fix articles 45747, ethics
The Ethics & Language of Lockdown. How the intended solution became the problem (tags)
Long term restrictions like lockdowns are self-defeating...It was inevitable that, at some point, issues of intergenerational justice would be raised, given there is only so much you can ethically ask the majority of people to sacrifice to protect a small minority. Such unfairness is an under-appreciated ethical problem.
Breaking the Silence: A Middleman For Anonymous Sources (tags)
Too often, when it comes to reporting on Israel and the Palestinians, unverified “eyewitnesses” or unnamed sources are a feature of media stories, especially those that impact negatively on Israel.
Healthcare Professionals Involvement in US Torture (tags)
It is easier to find an American Nazi than an ethical American journalist.
The Financial and Economic Crisis as a Normative Orientation Crisis (tags)
Prof. Ulrich presents three core theses: (1) Economics is not an end-in-itself but the means to the good life and human coexistence. (2) There is no "free" enterprise system free of ethical and political prerequisites. (3) The need for emancipatory economic citizenship rights.
Banking in Crisis" Towards a Responsible Organization (tags)
Luc Van Liedekerke, 1962, Professor of business ethics at the University of Leuven and Antwerp, Director of the Center for Economics and Ethics, KULeuven. Wim Dubbink, 1964, professor of business ethics at the University of Tilburg
Should we bury the ethics because of the politics?
Virginia Sen. Allen didn't disclose stock options as rules required (tags)
Do your really think Congress can police its self and stop corruption. No way! Congress by the defination of government is corrupt
“You Decide”
Economism, Economic Ethics and Donations (tags)
Economism is the great ideology of our time. It claims that (1) resisting the market is impossible and (2) submitting to the market is best for everyone. Both are not true. Embedding the market in principles of useful-ness to life has a priority as an ordering task.
"Managers Do Not Only Serve Shareholders" (tags)
"It is not legitimate to exploit every conceivable outsourcing chance. It is not legitimate to declare jobs superfluous to realize double-digit profits.. Profit cannot be the only maxim of good entrepreneural conduct.."
Media Witchhunt in the Time of Empire (tags)
In the witch hunt for media rogues the Chicago Tribune's Public Editor, Don Wycliff, has reached a new zenith of perversity...
What Is Law, Why Does Law Exist? (tags)
A rational anarchist introduction to the concept of law.
Economics and Ethics: The Stakeholder Model (tags)
"Businesses cannot be reduced only to the principle of profit maximization.. Businesses are bound in a relational structure of different claimant groups including a critical public alongside the traditional economic actors.. Brent Spar is an example.."
Will Bush Administration Respond to the Assaults with Indiscriminate Violence? (tags)
Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Joy Gordon, an attorney and professor of philosophy at Fairfield University in Connecticut, who specializes in the study of ethics and human rights.