fix articles 4616, europe Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : europe


Regaining peacekeeping capabiities (tags)

The war could have been settled by the end of March 2022 if the USA had joined in. The question is who is the aggressor here. Vladimir Putin crossed a red line with the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. NATO and the United States under Barack Obama crossed a red line with the Maidan coup they staged in 2014, and even before that with NATO's eastward expansion.

NATO and the new Cold War (tags)

In the period between 1999 and 2023, 14 states of the former Warsaw Pact were admitted to NATO in several stages: an increasing threat to the Russian Federation due to the ongoing shift of NATO's eastern borders to Russian territory. In 2018, Trump terminated the Arms Control Treaty, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty & in 2020 the Open Skies Treaty.

The division of the world (tags)

The USA is responsible for what is happening in Ukraine with this provoked war, which is currently being overshadowed in the media by the Middle East conflict, just as it has determined developments in Europe for more than a hundred years...It is becoming apparent that Germany is being systematically destabilized and ruined.

Ice Age: Why Russia is Demonized and Why That is So Dangerous (tags)

A serious exit strategy has to deal with two crucial realities. First, the war in Ukraine is another proxy war between Russia & the political West. Secondly: As long as either side assumes it can win the war militarily - whatever that may mean in concrete terms - there is little willingness to negotiate.

Russia's victory in an economic war (tags)

If perspectives for ways out of the increasingly worsening crises of capitalist socialization are to emerge, it is indispensable to look at the whole of conditions and their complex entanglements. It is necessary to break with the myths and life lies of the 'free West' as well as with those of a mission for a Russian empire or any other autocratic fundamentalism.

The war cannot be won (tags)

The Jean Jaurès maxim, "Capitalism carries war like the cloud carries rain," is more relevant than ever. Only in another - post-capitalist, social-ecological - Europe, from the Atlantic to the Urals, can peace and justice become a reality. Whether this is a realistic scenario? That is up to each and every one of us.

Welcome to post-democracy! (tags)

In the current systemic crisis, this capitalist pseudo-democracy is producing a real dystopia on a par with the nightmares of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley: the apparently responsible citizen (in reality a powerless object in the heteronomous process of capital exploitation) chooses the way in which his intensified exploitation and alienation is to be concretely organized and perfected.

The continuity of the lie (tags)

The U.S. public has once again been wheedled into sinking billions into another endless war. The script by which the pimps of war usually lure us into one military fiasco after another - including Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and now Ukraine - always remains the same. "Freedom and democracy are at risk. Evil must be vanquished. Human rights must be protected."

Noam Chomsky on Why This is the Most Dangerous Point in Human History (tags)

We live in a world facing existential threats while extreme inequality is tearing our societies apart and democracy is in sharp decline. The U.S., meanwhile, is bent on maintaining global hegemony when international collaboration is urgently needed to address the planet’s numerous challenges.

Ukraine and the powerful resurgence of US empire (tags)

"NATO is not what it claims to be," reads the headline. Contrary to the claims of its architects and defenders, the alliance's primary purpose since its inception has not been to deter aggression from the East, much less to promote democracy, but to "bind Western Europe to a much broader project of a world order led by the United States."

Capial in the 2020s (with Thomas Piketty) (tags)

Inequality is not an accident. It’s not like the weather. It actually is being driven by the way capitalism is functioning. You know what we need? We need state intervention, we need government action, and we need that to be very, big. He proposes a wealth tax of 2 percent.

No nuclear war in Europe! and Glorification of violence (tags)

The well-read do not believe in Russia's sole guilt anyway. They remember the promise made to Gorbachev not to expand NATO eastward. They know that the U.S. organized and financed a coup on the Maidan in 2014 to install a puppet government.

There is nothing to fear from China (tags)

Non-interference in the affairs of other states & emphasis on what united them for mutual benefit were important elements of Chinese notions of cooperation just as in Chinese philosophy existence presupposes coexistence.

What are the chances for peace in Ukraine? (tags)

There must be another way to peace. But there can only be if we stop believing that only weapons or the annexation of foreign territories can bring peace; if we accept that the world does not belong only to the West, that there will be no single world power, the USA.

The American century was yesterday (tags)

"The people can always be made, with or without the right to vote,to follow the orders of the leaders. It is very simple. One need nothing to do but to tell the people that they are being attacked, and to reproach the pacifists of their lack of patriotism and putting the country in danger. This method works in every country." (Hermann Goering,1946)

The psychology of the warmongerers and The war cannot be won (tags)

We should strive quite fundamentally for a different Europe and a different Russia, namely each freed from capitalist, parasitic oligarchy. The Jaurès maxim, "Capitalism carries war like the cloud carries rain," is more relevant than ever.

Misjudgments and Biden's foreign policy (tags)

Russia is to blame for our gas shortage, rising prices and high inflation. That's what the newspapers say, that's what you hear on the news and that's what presenters claim. Of course, this is not true. But the constant repetition shapes the public consciousness.

The Slave State (tags)

"Nord Stream 2 energy is an indispensable part of understanding what this is all about," Beattie said. "It's all about who controls Europe. Europe, we have since learned, is even more of a vassal state of the United States than we imagined.

Peace and Provocation: Is Zelensky intent on WW3? (tags)

A quiet voice inside you could be saying: "Thou shalt not kill!" So you take the rifle and break it over your knees. Then you have them all against you, the press, the priests, public opinion. Then you're a contrarian, a fantasist, a pacifist. But you said 'no' to say 'yes' to yourself."

For an anti-imperialism solidarity (tags)

Ukraine is not an imperialist state, but a young country whose independence and own nation-building Russia does not accept. The governments of Europe and the United States share responsibility for the escalation of geopolitical tensions.

How the West betrayed Mikhail Gorbachev (tags)

Gorbachev wanted to transform the Soviet Union from a closed, repressive system into an open, communicative socialist system that would be part of the European family. This effort was called glasnost (openness) and was advanced through the reform movement called perestroika.

Economic war instead of climate policy and Russia is enemy (tags)

Sustainability and capitalism do not go together. Because capitalism needs growth and drives environmental destruction. The consequences: Species extinction, drought stress for trees, water scarcity. A consistent climate policy is overshadowed by the economic war.

The war cannot be won (tags)

NATO has propped up dictatorships in its own sphere of influence. It has covered up or condoned wars in which crimes against humanity have been committed. What is happening right now because of Russia has not changed my opinion about NATO there.

The New NATO Strategic Concept: 6 Articles (tags)

Collective pressure in a broad societal dimension is necessary for a cease-fire - in a viable European security architecture... At the core of a sustainable compromise between Russia, Ukraine and the US could be a guarantee of Ukraine's full sovereignty and military neutrality.

Between two worlds (tags)

Putin is our new tsar, quite simply. I call him an authoritarian modernizer who stands in the balancing act between neoliberalism and monarchist tradition and wants to reorganize the country from this position.

The historic push of East Central Europe into Nato (tags)

What is the end of the war song? It is and was destruction, death, human suffering and traumatized populations. And in our time, in addition, it is the suspension of the necessary global and joint efforts of all nations in the fight against the threat of climate catastrophe.

Address at the Easter march in Berlin (tags)

1), we need to end the war in Ukraine as quickly as possible. The German government should stop adding fuel to the fire. 2): We must prevent "dark eagles" in Europe.3) We must become a broad movement that prevents the rearmament mania in this country.

La confortation des boniments (tags)

Les fonctions des convictions...

Ukraine's decoupling was foolish and dangerous (tags)

Promote peace, don't fuel conflict. There are only two ways to end a war. Either with a negotiated settlement. Or with the annihilation of one side or the other. That's how wars end, unfortunately, when there is no negotiated settlement...There must be a diplomatic solution.

Nuclear deterrence and Negotiate and peace now! (tags)

"I believe the Administration's recommendation to admit new members to NATO at this time is misguided. If adopted by the United States Senate, it could go down in history as the greatest strategic blunder since the end of the Cold War..." Jack F. Matlock Jr, U.S. ambassador

NATO: The founding lie (tags)

In the run-up to the founding of NATO, those responsible in the USA knew: The Soviet Union posed no military threat. The weakened power could not sustain an attack on Western Europe even if it wanted to: The Soviet Union's economy is largely destroyed and technologically obsolete.

Stop the war! (tags)

At Easter, "a strong signal must be sent against a policy of military confrontation, against a new global arms race and against an increase in the arsenals of weapons of mass destruction," is the reason given for the call to actively participate in the Easter marches.

Democracy = not more than a brand name (tags)

The USA, a hegemonic power threatened with decline, is struggling to maintain and expand a monopolistic world order. This is supposed to be justified by surrounding itself with an aura of freedom and democracy.

Waging war or building bridges (tags)

"NATO is de facto at war with Russia and using Ukraine as a tool to do it." And further, "Everything about NATO is hypocrisy. They declare themselves the 'peace alliance,' but their history is nothing but war.

US: Domestic political gridlock and The Ukraine War (tags)

The Ukraine War: In Asia, Africa, and the Arab world, the prevailing view is that Europe is heading for disaster - and that the international order is falling apart. In much of Asia, Africa & the Middle East, the reaction to the war in Ukraine has been restrained. It is resounding silence.

Armament Madness (tags)

The people of Ukraine are suffering. But who benefits from the "turning of the tide"? The war is a crime, and Putin bears the responsibility. But Western politicians were not sleepwalkers. An appeal brings the conclusion to the point: Lay down your arms! Peace logic instead of war logic!

More weapons is not the solution and Julian Assange (tags)

What is insane, however, is the belief that peace can be secured for the future with even more weapons. SPD Chancellor Olaf Scholz has announced that he wants to invest an additional hundred billion euros in Germany's army.

Ukraine: A war for the disintegrating world order (tags)

The consequences of rearmament and economic sanctions are foreseeable: among other things, the aggravation of crises through higher economic burdens. They can already be seen in the form of price increases for heating oil, fuel and gas.

Can an offer from the West bring peace to Ukraine? (tags)

Ukraine is being crushed The consequences of war are dead, injured, displaced, destroyed lives, social communities torn apart, broken infrastructures and homes, misery and years of revenge. Yet no one stops this terrible war. It is unbearable to watch.

"I feel like I've been transported back 80 years" (tags)

People are desperately fleeing from bombs and rockets. I feel transported back almost 80 years and become pensive. Europe had sworn to itself: Never again fascism! Never again war! The scars remain - at the age of 94, I feel them more strongly than ever.

Cuba and the Ukraine crisis (tags)

History repeats itself after all. What as the Cuban Missile Crisis left the world balancing on the precipice is exemplified by the Ukraine crisis. Starting in 1959, the USA stationed nuclear-tipped medium-range missiles in Italy and Turkey aimed at the USSR. The latter responded.

The UN vote against the Ukraine war (tags)

For many abstaining states in the UN vote, Russia's belligerent incursion into Ukraine should be rejected, but the U.S. should be denied its prosecutorial status as a champion of a just and peaceful international order, and Russia should be accorded legitimate security interests.

Truth dies first and then intelligence (tags)

The war in Ukraine is an exception to the rule of thumb that in war the truth dies first. The truth was already dead before the war began... War is the greatest crime imaginable. War creates endless suffering, whoever starts war is a war criminal. (Note: There is only one exception)

No to the war over Ukraine (tags)

Right now we need an immediate ceasefire and serious negotiations on broader issues. That means urgent diplomacy — not more military force — to end this war. Every war eventually ends with diplomacy.

LeftEast condemns Putin's imperial war against Ukraine (tags)

We say "No!" to Moscow and "No!" to the false choice between Moscow and NATO in the future. We demand an immediate ceasefire and a return to the negotiating table. The interests of global capital and its military machine are not worth another drop of blood. Peace, land and bread!

Peace policy instead of escalation (tags)

We call on the peace movement and all people interested in peace in Europe to participate in public actions, information booths, vigils, demonstrations and initiatives for these demands. to stop the march into the abyss.

Today's Crisis Over Ukraine (tags)

What President Putin is demanding, an end to NATO expansion and creation of a security structure in Europe that insures Russia’s security along with that of others is eminently reasonable... It is in the interest of the United States to promote peace, not conflict.

The hatchet not buried (tags)

In short: Either we accept the cultural and historical plurality as well as the legitimate security interests of all states on our globe - and not only of the West - and actively support UN international law or we will perish together.

The Ukraine-Russia conflict (tags)

"The West must negotiate with Russia" NATO should also agree to talk about a new European security architecture if Russia is also willing to agree to de-escalating and confidence-building measures in the relationship with Ukraine."

Enlargement to the East: How Nato broke its word (tags)

One point of contention, however, should have been settled by the declassified documents. They allow no other conclusion than that the West made a promise to Gorbachev to leave NATO in its former borders, but that this promise was already broken at the end of the 1990s.

The West and Russia (tags)

Any NATO expansion that moves closer to Russia's borders must appear to Russian nationalists as a threat; to moderate Russians Bertram concludes, "It is therefore either thoughtless or dishonest to declare, as the West does, that NATO enlargement is inevitable."

War on the Children (tags)

"In 10- to 59-year-olds, there is a 15-fold higher risk of death from corona vaccination compared with corona infection" (6). The broad majority is always mistaken - or allows itself to be misled. Children need love and closeness, not coercion!

The Collapsing American Millitary (tags)

Russia and China can be provoked into becoming military threats by Washington’s aggressive policies. When Washington identifies Russia and China as threats, Washington means that the rise of the two countries has ended Washington’s short-term unipolar rule.

To contain the pandemic in solidarity throughout Europe (tags)

In the fall of 2020, governments did the wrong thing. Although the infections were already increasing exponentially, they deliberately did not intervene or did not intervene sufficiently and weighed people in safety. It was not until November that they acted again, increasingly hasty and authoritarian.

For a democratic polarization (tags)

The new world economic crisis has shown yet again that one can't leave it to the market to provide for a strong economy. In any case, it is a truism that a community with a certain quality of life depends to a great extent on resources that the market does not produce.

Erdogan Turkey developed new Gerneration of UGV (tags)

Erdogan himself quite openly named "Hitler Germany" as an example of the presidential system he was striving for in a central state without corresponding checks and balances. Now they are owning U.S. like UGV Infantry...

The media response to Putin's conciliatory essay (tags)

On the exact 80th anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, which cost that country nearly 27 million lives, the Russian president himself published an essay in the former flagship of détente whose title already signaled a willingness to reconcile.

Remembrance culture and the Cold War (tags)

"No to racism, anti-Semitism, the production of images of the enemy, and the slandering of history!" Russia is once again declared the enemy, but at a rapid pace now so is China. The new Cold War seems unstoppable. Enemy images are marked by a simple binary world view.

For a borderless pragmatism. Outline of a Progressive Migration Policy (tags)

Immigration leads to stronger economic growth, which in turn creates jobs, Without migration, we would all be sitting in Olduvia in East Africa, as we were 100,000 years ago. About 3% of the world's population, about 215 million people, live in a state other than the one in which they were born. Migration has always existed.

The Great Barrington Declaration (tags)

The ship was saved but all the passengers drowned - a Reaganomics cartoon

The state must cushion the economic impact (tags)

Heiner Flassbeck expects a slump of the German GDP of 20-30%, Neither Trump nor Merkel said a word about stabilizing the economy. You can't just shut down the economy and then hope nothing happens. Companies, banks and people must be supported. Money must go to those now becoming unemployed..

The Forgotten History of the Financial Crisis (tags)

In the United States between late 2008 and early 2009, 800,000 people were losing their jobs every month. By 2015, over nine million American families would lose their homes to foreclosure—the largest forced population movement in the United States since the Dust Bowl.

Fighting the Causes of Flight (tags)

The refugee debate is back but only the symptoms are in the spotlight. Refugees are fought instead of the causes of flight. The political failure is as dreadful as the forgetfulness of the media and politics. More than 70 million persons are fleeing from war, persecution and conflicts.

"Capitalism will make migrants out of all citizens" (tags)

No one speaks about the right to be deeply rooted in one's country and not to be uprooted by global capitalism. In reality, the elite is demophobic. That means, it hates people and democracy. We must be populist and not elitist today, democratic and not demophobic.

On the Refugee Debate (tags)

The rulers want to divert from the real causes of the refugee wave and from their own misdeeds because the cause of the misery is an exploitation crisis of capital and the greed of mammoth world corporations. Only the prospect for a future in their country can stop refugees.

The (Temporary) End of Globalization (tags)

Protectionist measures could lead to losses of prosperity and increase the pressure to introduce more measures. Before the 2008 crisis, world trade grew over 6% per year (now 2%). Why must US consumers pay more for imports from the EU? Why are European consumers punished?

Detente Policy and Media Hysteria (tags)

Antje Vollmer is a Green politician who was vice-president of the German Bundestag from 1994 to 2005. She urges a robust public debate over the new hard-line German foreign policy that forgets the war and Russian help in reunification. What has the politics of regime change brought?

The Problem of Illegal Immigrants in Israel and America (tags)

This article looks at the problems of illegal/legal immigrants in Israel and America. And also, describes the developing trends toward Globalist and Nationalist parties in Israel, America, and Europe.

European Union Votes on Corporate Transparency Regulations (tags)

The European Parliament is set to vote on landmark corporate transparency rules known as "country-by-country" reporting.

The Moorish rule in Spain/How the Moors brought civilization to Europe (tags)

This article is written as a counterweight against 21th Islamophobia, since few people realize, how much the European civilization owes the Moorish rule in Medieval Spain. Without this rule, there probably should have been no Renaissance, also sciences as Algebra, chemistry, astronomy etc derived from the Arab [Greek] civilization. You know a Medieval English King nearly converted to Islam? Read further

Europe turn left (tags)

After the economic crisis in 2008, the neoliberal fairytale of austerity was given a new boost. The neoliberal ideology reflects the idea the dismantling of the welfare state is urgently needed. Austerity means that all state expenditures are reduced to a minimum...

America under Donald Trump (tags)

The "elite-mass split," the tear between the establishment and the masses, damages American democracy. As a damaged democracy, there is very low trust in the competence of the government. The official unemployment figure of 4.9% is regarded as a distortion of reality.

Strategic Emergency Declared Upon Eastern Europe (tags)

In a statement at Moscow International Relations School (Mirsch), newly appointed Unitednations chairman Antonin Guderez today declared the condition of formal strategic emergency over the region of Eastern Europe. According to the body‘s charter, this means that the Secretary General has vetoed any form of military or political confrontation taken by any member or non-member states, and made change an unavoidable precondition for his own activity there. The short statement was delivered at the end of a question and answer session of a lesson on the history of the Soviet Union, which the politician has attended as a guest. Over the recent days and weeks, the region has seen a rush of deployments and tactical material shipments far beyond the usual conflict hotspots.

Trump and the Consequences: Democracy at a Crossroads (tags)

What appears here is another form of democracy, without the constitutional state and without opposition. Trump could operate with enemy declarations. Today Donald Trump is a radicalized Nixon. Democracy is always endangered and never given as a present.

Democracy and the Uncanny Power of Money (tags)

Growing inequality is the greatest political problem of our time. Governments are often only actors or puppets of an anonymous regime for the benefit of the privileged where the interests of simple people do not count.

What is behind the anti-Russia campaign in the US? (tags)

A major theme of the 2016 US presidential campaign has been the campaign to depict Russia as intent on manipulating the election through cyber warfare.

VOID NETWORK On the tragic and the farcical of the British referendum An analysis about B (tags)

Analysis about BREXIT from a Greek Anarchist point of view

Bertolt Brecht Testifies Before the House Un-American Activities Committee (1947) 2 min (tags)

725 free movies, 700 free ebooks and 450 free audio books (including "1984") are ours on Enjoy the feast! How can anyone be hard-nosed with 725 freed movies?

Basta Ya, Brussels! British Voters Reject EU Corporte Slavestate (tags)

“The EU is an instrument of the ruling classes of Europe for the imposition of brutal austerity measures—most directly on the workers of Greece, of Spain, Portugal and Ireland, but also on workers in the UK, France and Germany….Prime minister, Cameron, has even proclaimed an “Age of Austerity” as his government imposes cuts of £210 billion, (€263 billion), equivalent to over 10 percent of Britain’s GDP, at the cost of the destruction of 20 percent of all public sector jobs, millions more in the private sector and the decimation of vital services.

(A-Radio) Experiences of an anarchist prisoner on how to survive jail in Belarus (tags)

The following recording has been made by the Anarchist Group Dortmund (in cooperation with A-Radio Berlin) during a presentation on March 6, 2016. In it the former anarchist prisoner from Belarus Mikalai Dziadok shares his prison experiences and gives some advice on how to survive the jail. Total helplessness, psychological pressure, stupid convicts‘ laws, ever-lasting prison terms – this is what Belarusian prison is made of.

(A-Radio) Berlin: Anarchosyndicalist struggle in vegan pizzeria (tags)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to a member of the anarchosyndicalist union FAU in Berlin. Until very recently he was involved in a worker's struggle concerning the dismissal of two workers from a vegan Pizzeria and tells us about the background of the struggle, the methods they used and the succesful end of the campaign. Further topics are the situation of migrant workers in Berlin and the issue of self-organizing of those workers.

(A-Radio) Feminism and conflict resolution: the Afed Britain and its Safer Spaces policy (tags)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade of the Anarchist Federation in Britain about their Safer Spaces policy. In this interview she tells us about the origins of this concept, the misconceptions and popular defensive strategies and also about the actual practice and constant development of this policy that deals with conflict resolution in political structures and survivor-lead processes in case of physical abuse.

(A-Radio) Mediterranean 4: The self-managed soap factory in Thessaloniki (tags)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to the workers of the self-managed soap factory in Thessaloniki, Greece. In our interview they tell us about the origins of this factory take-over by the workers, what this had to do with experiences in Argentina and they managed to overcome financial problems. Listen to this audio also to know how to show solidarity, as is threatened by eviction due to a planned compulsory auction of the premises.

(A-Radio) Mediterranean 3: The self-organized refugee squat Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki (tags)

The following audio is a recording made by activists of the self-organized refugee squat Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki, Greece. This material has been made available to us by our comrades at Crna Luknja, the anarchist radio show at Radio Student in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. The comrades of Orfanotrofeio tell about the conditions that led to squatting this place in Thessaloniki in the beginning of last December and about their struggle to keep the place despite of all obstacles.

(A-Radio) Brazil: The Passe Livre movement in Sao Paulo (tags)

The struggle for the right to the city, against the intensification of exploitation and valorization is complex and diverse. May it be people in Berlin stopping an eviction, squatting houses in Amsterdam, taking squares in Greece or fighting for free public transportation in Brazil. A state with a massive territory, huge cities and as in so many places a classist, racist and sexist division of labour that expresses itself among other ways through the public transportation system. As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity to talk with an activist of the Passe Livre movement from Sao Paulo, Brazil, about their struggle.

(A-Radio) Mediterranean 2: Anarchists in Slovenia and the refugee Balkan route (tags)

For refugees heading to Central and Northern Europe, the Balkan route has been of upmost importance. As Anarchist Radio Berlin we talked to two anarchists from Slovenia about the situation in the Balkans, their work with the refugees and the perspectives of this struggle beyond humanitarian actions.

(A-Radio) Northern Europe 3: The new Anarchist Federation in Finland - Alusta (tags)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of making an interview with two members of the new Anarchist Federation in Finland, Alusta. The interview was made during the Anarchist Bookfair in Tallinn, Estonia.

(A-Radio) Mediterranean 1: The occupied refugee center Notara26 in Athens (tags)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of making an interview with two activists of the occupied and self-organized refugee center Notara26 in Athens, Greece. The comrades tell us about the origins and ideas of their center as well as of the anarchist influence and importance of the Exarchia neighbourhood. They also comment on the topic of governmental (Syriza) policies and the difference of their work to such policies. And they also mention problems encountered in this project.

(A-Radio) Northern Europe 2: The Anarchist Bookfair in Tallinn (Estonia) (tags)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of making an interview with two of the organizers of this year's Anarchist bookfair in Tallinn. We talked with them about the participants, their experiences with involving the public, but also the wider social context of Estonia.

(A-Radio) Northern Europe 1: Musta Pispala festival in Finland (tags)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of making this radio show on the anarchist counterculture festival, Musta Pispala, that was organized in Pispala, Tampere, Finland, on the second weekend of July. Musta Pispala was organized for the first time ten years ago and it’s idea is to bring local activist and people from all over the world together to learn and share anarchist thoughts and practices and to have good time in the beautiful neighbourhood of Pispala. You'll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

(A-Radio) Eastern Europe 5: Anarchist Black Cross Warsaw (tags)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to two comrades from Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) in Warsaw. In this interview they talk about their work and the topic of repression in Poland. You'll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

(A-Radio) Audio documentation: Undercover for State and Capital (tags)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of documenting a presentation organized by the magazine Cilip in Berlin with the title "Undercover for State and Capital". Therein, Kate Wilson talked about her relationship to Mark Kennedy and Eveline Lubbes about the spying of multinationals and the Undercover Research Group. Unfortunately, due to technical problems, we could only record the first part of the presentation where Kate talks about her experiences. The presentation was held in English. You'll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

Time for a New Detente Policy (tags)

The past subordination under the US policy oriented to regime change and chaos in the Middle East must be ended. A diplomatic offensive to end the war in Syria on the path of negotiation with Russia is necessary. Since March 1999, NATO was expanded with a dozen countries.

Latest NYT Big Lie: Russia Responsible for Syrian Refugee "Surge" (tags)


(A-Radio) Eastern Europe 4: Anarchists and the tenants movement in Warsaw (tags)

As part of a journey through Eastern Europe a member of the Anarchist Radio Berlin had the opportunity of talking to another comrade of the housing project Syrena. The main topics of this interview were the history of re-privatization through ruthless landlords and local autorithies in Warsaw like the case of the murder of the tenants activist Jolanta Brzeska in 2011 as well as the wild tenants struggles against these mechanisms and their cooperation with the anarchist movement regarding soaring rents and a small building of social housing in Warsaw. Additionally, our friend told us some interesting facts about the development of Warsaw's city structure, especially its rebuilding in terms of communal housing under the Soviet regime.

(A-Radio) Eastern Europe 3: Anarchism in Warsaw - the Syrena and Przychodnia squats (tags)

As part of a journey through Eastern Europe a member of the Anarchist Radio Berlin had the opportunity of talking to a comrade of Syrena. Syrena is a squat in the inner city of Warsaw and has its origins in the tenants movement. In this interview we talk about the huge amount of activities like anti-racist work, social work and anarchist activities that are getting started out of Syrena. Further we talk about the connection to the Przychodnia Squat which is located directly behind Syrena as well as about the comrade's personal opinion of the controversial selling of the Od:zysk Squat in Poznan, which is quite an current issue in the Polish movement.

(A-Radio) Eastern Europe 2: The squatted ROD garden in Warsaw (tags)

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to an activist who is part of a group of people squatting an allotment garden in Warsaw, Poland. In this interview, we get to know a bit of the origins of this project that started in Spring of this year. The squat itself is based on the Reclaim the fields initiative in Poland and has organized some action days a short while ago. Some more interviews with anarchist organizations and anarchist projects will follow soon as part of our new series on anarchism and social struggles in Eastern Europe. You'll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here: Length: 7:54 min

TTIP: Attack on Democracy and the Constitutional State (tags)

A mass demonstration is planned for Saturday October 10 in Berlin against the TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment partnership. A parallel private ad hoc arbitration system is created where corporations can sue states for lost profitsLabor and environmental rules undermined

State Indebtedness: The Beloved Enemy (tags)

"The slow one now will later be fast as the present now will later be fast." The state unlike the Swabian housewife can become indebted to invest in a more social and more human future. All personal and corporate profit depends on state investment in roads, schools, food safety etc.

US Imperial Wars Responsible for Refugee Crisis (tags)


(A-Radio) Eastern Europe 1: Struggles in Poland and the Rozbrat squat in Poznan (tags)

As part of a journey through Eastern Europe a member of the Anarchist Radio Berlin had the opportunity of talking to a comrade of the Anarchist Federation in Poznan in Poland in the Rozbrat squat. In the following interview we talk about the historical development of the squat, that celebrated its 21st anniversary on the weekend of September 18 and 19, and also about current struggles of FA Poznan, especially the workers' struggle of the Amazon workers in Germany and Poland. Additionally, we were talking about a transnational meeting concerning the topic of a European-wide social strike. The meeting will take place from the 2nd to the 4th of October 2015 in Poznan. Some more interviews with anarchist organizations and anarchist projects will follow soon as part of our new series on anarchism and social struggles in Eastern Europe.

Mistreating Refugees in Europe (tags)


Refugee Crisis Straight Talk (tags)


Thomas Piketty: Germany has never repaid its debts. It has no right to lecture Greece (tags)

Conservatives, especially in Germany, are about to destroy Europe and the European idea, all because of their shocking ignorance of history... Germany is really the single best example of a country that, throughout its history, has never repaid its external debt.

Horrific Mistreatment of Migrants (tags)


Tsipras Banishing Ministers Opposing His Sellout (tags)


Troika Plan for Greece: Endless Pillage and Regime Change (tags)


Russia to Counter US Eastern European Buildup (tags)


US Escalates Confrontation with Russia (tags)


The hidden costs of trade treaties (tags)

The free trade treaties with Canada (CETA) and the United States (TTIP) are not threatening European standards, the negotiators in Brussels assure us. Yet environmental and food safety regulations have already been weakened.

Kiev's Poroshenko Vows Continued War (tags)


Video: Richard Trumka on TTIP (tags)

TTIP represents a crisis for democracy and the constitutional state. Corporations could sue states in parallel private arbitration courts. Labor and environmental regulations could be chilled or invalidated as indirect expropriation.

Overdue farewell to dogma (tags)

Mainstream economics did not see the crisis coming – and so far it has not done much to overcome it. However, at least in the USA, a rethink has started.

Fast Track, TPP and TTIP Should Be Scrapped! (tags)

How scandalous that communities and states should lose sovereignty to corporations! In the TTIP, corporations can sue states for lost profits. Public interest legislation can be called a trade barrier or indirect expropriation.

Hypocritical and Hippocratic Economic Policy in Europe (tags)

The crisis is multilayered-a bank crisis, a crisis of wealth distribution and a misallocation of capital between long-term real investments and virtual financial investments.. The frugal Schwabian housewife is not a suitable model.

Obama Risks WW III (tags)


Biden Congratulates Poroshenko for Violating Minsk (tags)


Western Lunatics Risk Nuclear War (tags)


Ukraine on the Boil: Washington Prepares for Greater War (tags)


The Scourge of US-Installed Fascism in Europe's Heartland (tags)


Donbass Ceasefire: Relative Calm Before the Storm? (tags)


Copenhagen False Flag? (tags)


Monsanto's Land Grab in Ukraine (tags)


Pentagon Directing Kiev's War on Donbas? (tags)


Pominent Rabbi Wants Jews Given Special Permission to Carry Guns (tags)


New Geo;olitical/Financial Bombshells (tags)


Netanyahu in Paris (tags)


Public Funds Brought Smart Phones (tags)

All personal achievement would have been impossible without state investment in roads, schools, hospitals, airwaves, health and food safety. The state share is completely faded out in the conventional story about business history.

Fascism's reemergence in Europe (tags)


Perfect Storm Conditions Threaten Ukraine (tags)


Nicht to War in Europe (tags)


Christmas message 2014/No place for refugees in Fortress Europe/Reflections on Christmas E (tags)

It's a strange thing, that Christmas is to be celebrated more luxuoriously every year, wile the true meaning of Christmas is, that there was no place for a poor Child in the Inn, like nowadays boat refugees are not welcome in Fortress Europe. Only when all refugees are welcome in Europe, there will be a true Christmas.

Targeting Russia Escalates (tags)


Heading for Possible Global War (tags)


NYT: Propaganda Bullhorn Rag Sheet (tags)


NTO Wants More Troops to Counter Nonexistent Russian Threat (tags)


Why a Global Wealth Tax Reduces Inequality (tags)

The distribution of income and assets is one of the most controversial themes today. History teaches us that economic forces press in different directions - either to more equality or away from equality. Which will prevail depends on what political decisions we make.

NATO Summit Day Two (tags)


Free Trade Agreement TTIP Endangers Democracy (tags)

Investor courts of arbitration create an exclusive special right for foreign corporations. They could demand compensation when their profits are narrowed by democratic decisions.

A Frenchman Admonishes Americans to Equality (tags)

With his book and the data, Thomas Piketty has shaken the self-understanding of American society.. In 2010 the richest one percent had around 20 percent of the total income. In the 1970s the share was under 10 percent.

TTIP Undermines the Constitutional State (tags)

TTIP, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, is a deregulation agreement, a great redistribution project benefiting mammoth corporations at the expense of women and the 99%. Loud protest caused the EU commission to suspend negotiation on the investor right to sue.

The Shortwave Report 06/27/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and The Voice Of Russia.

Free internet Book: The triumph of failed ideas, 286 pp (tags)

Free Internet books like Swiss, Austrian, Polish and German critical economists could help us to a sustainable future-friendly economy where the tax code is revised and the top 1% pay more taxes than their secretaries.

Apple, the State and Social Rights (tags)

Apple only gained its profits with the iPhone through state promotion and investments in the Internet and language recognition software. The state suffers a revenue crisis in part because Apple, Google and dominant corporations transfer profits to tax havens or dummy Irish corporations.

Kiev Losing Control? (tags)


Stoking Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Reoccupation of the Hambach Forest in Germany (tags)

Struggle against megalomaniac energy provider RWE and the biggest human-made hole of europe.

More NATO Forces for Eastern Europe (tags)


Big Lies Drown Out Truth (tags)


"Fair Harvard" Lacks Fairness (tags)


On the Global Conjuncture, February 2014 (tags)

The key feature of the global landscape is the continuing stagnation of the centers of the global economy, the United States and the European Union. The promise of sustained recovery from the financial implosion has eluded the United States for over three years now while most of Europe remains mired in very deep recession, with the notable exception of Germany.

Fascism's Ugly Face in Ukraine (tags)


Alternative Trade Mandate, 20pp (tags)

Trade needs a new vision and should serve the public interest, communities, farmers, workers and the poor, and not only corporate profit interests. Communities should have the right to food sovereignty and to protect themselves from the ravages of financial deregulation & GMOs.

State of Power 2014, 99 pp (tags)

In its third annual "State of Power" report, TNI uses vibrant infographics and penetrating essays to expose and analyze the principal power brokers that have caused financial,. economic, social and ecological crises worldwide.

The Tiger and His Trainers (tags)

How preposterous to think we can avert the next crisis without regulating or shriveling the financial sector, addressing income inequality and radically rethinking the meaning and assumptions of economics? Hans-Jurgen Urban likens the financial crisis to a tiger breaking from his cage and sees the welfare state and unions as trainers

Washington's Dirty Game in Ukraine (tags)


Western Officials Collaborating Against Ukraine's Government (tags)


Bashing Ukraine (tags)


Ukraine Dodged a Bullet (tags)


Chemical Weapons Directed By Corporations Against Us All (tags)

Corporate biochemicals are poisoning us all

International Conference Against Fascism and Racism, Athens, Greece, October 5-6, 2013 (tags)

Anti-fascist organizers call an international conference to address the escalation of violence by neo-Nazi groups, such as Greece's Golden Dawn.

Demonstration Agianst China Southern Airlines at LAX - July 13 (tags)

Animal rights activists will protest China Southern Airlines’ transport of primates to laboratories and educate travelers about the horrors of sending animals to be tortured. When: Saturday, July 13, 2013 from 6:30pm – 7:30pm Where: Tom Bradley International Terminal, LAX

Europe Cravenly Colluding with U.S. in Criminality (tags)

It is hard to know which is the more outrageous: the US government’s forced landing this week of the Bolivian President Evo Morales’ official jet in Europe; or the European authorities’ compliance with the Americans in their act of international piracy.

High-Level Opposition to Escalating Syria's Conflict (tags)


"This is a Cold Putsch Against the Constitution" (tags)

Sahra Wagenknecht, co-vice president of DIE LINKE (The Left Party) in Germany, is the author of many books and articles on economic justice, the financial transactions tax and creative socialism.

Neoliberalism as a Variety of Social Darwinism: Ten Million More Unemployed (tags)

Social cuts are a danger for democracy..When fear of social descent or collapse seizes the middle class, the danger grows that exclusion-ideologies may gain acceptance like racism, nationalism or social Darwinism..The economic future is given away on the altar of an ideology that raises location competition to the leitmotif of political-economic policy.

Cyprus Postmortems: Part II (tags)

class war

Grand Theft Cyprus (tags)

class war

Straight Talk on Israel (tags)


Child Poverty Massively Increases through EU Austerity Programs (tags)

Caritas warns "lost generations" are growing up in Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland. The Cairitas study blames the austerity programs for the impoverishment of children. A new prioritization and an even distribution of the burdens of the debt crisis are demanded.

Cancellation of Illegitmate Debts Instead of Bailout Umbrellas for Financiers (tags)

The inflation of public indebtedness was an essential element for the enhanced power of financial capital. That inflation was a result of a conscious under-financing of the state and is a lever to enforce an austerity policy. Financialization intensified the pressure to precariousness.

Stagnation, not growth, is the norm for mature capitalism (tags)

The dynamics of a mature capitalist economy result in stagnation and financialization, creating deepening inequality.

Austerity — the 1%’s Global Battle Cry (tags)

Whether we are left with the Fiscal Cliff or a Grand Bargain, workers in the U.S. face massive cuts to programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, unemployment insurance, Food Stamp assistance and other needed social safety nets. This is an example of “austerity” which has largely been pursued in the U.S. until now, on a statewide and local level.

Climate Change Policy Gap Between USA and Europe Grows, as Norway Sets New Carbon Tax (tags)

Ignored in the Presidential debates -- climate change policies in the USA and Europe are diverting - wildly. Norway just set a new national carbon tax, while the US House of Representatives recently voted to ban CO2 regulations. Like we live on different planets.

Another Road for Europe (tags)

Europe is in crisis because it has been hijacked by neoliberalism and finance. Along the road to another Europe, visions of change, protest and alternatives have to be woven into a common framework. Finance should be prevented from destroying the economy.

Bona Fide Eurozone Crisis (tags)

class war

Saving a Failed System (tags)

class war

Repaired Shoes or New Shoes (tags)

The economy demonstrates-in the Marxist sense-its primacy over politics. Whose interests are realized? New holes opened up after every bailout action in the last four years. Greece is only the tip of the iceberg. The debtor is not to blame for the disaster.

Bazooka Economics (tags)

class war

Capitalism Failed (tags)

class war

Emergency Central Bank Intervention Coming? (tags)

class war

Philippine government a "show-off" (tags)

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine government’s decision to extend a US$1-billion loan to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to supplement the Fund’s Financial Transaction Plan (FTP) of $456 billion to contain the economic crisis in Europe is an “arrogant pretension of a country very much in debt,” according to the Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC).

Europe in Crisis (tags)

class war

Contagion Affects Europe (tags)

Class war

Crisis Economic Conditions (tags)

class war

Looming Economic Realities (tags)

class war

Greece Reflects Growing Economic Turmoil (tags)

class war

Choice Not on Ballot in French Election (tags)


Democracy instead of Fiscal Pact (tags)

Against the authoritarian-neoliberal EU, we champion a democratic and social-ecological Europe of the many!

What is the Origin of Wealth? (tags)

"Europe faces the choice of falling apart in the crisis or taking steps to another economic model," 50 scholars from the advisory board of Attac Germany declared. They make the connection between the chaos of the financial markets and the scandalous distribution of wealth

EU Austerity Madness (tags)

class war

Medrciless Samaritans and 10 Causes of the Crisis (tags)

"There is no society. There are only individual men and women," said Margaret Thatcher. Margaret Thatcher, the former British Prime Minister, had a great share in the crisis in which Europe, capitalism and democracy find themselves.

Readying the Greek Corpse for Burial (tags)

class war

How Goldman Sachs Rules the World (tags)

Hank Paulsen had famous examples: Robert Rubin, Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, also changed from Goldman Sachs into politics. Europe and the US are firmly in the grip of Goldman Sachs.

Banker Occupied Europe and America (tags)


Europe's Losing Game (tags)


Forecasting Economic Decline (tags)

class war

The Crisis Explained (tags)

So much crisis was never analyzed with a crisis-conditioned satisfaction guarantee! Instead of seeking culprits, we must seek the systemic causes of the indebtedness dynamic. These gigantic debt mountains were necessary to keep capitalism functioning. Fewer and fewer workers can producer more and more goods in an ever-shorter time.

The New Normal: Economic Weakness and Decline (tags)

class war

Ongoing Global Economic Crisis (tags)

class war

Shock Strategy for Europe (tags)

The cocktail of social cuts, deregulation and privatization struck societies like a blow. The economy hit the wall; social securities were taken away. The debt problems were used as "timely opportunities" to gain new ground for the free market.

Crisis Conditions Grip Eurozone (tags)

class war

Global Economic Tremors (tags)

class war

Europe in Disarray (tags)

class war

Europe Lays an Egg (tags)

class war

Wrecking Europe to Fix It (tags)

class war

The Crisis, Trust and Homeowners (tags)

Capitalism cannot function any more without credit-financed debt on account of its increasing productivity. The recession will come because the indebtedness-dynamic can hardly be maintained with which the capitalist zombie-economy is kept alive in its pseudo-life.

Bailouts, Bondage and Political Bankruptcy (tags)

class war

At Risk Eurozone Sovereign Credit Ratings (tags)


Spreading Eurozone Contagion (tags)

class war

Eurozone Doomsayer Got it Right (tags)


Deepening Debt Contagion (tags)


Kicking the Cannes Down the Road (tags)


Dissing Europe's Flawed Bailout Scheme (tags)

class war

US Finds Culprit (tags)

Critical thinking and cultural shock have the power to turn the world upside down (like Jesus' parables and zen koans). Trivializing structural/systemic economic problems as motivational, psychological, bumps in the road or industrial accidents is a perversion.

Eurozone Bailout Deal (tags)

class war

Economic Tremors (tags)




Troubled Eurozone Finance Capital (tags)


Nato Is Murdering Civilian Men, Women and Children In Libya. (tags)

Clearly Nato is pushing the old American doctrine of unconditional surrender in Libya

Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)

Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.

Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)

Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.

Norway attacks/Result of extreme right populism in Europe (tags)

Contrary to the mainstream media, the Norway terror attacks are not the action of a ''lone wolf'', but stem from the climate of hatred, which is incited by the extreme right leaders in Europe

Hard Right Extremism in America and Europe (tags)


Spanish Voters Reject Austerity (tags)

financial terrorism

The U.S. is More Greek than Greece (tags)

Deficit economies were organized mainly by finance capital. The expansion of this credit-financed mass demand went along with the expansion of the financial sector. Trillions of dollars and Euros were pumped in the stabilization of financial markets.

Bretton Woods 2.0: Soros New World Order Conference (tags)

new world order

BTL:Critics Question Motivation Behind U.S. and Western Europe's Military Intervention in (tags)

Interview with Michael Mandel, professor of law, conducted by Scott Harris

The Shift of Power to the East and South (tags)

The shift of political and economic power from West to East and North to South and the rapid development of technological innovations have created a completely new reality..The claim of the US and Europe to being masters of the universe must be ended.

Calls for military intervention in Libya? (tags)

"The Imperialist powers, they’re economies wrecked by the hubris endemic to their systems, would like nothing better than to seize, Libya’s petroleum assets during this time of eternal turmoil. And why wouldn’t they desire to invade now? They get to derail revolution and they get the oil! This would be London and Washington’s wet dream. And it would be a disaster for the people everywhere! In fact we may ultimately find that their dirty, greedy hands were behind the disaster in Libya in order to create pretexts for actions “imperial in nature” all over Africa. At any rate, no progressive person can believe that “western intervention” will be other than another grotesque rape of the people of the African continent. Please do all you can to resist this horrible possibility? The western powers simply cannot be trusted. Defend the Libyan nations’ right, and indeed all the revolutionary peoples’ of Africa’s’ right to self-determination. No less, and in fact, much more is at stake."


Brazil needs quickly to build a reasonable nuclear dissuasion power to defend petroleum in his coast.

Economic Turmoil in 2011 (tags)

economic trouble

Britain's War on Islam (tags)

vilifying Muslims

Making Monsters (tags)


Kosovo's Prime Minister Accused of Running Human Organ, Drug Trafficking (tags)

"As and when the transplant surgeons were confirmed to be in position and ready to operate, the captives were brought out of the 'safe house' individually, summarily executed by a KLA gunman, and their corpses transported swiftly to the operating clinic." Once organs were removed from the victims they were auctioned off to the highest bidder and sold by a global trafficking ring still "operating" today.


It is necessary to scrub in the journalists' face the world just as we see it to prove that we see more than the propagandas that they do.

Manifesto of French Economists: Why We Are Shocked (tags)

On October 11 three million French workers were on strike against President Sarkozy's authoritarian attacks on social security and pensions. "Despite its obvious debacle, the neoliberal dogma is still regarded as the only correct economic system."

The Neoliberal Experiment and Europe's anti-Austerity Strikes (tags)

"The neoliberals are fully in control of the bureaucracy, and they are reviving Margaret Thatcher's slogan, TINA: There Is No Alternative. But there is, of course. In the small Baltic economies, pro-labor parties have made it clear that the alternative to government shrinkage is to simply repeal the debts, withdraw from the Euro and break the banks. It is either the banks or labor - and Europe has just realized that this is truly a fight to the economic death. And the first test will come this Saturday, when Latvia holds its national parliamentary elections."


Brazil will begin to change soon.

"Severe Austerity Programs will have Catastrophic Consequences" (tags)

"Instead of real growth, the financial sector has only promoted phantom growth. The state functions differently than a family. Less should be spent for unproductive purposes like the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and unconditional bank bailout packages.."

Worldwide Economic Crisis: Two Opposite Models as Answers (tags)

In a large part of the population, there is a consensus that capitalism has no answers to the great social challenges of social security, hunger and climate change. An alternative investment program (emphasizing children, culture and climate change) gives a long-term answer.

Turkey: Solidarity call for the "Platform of struggling workers" (tags)

Workers from recent struggles in Turkey, including tobacco workers, water and sewers workers, firemen, metal workers, municipality workers, building workers, dustmen, science workers and news workers, have come together and established a workers' group. Support them!

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution (tags)

"In the same month, the highest-ranking general in the United States, “Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ranks the financial crisis as a higher priority and greater risk to security than current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” He explained, “It's a global crisis. And as that impacts security issues, or feeds greater instability, I think it will impact on our national security in ways that we quite haven't figured out yet.”[22] Rest assured, they’ve figured it out, but they don’t want to tell you."

The Neoliberal Agenda is Over and The Despised Social State (tags)

Neoliberalism is the political-economic experiment of individualizing social risks and claiming growth and employment will be higher. This claim is refuted convincingly by the global financial crisis destroying enormous assets and causing growth and employment to crash.

The AIPAC is a danger to democracy (tags)

And it has spread to Europe

The Underrated Danger (tags)

In the US, people have lived above their means for years and now must permanently lower their living standard. In America as in Europe, economists expect a tremendous rise in unemployment in the fall. This does not mean people will shop more.

Holocaust deniers are prosecuted in Europe. (tags)

Now Nakba deniers should also be prosecuted in Europe.

Latino Renaissance (tags)

A special panel discussion will be held on Latino Renaissance during the upcoming 8th Anniversary Celebration of the International Museum of Muslim Cultures at Jackson, MS.

Obama and the denial of genocide (tags)

Writer-activist David Boyajian’s investigative articles and commentaries have appeared in Armenian media outlets in the U.S., Europe, Middle East, and Armenia and the Newton Tab and USA Armenian Life newspapers named him among their "Top 10 Newsmakers of 2007." So, when Barack Obama paid a visit to Turkey last month, it seemed like a good time to ask Boyajian for his take on the new president's approach to the issue of the Armenian genocide.

The IMF and Romania: A Road Less Travelled (tags)

IMF policies have left shattered economies.

Protest sweeps Europe (tags)

France Jan 29, 2009. Public and private workers mount a one-day strike with mass support. Schools, courts and transportation shut down in several cities. This article is from: Freedom Socialist Vol30 No2 April-May 2009.

The Future of NATO: Time to Break a Taboo (tags)

The European public is neither enthusiastic for the military engagement in Afghanistan nor for new expansions of NATO.. The alliance must energetically promote disarmament and arms control.


In a sweeping speech to international leaders and security experts on February 6 in Munich, US vice president Biden, prima facie, revealed to an international audience the core of the Obama regime's foreign policy program. Although emphasizing diplomacy and cooperation as its center piece, he gave a stern warning to the Imperialist allies and client states that they are expected to share the burdens of fighting extremism (whatever that is).

The End of Prosperity (tags)

The wages of sin have come due.

Munich Agreement papers declassified (tags)

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR in Russian abbreviation) has declassified archive materials related to the 1938 Munich Agreement, which triggered the most dramatic events of the 20th century.

Forget Wall Street! (tags)

Foreign countries will not finance US wars and US consumption for ever. The US must accept the new reality that countries want to diversity, not accumulate dollars. What becomes of a country that refuses systemic criticism and sets missions and agendas above facts and realities?

Cold Peace-The US Missile Shield and its Consequences (tags)

The planned missile shield undermines the so-called second-strike capacity. It shifts the nuclear balance in favor of the US. The West gave the government in Moscow assurances after Russian troops withdrew from East Germany.

De-Acceleration or Globalization 2.0 (tags)

"The wondrous global division of labor came about in which threshold countries lend money to the US to buy Chinese or Indian products..Must cut-flowers from Africa be promoted in Europe?..With de-acceleration, globalization will catapult fewer jobs around the globe.

US, Israeli Roles in Georgian Crisis Raises Alarms (tags)

Since the attacks by Georgia which sparked the fighting (which, alone, suggests Georgia had been promised the support of a larger power) took place on the day that the last two US carrier groups started for the Strait of Hormuz, it would appear that one motive (besides the pipelines from the Caspian which rival the new ones the US built in Afghanistan) appears to be tying up Russia, in order to minimize its response to US/Israeli Aggression towards Iran.

The United States, Europe and Human Rights (tags)

The discredited way in which the European Union suspended its sanctions on Cuba on June 19 has been reported in 16 international press dispatches… Such hypocrisy is made all the more evident by the brutal European measure to expel illegal immigrants from Latin American countries.

Dear Europe: video-appeal of a young Roma girl (Racism in Italy) (tags)

Her name is Rebecca and she is a 12-year-old Roma artist who is being brutally persecuted in Italy in spite of her winning the UNICEF 2008 Prize for “Art and Interculture”.

Peak Oil: The Global War for Oil (tags)

Despite optimistic estimates, the market seems to accept peal oil since the rich oil companies are not investing in new refineries. The 150-year American expansion explains the military option. Speculation caused the tenfold increase of a barrel of oil from $10 (1998) to $100 (2008).

CEO Salaries and the Minimum Wage (tags)

"After the fall of the Berlin Wall, capitalism let its mask fall. Capitalism did not have to be social any more since socialism did not exist any longer as a counter-movement..Most economic leaders act irresponsibly today toward Europe's people and the future."

Rroms in Turkey: Int'l voice raised for SULUKULE (EveryOne Group) (tags)

Since November 2007, when Istanbul began its large-scale project of urban transformation, Sulukule, old and legendary neighborhood of Istanbul famous for its Roma population, has received its share of attention. Moving the Roma community to a new district is being advocated by an Italy-based social activist association

US Crisis Sends Europe's Housing Market into Free Fall (tags)

Investor George Soros sees the worst economic crisis since the Second World War as the aftermath of heavy debts and the credit crunch. Speculative greed for profits and contempt for whistle-blowers led to the crisis. Will there be system correction or only cosmetics?


Imagine being sent forward in time from 1967 to 2007. Instead of gas costing 25 cents a gallon, it's $2.50. A decent home, intead of costing $15,000, costs $250,000 or more.

Bubonic plague a major public health emergency in China, authorities warn (tags)

A patient presents at a clinic in rural China — along the Qinghai-Tibet railway — with serious symptoms, including a high fever, swollen lymph nodes and delirium.

Equal dsicrimination (tags)

Bill Clinton has signed his book "Give and change the world" in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on October 3, 2007. The title of this book seems to refer to what world teacher Maitreya has said for so long: "Share and save the world." The original English title of the book is just "Giving". Changing the world is automatically included in the term "giving" more so in English than in Dutch, it seems, where the intention of giving is perhaps less naturally accepted without an ulterior motive or at least a clear objective in mind, and needs explanation, as does everything.

George Bush Immunized Himself from Nuremberg Prior to Iraq Iran (tags)

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Israel in danger of being wiped off the map. (tags)

the AIPAC to be holocauster, this time.

Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization (tags)

Refusing to work out historical sins like colonialism, fascism and apartheid repeats the historical model of conquest, domination and exclusion. Kairos Europe is directed against a system and its structures. Its positive goal sets life and people in first place.

$80M to Boeing for GMD Missile Defense Complex in Europe (tags)

Boeing in Huntsville, AL received a sole-source maximum $80 million cost-plus-incentive-fee, indefinite-delivery letter contract to conduct activation planning of a European-based Missile Defense Complex, as part of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) component of the USA's anti ballistic missile program.

Russia's Joint Radar Gamble (tags)

There are mainly three proposals made by the Russian President - to broaden US missile defense plans in Europe by bringing NATO into the project, which President Bush has not agreed to; to set up an "online information exchange center" in Moscow as part of the system; and similar installations in European cities with a joint radar at Azerbaijan that would protect the whole of Europe, rather than only one part of Europe.

Let's be real and realistic (tags)

at the same time.

We will advance with the blitzkrieg (tags)

when our missiles are in place


Why does the U.S. plan to install an anti-missile shield against Iran in Poland and the Czech Republic?

Gulf Stream Slowed by 30% Since 1957 (tags)

Failing ocean current raises fears of mini ice age By Mike Rhodes From the NYCity IMC, 5/25/07

Failing ocean current raises fears of mini ice age (tags)

Failing ocean current raises fears of mini ice age

Globalization - Christian Life in the One World (tags)

In the Bible, justice is always measured in the well-being of the weakest. Freedom could be understood as bond to community, not egomania. People are not commodities or a mass. There are no superfluous persons or superfluous continents. Ms Kassmann is a Lutheran bishop.

A Fear of Danger (tags)

Magic City Morning Star's William Calhoun put it succinctly in his article of Jan 26/07 when he wrote, "I think you get the idea. We are under attack."

Climate Crisis Coalition Reports: Climate Change is Largest Looming Health Threat. (tags)

This is just one of many reports from around the world on Global Warming and Climate Change. Climate Crisis Coalition Website, daily reports, 12/5/06:

The New Breed (tags)

A recent news report detailing the effects of Globalisation – western economic/military expansionism by any other name – and the explosion of organised criminal activity in the Balkans was aired today on ABC Radio Australia. The primary item of interest dealt with the negative impact that Western Europe, including the UK, is experiencing as a result of the activities of Albanian, Turkish, Bosnian, Bulgarian and Serbian criminal syndicates. According to the report NATO’s intervention and the subsequent elimination of traditional regulatory forces and authorities in the region has facilitated the “explosion”.

How Israel is Engineering the "Clash of Civilizations" (tags)

The trajectory of a long-running campaign that gave birth this month to the preposterous all-party British parliamentary report into anti-Semitism in the UK can be traced back to intensive lobbying by the Israeli government that began more than four years ago, in early 2002.

Secret Synagogues (tags)

The Inquisition then - and now.

People are always trying to make their lives better by moving (tags)

It isn't just in US that people are trying to move to places that that have more oppurtunities. It is all over the world. Here they are trying to go from Africa to Europe

The Troop Question (tags)

As the shaky ceasefire between Lebanon and Israel lumbers on, the European governments expected to ‘enforce the peace’ have been stuttering and stalling in the face of actual commitment. It was France who took the initiative originally, who as head of UNISFL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon), promised 3000 troops. After analyzing the situation further, an about-face occurred, and the troop level was reduced to 400 non-combatant personal. Italy saw opportunity and declared itself the replacement, promising 2000 troops; France, not to be outdone, reasserted leadership responsibilities, but with 2000 troops this time; Italy was then, thanks to its charitableness, awarded France’s old job as head of UNISFL. After all this, the seesawing attitude of the rest of Europe continues. These governments are demanding more definitive ‘rules of engagement’; they’re curious about the prospects of actual fighting, and are rightfully scared of being viewed as a foreign occupier in Hezbollahland. Bush is intent on seeing that his backfired war-effort is partially salvaged, and has insisted that Europe “hurry up” with military aide, since the U.S. has none to spare. It may be prudent to examine why Europe— who views Israel and the U.S. with apt distrust— is both eager and terrified to help them pursue their interests. Note: a working assumption will be that ‘humanitarian reasons’ is a sophistic answer, meant to lure citizens into obedience.

Radiant Future (tags)

"At the beginning of the 20th century, Germany was Europe's leading power but we made wrong decisions and experienced a total disaster.." (Joschka Fischer at the Teheran Center, August 2006)

Problems with Europe's nuclear plants raise worries just as the energy was gaining support (tags)

By Susan Sachs | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

Great soul of power (tags)

THE great soul of power extends far beyond states, to every domain of life, from families to international affairs. And throughout, every form of authority and domination bears a severe burden of proof. It is not self-legitimising.

Global Trade Talks Break Down Over Farm Issues (tags)

Trade negoatiations aimed at reaching a new global trade agreement collapsed today, dealing a blow to the Bush administration’s international economic agenda and touching off a bitter new round of recriminations between the United States and Europe over farm trade barriers. After two days of discussions, the director general of the World Trade Organization, Pascal Lamy, formally suspended the talks. American trade officials said there appeared to be little prospect of resuming the talks any time soon, probably dooming the chances of a trade accord during President Bush’s remaining time in office.

Bush's mein kampf and the beautiful sleeper… (tags)

(English) 10 DE JULY OF 2006 Bush approved “additional measures” against Cuba some of which point directly to those who trade with the Island or they have investments here. Among them it reiterates the possibility to begin the trials foreseen in the Title III of the Law Helms-Burton for some countries . (Spanish) EL 10 DE JULIO DEL 2006 Bush aprobó "medidas adicionales" contra Cuba algunas de las cuales apuntan directamente a quienes comercian con la Isla o tienen inversiones aquí. Entre ellas reitera la posibilidad de iniciar los juicios previstos en el Título III de la Ley Helms-Burton para algunos países

Is the Dollar Hegemony Ending? (tags)

The demand for dollars will fall significantly when oil is transacted in euros. The US must control its twin deficits and reduce its foot-print to keep the confidence of foreign credi-tors. Radical restructuring and removal of incompetent leadership could avert crash.

Europe’s leaders close ranks with Bush (tags)

On Tuesday, US President George Bush touched down in Vienna for the annual summit of US and European Union (EU) leaders. After brief talks in Vienna, Bush is due to fly to Budapest on Thursday for the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Bush’s trip to Europe is the first in a round of visits over the next few weeks. Next month he will return to Europe to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Stralsund, before proceeding to Russia for a meeting with President Vladimir Putin prior to the G-8 summit in St. Petersburg, to be held July 15-17.

State Lawlessness (tags)

The Diowning Street memo revealed the deceit that Bush and Blair planned an invasion of Iraq from 2002. Cheney kept repeating the lie that Saddam caused 9/11. After he finally denied the connection, the media ignored his denial.


Join May Day Virtual Sit-In! All Day Long on May 1st. Bodies On-line and Bodies in the Street Together. NO ILLEGAL BORDERS! NO ILLEGAL LAWS! CLICK HERE*CLIQUEN AQUI

France: Government launches assault on immigrants (tags)

A demonstration called by a broad alliance of anti-racist organisations has been called in Paris today, assembling at the Place de la République at 2 p.m. The French government has launched a major racist offensive against immigrants. Despite the tenacity and extent of the protest movement against the First Job Contract (CPE—giving employers the right to fire young workers at will), which continued throughout February, March and much of April and witnessed days of action bringing up to 3 million university and high school students and workers onto the streets, the government is continuing its programme of reactionary legislation with the Immigration Bill. This bill, which will greatly increase the social and job insecurity of immigrants, is to be put before parliament May 2, without any disruption in its parliamentary schedule.

Uranium bombing in Iraq contaminates Europe (tags)

The average radioactive dose, according to official government index based calculations, was about 23 million radioactive particles for the average adult male in Britain and Europe.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.

The CIA Eastern European Terror Prisons (tags)

A short article about the CIA torture prisons in Eastern Europe.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Russia, Cuba, and Netherlands.

Smoke Signals: Rebellion of the Periphery (tags)

The young French of North African descent are outraged over a policy of transforming labor markets into slave markets that began in the EU.. Being a slave has already become a privilege.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Russia, and Cuba.

CRFI Declaration on the youth uprisings in France (tags)

November 7 Declaration of the Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International

Manichaism (tags)

"In its religiosity, the US is more like an Islamic country than a western European country." Fuhndamentalism instrumentalizes religion to justify violence and revenge, distorts God's nature and replaces the option for the poor with the warrior cult.

Dictatorship as Economic Advantage: China's Rise (tags)

"Paul Samuelson questions the theory that existed for 200 years: the theory of free world trade..Wolfgang Hirn shows how China's rise to omnipotent production nation leads to de-industrialization..The 150 year old western dominance is obviously coming to its end.."

Europe and the Power of Capital (tags)

"The economic form of neoliberalism is based on political decisions, not practical economic necessities.. Only the democratic nation state can show the economy its place entitling it to exist for people and not vice versa.."

Reclaiming City Streets for People: Chaos or Quality of Life? (tags)

This book is available for free online in PDF format.

Totalitarian Techniques (tags)

"The occupying powers torpedo democratization in Araq by declaring there will be no binding date for their withdrawal.. The distinction of pro- and anti-American is a concept from the arsenal of totalitarian rule techniques.."

Speculations on Future US Policy (tags)

Without any concessions, Condoleezza Rice suggested that gulfs could be bridged and cooperation with Europe promoted. Her sneer made it seem: cooperation on our conditions. Many factors will stop the "arrogance of power" (Sen Fulbright).

Ben Hecht & Sami Al-Arian: What’s the Difference? (tags)

The late Ben Hecht tried to save the Jews of Europe from the Nazi onslaught. Sami Al-Arian is struggling to lift the cruel Israeli occupation off the backs of the Palestinians. Hecht was praised for his First Amendment efforts, while Al-Arian faces trial in Florida “for supporting terrorism!” A devout Muslim, he has been a leader in the Tampa, Florida community. Al-Arian has also been fired from his tenured teaching position at the U. of South Florida.

NWO Routed (tags)

French and Dutch Patriots Rout the New World Order


All member states of the European Union will soon have to agree to or reject the project of European Constitution. A European campaign has just been launched in order to contribute to develop a large movement against this project of constitution. This Sunday the French citizens are voting.

America in 99 points (tags)

America-is. ONLINE PUBLISHER ON AMERICA ISSUES is an European online publisher focusing on America and American issues. We publish texts or artworks from all religious, sexual and political orientations. However, we only publish contributions concerning America or American issues. Our first text is called America.

GAYS: More cases of RARE DISEASE (tags)

Homosexual/Bisexual - Health issues - Lymphogranuloma venereum, or LGV, is a form of chlamydia that can damage the bowels and scar the anus. Among the few patients that have been identified in the United States, most also had the AIDS virus.

Art of War : Neo Con Agenda : Europe (tags)

Neo Con Agenda

US After the Election: Permanent Alarm (tags)

The election was an expression of fear combined with ignorance about the economy. The American majority that voted for Bush is a case study of repression. That the economy is sick, the country isolated and the ground begins to totter is denied.

America in Decline (tags)

The greatest problem I have with America is not Bush in himself. Rather it is that people no longer seem to care what their political leader tells them or how many lies are spread.. Bush completely ignores Europe and Nato..

Politicians and their Scapegoats (tags)

Politicians create scapegoats and use them for their goals. Politicians manipulate the population because it is easier to govern with scapegoats.

Rhine Capitalism, Anglo-Saxon Capitalism and Redistribution (tags)

Anglo-Saxon capitalism is an unbridled capi-talism whose profit logic overrules all social and environmental interests. Rhine capitali-sm has a social net so workers are not redu-ced to cost factors. "The Cold War against the social state leaves..another republic."

Democrats for Bush (tags)

Big Business Hurts Itself and Workers by Opposing Socialized Medicine (tags)

Ideological blindness makes U.S. corporate interests oppose socialized medicine, even though by having to pay health benefits themselves makes them wildly uncompetitive with similar companies in Europe or Canada.

The grass is not greener (tags)

Poor Euros. More evidence of the failure that is socialism. Socialists destroy the incentive to work and yet claim to support "Labor."

News Article from August 1st, 1944 (tags)

Message to America (tags)

spread it!

911 Days after 9/11 (tags)

What a accident!

Anti Semitism Distorts European Left (tags)

Spanish Member of Parliament Interviewed on Left Wing Press Distortions of News from the Middle East

The Climate Change HOAX! (tags)

Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing billions of lives in natural disasters and famine if nothing is done about it. Eon’s report warns that major European cities, such as Venice and Amsterdam will be sunk under the sea as Europe is roasted by a 'Tropical' climate by 2020. L.A. will get cooler.

American banana problem ? (tags)

one day 6 heroes dead 6 collaborators dead 43 heroes wounded to cripples And no personalized evil in sight to blame

Terrorist recruiters' wide reach The Syrian connection (tags)

19 Dec 03 By Lisa Myers Senior investigative correspondent NBC News NBC's Lisa Myers reports on the insurgents in Iraq and how recruiters range from Italy to Norway, finding fighters to send into the country to kill Americans. NBC Nightly News: Recruiting terrorists in Europe to kill Americans in Iraq. Network described as complex, well-organized. Since the arrest of Saddam Hussein, attacks on American troops have continued. Most of the insurgents in Iraq are Iraqi-born, but some have been foreign fighters. And many of them have been recruited from Europe. European police have arrested nine suspects recently on charges they were recruiting fighters to kill Americans in Iraq. NBC News has learned the network of recruiters spans from Italy to Norway.

Cultural Struggle and Resistance (tags)

Paneuropean day of Artistic Action plus an Intercultural Network

People of Europe! Won’t you discuss “What kind of democracy you have?” (tags)

Date: 30 November 2003 Statement: 319 After the four bomb attacks, which came up in Istanbul on November 15th and 20th, some countries of Europe and organs of the European Union took decisions towards Turkey.

Wiesenthal Center 'outraged' By Poll Calling Israel A Threat To World Peace (tags)

As the tanks roll over the refugee camps in Palestine and the apartite wall goes up, with open blatant racist policies with the mandatory wearing of special ID badges of non- “jewish” people, While "israel" "legalizes" the Murder of Palestians and Theft of more Palestinian land the destruction of Palestinian Property and isreal drains billions in blood money from US. The organization said it was outraged at published reports that 69 percent of 7,500 Europeans surveyed called Israel the Top threat to world peace.

GLOBALIZATION: A SIMPLE DEFINITION-“Diez horas con la globalización”(google) (tags)

A SIMPLE DEFINITION OF WHAT THE GLOBALIZATION IS. According to the book “DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACION” (amazon, google, yahoo, netbiblo, Foro-los retos de la globalización, elcorteingles, netbiblo, Author: Oscar Sanchez Fernandez de la Vega (google).

George Bush: A Menace To World Peace (tags)

Think deeply on this, ask yourself where do we stop these madmen. Iraq may be the only place to stop this madness. Every nation that desires freedom and democracy must resist the Bush Junta's pressure to participate. The welfare of the world may well rest in the tying down the US army in the soil of Iraq, at least until Bush can be removed from power.

Bush Cries Help: Just Say NO (tags)

When the leaders of Europe and the UN meet to discuss sending troops to Iraq they must remember that the hands of the clock have been turned back to Munich 1938. It is understood that behind the scenes the leaders of Europe are facing extreme pressure and are being offered incredible bribes to comply with the request. However, they must realize they are dealing with a madman and a regime full of lunatics that are willing to risk nuclear war for their own personal gain.

Gulliver Calls and the Dwarfs Follow (tags)

"Imperial overreach threatens Europe's economic resources and military arsenals already strained to the limit.. The emperor and his people should quickly understand that the Imperium Americanum cannot subjugate the globe." Translated fr German

no border camp in puglia italy (tags)

Border Camping in Puglia

Global Power Elites and the New Wars (tags)

"A representative republic was transformed into a plutocracy. Privatizing public property was a continuous tendency during the whole modern age." The average net worth of the 400 richest Americans rose tenfold by 1999..The Bush administration has martial plans, not a Marshall plan." From the German

Berlusconi Nazi Comment Triggers Outrage (tags)

German socialist Martin Schulz referred to Berlusconi's use of an Italian immunity law to sidestep bribery charges in a Milan court. "In Italy, they are making a movie on Nazi concentration camps," Berlusconi snapped back. "I will propose you for the role of capo,"

Europe's Irrelevancy (tags)

The Demise of the European Continent

Unintended Consequences (tags)

Soybeans Killing Rainforests Nine (9) easy steps that even lefties can understand.

The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 34 (tags)

CLASS STRUCTURE. Because of a brainwashing system of higher and lower education, most ordinary Americans, unlike Europeans, are almost completely blank when it comes to understanding CLASS.

The masters of the universe (tags)

"Depending on the ideological prism applied, the Bilderberg club may be considered an ultra-VIP international lobby of the power elite of Europe and America, capable of steering international policy from behind closed doors; a harmless "discussion group" of politicians, academics and business tycoons; or a capitalist secret society operating entirely through self interest and plotting world domination. "

After the War is Before the War (tags)

The Marburg professor of political science gave this address at the union conference "After the Kosovo War" on Sept 4, 1999. Translated from the German


On the way to Thessaloniki against the lordships of the EU! The next EU-summit in Thessaloniki can be blocked! Thousands of demonstrators are planning to come from all over Europe!




The World's top Plutocrats and Monsters are having their annual shindig to decide how many millions of people are to be liquidated this year. These are the people who financed Hitler and others. One might call it a nexus of evil.

GREECE: VIOLENCE ERUPTS NEAR EU SUMMIT,Militant Anti-War Demonstrations at EU Su (tags)


Why the Left will never put its hands up (tags)

Being a leftist means you never have to say you're sorry.

The Winning of a Just War (tags)

The Europeans, and our own left, have put forth arguments that seem so manifestly false.

Western Civilization at a Crossroads (tags)

"Peace is not everything but without peace everything is nothing" (Willy Brandt 1982).. "The civilization project aims at abolishing war as an institution..Justice and the strength of the law should replace power interests and the right of the stronger."

europe says Osama Bin Bush a religious fundamentalist (tags)

europe catches on to shrub's "crusade"

Western Civilization at a Crossroads (tags)

"Peace is not everything but without peace everything is nothing" (Willy Brandt 1982).. "The civilization project aims at abolishing war as an institution.. Justice and the strength of the law should replace power interests and the right of the stronger."

Western Civilization at a Crossroads (tags)

"Peace is not everything but without peace everything is nothing" (Willy Brandt 1982).. "The civilization project aims at abolishing war as an institution.. Justice and the strength of the law should replace..right of the stronger." Translated from German

Western Civilization at a Crossroads (tags)

"Peace is not evertything but without peace everything is nothing" (Willy Brandt 1982).. "The civilization project aims at abolishing war as an institution..Justice and the strength of the law should replace power interests and the right of the stronger."

Western Civilization at a Crossroads (tags)

"Peace is not everything but without peace everything is nothing" (Willy Brandt 1982).. "The civilization project aims at abolishing war as an institution and eliminating force..Justice and the strength of the law should replace..right of the stronger."

Western Civilization at a Crossroads (tags)

"Peace is not everything but without peace everything is nothing" (Willy Brandt 1982).."The civilization project aims at abolishing war as an institution and at the elimination of force..Justice and the strength of the law should replace right of thestronger."

Not All Irishmen Hate America (tags)

An Appreciation

Western Civilization at a Crossroads (tags)

"Peace is not everything but without peace everything is nothing" (Willy Brandt 1982).."The civilization project aims at abolishing war as an institution and at the elimination of force.. Justice and the strength of the law should replace right of stronger."

Distribute: Vets call to Troops (tags)

If the people of the world are ever to be free, there must come a time when being a citizen of the world takes precedence over being the soldier of a nation. Now is that time.


March 10, 2003 -- THE NEW YORK POST

Extortion and payoff at U.N. to save the fuehrers face (tags)

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse

Lies Lies Lies --- "Lies with a purpose" (tags)

"Lies with a purpose" Printed on Friday, March 07, 2003 @ 02:59:12 EST



Diplomatic Riffs (tags)

It's funny that the president brags about having the support of Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria and Denmark. Those countries together couldn't whip Iraq.

The Iraq is only the beginning (tags)

You are either with us or a promblem

Old Europe Gives the New World Colonists a Geo Political Lesson. (tags)

On Friday the 7th of February February 2003 it was reported in the New York Times that the U.S. in negotiations with Turkey was essentially offering the Turkish government a military foothold in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq.

Europe and America must stand united (tags)

A declaration in support of the United States by the heads of eight European countries.

The Mud is Up To Our Necks (tags)

The Bush administration firmly believes in its dreams of solving deeply rooted long-term problems in coups d'etats. When the dreamers awake, they will see that the mud is up to our necks..Washington sees international organizations as impairment..

Make Law, not War! (tags)

Make love, not war the time of the Vietnam war. Make law, not war is proclaimed by Europe at the threshold to the Iraq war. Bush acts according to the slogan: Make war, not law. The brave new world of military security replaces the logic of treaty..

The European Summit in Copenhagen (tags)

European summit

Condemned to Empire (tags)

Does empire encourage untruthfulness, the rewriting of history and the crisis of language and community? Can the unipolar moment annul the multipolar reality? Does denial of interdependence plunge a cnation into paralysis? Translated from the German

The Wilderness Lives: The End of Prehistory as a Beginning (tags)

"The status quo is limited and not lasting from eternity to eternity as the quasi-religious worship of capital asserts. This worship of capital handed over to its own destructive dynamic is still dominant but not unchallenged." H. Thielen lives in Brazil.

Capitalism, Fascism and World War 2 (tags)

The relationship of fascism and capitalism as illustrated by the events of World War 2

To Summit Up (tags)

Bush will not go to this summit

HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (July 29, 2002 version) (tags)

Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.

HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (July 22, 2002 version) (tags)

Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.


The inclusion of the Colombian guerrilla organization FARC in the EU list of terrorist groups deals a fatal blow to the possibilities of striking humanitarian deals between rebels and government, says former peace broker Carlos Lozano.


According to a recent article published by the hand of The Economist, world’s leading economic weekly magazine, Sicily was defined “The Third World’s of Europe”, this burned a heavily flamed polemics. This Economist’s definition comes in very high contrast with accepted opinions shared by as many authoritatives sources like Financial Times and Wired that had claimed at the island a very consinstent role as an International New Economy Player, statement, this, endorsed and confirmed by KPMG research that assumpted that in the third millennium any hi-tech entrepreneur wanting to invest in Europe must invest in Catania.

Labor 's View: Europe Wins Olympics (tags)

Europe won the 2002 Winter Olympic Games; the United States was a distant second. The Olympics represents the collective wealth of the workers of the world which allows some people to spend their time worrying about figure skating routines. Because labor is better organized in Europe, Europe spends more on social services and less on the military, and has the championship at the Olympics and the better overall health and welfare of its people to show for it.

Brussels: 100,000 trade unionists for people not profit (tags)

Reposting from Indymedia UK: Brussels on Thursday , December 13th, saw possibly the largest ever demonstration of trade union strength across Europe. Well over 100,000 people took five hours (on a working day) to march through the capital of the 'Europe of Profit' under the slogan, "Europe: it's us!"

Marchers Across Europe Protest Against Possible Strikes (tags)

A girl holding a leaflet joins some 4,000 peace supporters in an anti-war vigil across the street from British Prime Minister Tony Blair's London residence on September 22, 2001. The U.S. is asembling a massive military force in the Gulf and Indian Ocean for a possible on Afghanistan. REUTERS/Chris Helgren


Maybe someone wants to participate or other things in the virtual Conference of the World Bank: Third Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE) in Europe. It was going to be in Barcelona (Europe) but they canceled (though the street protest are going to be held anyway) and now for the first time is on-line. If anybody is interested, here is the info. (June 25 and 26)

The Shortwave Report 6/15/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute weekly review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. In English. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. 13.6MB Radio Netherlands, Germany, China, Russia, and Cuba.

Quebec Poster Collage (tags)

Quebec Collage Poster, Cover of Barricada May. Actual Size 11x17 Single Issues Available for 2$ US and Canada minimum,3$ suggested, and 4$ Western Europe Six Month Subscriptions are 15$ US and Canada and 20$ in Western Europe

The Shortwave Report 4/13 LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of news stories recorded from a shortwave receiver. 13.6mb. FREE TO REBROADCAST! Stories from Netherlands, China, Germany, Russia, and Cuba. Global protests, global warming, euthanasia, spy plane, Kyoto protocols, Star Wars, Kossovo, KLA, stock market, Guatamalen immigrants.

Barricada December Out Now (tags)

Barricada December Now Available

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