fix articles 45836, our society
Who Cares? A Feminist Critique of the Care Economy (tags)
We live in an increasingly uncaring world. Patri- archal capitalism offers rich financial rewards to those who pursue their individual self-interest and penalizes those committed to the care of others. Competition is more highly valued than cooperation...
California People’s Organizations Supports SEIU-UHW West Platform For Change (tags)
A number of community organizations and key Asian Pacific Islander leaders in California unanimously thrown their unequivocal support for SEIU United Healthcare Workers-West (UHW-West) and its Platform for Change The UHW-West Executive Board representing 150,000 health care workers in California and led by its president Sal Roselli, recently ratified its Platform for Change to express its avowed principles for building a successful international union.
Stanley "Tookie" Williams should not be executed.