to support the Palestinian People.

And so the farce begins... (tags)

Today at 11am, Thabo Mbeki, the President of South Africa, opened the NGO Forum of the World Conference Against Racism. While Mbeki spoke of the present world order built on slavery and colonialism, his government is busy privatising the water and electricity in South Africa, which is resulting in a 'pay or die' scenario for people here.

More From Inside BIO2001 (tags)

Debunking Corporate Spin

Republic of New Africa Supports Polygamy,is anti-Union wants limited Media. (tags)

Taken from an article on google this also describes their demand for $400 Billion dollars in reparations for the horrors of the triangular slave trade among Africa, Europe, Caribbean and the Americas (North and South).

New non-profit trains and places volunteers in Africa (tags)

CCTG is a new non-profit aiming to involve many in the fight against poverty in Africa. Organizes programs where the participants get the opportunity to have a positive impact upon the development for some of the poorest people on this planet

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