fix articles 4584, winnemem wintu
Nestle corporation & McCloud's aquifer agua theft (tags)
Water bottling giant Nestle corporation is pressuring McCloud residents to read two thick volumes of EIR before public comment period ends. Risks to aquifer and ecosystem following massive water withdrawal by Nestle are long term, more time needed to review EIR..
Iron Mountain Mine Superfund site (tags)
Redding is also suffering from the effects of Iron Mountain Mine, a Federal Superfund site given the cold shoulder by the Bush/Norton regime. The clean-up of this mine will not be as expensive as the 400+ billion dollar military budget and nuclear weapon contracters that gobbble up more than their share of rio agua from the north..
Feinstein deaf 2 Wintu and Palestinian voices, hears only $$$$ (tags)
CA Senator Diane Feinstein shows no concern for the original inhabitants of Palestine or Shasta County. Her campaign funding from pro-Israel AIPAC and Central Valley agribusiness could be blinding her to the objections of the Palestinians and the Winnemem Wintu..