fix articles 45393, bethlehem
Israel Quit UNESCO, Um-Shmum, Make Ben-Gurion Proud! (tags)
Reviews Hebron, UNESCO, Jewish Rights to the Land of Israel
Christianity's Savior in the Middle East (tags)
With one exception, Christians throughout the countries of the Middle East are at risk or on the run, their churches burned, their property expropriated, their personal safety in peril from thugs intent on beatings, rapes, and murders
Rudacille’s Tome: A Must-Read for Labor Buffs (Review) (tags)
In 1959, Bethlehem’ Sparrows Point plant, outside Baltimore, was “the largest steelworks in the world.” In its heyday, it employed 36,000 workers. Bethlehem went into bankruptcy in 2001, and many of its retirees at the “Point” got screwed out of their benefits. Deborah Rudacille’s book, “Roots of Steel,” recreates, via compelling “oral histories,” the history of the Point; the collapse of Bethlehem, an industrial titan; and the baleful impact that it had on the lives of its union workers and communities that they lived in.
To interpret the Old and New Testament's of the Bible by extending the horizons of Christian theological inquiry pertaining to "The Two Stars Of Bethlehem".
For you, the Savior is born today. He comes first to you and the people living in the shadows. The healthy and successful often do not understand that the world needs him, that it needs God's love and mercy. They are often blinded by their efficiency and success
Intimidation and double standards are destabilizing and make global peace problematic.
The prison walls have been closed...the Bethlehem Ghetto is now a reality. (tags)
The Bethlehem Ghetto is now a reality. Please stand with the people of this city by visiting and helping us share this truth with the world. The people of Bethlehem need friends now more than ever.
Jewish & Palestinian Groups Join Forces for (tags)
Local Jewish and Palestinian Groups Join Forces for International Protest of Israel's Building of Wall Annexing West Bank Participants to Erect Symbolic Replica 'Wall' to be Brought Down Prominent Rabbi & Holy Land Trust in Bethlehem Rep. to Speak Sunday November 9th Marks the Day the Berlin Wall Came Down
The Apartheid Wall is nearing completion on the West side of the West Bank - where its estimated to have confiscated around %10 of the most fertlie land. As well as cutting through or displacing - redefining - 30 towns or villages. This is ethnic cleansing on a massive speed and scale. Remember that when the media talks about a roadmap to peace.
Israeli army attacks Christian worshipers outside Church of the Nativity (tags)
Israeli occupation soldiers on Sunday pushed, beat and dragged to the ground Christian worshipers who were on their way to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
Peace starts with ending occupation (tags)
EAST JERUSALEM – Last night, April 16, helicopters were heard overhead as Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) entered neighborhoods here and curfews continued in Ramallah and Bethlehem. Heavy shelling near the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and heavy restrictions on travel for Palestinians were visible.