fix articles 4614, industrial Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : industrial


Defund homeless industrial complex (tags)

U.S. Supreme Court ruling that cities no longer need to offer shelter to homeless means taxpayers no longer need to pay for it.

The Looming War Against China (tags)

In the United States, in the wake of Ronald Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthy & state-undermining deregulation, & Bill Clinton's "Third Way" takeover by Wall Street, there was an equally devastating shift of wealth & income to the finance, insurance & real estate (FIRE) sector. The "Third Way" was financial capitalism that made its profits by exploiting & indebting industry and labor.

The end of the "Golden Age" of cqapitalism and the rise of neoliberalism (tags)

The rise of the neoliberal world economic system marked by the dominance of financial markets – whose financial superstructure collapses over us – resulted from the radical economic crises of the early 1970s that seized nearly all western industrial countries.

From Reagan to Trump (tags)

The 1960s, when incomes rose for almost all workers, ended with a massive wave of strikes. Since the 1980s, the incomes of most Americans have fallen, working hours have risen massively, and job security has become a foreign word. But strikes have been extremely rare.

The Last Stage of the Middle Class (tags)

Money capital is fleeing into the speculative financial markets because investments in new factories have become unprofitable. While growing parts of society are impoverished or even impoverished outside of production, only a simulative accumulation of capital through financial bubbles takes place...

On the Power of Money: Three by Eugen Drewermann (tags)

Only faith (as in a religion), the "invisible hand," the "law" of the "free" market can judge everything. State interventions can only be annoying. The market itself is allegedly "social". Everyone acts according to his advantage. The system is not social but criminal and unjust.

Herbert Marcuse: The One-Dimensional Man (tags)

"Manipulation of needs" is one of the control instruments. Rulers change needs through manipulation. False needs are needs imposed from above like production and consumption of useless things. The need for freedom no longer exists in developed capitalist countries.

Teacher Strike? Time for Labor Studies (tags)

With the strike looming, it's a good time to prepare for a little alternative, experiential education. Labor Studies!

Reality Check: Palestinian-Israeli Coexistence is a Big Lie (tags)

This article looks at the issue of Palestinian-Israeli coexistence.

Working Digitally in Just Economies (tags)

Reducing working hours is an attractive scenario, an optimistic picture of a possible future of society. Less than 2% of German workers labor in agriculture, down from 40% in the 19th century. The future of work is person-related work. The state must intervene with subsidies.

The torrefied pellet plant will not be built on the Limousin mountain! (tags)

This is an invitation from the Limousine Mountain to all potential accomplices who oppose the industrial offensive currently taking place under the veil of an ‘ecological transition’...

The Future as Transformation (tags)

There is no future with present-day capitalism. Capitalism stands for a movement of endless profit-making. Only a radical breach with the capitalist accumulation dynamic can nurture the hope of a reasonably tolerable future for human civilization on this planet.

Limits to Growth Published Forty Years Ago (tags)

The MIT scholars under Dennis Meadows came to four core conclusions: 1) there are limits to economic growth on finite planet, 2) the economy and population are growing exponentially, 3) exceeding limits will lead to collapse and 4) collapse could be avoided by turning from growth

The Digitalization of Labor (tags)

Robots and algorithms are ready to automate many activities like the manufacturing robot Baxter... John Maynard Keynes dreamt of a future in which the work week of his grandchidren would by only 15 hours.

Energy for tomorrow, 15 pp (tags)

“The time of cheap and abundant energy comes to the end. It is the beginning of the transition of the fossil era to a post-fossil age, a transition which will be in the same measure fundamental and decisive as it was the by fossils imprinted industrial revolution of about more than 200 years ago”.1

The Two-Speed World (tags)

The new indebtedness is a consequence of the crisis caused by the financial industry-and in no way owed to an excessive social state, demographic change and so forth.. There are many critics of this policy of mastering crisis by flooding the financial markets with fresh money.

Charles Dickens as Economist (tags)

Ultimately the whole industrial revolution appears like a fairytale that becomes true. At the end of the 19th century, the GDP in England was six times as high as 1834. Human possibilities of life and consumption improved to a tremendous extent. Dickens described this exciting process.

The BRIC - States: World Economy on a Silk Thread (tags)

In 2013 for the first time since the beginning of European industrialization, the production volumes of the threshold- and developing countries will surpass the volumes of the triad. Sinking real investments is true for all `developed' countries.

Growth Euphoria and Distribution Reality (tags)

The chasm between poor and rich opens even more. The uncoupling of growth and quality of life on one side and productivity and work volumes on the other side make clear that "business-as-usual" leads to growing problems. German GDP grew 300% with 20% fewer workers.

Brazil: Structural changes on the way (tags)

She also studies rebuilding the soil, flora, fauna and rainfall in semi-arid areas (see map!), Home to 18 million Brazilians and it occupies nearly one million square kilometers.This reconstruction will take place at very low cost, without engineering works, but supported on the natural succession of species, according to a technique called Agroforestry Regenerative Analog System (ARAS), developed and disseminated in Brazil by swiss citizen Ernst Götsch, who is in full activity.

Stolen Haitian Relief Money (tags)


Occupy the Military Industrial Complex (report back) (tags)

A series of demonstrations drew attention to one of the biggest (and least-discussed) welfare programs: the Military Industrial Complex. Although Boeing was the main target, demonstrations also occurred in front of Northrop Grumman and Raytheon. By late afternoon, there were about 50 participants. That number increased to approximately 75 by early evening. Most response from vehicular traffic seemed positive.

The Keynesian past is past: Nostalgia is not the future (tags)

Keynesianism would be much better than austerity, but would do nothing to solve the underlying structural crisis of capitalism.


Or how language creates ideological problems.

About Chabil Utzaj and Polochic Valley (tags)

Taken from Nuestro Diario, Guatemala

Stagnation as a Trend-Life with Satiated Markets, Stagnating Economies and Reduced Work (tags)

45 years ago JKGalbraith was shocked at the public squalor alongside private affluence. In 2008-10 trillions were given to banks and Wall St. so private losses became public losses. By relieving corporations of taxes, neoliberal supply side strategy worsens growth and employment.

The U.S. is More Greek than Greece (tags)

Deficit economies were organized mainly by finance capital. The expansion of this credit-financed mass demand went along with the expansion of the financial sector. Trillions of dollars and Euros were pumped in the stabilization of financial markets.

The End of the "Golden Age" of Capitalism and the Rise of Neoliberalism (tags)

"The central point is that the financial sphere has the potential of developing into an autonomous subsystem of the whole economy with an enormous capacity of self-expansion..Like cancer, it has no internal control mechanism. It can only be brought under control by external interventions"

Making Monsters (tags)


Green U.S. Senate Candidate Favors Repealing Federal Marijuana Laws (tags)

"As I officially kick off my campaign for the U.S. Senate today, one of the first declarations I make is to call for the repeal of all federal laws on the books which make it a criminal act for people to grow, sell, and use marijuana for medicinal, recreational, and industrial purposes."

Abolishing the Prison Industrial Complex --An interview with Criminal Injustice Kos (tags)

Focusing on the prison abolitionist movement, we interview two co-editors of an exciting new series at Daily Kos, called Criminal InJustice Kos, a weekly series "devoted to exploring the myths of 'crime', 'criminals', and criminal justice and the intersection of race/ethnicity/class/gender/sexuality/age/disability in policing and punishment. Criminal Injustice Kos is committed to furthering action towards reducing inequity in the US criminal justice system." Look for Criminal InJustice Kos every Wednesday at 6 pm CST.

Celebrate Hemp History with Green Party! (tags)

May 19, 2010: Join the Los Angeles Greens for vegetarian potluck and a talk on "How industrial hemp will help California's economy." Using hemp for food, medicine, fuel, fiber, paper and up to 50,000 products made from industrial hemp; provides jobs, cultivates the soil, preserves the trees, and creates energy we can inject into our struggling economy.


It is not enough to see is necessary to understand.

"Making Paper From Trees Is Just Plain Stupid!" - Jack Herer (tags)

Just recently my wife broke her ankle and as a typical male I am a moron in a supper market. It takes me twice as much time to shop as it would if Namiko hobbled through the store with her broken ankle. I have however noticed a frightening specter that screamed at me from the super market shelves. At least 90 percent of the paper products I was looking at in the store, which includes the packaging are all made from virgin wood fiber pulped from trees. When you add in virgin wood fiber in news print, office, shipping and school use, you see that nothing much has changed.

Health Bill Ignores Industrial Health Harms (tags)

Health care bill, now in hands of the Senate, ignores every industrial threat and harm to health. It finds that people's behavior is the biggest threat. Could this be because all Senators are economically-linked to health-harming industries, AND their insurers and investors? Sworn and public-paid Congress members wouldn't go AWOL on their solemn oaths and duties to the people, would they? If it were not for people, there would be no Health Crisis.

Dioxin Deniers at the FDA (tags)

The FDA will ignore pesticides, chlorine, dioxins, radiation and other industrial parts of typical cigarettes in its new Act. This Act, supposedly against the cigarette industry, is entirely in support of that industry, even to the point of assisting it to evade legal consequences.

Development Theory: Ivan Illich (tags)

Education is the great transformer (J.K. Galbraith). Ivan Illich was a life-giving iconoclast and philosopher who criticized modern industrial society as a threat to autonomy. Through resistance and solidarity, we can begin again.

Industrial Union News (tags)

The first edition of the Industrial Union News, official newspaper of the Workers' International Industrial Union, is available for viewing online

VIDEO: Lessons of the Great Depression (tags)

Output per worker, efficiency or productivity, increased 25% from 1923-1930 while wages only increased 4%. The first problem is that people can't afford what they produce. The second problem is that we've been consuming the planet

Robert Jensen Challenges Patriotism, Industrialism (tags)

University of Texas journalism professor Robert Jensen spoke in San Diego February 21. His talk was billed as a challenge to the idea of patriotism, but he also said flatly that the industrial mode of production and the way of life it has allowed are no longer sustainable and the world's population will have to live in small, self-sufficient local communities. His speech also attacked "the coarsening of the culture" represented by the easy availability of pornography.

Organizing Call- Workers' International Industrial Union (tags)

A call to organize under the Workers' International Industrial Union- a union for all wage workers, no matter what your job and whether you are employed or unemployed.

Military-Industrial Recruitment Fair Infiltrated In Santa Barbara (tags)

UCSB students and community members use literature, nice clothes, fake names to interfere with military industrial recruiting of engineering students

Military-Industrial Recruitment Fair Infiltrated In Santa Barbara (tags)

UCSB students and community members use literature, nice clothes, fake names to interfere with military industrial recruiting of engineering students

On the Financial Crisis in the 20:80 Society (tags)

The question is how we deal with the 20:80 society, not whether the 20:80 society is coming because the development is irreversible. In the long-term, work will disappear.. Jobless growth has become the normal condition.The end of work can be a great leap for humanity.

Only Lip Service: Interview with Heiner Flassbeck (tags)

Heiner Flassbeck describes the financial summit in Washington as failed. The UN expert says the central problems of speculation with exchange rates and raw materials were not addressed. The industrial countries divert from the real themes.

Financial Crisis: Bending and Breaking (tags)

The governments still strike the pose of successful crisis management. The points are set for a state-sanctioned survival of neoliberlaism through bending and breaking, Instead of raising mass income, the state finances capital investments to liven up the domestic economy.

Stillbirth of the WTO (tags)

"The negotiations in the NTO changed into a battle of the developed countries for their mammoth corporations over the market opening of developing countries. Access to education, health care, water-and energy-supply and telecommunciations should be human rights."

California Water War Enters New Front with the 'Battle of the Reports' (tags)

The Public Policy Institute of California released a report advocating the construction of a peripheral canal on the California Delta, while two environmental groups, EDF and NRDC, released two separate reports recommending ways to provide enough water to both restore salmon and serve California's water needs.


Campaign finance reports show opposition money comes from factory farmers with history of animal cruelty abuses and consumer fraud

"Stop the Biofuel-Madness!" (tags)

"The high oil price and the food crisis threaten the existence of over a hundred million people." (Walden Bello) "People in poor countries must starve so the rich can continue driving their cars." Growing plants for biofuels is a crime against humanity.

South Central Farm Shows Alternative to Industrial Ag's Monocultura (tags)

The farming methods using crop diversity were evidenced at south central farm prior to the destruction by the L.A. Sheriff's bulldozers. SC farm's 'milpa' method is our escape from dependency on increasingly toxic petrochemicals used by industrial agribusiness monoculture plantations.

"Oil Crisis Changes Globalization" (tags)

In the poorest hundred countries, the high oil price is intensifying hunger and poverty. "These people stand at the edge of a possible disaster," Jeremy Rifkin says. The high prices for oil, gasoline and gas change the rules of globalization.

Greenpeace promotes privatization, blows off birds (tags)

Remember "turtles & teamsters"? Indymedia readers, environmental & political activists have struggled against the corporate privatization of the commons for years. It's a sad testament when groups like Greenpeace and others find themselves promoting capitalist moneymaking schemes that reduce the commons to an industrial sacrifice zone.

The Future of Work-driven Society (tags)

When less and less time needs to be spent working for a living in Western industrialised countries, this partial freedom of gainful occupation is increasingly becoming a problem for those dismissed. The vision of working less and living longer is a utopia that is also realistic.

Ike was right (tags)

Erik Prince is a mortal danger to democracy

Sustainability or Consumerism (tags)

The industrial nations must lower their CO2 emissions at least 80% by 2060.. Consumerism, accumulating goods as a substitute for meaning, is the great enemy of climate protection today.


A Call for Compassion and Reason

Follow Chavez's Lead; Nationalize US Oil (tags)

Chavez took the needed step of nationalizing Venezuela's petroleum reserves to prevent multinational corporations (ie., Exxon-Mobil)from theft of resources. Here in US, we would be wise to follow Chavez's example..

The Dangerous Double Standard (tags)

In the early nineties, people hoped for the irrevocable ending of fear and the great peace dividend.. The governing limit themselves to fighting symptoms. The causes of terror are not a theme for them.

Future Prospects for the Young Generation (tags)

The social contract of modern times based on lifelong full-employment in paid work is broken.. We produce with Bill Gates and dis-tribute with Bismarck..After 200 years, we need a new social contract, a new reconciliation of work and income.

Oil Wealth as a Curse (tags)

The world energy need will increase 50 percent by 2030 necessitating investments of billions in the energy infrastructures.. With its oil greed and balance of payments deficit, the US could endanger global peace and the stability of the world economy.

Sunday at the Farm (tags)

Strengthening community ties to SAVE THE FARM

Why Are Gas Prices So High? (tags)

A Primer on Oil: Past, Present, Future of Oil and Gas in the United States

The End of Security (tags)

The state has a social nature and isn't only a security and power state. If the state is reduced to a trough or waterboy for capital, the class compromise is dissolved and justice becomes an abstraction. Neoliberal myths legitimate the growing precariousness

Unions and the Growth Mania (tags)

The more productivity advances, the less labor is needed to realize a certain growth rate.. A de-acceleration can reduce the increase of labor productivity and lead to more employment.. A strategy beyond growth should be developed.

IWW resolves to join May 1 General Strike (tags)

The Industrial Workers of the World have passed a resolution supporting the struggle for immigrant workers' rights and calling on their membership and all workers to join the General Strike on May 1st, 2006.

Why the Farmers Must Win (tags)

In its Saturday editorial, the Los Angeles Times reduced virtually all the civic concerns of the historically neglected South Central to “niceties” and condemned a swath of the district to being a “concrete-and-asphalt” wasteland,“ "a seemingly endless sweep” of “industrial warehouses, packing plants, and junkyards.” It proclaimed that developer Ralph Horowitz must triumph, and the South Central Farm must be razed. The Times was wrong.

New Infoshop News podcast (tags)

The new installment of the bi-weekly Infoshop News podcast is now available for downloading and listening. The Infoshop News Show features news from the Infoshop News newswire, music, interviews and other features. This edition features the last part of Infoshop's 2005 interview with Jon Bekken, who is a professor at Albright College and longtime editor of the Industrial Worker.

Film: “Why we Fight” in Los Angeles (tags)

The film examines critically the issues of the US military industrial complex, American imperialism, and the US role in the international theatre.

Stop the WTO Negotiations! Save Jobs! (tags)

After ten years under the WTO, unemployment has increased everywhere in the world..Many transnational businesses try to distance themselves from responsibility for working conditions by outsourcing work.. Joy to the world, not only to the superrich!

hemp rationale (tags)

The time is now to rally around hemp for energy independence and reduction of global warming.

Challenge to Minutemen; protest industrial agriculture (tags)

Instead of scapegoating immigrants, the Minutemen could focus their protests on the industrial agriculture corporations that exploit undocumented immigrants..

The Levee were blown? (tags)

There's something very wrong with the chronology of the levee breaks in New Orleans

BTL:Opponents of Prison Industrial Complex Rally for Policy Change in... (tags)

...Nation's Capital ~ Interview with Barbara Fair, of People Against Injustice, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

A Mom's FYI: Opposites Detract (tags)


How Much is Enough? (tags)

"The world has enough for everyone's need, not for everyone's greed." The fear of the further spread of the western lifestyle and economic mode with frequent flier rebates is at the center of political debate. Life without resource-intensive lifestyles is vital.

The Security Mania (tags)

Since Margaret Thatcher's brazen slogan `I dont know any society-only individuals', the old pre-fascist social Darwinism has become socially acceptable again..The wolf is praised as exemplary for our future economy.

For All Republicans (tags)

Are you "really" a republican?

Let's Boil it Down "Mr. Republican" (tags)

Are you "really" a republican?

Globalization Strikes Back (tags)

"The war against terror must be a war against poverty.. Washington reserved to itself the right to attack other states.. Distribu-tive justice is a demand of security policy, not only of morality and humanity.."

The World is not a Commodity: Another World is Possible (tags)

"Attac is an element of the anti-war and peace movement because a just world is impossible without peace.. We reject the militarization of foreign policy and war actions of the German army abroad.."

US: Fierce Falluja fighting recalls Vietnam (tags)

"And this is like Hue City in Vietnam," he said, referring to the former imperial capital where in 1968 US troops faced the most ferocious street fighting of the communists' decisive Tet offensive. Marines, who took part in defeating Saddam's armed forces a year ago, said the resistance they were now facing was tougher than anything thrown at them by the old regime's once vaunted Republican Guards. Sergeant James Ramsel, of the battalion's Alpha Company, said there had been no let-up in the resistance. "It's been going on all night; it's still going on."

After the Failure of the World Trade Conference (tags)

"There is growing skepticism toward the past structure of the WTO and the procedures and results of previous world trade conferences. With the founding of the WTO in 1994, all 148 member countries were promised that there would `only be winners'."

Exodus from Growth (tags)

"Growth, prosperity, free trade, liberal world economy and international division of labor are all ideologically charged terms. They re-flect veiled interests more than a search for truth. The starting-point for an alternative econmics is an ideology-critical position."

petrochemical nation (tags)

The united states is a nation addicted to the needle of petrochemical industry, our occupation of Iraq feeds this constant crude oil craving..

No More Lonesome Howl Of The White Trash Wolf (tags)

It was said of Johnny, that he never was "seduced" by the money or showmanship of it all. He never went the way of so many others, giving his music over to showmanship, in lieu of the telling of those struggling, and in poverty; outside the warm circle of pretend country--pretend simple living--pretend poverty. One can't sing nor write of , what one hasn't lived.

"Stop GATS!" Against Privatization of Services (tags)

"The `Washington Consensus' from the 80s promised that a neoliberal policy - liberalization and deregulation - would be good for eveyrone. In fact, local structures are destroyed, human lives are annihilated through hunger and poverty.."Trans fr German

Immigration control- atool of the bosses (tags)


"The System is always Fair", the Cat says to the Mouse (tags)

"Behind closed doors, the WTO negotiated GATS, an agreement on liberalization of services. Health conglomerates all over the world can steal solvent patients. The existential necessity water could soon be much more expensive." Trans. from German


Clear And Irrefutable Proof The US Government Planed And  Executed Genocidal Acts Against The Iraqi People.

Unequal Resource Distribution: Prosperity through Hunger (tags)

Profit maximization leads to unrestrained plundering of our natural resources and destroys our natural foundations of life,,In Rio 1992, government representatives promised drastically changing our resource consumption, consumer habits..

The Blood Of Thousands (tags)

This is the way the Bush family makes millions. It takes the blood of thousands of innocence civilians

The Right to Development (tags)

"The 1994 UN Development Program proposed a world social charter with the goal of building a society where the right to food is as sacred as the right to vote..and the right to development is a fundamentaql human right Brigitte Hamm is a professor in Duisberg.

New racist policies against impoverished Gazan workers (tags)

The Israeli Occupation Authorities has issued new work policies in the 'Eretz industrial zone' in the northern Gaza Strip, which forbid Gazans from wearing shoes, coats or bringing food from home.

GMO Discussion: Andrew Kimbrell interview, Bioneers (tags)

Radio Interview on the GMO front // MP3 file or streaming, < 30 minutes

Industrial workers in China killing their bosses (tags)

Workers in China's industrial heartland have started killing their bosses as a form of labour protest

Afghanistan and CIA Opium TIMELINE Worldwide. Drug war industrial complex CHARTS (tags)

An 'enemy' we love to death. Afghanistan and CIA Opium TIMELINE Worldwide. CHARTS. US prison and incarceration rate charts. The mythology of the "enemy." Milking the drug war at home and abroad. To feed the military intelligence, prison industrial complex. Riding the beast of drug war for power, prisons, and profits. Corporate control and profit by creating an enemy, utilizing its ruthlessness, and then creating the secret police, the war machine, and the prison camps to then destroy this 'enemy.'

Feds, Multinationals Conspire With Nazi Cartel-Marijuana/Hemp Suppression (tags)

Documented Evidence of a Secret Business and Political Alliance Between the U.S. "Establishment" and the Nazis - Before, During and After World War II - up to the Present. An Open Letter to All Americans-By R. William Davis Please Spread Far&Wide If You Value Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness



Protest coverage: issues and context on internet radio station (tags)

Information on context and issues of the Los Angeles protests - Internet radio station

Protest coverage: issues and context on internet radio station (tags)

Information on context and issues of the Los Angeles protests - Internet radio station

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