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Brazil: Repressed March of Marijuana. (tags)
The Brazilian Democracy demonstrates as it is imperfection and as the federal constitution it is not respected in the country. Prohibition of if revealing public in walks are characteristic of an authoritarian country. Legalize-Já! Thus it is the false Brazilian democracy: in first of May militant anarchic (Cob/Ait), the also lesser ones of ages, they had been tortured and threatened of death in a police station of São Paulo. In Rondônia a without-land slaughter (LCP) happened to few days, to put was not divulged na media and the government ignored the occurrence. Now, the march of marijuana was forbidden in almost all country, great them 13 city where it went to occur the march, only four will be able to carry through it, Porto Alegre, Recife, Florianópolis and Vitoria.
The conspiracy to divide Bolivia must be denounced (tags)
The process of changes in favor of the Bolivian majority is at risk of being brutally restrained