fix articles 45760, instant
Colonialisme international minier numérisé (tags)
Il y a peu de la rebelle contrevenance...
Ever wonder how the FBI monitors an Activists telephone or email? (tags)
Ever wonder how the FBI monitors an Activists telephone or email? Well The Loyal Nine is going to blow the lid of that for you. Basically federal agents have a tool called DCS-3000. I know it sounds like some kind of power engine but its not. Its a windows based application that any agent can install on their workstation or laptop. It gives them the instant ability to wiretap any phone, email, text message account, Instant messenger account, VOIP account... basically anything you can think of, in less then 3 clicks of a mouse.
Patience is 'sunlight' to vampires.
Ha'aretz: Israeli workers were warned of attack (tags)
Paul H. Rosenberg is quite disbelieving that Israel's Mossad shared foreknowledge with the US government prior to the events on September 11, 2001.
Twelve Ways to Democratize the U.S. Political System: Fifth (tags)
Twelve Ways to Democratize the U.S. Political System: Fifth Institute proportional representation & instant runoff procedures.