fix articles 4608, european Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : european


What does the recognition of the state of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain mean? (tags)

Israel risks a diplomatic tsunami because of its government policy. In recent weeks, this tsunami has begun to descend on Netanyahu... Israel is also being investigated by the International Criminal Court for alleged genocide at the instigation of South Africa.

The Looming War Against China (tags)

In the United States, in the wake of Ronald Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthy & state-undermining deregulation, & Bill Clinton's "Third Way" takeover by Wall Street, there was an equally devastating shift of wealth & income to the finance, insurance & real estate (FIRE) sector. The "Third Way" was financial capitalism that made its profits by exploiting & indebting industry and labor.

Ukraine's attack on NordStream 2 (tags)

The CIA learned last June through a European spy agency that a six-member team of Ukrainian special forces intended to sabotage the natural gas project between Russia and Germany. Three months before saboteurs bombed the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline, the Biden administration learned from a close ally that the Ukrainian military had planned a covert attack.

Ice Age: Why Russia is Demonized and Why That is So Dangerous (tags)

A serious exit strategy has to deal with two crucial realities. First, the war in Ukraine is another proxy war between Russia & the political West. Secondly: As long as either side assumes it can win the war militarily - whatever that may mean in concrete terms - there is little willingness to negotiate.

Ukraine and the powerful resurgence of US empire (tags)

"NATO is not what it claims to be," reads the headline. Contrary to the claims of its architects and defenders, the alliance's primary purpose since its inception has not been to deter aggression from the East, much less to promote democracy, but to "bind Western Europe to a much broader project of a world order led by the United States."

"The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar" - part 2 of 3 (tags)

Moscow has really threatened the U.S. dollar on the international stage, and with it the entire U.S. economy behind it. Since Putin took office, well before 2021 and even before the anti-Russian coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia, a leading energy power, has begun the process of liquidating U.S. dollar-denominated bonds. Russia halved the number of U.S. bonds it held.

Nord Stream as a reason for war (tags)

Only the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines ultimately cleared the way for the EU, and Germany in particular, to become long-term buyers of U.S. natural gas surpluses and to keep the price at a profitable level for U.S. fracked gas producers, even in the long term.

Battle for Social Democracy and Unfettered Capitalism (tags)

Two opposing schools of thought face each other at the sickbed: neoliberalism and social democracy. Didn't the death-bells of neoliberals ring in the course of the financial market crisis? Were not neoliberals unmasked who first caused the whole mess with their deregulation?

In the Trap of NATO and The Collapse of US Hegemony (tags)

Even before the outbreak of the global Covid pandemic, it was widely recognized that U.S. hegemony was in irreversible decline. In August 2021, the Taliban captured Kabul as U.S. forces withdrew. Only about six months later, war broke out between Russia and Ukraine.

How the West betrayed Mikhail Gorbachev (tags)

Gorbachev wanted to transform the Soviet Union from a closed, repressive system into an open, communicative socialist system that would be part of the European family. This effort was called glasnost (openness) and was advanced through the reform movement called perestroika.

Economic war instead of climate policy and Russia is enemy (tags)

Sustainability and capitalism do not go together. Because capitalism needs growth and drives environmental destruction. The consequences: Species extinction, drought stress for trees, water scarcity. A consistent climate policy is overshadowed by the economic war.

95 Theses Against the Rule of the Financial Markets (tags)

The financial markets have made themselves independent of the real economy. As the selling of indulgences led to Martin Luther's 95 Theses in 1517, the rule of speculative financial markets has led to revenue shortfalls of US cities and states. Tax havens hide between $22-33 trillion.

Democracy = not more than a brand name (tags)

The USA, a hegemonic power threatened with decline, is struggling to maintain and expand a monopolistic world order. This is supposed to be justified by surrounding itself with an aura of freedom and democracy.

Waging war or building bridges (tags)

"NATO is de facto at war with Russia and using Ukraine as a tool to do it." And further, "Everything about NATO is hypocrisy. They declare themselves the 'peace alliance,' but their history is nothing but war.

Armament Madness (tags)

The people of Ukraine are suffering. But who benefits from the "turning of the tide"? The war is a crime, and Putin bears the responsibility. But Western politicians were not sleepwalkers. An appeal brings the conclusion to the point: Lay down your arms! Peace logic instead of war logic!

Cuba and the Ukraine crisis (tags)

History repeats itself after all. What as the Cuban Missile Crisis left the world balancing on the precipice is exemplified by the Ukraine crisis. Starting in 1959, the USA stationed nuclear-tipped medium-range missiles in Italy and Turkey aimed at the USSR. The latter responded.

The hatchet not buried (tags)

In short: Either we accept the cultural and historical plurality as well as the legitimate security interests of all states on our globe - and not only of the West - and actively support UN international law or we will perish together.

The Ukraine-Russia conflict (tags)

"The West must negotiate with Russia" NATO should also agree to talk about a new European security architecture if Russia is also willing to agree to de-escalating and confidence-building measures in the relationship with Ukraine."

Asia's Future (tags)

"Europe derived great power and huge profits from colonizing Asia, Asia has grown amazingly because of American and European outsourcing, and now the United States and Europe are propped up by infusions of Asian investment and talent. This is the true nature of the global system, not multipolar competition."

Remembrance culture and the Cold War (tags)

"No to racism, anti-Semitism, the production of images of the enemy, and the slandering of history!" Russia is once again declared the enemy, but at a rapid pace now so is China. The new Cold War seems unstoppable. Enemy images are marked by a simple binary world view.

Open Letter: Write off debt, win the future! (tags)

We are fortunate to have a creditor that does not have to fear losing its money: the ECB (European Central Bank). Our proposal is therefore very simple: let us conclude an agreement between the European states and the ECB. The ECB writes off the debt it holds (or converts it into perpetual interest-free debt).

A better future after COVID-19 (tags)

People must decide how they want to live and what they want to produce in a fair ecological exchange that respects the interests of all people. This would also reverse the logic of competition between countries which is based on lowering labor costs, and promote ecological goals.

Europe needs an effective guarantee of youth solidarity (tags)

The Youth Guarantee could create an entry-level job market in the public or non-profit sector - in other words, jobs that serve the common good. It is the austerity policy in the wake of the financial and economic crisis that has delayed the socio- and ecological transformation.

The Job Guarantee in the Corona Pandemic (tags)

If the tax system is not reformed in an equitable manner, this will probably mean 10 to 20 years of cutbacks, starving basic services such as education, health, and care, as was the case in many European countries after the 2008 financial crisis.

The Forgotten History of the Financial Crisis (tags)

In the United States between late 2008 and early 2009, 800,000 people were losing their jobs every month. By 2015, over nine million American families would lose their homes to foreclosure—the largest forced population movement in the United States since the Dust Bowl.

Housing for All (tags)

Housing as a human right is subverted by the right of speculation. The Vienna Housing Fund buys up potential property and prevents speculation. Rents in Vienna are much lower than in Munich. The state must intervene since private developers cannot build affordable units

Sanctions and Double Standards (tags)

Sanctions are war with other means-and not an alternative to war. The civilian population pays the price with their bodies and their lives. Export restrictions on the most important revenues of a country cause immense suffering. That Iran has not attacked another country is unmentioned.

Market Economy: The Superrich Endanger Democracy (tags)

It is easy to influence politics with a lot of money, and civil society is often just a nuisance. In the US, this problem is everywhere, but Europe is catching up.

The Global Justice Project and Human Survival: We're Badly Off Track (tags)

Something has gone seriously, seriously wrong.

The Global Justice Project and Human Survival: We're Badly Off Track (tags)

Something has gone seriously, seriously wrong.

The Global Justice Project and Human Survival: We're Badly Off Track (tags)

Something has gone seriously, seriously wrong.

On the Refugee Debate (tags)

The rulers want to divert from the real causes of the refugee wave and from their own misdeeds because the cause of the misery is an exploitation crisis of capital and the greed of mammoth world corporations. Only the prospect for a future in their country can stop refugees.

Is the Financial Crash 2.0 Coming? (tags)

Market ideology has been on the advance since the 1980s. Only a few voices warned of the risks and instability of the liberalized financial markets. After they profited from the generous bailout packages, the banks began to speculate against the most indebted countries.

The (Temporary) End of Globalization (tags)

Protectionist measures could lead to losses of prosperity and increase the pressure to introduce more measures. Before the 2008 crisis, world trade grew over 6% per year (now 2%). Why must US consumers pay more for imports from the EU? Why are European consumers punished?

Finance Ministers Applaud Greece Debt Deal that Provides Aid and Continues Austerity (tags)

European Finance Ministers endorse a new Greece debt agreement that provides financing in exchange for maintaining austerity policies and economic reforms.

In praise of indigenous people (tags)

Forgotten minorities

Philippines: Stop the killings, stop silencing dissent (tags)

This is the statement of a seven-member delegation of the Progressive Alliance (PA) and the Party of European Socialists (PES) that have visited Manila this week to assess the situation and to demonstrate solidarity in support for democracy in the Philippines. The delegation was hosted by Akbayan Party, a member of Progressive Alliance.

European Union Votes on Corporate Transparency Regulations (tags)

The European Parliament is set to vote on landmark corporate transparency rules known as "country-by-country" reporting.

Economic Stagnation and its Mastery (tags)

Corporate profits explode while investments stagnate.Social housing declines with privatization. According to neoliberal theory, higher profits lead to grater investments and more jobs. In truth, higher profits lead to more use of tax havens and companies buying back their stock.

Memorandum 2017: Alternatives for a Solidarity Europe: Instead of "Germany First" (tags)

The European Union is at a crossroads. The reason lies in the neoliberal redistribution policy favoring capital incomes over many years. "Mass unemployment intensified and was not ended in Europe. Millions of those with work are in precarious working conditions."

Polish citizens attacked by electromagnetic weapons - Opoen letter to European Commission (tags)

The Polish defense minister promised to establish a commission to investigate electromagnetic attacks on Polish citizens, then the defense ministry declared those attacks national security information

Europe turn left (tags)

After the economic crisis in 2008, the neoliberal fairytale of austerity was given a new boost. The neoliberal ideology reflects the idea the dismantling of the welfare state is urgently needed. Austerity means that all state expenditures are reduced to a minimum...

Trumpism and the Working Class (tags)

Trumpism understood via Dimitrof

Democracy and the Uncanny Power of Money (tags)

Growing inequality is the greatest political problem of our time. Governments are often only actors or puppets of an anonymous regime for the benefit of the privileged where the interests of simple people do not count.

VOID NETWORK On the tragic and the farcical of the British referendum An analysis about B (tags)

Analysis about BREXIT from a Greek Anarchist point of view

Basta Ya, Brussels! British Voters Reject EU Corporte Slavestate (tags)

“The EU is an instrument of the ruling classes of Europe for the imposition of brutal austerity measures—most directly on the workers of Greece, of Spain, Portugal and Ireland, but also on workers in the UK, France and Germany….Prime minister, Cameron, has even proclaimed an “Age of Austerity” as his government imposes cuts of £210 billion, (€263 billion), equivalent to over 10 percent of Britain’s GDP, at the cost of the destruction of 20 percent of all public sector jobs, millions more in the private sector and the decimation of vital services.

Memorandum 2015 (tags)

For 40 years, the Bremen study group has published memorandums. The council of experts promoted the profits of businesses, not aggregate economic demand. Mass unemployment surpassed the 5 million mark because of neoliberal structural reforms.

Time for a New Detente Policy (tags)

The past subordination under the US policy oriented to regime change and chaos in the Middle East must be ended. A diplomatic offensive to end the war in Syria on the path of negotiation with Russia is necessary. Since March 1999, NATO was expanded with a dozen countries.

European Council Backs US Imperial Policy on Syria (tags)


The Shortwave Report 10/09/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba.

TTIP: Attack on Democracy and the Constitutional State (tags)

A mass demonstration is planned for Saturday October 10 in Berlin against the TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment partnership. A parallel private ad hoc arbitration system is created where corporations can sue states for lost profitsLabor and environmental rules undermined

State Indebtedness: The Beloved Enemy (tags)

"The slow one now will later be fast as the present now will later be fast." The state unlike the Swabian housewife can become indebted to invest in a more social and more human future. All personal and corporate profit depends on state investment in roads, schools, food safety etc.

US Imperial Wars Responsible for Refugee Crisis (tags)


Can Keynes Rescue Europe from the Euro Crisis? (tags)

Keynes' theories and concepts were pushed back with the rise of neoliberalism in the 1980s. A complete change of course occurred when state spending cuts, lower wages and devaluations failed. The state spent money to create demand for products and services.

Unwanted Refugees: EU Countries Block Borders (tags)


Kiev's Yalta European Strategy Forum (tags)


US Media Ignore US Responsibility for Refugee Crisis (tags)


Mistreating Refugees in Europe (tags)


Vladimir Putin Straight Talk (tags)


Maidan 2.0 Eerupting in Ukraine? (tags)


Scotland Banks Growing GM Crops (tags)


Greece demonstrate (tags)

At the end of yet another «historic» marathon session Brussels negotiations between the Greek government and its creditors, a «definitive» agreement has yet again been found to «resolve" the Greek crisis: Greek Prime Minister Tsipras and his team have come to accept as a condition for new loans to the virtually bankrupt Greek government, a plan of austerity measures significantly harsher than he had rejected a week earlier and against which he had, supposedly, held a referendum! The only point where he apparently got something concrete, is that of the reduction in military spending: the creditors have accepted that it is weaker than what they asked for...

IMF: Greek Debt Untenable (tags)


Tsipras Surrenders to Troika Bandits (tags)


Troika Tyranny! (tags)


Greek Voters Reject Financing Plan (tags)

Article on recent election in Greece, concerning its debt.

"No" Supporters Win in Greece: Now What? (tags)


Greece Declares Bank Holiday, Capital Controls Imposed (tags)


EU Bashes "Russian Propaganda" (tags)


Russia to Counter US Eastern European Buildup (tags)


US Escalates Confrontation with Russia (tags)


European Parliament Surrenders to Washington on Russia Policy (tags)


The hidden costs of trade treaties (tags)

The free trade treaties with Canada (CETA) and the United States (TTIP) are not threatening European standards, the negotiators in Brussels assure us. Yet environmental and food safety regulations have already been weakened.

Russian Travel Blacklist: Critics Ignore Their Own Policies (tags)


A Partial Privatization of Justice (tags)

On, Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO warns that the TTIP is a secret tribunal where only foreign investors can sue. The TTIP brings a crisis for democracy and the constitutional state by creating a parallel private arbitration system with irrevocable decisions.

Free Trade and Economic Growth instead of Democracy and Ecology (tags)

The TTIP agreement between the EU and the US creates a parallel private arbitration system where corporations can sue states for lost profits and decisions are irrevocable. Labor and environmental regulations can be invalidated as “takings” or “indirect expropriation.”

350 McDonalds Shut Down Since January 350 More Scheduled To Close (tags)

Hundreds of millions have moved away from animal flesh. McDonald's is one of many chains feeling the change.

Comments on the European Commission's approach to investor-state arbitration (tags)

Gus Van Harten is an associate professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University

Fast Track, TPP and TTIP Should Be Scrapped! (tags)

How scandalous that communities and states should lose sovereignty to corporations! In the TTIP, corporations can sue states for lost profits. Public interest legislation can be called a trade barrier or indirect expropriation.

Bashing Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsiras's Moscow Visit (tags)


Greece Proposes Plans to Tackle Tax Evasion and Corruption (tags)

Greece submitted a list of economic reforms to the European Union (EU) in an effort to secure emergency financing.

Hypocritical and Hippocratic Economic Policy in Europe (tags)

The crisis is multilayered-a bank crisis, a crisis of wealth distribution and a misallocation of capital between long-term real investments and virtual financial investments.. The frugal Schwabian housewife is not a suitable model.

US Provocations on Russia's Borders (tags)


Fascism: Humanity's Scourge (tags)


Ukraine on the Boil: Washington Prepares for Greater War (tags)


Proposed European Army: Good Idea or Bad? (tags)


Obama's Ukraine Agenda (tags)


Copenhagen False Flag? (tags)


Munich's March to War with Russia (tags)


Mughniyeh assassination signals decline of NATO's genocidal colonial rule over Middle East (tags)

The cowardly NATO assassinations of Hezbollah's top commander Imad Mughniyeh (2008) and his son Jihad Mughniyeh (2015) which both took place outside any battlefield, highlights the criminal nature of colonial militarism which does not recognize 'military rules of engagement' because it has never had any legal grounds for being in the Middle East. It is not by happenstance there has been an overwhelming silence from NATO 'government' and 'news' media propagandists over the complete absence of legal grounds for Israeli and US military attacks on sovereign Syrian territory.

NATO Heading for War with Russia? (tags)


TTIP: Redistribution of Power, not Free Trade (tags)

The TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement) involves the redistribution of power away from the parliaments and to the executive and its unelected lobbyists. The TTIP does not involve freedom of trade.

Rebirth of the One-Thousandth Society (tags)

The richest thousandth (0.1%) could increase their share in the total wealth very intensely since the 1980s. Their share is as much as the bottom 90%..While the millionaires increased their wealth enormously, the mass of the population is exposed to the continuing economic crisis.

Pominent Rabbi Wants Jews Given Special Permission to Carry Guns (tags)


Christmas message 2014/No place for refugees in Fortress Europe/Reflections on Christmas E (tags)

It's a strange thing, that Christmas is to be celebrated more luxuoriously every year, wile the true meaning of Christmas is, that there was no place for a poor Child in the Inn, like nowadays boat refugees are not welcome in Fortress Europe. Only when all refugees are welcome in Europe, there will be a true Christmas.

EU Parliament Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


PLO Security Council Statehood Bid (tags)


NTO Wants More Troops to Counter Nonexistent Russian Threat (tags)


UN and The Guardian whitewash attempts to illegally smuggle EU weapons into Syria (tags)

In legal terms, the British government and the Guardian and Independent 'news' media have been caught in the act of trying to cover up the illegality of attempts to smuggle weapons from European governments into Syria. This article documents evidence that can be used in a court of law, which shows the British government working with the 'news' media in their attempts to illegally smuggle weapons from European governments into Syria. At no time has a member of the British government provided -legal grounds- for weapons supplied by European governments to the Iraqi peshmerga in Iraq, to be smuggled through Turkey into Syria.

Democratic v. Sham Elections (tags)


MSM Misinformation on Ukraine's Parliamentary Electioms (tags)


A Brave New Transatlantic Partnership, 32pp (tags)

Talks between the European Union and the United States on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) took off in the summer of 2013 with many political and business leaders hailing the deal as a silver bullet against the difficult economic recovery affecting both sides of the Atlantic.

Sanction Wars Delay (tags)


The unconditional basic income - a social concept for Europe (tags)

The time is right for alternative economics after the "money-out-of-nothing" phase. Access could replace excess and enough could replace more. and

The Free Trade Trap (tags)

Political economies are calibrated to a form of economics oriented exclusively in competitiveness and high profits...The selling off of public services through the agreement on trade with services and the new edition of MAI were prevented because of social protest.

Israel's Genocidal War Continues (tags)


TTIP: Threat to Democracy and the Constitutional State (tags)

The TTIP, the largest free trade zone comprising 800 million of the EU and the US is being secretly negotiated. Democracy and the constitutional state are threatened by 3-person arbitration courts where corporations can sue states and decisions are irreversible.

TTIP Undermines the Constitutional State (tags)

TTIP, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, is a deregulation agreement, a great redistribution project benefiting mammoth corporations at the expense of women and the 99%. Loud protest caused the EU commission to suspend negotiation on the investor right to sue.

The Shortwave Report 07/04/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, The Voice Of Russia, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

Ten threats to Americans: Lori Wallach (tags)

Lori Wallach is director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch.

A world run for shareholders (tags)

The future could be full of free Internet books, community centers (as in Vancouver B.C.), English editions of Le Monde diplomatique, exchanging roles, cloud workers and soft power.

Obama in Europe (tags)


TTIP: Emperor's New Clothes (tags)

Welfare state achievements, quality and environmental standards as well as consumer interests are up for negotiation..For Austria, an annual jobs gain of 0.06% is forecast...93% of the consultations were with lobbyists.

Big Lies Drown Out Truth (tags)


Reckless Russia Bashing Persists (tags)


NYT Editors Wage War on Truth (tags)


Washington's Dirty Game (tags)


Kerry and Lavrov in Munich (tags)


Alternative Trade Mandate, 20pp (tags)

Trade needs a new vision and should serve the public interest, communities, farmers, workers and the poor, and not only corporate profit interests. Communities should have the right to food sovereignty and to protect themselves from the ravages of financial deregulation & GMOs.

Iran Nuclear Talks Resume in Geneva (tags)


Washington's Dirty Game in Ukraine (tags)


Ukrainian Protests Continue (tags)


Bashing Ukraine (tags)


Ukraine Dodged a Bullet (tags)


Mass Surveillance Violates EU Law (tags)


NSA Spying on World Leaders (tags)


Study Shows Palestinian Authority Corruption (tags)


From Obamacare to Trade (tags)

Superversion not subversion is the new and very real threat to the state.

Chemical Weapons Directed By Corporations Against Us All (tags)

Corporate biochemicals are poisoning us all

Addicted to Liquidity Injections (tags)

Bernanke's announcing of lower monthly printing of money was enough to make stock exchanges collapse in many threshold countries. The monetary policy of printing money and zero interest is caught in a vicious circle. Liquidity glut generates credit growth.

Aafia Siddiqui: Victim of US Injustice (tags)

police state

They want capitalism without democracy; we want democracy without capitalism (tags)

The policy of crises and impoverishment disrupts our lives and the lives of millions of people in the world. More than 300 persons were gravely injured through blows, tear gas and pepper spray. Blockupy had an important political success.

Spying? Who cares? Profits are at stake! (tags)

Despite the displays of anger and assertions of sovereignty, European government showed themselves not only subordinate to the U.S. but to their own industrialists and financiers. The U.S. government is similarly a captive of its own big business interests.

The Ideological Mantra "Competitiveness" (tags)

The policy that Merkel and Co. forced on the crisis countries has led to social catastrophes...The competition ideology has managed to establish the notion that generalized competition is the real human condition.

Europe Cravenly Colluding with U.S. in Criminality (tags)

It is hard to know which is the more outrageous: the US government’s forced landing this week of the Bolivian President Evo Morales’ official jet in Europe; or the European authorities’ compliance with the Americans in their act of international piracy.

Quelle Surprise: NSA Spies on Europe (tags)

police state

"This is a Cold Putsch Against the Constitution" (tags)

Sahra Wagenknecht, co-vice president of DIE LINKE (The Left Party) in Germany, is the author of many books and articles on economic justice, the financial transactions tax and creative socialism.

US-Style Free Trade in Good Hands with Michael Froman (tags)


U.S. Companies Under Pressure to End Animal Tests as Europe Bans the Sale of Cosmetics Tes (tags)

The sale of cosmetics tested on animals is now banned in the European Union -- Animal Defenders International is working hard to make America follow in their footsteps.

Grand Theft Cyprus (tags)

class war

Thaw in Israeli Immunity? (tags)


‘Transatlantic Partnership’ intended to duplicate secret Trans-Pacific Partnership (tags)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, an 11-country trade negotiation intended to go well beyond NAFTA, appears to the be model for proposed United States–European Union trade agreement.

Spectacle of Irrationality (tags)

The bailout umbrella may establish a modern kind of feudal rule. The abdication of politics is one of the worst consequences of the financial crisis. Many politicians believe the market-radical nonsense that tax cuts finance themselves.

Economic Straight Talk (tags)

class war

Cancellation of Illegitmate Debts Instead of Bailout Umbrellas for Financiers (tags)

The inflation of public indebtedness was an essential element for the enhanced power of financial capital. That inflation was a result of a conscious under-financing of the state and is a lever to enforce an austerity policy. Financialization intensified the pressure to precariousness.

US and European Union rebuke Israel’s new settlement plans in East Jerusalem (tags)

The White House Tuesday rebuked Israel for officially endorsing 1,500 new Jewish residences in Arab East Jerusalem, saying the action makes suspicious Israel’s pledge to peace talks and an independent Palestinian state. A number of European Union countries also condemned the Israeli move.

European parliament approves EU-Israel trade agreement/Letter of protest to mrs Ashton, EU (tags)

With the approval of the European Parliament of the ACCA trade agreement with Israel, the EU sets further steps in supporting Israel, despite its occupation, illegal settlements policy and warcrimes This and the EU international role of political, economical and military domination and exploitation of the Thirld World, the inhuman asylumpolicy, the wars in Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Trojka starvation of the Greeks, makes the Nobelprize for Peace to the EU a mockery of Justice

There are no national solutions for Greece, or any other country (tags)

In what can be interpreted as a dry run for other countries, financiers intend to reduce Greece to a vassal state that has no control over its finances, with its tax revenues used to pay banks instead of for government functions.

EU Wages War on Free Expression (tags)


European Bank Socialism (tags)

The motto "Too big to fail" frees the financial sector from all chains. In the future, the banks will not have to assume any liability for taking irrational risks. Instead they can commit fraud without limit-in a system that already leads us to the brink and creates millions of unemployed.

Another Road for Europe (tags)

Europe is in crisis because it has been hijacked by neoliberalism and finance. Along the road to another Europe, visions of change, protest and alternatives have to be woven into a common framework. Finance should be prevented from destroying the economy.

Clicking as a Fetish (tags)

Citizen X is no longer represented by politician U... In the best case, Liquid Democracy can reinvent the vision of deliberative and interactive democracy, giving demonstrators a platform for the public discussion of public problems.

Bankers Rule (tags)

The state became indebted to bailout the banks. Now the state pays them ever higher interests. The state should guarantee the deposits of small savers, not the debts of banks to other banks or hedge funds. The financial sector must be shriveled, the sector that uncoupled.

Do US Prisons Violate European Human Rights Law? --Interview w/ Hamja Ahsan & Aviva Stahl (tags)

An important ruling is expected early in September from the European Court of Human Rights, regarding whether or not US prisons respect human rights enough for the UK to extradite ‘war on terror' suspects to the US. We interview activist/journalist Aviva Stahl from alongside Hamja Ahsan, the brother of Talha Ahsan, one of the appellants that will be seriously affected by the September ruling, imprisoned since 2006.

Repaired Shoes or New Shoes (tags)

The economy demonstrates-in the Marxist sense-its primacy over politics. Whose interests are realized? New holes opened up after every bailout action in the last four years. Greece is only the tip of the iceberg. The debtor is not to blame for the disaster.

For a European Anti-Crisis Front (tags)

Lowering the public debt burden is not an end-in-itself. Debts could serve to stimulate the economy and improve the living conditions of the victims of the crisis. Debt reduction must occur mainly by increasing the tax revenues (higher tax rates and combating tax evasion), not only by cuts.

You can vote as bankers dictate, but is that democracy? (tags)

Officials of the European Central Bank and the European Union apparatus quickly served notice that the pressure is not off by demanding the formation of a government to their liking.

Europe in Crisis (tags)

class war

NAFTA and European Union: Different sides of the Atlantic but same function (tags)

The logic of the multi-national euro currency is tighter economic integration and loss of popular sovereignty.

Full List of Bilderbergers[]sp] Attendees (tags)

I’ve been dragging my feet on publishing this list because I’m worried that it would fuel excessive negative sentiment against the individuals involved.

Diagonal newspaper from Madrid English version available now! (tags)

Since last week you can enjoy some articles that has been translated to english from this news paper all the info is available here:

European Electoral Postmortems (tags)


The Pain in Spain (tags)

class war


Or how language creates ideological problems.

EU Austerity Madness (tags)

class war

BTL:Greeks Resist Harsh Austerity Measures Imposed by Eurozone as Condition for New $172 B (tags)

Interview with Costas Panayotakis, author and associate professor of sociology at New York City College of Technology, conducted by Scott Harris

How Goldman Sachs Rules the World (tags)

Hank Paulsen had famous examples: Robert Rubin, Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, also changed from Goldman Sachs into politics. Europe and the US are firmly in the grip of Goldman Sachs.

European monetary fables tell a story, but for whom? (tags)

It's German wage cuts, not "lazy" Greeks

Deepening Greek Tragedy (tags)

class war

When The Shop Keepers Join The Revolt! (tags)

When the shop keepers join the revolt things must be very bad indeed.

On Protest and the "Occupy"-Movement (tags)

National economies are now subject to the pressures of this supra-national financial "market" and to the institutions helpful to this market like the IMF and the European Central Bank. "Bailout umbrellas" at the expense of the common taxpayer are opened up.

The New Normal: Economic Weakness and Decline (tags)

class war

Shock Strategy for Europe (tags)

The cocktail of social cuts, deregulation and privatization struck societies like a blow. The economy hit the wall; social securities were taken away. The debt problems were used as "timely opportunities" to gain new ground for the free market.

Deepening Global Financial Trouble (tags)

class war

Global Economic Tremors (tags)

class war

Alternative for the Euro Zone (tags)

In a new study, leftist economists from a dozen EU countries criticize the policy of the German government in the Euro crisis. Its analysis and the proposed solutions are wrong. The state deficits are not the cause of the crisis. The financial crisis caused the state deficits.

Europe Lays an Egg (tags)

class war

The Crisis, Trust and Homeowners (tags)

Capitalism cannot function any more without credit-financed debt on account of its increasing productivity. The recession will come because the indebtedness-dynamic can hardly be maintained with which the capitalist zombie-economy is kept alive in its pseudo-life.

Spreading Eurozone Contagion (tags)

class war

Eurozone Doomsayer Got it Right (tags)


The Shortwave Report 11/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. NHK World Radio Japan,China Radio International, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

Deepening Debt Contagion (tags)


Eurozone Bailout Deal: Hold the Cheers (tags)

class war

Eurozone Bailout Deal (tags)

class war

Bailout Roulette (tags)



To understand what happened is enough not to give attention to the media.

Manifesto of Appalled Economists: The Shocked and the Outraged (tags)

Tax cuts for the super-rich and corporations promised economic growth and more jobs but produced exploding inequality and generalized insecurity. The US faces a revenue crisis and a war spending crisis. Tax cuts, wars and bailouts of banks and firms caused massive US deficit.

Greek Tragedy Goes Global (tags)

financial terrorism

Meaner Tougher IMF with Lagarde (tags)

financial terrorism

Global Economic Crisis Deepening (tags)


Greece must deny to pay an odious debt (tags)

In times of harsh neoliberal austerity and limited national sovereingty, the denial to pay an odious and illegitimate debt is a moral, political and social need. (by Nicolas Mottas/American Chronicle)

Killing Rachel Corrie Twice (tags)

Gaza siege

War, Prisons, and Torture in the US & UK --An interview with Richard Haley (tags)

We launched "Stop Isolation" because the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is considering the appeals of four British citizens--Babar Ahmad, Syed Tahla Ahsan, Haroon Rashid Aswat, and Abu Hamza--against extradition to the US to face terrorism charges. The court's long-delayed judgment is expected in the next few months. It will be a landmark in the development of human rights law.

Imperialist Hands off Libya (tags)

""The "lap dog presses" in western nations will not assist in revealing the horrific imperial grab now shaping up in North Africa. The western powers are on the "counter attack" as naval might is now poised to "intervene" in Libya to "save the day," read still the victory, after the people themselves have deposed the dictator and begun to set up their own government. That is the west's' worst nightmare. Normal human beings, peacefully governing themselves? That would be a disaster and the most feared example from the "great white mans" perspective. And of course they want the oil and a potential launch pad for attacks (remember the contra war against revolutionary Nicaragua) on the new governments in Tunisia and Egypt should they deem to be too independent from the dictates of capital. Eh gads! They might decide to meet the needs of their citizens! The people of Libya will need to state to the entire world that they will defend they're independence and sovereignty with the force of arms from all invaders. Only then will the imperialist consider backing off. Expose the imperialist plan! "

Russia's Foremost LGBT Leader in LA! (tags)

In a bid to promote the prominence of this May's Moscow Pride and thus hopefully forestall threatened repression by the authorities, Russia's foremost gay leader, Nikolai Alekseev, will tour seven U.S. cities February 26 thru March 6.

Manifesto of Appalled Economists (tags)

State debts may be caused more by reduced corporate tax revenues than excess spending. Through "location competition," corporations play off state and countries and harvest tax write-offs and sweetheart-assessments. Through "state capture," the state becomes a trough.


It is necessary to scrub in the journalists' face the world just as we see it to prove that we see more than the propagandas that they do.

Global Warfare: After NATO Summit, U.S. To Intensify Military Drive Into Asia (tags)

"No fewer than 38 European nations have supplied NATO troops for the Afghanistan-Pakistan war as well as providing training grounds and transport centers to support the war effort. As envisioned for at least a century, through peaceful means or otherwise, Europe has been united, not so much by the European Union as under the NATO flag and on the killing fields of Afghanistan. It is now relegated to the role of pre-deployment training area and forward operating base for military campaigns downrange: The Middle East, Africa and Asia."

World Geopolitics and The Battle for the Mediterranean (tags)

"If one were to live in a city where the only form of employment was a coal mine and there was no means to leave the city then one would have no choice but to work at the coal mine. Control of labour movement is a cornerstone to the socio-economic objectives of the U.S., the E.U., the World Bank, and a league of associated international financial institutions (IFIs). By rendering work forces immobile in any given geographic locality the rights of employment choice and occupational alternatives are removed and a new form of monopoly is established — a forced acceptance of work on whole pools of individuals. Rising fuel prices are also adding to the erosion of mobility rights.??The security agenda behind controlling movements is heavily tied to economic objectives, as are the international disease scares like avian influenza (bird flu) and the swine flue that lock up human movement. Control of mobility in the oceans and international waters of the world is also part of this objective. The internationally illegal Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) was initiated by the U.S. government, with the support of the E.U., in 2003 as part of the “Global War on Terror.” The Proliferation Security Initiative is presented as a means to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), however it can be applied to bring about a hold over global maritime mobility. The strategy is a threat to international movement on the high seas and maritime trade. There is good reason why it is illegal under international law and the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.??Industrial De-location in the European Union and the Global Economic Crisis??This process of industrial de-location has already been underway in the E.U. for years, under which industries have been relocated to Eastern Europe and other global regions. Under this neo-liberal paradigm jobs and industries can gradually be removed from wealthier E.U. states to Southern Mediterranean nations, where cheap and immobile labour forces will be awaiting."

Emergency Convocation (tags)

It is imperative that you should sign the petition to the government of The Hellenic Republic for the granting of asylum to the Iranian hunger strikers. You may sign at the following address:

Manifesto of French Economists: Why We Are Shocked (tags)

On October 11 three million French workers were on strike against President Sarkozy's authoritarian attacks on social security and pensions. "Despite its obvious debacle, the neoliberal dogma is still regarded as the only correct economic system."

The Neoliberal Experiment and Europe's anti-Austerity Strikes (tags)

"The neoliberals are fully in control of the bureaucracy, and they are reviving Margaret Thatcher's slogan, TINA: There Is No Alternative. But there is, of course. In the small Baltic economies, pro-labor parties have made it clear that the alternative to government shrinkage is to simply repeal the debts, withdraw from the Euro and break the banks. It is either the banks or labor - and Europe has just realized that this is truly a fight to the economic death. And the first test will come this Saturday, when Latvia holds its national parliamentary elections."

Financial Crisis as Organized Irresponsibility (tags)

In the years 2002-2006, guaranteeing mortgage credits was the greatest source of profit for investment banks. US policy massively promoted and in no way curbed awarding dubious credits. In 2003 Warren Buffett described derivatives as "financial weapons of mass destruction."


A review of Tzvetan Todorov's book.

European MPs and Ministers Assess Gaza Today (tags)

Think Gaza and imagine an image of hell

This is not a social state any more (tags)

Building community centers (as in Vancouver BC), redistributing income and assets from top to bottom, reducing working hours, expanding the public non-profit sector and accepting housing, education and health care as rights not privileges would be important steps to a bright future.

A Million Signatures Sought for GM Ban: GM Food: Facts Not Crops! (tags)

The EC has just allowed GM crops into Europe, ignoring the concerns of the public. We've signed an important new Avaaz petition for independent research and a moratorium on GM crop development.

500,000 foreign settlers in West Bank will be ethnically cleansed. (tags)

When peace is forced upon Israel.

Czech president signs Lisbon Treaty/EU Dirty Deal regarding human rights (tags)

With the EU guarantee to the Czech president, that the Czech State should not be exposed to property claims of expelled Germans after World War II, the EU not only implicitly consents with ethnical cleansings, it is also highly hypocritical, since the EU regularly points a finger to human rights violating countries like Sudan, Myanmar and Iran It is high time the EU should look in its own mirror, among else with regard to police abuse, racism and violation of the rights of migrants and real or alleged terrorsuspects

Mario Mauro must not be elected Pre (tags)

Mauro does not represent the values expressed in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, he is a promoter of homophobic and xenophobic ideologies and challenges European civil and democratic achievements.

Daniel Estulin's "True Story of the Bilderberg Group" and What They May Be Plann (tags)

Their goal is a world with rulers and serfs, no middle class

Water is a Human Right, not a Commodity (tags)

In Bolivia there was a bloody struggle over water. Indigenous persons led the water war in Cochabamba. Water is a human right and must be withdrawn from the logic of profit maximization.

Racism in Italy. Mario Mauro must not be elected President of the European Parliament (tags)

Mario Mauro does not represent the values expressed in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, he is a promoter of homophobic and xenophobic ideologies and challenges European civil and democratic achievements

The Shortwave Report 04/26 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

The Future of NATO: Time to Break a Taboo (tags)

The European public is neither enthusiastic for the military engagement in Afghanistan nor for new expansions of NATO.. The alliance must energetically promote disarmament and arms control.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States expresses militant solidarity with the working people of all nationalities in Europe who will conduct peaceful protest against the G20 Summit. The summit runs Friday and Saturday in London, the French city of Strasbourg and the German cities of Kehl and Baden Baden, following a similarly tightly monitored summit of the G-20 leaders on the world economic crisis in London on Thursday. The AJLPP criticized the fascist and reactionary tendencies of European governments to crackdown on the peaceful protest against capitalist exploitation and oppression. Already, police boats were patrolling the river that divides Strasbourg and Kehl. Military helicopters were mobilized, and hospitals kilometers (miles) away were stocking up on supplies in case protests turn violent.

The revolutionary movement in Greece (tags)

The "small" revolutionary movement in Greece turned into a massive and strong movement against the goverment and the capitalistic system

AI, EU Community Calls for Probe and End of Political Killings (tags)

Lawmakers of the European Union (EU) and the human rights organization Amnesty International (AI) have again urged the government to put an end to political killings. At the same time, Ambassador Alistair MacDonald of the European Commission condemned on Monday the abduction and murder early this month of Rebelyn Pitao, daughter of New People’s Army commander Leoncio Pitao.

Israel, Bloody Executioner for the World Capitalist Order (tags)

On Saturday evening January 3, after one week of air raids which left more than 450 dead and more than 2000 wounded, the Israeli army began its land offensive into Gaza. Its military officials declare that the operation will be “long”. The odious Israeli propaganda, broadcast by the majority of the international media, presents this bloody attack as a “response” to the salvos of the “terrorists”of Hamas in power in Gaza.

II-The international Crisis WS Report, Curitiba, Pr, Br (tags)

Watch it now at web tv at

After the Bankruptcy (Jurgen Habermas) (tags)

The privatization mania has ended. Politics is necessary for the public interest, not the market. A tension always exists between capitalism and democracy because the market and politics are based on opposite principles.

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.05.08 (tags)

"Obama will be able to work with his European allies to do a better job of selling the war to skeptical publics."

Working for a Community of Life (tags)

Today Boff doesn't speak of liberation but of life protection for the excluded. Sixty years ago Gandhi explained the earth has enough for all people. That is still true today. But the earth will never produce enough for the squanderers.

The Future as Possibility: Elmar Altvater (tags)

The state should not be a trough for the super-wealthy. Representatives representing money and not the people are marionettes of a corrupt campaign financing system. The system must be changed if it is to survive. Call Congress 1-800-270-0309.

New revelations on CIA drug planes (tags)

The largest and most respected Mexico City newspaper El Universal reports that it has obtained documents from the United States and the European Parliament which "show that the plane flew several times to Guantanamo, Cuba, presumably to transfer terrorism suspects." It said the European Parliament was investigating the private Grumman Gulfstream II, registered by the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation, for suspected use in CIA “drug transport and rendition” flights in which prisoners are covertly transferred to a third country or US-run detention centers outside of the USA.

For an Unconditional Basic Income (tags)

Martin Luther King called us to a radical revolution of values, from a thing-oriented to a person-oriented society. Like community centers, a basic income could have multiplier effects. The price of oil rose three-fold in four years. Lifestyles and priorities must change for an open future.

Petition against any ethnic filing of the "Gypsies" in Italy (tags)

We say NO to to the the ethnic filing of the Rroms - with or without fingerprints’ record, which recalls the darkest years of European and world history! Let us not forget that the Rroms were often « guinea pigs » of repression and extermination policies, as those Rromani children from Czech on which the Nazis tested the "Zyklon B" before generalizing its use it in the gas chambers.

Petition against any ethnic filing of the "Gypsies" in Italy (tags)

We say NO to to the the ethnic filing of the Rroms - with or without fingerprints’ record, which recalls the darkest years of European and world history! Let us not forget that the Rroms were often « guinea pigs » of repression and extermination policies, as those Rromani children from Czech on which the Nazis tested the "Zyklon B" before generalizing its use it in the gas chambers.

The United States, Europe and Human Rights (tags)

The discredited way in which the European Union suspended its sanctions on Cuba on June 19 has been reported in 16 international press dispatches… Such hypocrisy is made all the more evident by the brutal European measure to expel illegal immigrants from Latin American countries.

Latin America rejects new EU law on illegal immigrants (tags)

Under the new law, all illegal immigrants living in the EU member states will have to leave the bloc within a period of seven to 30 days.

Dear Europe: video-appeal of a young Roma girl (Racism in Italy) (tags)

Her name is Rebecca and she is a 12-year-old Roma artist who is being brutally persecuted in Italy in spite of her winning the UNICEF 2008 Prize for “Art and Interculture”.

ALBA (Bolivarian Alternative) Has Brought Nicaragua out of Darkness (tags)

Nicaraguan foreign minister Samuel Santos explains how twice as many children are in school one year after the new government assumed power. Nicaragua now exports beans instead of importing beans. The South is helping itself.

Casilino 900: urgent appeal against the persecution of the Roma in Italy (tags)

The persecution of the Rroms (Roma) in Italy: EveryOne Group and the Committee for the Rights of the Roma of Casilino 900 have launched an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights following a serious humanitarian emergency at the Casilino 900 camp, in Rome.

Psychology of Crisis (tags)

Psychology has a great influence on developments of the world econmy. In Tokyo, the G7 states agreed to avoid negative terms to not worsen the situation. Neither the extreme price drop of the dollar nor of the Yen were mentioned in the final declaration.

Queer. EveryOne Group: Mehdi Kazemi is safe! (tags)


EveryOne Group: Mehdi Kazemi is face! (tags)


Gypsies in Italy: a disperate appeal (tags)

EveryOne Group and other human rights associations are launching a desperate appeal to the international institutions asking them not to ignore the effects of a vast and ruthless racist campaign.

The Subprime Tsunami Reaches the EU (tags)

Subprime mortgage credits in the US should not have been issued. Nevertheless subprime credits were extended in the volume of $1.3 trillion. An avalanche of expropriation roars in the valley. The banking crisis spills over into the credit system in the real economy.

Racism: Italy reported to the United Nations... (tags)

CERD will have to ascertain the violations of articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the “International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.” Italy, in fact, is accused of carrying out a series of measures, both on a national level and on a local level, aimed at hitting the Rrom and Sinti communities on Italian territory - from the 14 security packages to the emergency expulsion decree for EU citizens put forward by Giuliano Amato. The International Criminal Court of the Hague will evaluate the actions carried out by the Italian institutions against the Rroma to determine whether – and to what extent – any crimes against humanity were committed.

European Central Bank pumps $500 bn into banking system (tags)

TO SUCCEED over the global credit crunch in aftermath of sub-prime crisis, the European Central Bank (ECB) has announced to grant a record double loan to its banks. The ECB has decided to pump 348.6 billion euros ($501.5 billion) into the banking system through its banks. Though lending to banks at 4.21% rate of interest is available only for two weeks, it is expected that the grant will boost the diminishing confidence of the bank.

"Africa and the West" Conference Broadcast (tags) to broadcast Omali Yeshitela's keynote address on December 16 from "Africa and the West" conference in Huelva, Spain

Gypsy in Italy: European Resolution against racism (tags)


For a Future of Solidarity and Justice (tags)

The Economic social model is an alternative to the American mini-welfare state. The irrationality of finance capitalism appears in that the stock price rises while the value of labor falls. Labor is shamelessly robbed of its rights and dignity.

Where's the clean coal, bud? (tags)

In my dreams.

Lift terror tag, we talk' --NDF (tags)

Communist rebels are willing to resume peace talks, but only if the government initiates the dropping of the terror tag on the revolutionary movement, exiled Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) chairman Jose Ma. Sison said yesterday. Sison said they would only return to the negotiating table when the government moves to have the CPP and the New People’s Army (NPA) stricken off the lists of foreign terrorist organizations drawn up by the United States and the European Union. Sison said the government must also show it is sincere about stopping the military from carrying out extrajudicial killings, while also indemnifying victims of human rights violations.

Joma wants terror tag lifted (tags)

xiled communist leader Jose Maria Sison hit the Dutch embassy in Manila and the Philippine government for defying a European Union Court order, which has ruled that his rights were violated when he was included in list of terrorists by the European Union. Sison said the European Union’s Court of Justice has ruled in his favor but the Dutch embassy in Manila and Philippine government have insisted that he remains in the terrorist watch list.


In its judgment issued in Luxembourg yesterday, in Case T-47/03 of Jose Maria Sison versus Council of the European Union, the European Court of First Instance (ECFI) in Luxembourg annulled the Council of the European Union (EU) decision blacklisting Prof. Sison as a “terrorist”. The ECFI ruled that the Council of the EU violated the rights of Prof. Sison to defense, the obligation to state reasons and the right to effective judicial protection. There had never been any competent judicial authority calling him to a criminal investigation or any court hearing regarding any terrorist act. The ECFI also ordered the Council of the EU to bear the costs of the litigation incurred by Prof. Sison and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) which acted as an intervener in his favor.

Hanging from the brush... (tags)

"They are hanging from the brush and we took the stepladder"...

"Capitalism is not the solution" (tags)

Attac turns against the unjust sides of globalization. We need the contagious power of the ideas of freedom, justice and equality. The last European revolution in 1989 succeeded despite dictatorial conditions.

The G-8 Meeting... (tags)

Perhaps someone with one of those new computer programs developed by Bill Gates could calculate the resources being used for war expenses at the cost of education, healthcare and culture for humanity...


Why does the U.S. plan to install an anti-missile shield against Iran in Poland and the Czech Republic?

North American Union Plan Headed To Congress In Fall (tags)

same perps as 911

North American union plan headed to Congress in fall (tags)

"Powerful think tank prepares report on benefits of integration between U.S., Mexico, Canada"

The delegates at Bilderberg 2007 (tags)

These people need to be tried for crimes against the commons. And their toys taken away to enjoy a life in one of their ruined poisoned lands. Some need to be hanged.

North American union plan headed to Congress in fall (tags)

this is when the money will change to world paper ready....

Israeli banks profit from Holocaust (tags)

"Investigations by the Israeli parliament have dug up disturbing evidence that Israel has been profiting for decades from vast sums invested in local banks by European Jews who died in the Nazi death camps."

the secret of all secrets (tags)

the secret of all secrets


The Alliance for the Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP)-USA vehemently condemn the recent judgment by the European Court of Justice that dismissed the appeal of Prof. Jose Maria Sison for access to the secret documents used by the Council of the European Union. By putting Prof. Sison in the so-called terrorist list and imposing on him punitive sanctions, the European Court dealt the peace process in the Philippines, a very heavy blow

REQUEST to the Bulgarian Authorities (tags)

PLEASE send the request with a short supporting statement to:,,,,, Cc:

Boycott Bulgaria, Boycott Sofia (tags)

We call on the concerned authorities and world community alike to boycott and reproach Bulgarian officials till enactment and enforcement of a modern Animal Protection Act takes an effect, one which will guarantee the protection and welfare of cats and dogs in Bulgaria.

APOCALYPTO: Mel Gibson's Show of White Supremacy (tags)

For Indigenous people, Gibson's "Apocalypto" means "THE NEW GENOCIDE"

Boycott Bulgaria, Boycott Sofia (tags)

In a few weeks time Bulgaria will become a full EU member and will have to comply with the European Commission's Regulation No.998/2003. The missing legal cat & dog control is replaced by criminal collection and abuse of the great number of healthy animals.

Boykott Bulgarian Officials Supporting Systematic Abuse of Cats and Dogs (tags)

The missing legal pet control in Bulgaria is replaced by criminal collection and abuse of the great number of healthy animals. That leads to the real reduction of both increasing populations. Bulgarian institutions are colluding with black-marketers in their revolting industry.

Genocide Memorial on Columbus Day (tags)

East Los Angeles College hosted a solemn genocide memorial on Columbus Day, marking the day in which Europeans initiated the holocaust of 70 to 100 million Indigenous People.

EU will provide airline data to US (tags)

English Police State to sleep with the U.S. Police State

European powers refuse to send more troops to Afghanistan (tags)

Bitterness and general rancour characterise the relations within NATO one week after its senior military commander called for 2,500 reinforcements to be urgently dispatched to assist the 8,000 British, Canadian and Dutch troops caught up in savage combat in Afghanistan’s southern provinces. In the face of dire warnings that the NATO-led occupation risks losing ground before a resurgence of support for the former Taliban regime, the major European members of the alliance have refused to send a single soldier.

Diabetes Epidemic in Europe (tags)

US Radiation Wars Thought To Be Cause

The Troop Question (tags)

As the shaky ceasefire between Lebanon and Israel lumbers on, the European governments expected to ‘enforce the peace’ have been stuttering and stalling in the face of actual commitment. It was France who took the initiative originally, who as head of UNISFL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon), promised 3000 troops. After analyzing the situation further, an about-face occurred, and the troop level was reduced to 400 non-combatant personal. Italy saw opportunity and declared itself the replacement, promising 2000 troops; France, not to be outdone, reasserted leadership responsibilities, but with 2000 troops this time; Italy was then, thanks to its charitableness, awarded France’s old job as head of UNISFL. After all this, the seesawing attitude of the rest of Europe continues. These governments are demanding more definitive ‘rules of engagement’; they’re curious about the prospects of actual fighting, and are rightfully scared of being viewed as a foreign occupier in Hezbollahland. Bush is intent on seeing that his backfired war-effort is partially salvaged, and has insisted that Europe “hurry up” with military aide, since the U.S. has none to spare. It may be prudent to examine why Europe— who views Israel and the U.S. with apt distrust— is both eager and terrified to help them pursue their interests. Note: a working assumption will be that ‘humanitarian reasons’ is a sophistic answer, meant to lure citizens into obedience.

Rigging Elections in the USA (tags)

The USA has seen its last two presidential elections decided by voting fraud, each time wrongfully placing the Bush-Republican Far Right in the White House to perpetrate 9/11, wars, etc. 2008 is certain to be rigged also -- UNLESS we educate the Public to demand&enforce a fair election. And urge Hillary Clinton to fight for this.

Smiting the Jebuzite (tags)

"Compassion" is not exclusive to any religious group. Nor is its opposite.

By Pretty Boy Freud

An extremist Jewish religious group argues that "compassion" is a strictly Christian (i.e, "non-Jewish") quality and lives out the worst antisemitic cliches.

Global Trade Talks Break Down Over Farm Issues (tags)

Trade negoatiations aimed at reaching a new global trade agreement collapsed today, dealing a blow to the Bush administration’s international economic agenda and touching off a bitter new round of recriminations between the United States and Europe over farm trade barriers. After two days of discussions, the director general of the World Trade Organization, Pascal Lamy, formally suspended the talks. American trade officials said there appeared to be little prospect of resuming the talks any time soon, probably dooming the chances of a trade accord during President Bush’s remaining time in office.

Bush's mein kampf and the beautiful sleeper… (tags)

(English) 10 DE JULY OF 2006 Bush approved “additional measures” against Cuba some of which point directly to those who trade with the Island or they have investments here. Among them it reiterates the possibility to begin the trials foreseen in the Title III of the Law Helms-Burton for some countries . (Spanish) EL 10 DE JULIO DEL 2006 Bush aprobó "medidas adicionales" contra Cuba algunas de las cuales apuntan directamente a quienes comercian con la Isla o tienen inversiones aquí. Entre ellas reitera la posibilidad de iniciar los juicios previstos en el Título III de la Ley Helms-Burton para algunos países

"Yo, Blair - You're My Poodle!" (tags)

Breaking with diplomatic formalities, Bush hailed Blair, his closest European ally, with the words "Yo, Blair". His solution to the Middle East crisis was that Syria should press Hizbollah to "stop doing this shit." (Photo of Tony Blair by the Alternative Lies Network ).

Will the US Bomb Minsk? (tags)

The US initiator of illegal wars with hundreds of thousands of dead, the inventor of torture light and extraordinary rendition reproaches the Belarus president for fundamentally undemocratic elections and violation of human rights by political repression.

Israel can no longer rely on the support of Europe's Jews (tags)

The feeling is growing that Jewish honour and heritage have been more convincingly preserved in the diaspora

Europe’s leaders close ranks with Bush (tags)

On Tuesday, US President George Bush touched down in Vienna for the annual summit of US and European Union (EU) leaders. After brief talks in Vienna, Bush is due to fly to Budapest on Thursday for the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Bush’s trip to Europe is the first in a round of visits over the next few weeks. Next month he will return to Europe to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Stralsund, before proceeding to Russia for a meeting with President Vladimir Putin prior to the G-8 summit in St. Petersburg, to be held July 15-17.

Neoliberal Geo-Politics (tags)

In truth, the war on Iraq is lost. Military com-manders in the field admit this in reports to the Pentagon. In truth, American military power cannot contain the growing violence. War is part of neoliberalism since profit maximization is made the supreme goal.

Czech Greens enter right-wing government (tags)

Following the Czech parliamentary elections of June 2 and 3, the Green Party is now preparing to join the right-wing government of the arch-conservative Citizens Party (ODS). The Greens have now entered an Eastern European parliament for the first time, with Strana Zelenych (SZ) receiving 6.3 percent of the vote. Clearly, the Green Party in Prague is beginning its political odyssey at the point it left off in Germany—as a governing party; but this time no longer in alliance with the Social Democrats, but instead with politically conservative and right-wing parties.

The Right to be Anywhere on This Continent (tags)

Comments on immigrants from Native Americans

Weary Optimism (tags)

In payback time in the culture of fear, important trade, budget and cable access bills are passed in the dead of night. The dominant elite consciusness is frozen, refuses alternatives and stylizes bankruptcy as normal business practice.


No Peace to the Western War Policy and the Neoliberal System! (tags)

This war policy is justified as a completely selfless undertaking..When industrialists say a constitutional state must be built militarily, they really mean the right to plunder..What we witness now is the return to jungle law or double standards.


On Tuesday 30 May 2006 from 9 :30 a.m. onward, the Court of First Instance of the European Communities will examine the legality of the antiterrorist list adopted by the Council of the European Union in the case of Filipino professor Jose Maria Sison. Can the Ministers of the 25 European countries qualify a person as a terrorist and exclude him from economic life with neither evidence nor due process? The stake is crucial for all the defenders of fundamental rights in Europe.

Captain Ahab and his Watery Grave (tags)

The novel Moby Dick appeared to Moltmann and others as the American myth. "Thewhite whale is the symbol of evil and Captain Ahab is the tragic hero. America's messianic dream becomes the tragic myth."

Danish Cartoons: Freedom of expression or licence to insult (tags)

With tthe publication of the Danish cartoons under the pretext of freedom of opinion, the European papers not only show an elementar respect for moslims, they also are escalating the existing tensions

Muslim-Bashing and the Power of Cartoons (tags)

Back in the late 19th century, the political cartoonist, Thomas Nast, in NYC’s “Harper’s Weekly,” viciously attacked Catholics, the Irish and the Vatican. He crossed the line with those caricatures. The same can be said about the Danish authors of the 12 cartoons vilifying the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the revered founder of Islam. The demonizing was, in effect, an attack on all of the Muslim faithful. The parties responsible should offer an apology.

Competition leads to Unemployment without Taxation (tags)

To create jobs, the profits from the Common Market must be brought back into the economy as investments.. Competition leads to higher unemployment without the recycling of profits.

Around the world, the Death Penalty is being Abolished (tags)

The death penalty is being abolished in country after country. In 1977 only 16 countries had abolished the death penalty for all crimes, while today the number is 86. Every western European country has abolished the death penalty. An average of three countries per year are currently abolishing the death penalty.

Rice Threatened EU to Retain US Control over Internet (tags)

This letter was sent to the EU regarding global governance of the Internet.

Longing for the North (tags)

Finland has the highest productivity in the EU and the lowest rich-poor differential. Inequality is not a panacea. According to a 2004 study, the Scandinavian model is the best protection against increasing income differences and poverty rates.

CRFI Declaration on the youth uprisings in France (tags)

November 7 Declaration of the Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International

Human Traffic Denounced (tags)

Human Traffic Denounced

The causes of the recent rebellion by the French born youth of African and Muslim parents (tags)

The racism is a common place in European society. Nothing has been done to create a friendly society where immigrants can enjoy peace of mind and the benefits of growing European economy.

Manichaism (tags)

"In its religiosity, the US is more like an Islamic country than a western European country." Fuhndamentalism instrumentalizes religion to justify violence and revenge, distorts God's nature and replaces the option for the poor with the warrior cult.

GATS as a Political Project (tags)

The goal of GATS is the worldwide liberalization in trade and investments for the service sector.. Call 1-800-828-0498 and urge your senators to reject any budget reconciliation that includes Medicade cuts.


The 2005 European Basketball Championship in Belgrade, Sponsored by FIBA (Federation Internationale de Basketball) is stained with blood due to the massive extermination of hundreds upon thousands of Companion Animals (Dogs and Cats (Pets)).



Capital and Labor: Deeds Must Follow Criticism (tags)

A new balance between capital- and labor income is necessary. Unfortunately the opposite is happening. The constant lowering of capital taxation in Germany fans the European tax lowering competition. The public infrastructure deteriorates.

Israel investigates N-secrets hacking (tags)

Which is an open admission that multi-stage nuclear weapons are being built at Dimona. To what end? Germany foolishly gave Israel 3 Submarines capable of launching nukes onto any continent! Plus Israel has threatened European and other capitals with nuclear annihilation if it doesn't get it's way on everything.

NWO Routed (tags)

French and Dutch Patriots Rout the New World Order


All member states of the European Union will soon have to agree to or reject the project of European Constitution. A European campaign has just been launched in order to contribute to develop a large movement against this project of constitution. This Sunday the French citizens are voting.

"'NEVER AGAIN' OVER AGAIN" — on Holocaust Remebrance Day (tags)

I thought that “Never again!” meant never again for all humanity — not just never again for European Jews.

Ebay Pledges Against Allegiance (tags)

Opposing the European Rage of Privatization (tags)

Telecommunications, postal service, gas and transportation were the first public sectors that fell victim to the rage of unbridled liberalization..A drastic structural change of the state has occurred from a producing to a guaranteeing state.

The moral short-sightedness of prime-minister Balkenende and the EU regarding Israel (tags)

Although it is of main importance the Dutch prime-minister Balkenende has referred to the universal values in respect of the holocaust, it is striking that is lacking in moral indignation with respect to the Palestinian victims of the Israeli occupation.

America in 99 points (tags)

America-is. ONLINE PUBLISHER ON AMERICA ISSUES is an European online publisher focusing on America and American issues. We publish texts or artworks from all religious, sexual and political orientations. However, we only publish contributions concerning America or American issues. Our first text is called America.

The Treaty of Amsterdam. (tags)

The University of Amsterdam.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, Spain, and Cuba.

A Deep Response to Russell Means' Excellent Analysis of European Political Limitations! (tags)

This is a thought-through response to Russell Means' article "For American to Live, Europe Must Die". The original article, listed in the general publishing archive below (which *should* be put in the features section, but we know that most IMC'ers are playing meta games), is a MUST READ for all who are serious at all about the realities of our time, including post-Left anarchists!

Amnesty Int. Condemns Torture in Spain (tags)

Amnesty International has released a report condemning the torture of Basque detainees and immigrants in Spain.

Republicans Cry "Election Fraud" in Ukraine (tags)

Bush's cronies would know election fraud, wouldn't they? However, unlike John Kerry, in Ukraine the anti-Bush forces haven't rolled over and played dead - they're defending their country from a hostile takeover.

"An European Social Forum in London" PHOTOS REPORTAGE from LondonESF2004 (tags)

320 photos, the days of the ESF, the demonstration against war and the intelligent police of Blair. Things of the other world...

Rhine Capitalism, Anglo-Saxon Capitalism and Redistribution (tags)

Anglo-Saxon capitalism is an unbridled capi-talism whose profit logic overrules all social and environmental interests. Rhine capitali-sm has a social net so workers are not redu-ced to cost factors. "The Cold War against the social state leaves..another republic."

The Weather Map of Globalization (tags)

"Globalization is a real process rooted in the crisis of worldwide capitalist exploitation and describing a new quality of capital export. Outsourcing particular economic areas in the global repression competition replaces the export of complete industrial products.."

It’s a crime to criticize Kofi Annan ? (tags)

to criticize Kofi Annan (who, for cakes supported with stoicism, is able to inhale to the beatification) is a crime of lese-maiesty?

The grass is not greener (tags)

Poor Euros. More evidence of the failure that is socialism. Socialists destroy the incentive to work and yet claim to support "Labor."

European Parliament 2004 elections and new constitution (tags)

The European Parliament elections, held June 10-13, showed a strong trend among voters against ruling parties that sided with Bush's war on Iraq, as well as those that have been imposing pro-business economic policies, as in Germany and France.

European Parliament 2004 elections results: Throw the Bums Out! (tags)

The European Parliament elections, held June 10-13, showed a strong trend among voters against ruling parties that sided with Bush's war on Iraq, as well as those that have been imposing pro-business economic policies, as in Germany and France.

Security is Indivisible (tags)

The policy of preventive war has brought only chaos and disaster. The failure of this policy of Washington can be referred back to two errors. The first concerns the assumption that terrorism is the real sickness. The second is in overrating military weapons.

Fascism Never Resigns, It Must Be Removed. (tags)

"The last time a nation past the Patriot Act and Home Land Security the first questions they asked were- Who is the Jew? Who is the Communist? Who is the Homosexual?"

Zapatero to Kerry: Back Off, Senator, Our Troops Are Coming Home (tags)

The US presidential election is shaping up as a battle over manliness, a kind of political bodybuilding contest. Kerry wants to run as senator machismo. He doesn't want to pull out US forces. He wants to top Bush by calling up 40,000 more troops and inserting more European forces to join in the bloodbath. No wonder Kerry has a hard time naming the European leaders that want him in the White House.

A bad day for 'Baby Bush' (tags)

Colombian President Uribe was dealt a diplomatic rebuff from the European Parliament when he arrived on 10th February after a controversial invite from the Socialist Group of MEPs. Campaigners had expressed deep concern at his imminent arrival in the wake of the Colombian government’s branding of human rights defenders as "terrorists".

Anti Semitism Distorts European Left (tags)

Spanish Member of Parliament Interviewed on Left Wing Press Distortions of News from the Middle East

Despite all Rhetoric - Israel still has No "Right" to Exist!!! (tags)

In spite of all the Sham Rhetoric by Israel and by the wealthy "Pro Israel" American lobby - Israel still has No intrinsic "Right" to Exist!

UK plan to pressure Syria on weapons (tags)

Britain is pressing to use the combined weight of the European Union's "big three" countries to put pressure on Syria baath party over weapons of mass destruction, terrorism and Iraq, the Guardian has learned. The move follows Libya's dramatic agreement to dismantle its WMD arsenal and is designed to show that Europe, galvanised by Britain, has the clout to help the US deal peacefully with security issues in the Middle East.

Terrorist recruiters' wide reach The Syrian connection (tags)

19 Dec 03 By Lisa Myers Senior investigative correspondent NBC News NBC's Lisa Myers reports on the insurgents in Iraq and how recruiters range from Italy to Norway, finding fighters to send into the country to kill Americans. NBC Nightly News: Recruiting terrorists in Europe to kill Americans in Iraq. Network described as complex, well-organized. Since the arrest of Saddam Hussein, attacks on American troops have continued. Most of the insurgents in Iraq are Iraqi-born, but some have been foreign fighters. And many of them have been recruited from Europe. European police have arrested nine suspects recently on charges they were recruiting fighters to kill Americans in Iraq. NBC News has learned the network of recruiters spans from Italy to Norway.

Cultural Struggle and Resistance (tags)

Paneuropean day of Artistic Action plus an Intercultural Network

People of Europe! Won’t you discuss “What kind of democracy you have?” (tags)

Date: 30 November 2003 Statement: 319 After the four bomb attacks, which came up in Istanbul on November 15th and 20th, some countries of Europe and organs of the European Union took decisions towards Turkey.

What Right Do Zionist Jews Have To Palestine? (tags)

What title-deeds do the Jews of today actually have to the land of 'Israel'? The idea that a people can possess some kind of ethnic ancestral right to a territory supposedly vacated by their forebears some millenia previously, implying a right in perpetuity, can have no legal basis. Or otherwise Americans of European ancestry, to name just one group of people, will have to pack their bags.

Sam Francis Says It Loud: I'm a Paranoid White Racist (tags)

In response to the piece by Sam Francis below, which focuses on how African American critic Shelby Steele takes out of context Howard Dean's ridiculous embrace of the confederate flag to pacify Southern Racists. Mr. Francis, in turn, takes Steele's words out of context.

W. Virginia steel tests the mettle of Bush (tags)

West Virginians rely on manufacturing jobs, which earn about twice that of retail. But if Bush lifts the tariffs on imported steel, several thousand jobs could be lost in one fell swoop, and Republicans could lose the state in 2004.

challenging European/American male patriarchy (tags)

Oppression is perpetuated by wealthy European/American white male patriarchs; from Columbus slaughtering First People of North America to U.S. Dictators GW Bush and Cheney. The oppressed people were/are Iraqi, Dineh, African, Irish and any other race/nationality that did not suit the dominator's patriarchal culture.

Wiesenthal Center 'outraged' By Poll Calling Israel A Threat To World Peace (tags)

As the tanks roll over the refugee camps in Palestine and the apartite wall goes up, with open blatant racist policies with the mandatory wearing of special ID badges of non- “jewish” people, While "israel" "legalizes" the Murder of Palestians and Theft of more Palestinian land the destruction of Palestinian Property and isreal drains billions in blood money from US. The organization said it was outraged at published reports that 69 percent of 7,500 Europeans surveyed called Israel the Top threat to world peace.

Mark of the Beast Technology to Be Implemented in EU (tags)

Europe is following the US in the snoop technology of the century. They will be supplying their citizens a health indentity card with an embedded microchip. Sounds good, but wait there's a catch. You will be able to be tracked everywhere you go, and have a brand with you almost like the cow. Plans are to eventually inject these into your beautiful body. Could this be the mark of the beast talked about in the Christian Bible? Could this be the final way to keep track of all of us without employing so many security guards, and policemen? Could this be a method of marking certain types of people as they did in the Holocaust? Please read the story from and decide if this is what you want?

Keep kids away from dangerous Disney products (tags)

Greenpeace Report: Hidden hazards revealed in Disney products Children face toxic chemical cocktail  

Indigenous People's Day (tags)

How do European immigrants with any consciousness address the genocidal acts committed against the Indigenous Peoples of this land called North America?

Gulliver Calls and the Dwarfs Follow (tags)

"Imperial overreach threatens Europe's economic resources and military arsenals already strained to the limit.. The emperor and his people should quickly understand that the Imperium Americanum cannot subjugate the globe." Translated fr German

GM Crops Failing In The Fields And Harming Farmers And The Environment (tags)

A new study published today by Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace demonstrates that the growing of GM crops in Spain is causing contamination of organic crops, producing low yields and its benefits are grossly overstated. The report is also highly critical of the Spanish Government for failing to properly control or monitor the situation. [1]

Berlusconi Nazi Comment Triggers Outrage (tags)

German socialist Martin Schulz referred to Berlusconi's use of an Italian immunity law to sidestep bribery charges in a Milan court. "In Italy, they are making a movie on Nazi concentration camps," Berlusconi snapped back. "I will propose you for the role of capo,"

Europe's Irrelevancy (tags)

The Demise of the European Continent

EU ratifies UN Biosafety Proposal (tags)

"The protocol lets countries ban imports of a genetically-modified product if they feel there is not enough scientific evidence the product is safe and requires exporters to label shipments containing genetically-altered commodties such as corn or cotton."

The masters of the universe (tags)

"Depending on the ideological prism applied, the Bilderberg club may be considered an ultra-VIP international lobby of the power elite of Europe and America, capable of steering international policy from behind closed doors; a harmless "discussion group" of politicians, academics and business tycoons; or a capitalist secret society operating entirely through self interest and plotting world domination. "

Via Campesina Requests Action in Sacramento (tags)

Via Campesina is an international movement which coordinates peasant organizations of small and middle-scale producers, agricultural workers, rural women, and indigenous communities from Asia, Africa, America, and Europe. It is an autonomous, pluralistic movement, independent from all political, economic, or other denomination. It is integrated by national and regional organizations whose autonomy is jealously respected.

After the War is Before the War (tags)

The Marburg professor of political science gave this address at the union conference "After the Kosovo War" on Sept 4, 1999. Translated from the German

"The System is always Fair", the Cat says to the Mouse (tags)

"Behind closed doors, the WTO negotiated GATS, an agreement on liberalization of services. Health conglomerates all over the world can steal solvent patients. The existential necessity water could soon be much more expensive." Trans. from German

GREECE: VIOLENCE ERUPTS NEAR EU SUMMIT,Militant Anti-War Demonstrations at EU Su (tags)


EU Draws a Line in the Sand (tags)

Now that the European Union has drawn a line in the sand by bringing the exiled word "Central" back to center stage in a vote on Thursday April 17th. 2003 that demands that the U.N. play the "Central" role in rebuilding Iraq

Arms/oil biz/ PNAC (tags)

The clash between Great Powers ("Old Europe" versus and the Anglo-American military axis) broadly pertains to: 1 Defense and the military-industrial complex, 2. Control over Oil and Gas Reserves, 3. Money and currency systems: clash between the Euro and the Dollar.

U.S. Unilateralism Worries Trade Officials (tags)



March 10, 2003 -- THE NEW YORK POST

Call for International Antiprohibitionist Action Vienna 6th- 18th April 2003 (tags)

From underground to UPPERGROUND "A world free from prohibition: we can do it" International antiprohibitionist meeting for citizenship rights, personal liberties and freedom of therapy .

Call for international antiproibitionist action in Vienna (tags)

Meeting against United Nation's international conference for War on Drugs Vienna 6-18 April 2003

Peace Activists Aren't Appeasers (tags)

Are millions of Canadian, American and European peace marchers "appeasers" because they want Iraq disarmed by means other than war?

Old Europe! (tags)

Freedom peace and pancake

The Mud is Up To Our Necks (tags)

The Bush administration firmly believes in its dreams of solving deeply rooted long-term problems in coups d'etats. When the dreamers awake, they will see that the mud is up to our necks..Washington sees international organizations as impairment..

Make Law, not War! (tags)

Make love, not war the time of the Vietnam war. Make law, not war is proclaimed by Europe at the threshold to the Iraq war. Bush acts according to the slogan: Make war, not law. The brave new world of military security replaces the logic of treaty..

Wife Of European Central Bank Chief, Tells IT The Way It Is Re: Israel And The Palestinia (tags)

Man, this woman tells it the way it is. Good for her. No mealy mouth, "tsk tsk" of Israel, just the harsh truth.She shows the same courage as the Dutch who hid Jews from the Nazis.

The European Summit in Copenhagen (tags)

European summit

The Racist Irony of Zionism (tags)

Zionists who accuse others--the opponents of the racist ideology of Zionism--of being anti-Semitic are truly being ironic.

Help Ireland Throw a Spanner in the works of the GATS Machine. (tags)

Help Ireland Throw a Spanner in the works of the GATS ( Machine. A call to action Ireland ( to anti-GATS campaigners worldwide.


ANNCOL exclusive interview with key figure in the Colombian opposition: Jaime Caicedo General Secretary of the Colombian Communist Party.

Newsletter of the Salzburg-antiwef-coordination (tags)

This newsletter summerises the International meeting from activists to prepare the activities against the WEF in Salzburg (12th to 19th september). The meeting took place from the first to the second of July in Vienna The people who came to the meeting came as well from eastern european countries as from EU-countries. The next international meeting should be in early August in Salzburg. Invitations will be spread through the mailinglists (look for point 6 Communication).




A recent secret European intelligence reports confirms what many antiwar activists already know--the USA is sponsoring Albanian Islamicist militants in Macedonia.

Statement of the Disobedients' Lock-In in Seville (tags)

Manifesto produced by the disobedients presently locked into a church in Seville to support and draw attention to the lock-in and hunger strike of immigrants in that city.

EU governments must confront inequalities (tags)

The nature of the European far-right.

EU-Summit Brussels - Repression takes Promising Start : 50 arrested judicially ! (tags)

Reposting from Indymedia UK

Brussels: 100,000 trade unionists for people not profit (tags)

Reposting from Indymedia UK: Brussels on Thursday , December 13th, saw possibly the largest ever demonstration of trade union strength across Europe. Well over 100,000 people took five hours (on a working day) to march through the capital of the 'Europe of Profit' under the slogan, "Europe: it's us!"


Outraged at the exclusion of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, Greens call democracy impossible without representation of women U.S. Green Party officers travel to Europe for meetings with Green members of European parliaments and other Green officials and the European Federation of Green Parties

United States of Amnesia (tags)

United States of Amnesia

It is Possible to Resist (tags)

Miguel Urbano Rodrigues, 75 years old, is a Portuguese writer and journalist. He was director of the Lisbon newspaper "O Diario", principal editor of Brazilian "O Estado de Sao Paulo", and council representative for the Communist Party of Portugal in the parliaments of the European Council and the Western European Union. He was also a teacher of Contemporary History at the University of Lisbon, and the author of a dozen books.

The coming global fascist state (tags)

The global corporate security state is erecting an oppressive intelligence and paramilitary force to crush the awakening democracy movement.

Drug Possession No Longer Crime in Portugal (tags)

Portugal decriminalizes possession of personal amounts of drugs.... reported anywhere in the U.S.?? Not if the ruling Taliban holds its power... rock the corporations!~!

Salzburg summit hit by protests (tags)

Clashes broke out when police tried to halt a march

Salzburg Protesters Sent Back to Vienna by Train (tags)

"Police charged and made a big push and the response from the demonstrators was to use flagpoles to start beating on police shields,"

European Protesters: Stop Bush! (tags)

European Protesters: Stop Bush!

European Protesters: Stop Bush! (tags)

European Protesters: Stop Bush!

Protesters Warm Up For President's Visit (tags)

On Sunday up to 20,000 activists from anti-globalisation and human rights groups held a warm-up march in Madrid., as protests against everything Bush stands for loom to greet him at every turn.

Cincy Nov 16 Protest (TABD) TransAtlanticBus.Dialog (tags)

November 16-18, the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue (TABD) will be having their annual CEO conference in Downtown Cincinnati, Ohio at the Omni Netherlands Hotel. European Union Parliament, U.S. congress, and more than 200 American and European CEOs and business leaders will meet to talk about issues that impact transatlantic trade and develop

The real power behind the WTO meets in Cincinnati this November (tags)

This November, 200 of the world's most powerful CEO's will meet in Cincinnati, OH in the USA under the name of the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue to write the trade agenda for the WTO. These people are the real power behind the WTO

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