fix articles 455197, fraser institute
Daniel Estulin's "True Story of the Bilderberg Group" and What They May Be Plann (tags)
Their goal is a world with rulers and serfs, no middle class
Updating the Militarization and Annexation of North America (tags)
The North American Union is still viable.
A Little Box of Bullshit (tags)
The spinners and the bullshitters have presented us with a very narrow box to fit inside. But through acting and thinking outside that box, we can liberate ourselves.
George W. Bush, The Neocons, & The Nazis: Ties That Bind (tags)
There are numerous connections between the Bush family and the Nazis. Moreover, the philosophy of the neocons within the Bush administration has already been connected with fascism. However, no article has attempted to present an overview of the fascist connections within the Bush administration.