fix articles 4533, following Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : following


Persons without a center (tags)

"They have their great, constantly changing I, but none of them has a self, a core, an experience of identity (...) ...Without awareness & confidence in his own self, man, Fromm argues, is disconnected from both himself & environment."

Disability Group Protests Discriminatory Bookstore (tags)

Following numerous instances of discrimination against the disabled at an Orange County Barnes and Noble bookstore, equal rights advocates decide to boycott

"Families Belong Together" March, Pasadena (tags)

Report back on the march in Pasadena, one of at least 70 in California and 400+ in the US.

The real mission of fbi and cia (tags)

Here are list of fbi/cia goals, but see my reports on the true mission & goals of murderous fbi/cia.

[France] The State Attacks Indymedia-Grenoble and Indymedia-Nantes… Solidarity! (tags)

Following the publication of a communiqué claiming responsibility for a fire in a garage at a Grenoble police depot (gendarmerie) during the night of September 20th/21st, Indymedia Grenoble and Indymedia Nantes have been threatened by the French police. The administrators of these sites have received emails from the Central Office for the Fight Against Crime Linked to Information Technology and Communication (OCLCTIC) demanding that the concerned articles be removed from the sites under (in) 24 hours, otherwise rendering the sites liable to blocking...

Creation of Artificial Kidney Stone In Vivo By Skilled Criminals with M, M, O (tags)

Artificially manufactured kidney stones in fbi adversaries are a proven fact, more or less.

fbi are human monsters (tags)

For those who do not yet realize the basis for my referring to the fbi as human monsters see the following data.

Overview & Synthesis (tags)

The following report seeks to summarize through many links the sorry and inhumane crimes and tactics used by the fbi against our brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors, and others caught in the fbi's Web of murderous deceit.

Sleep: "Nature's soft nurse" (tags)

This report is another effort to address the global problem of assaults on human beings by subhumans using spaced based & inhumane weaponry.

Gross injustices before our eyes: USA police state (tags)

See my report on the establishment of the police state, United States of America, by the very agencies (fbi,cia,police)sworn to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the USA and the human & civil rights implied therein.

Cesar Chavez on Zionism (tags)

This month we celebrate the birthday of Cesar Chavez, a friend to Israel and the Jewish people.

Human Rights Transparency needed to expose cultural cleansing of Genius and Greatness. (tags)

I consider Human Rights Transparency is needed. Some interpretations of the UDHR emphasize individual self-determination while neoliberal variants seek to culturally cleanse the latter and therefore Genius and Greatness.

Serial Killer Netanyahu Calls for Calm (tags)


Citizens United GaveTwitter Unlimited Free $peech & They Censor www Political Speech ? (tags)

Tragic ,the political matrix of pay to play Twitter continues with the facade suspension of our environmental accounts for political reasons, not honest ones !

Communique of the 4th Congress of the Movement for National Democracy - Philippines (tags)

The Kilusan sa Pambansang Demokrasya (Movement for National Democracy) successfully held its Fourth National Congress in the City of Baguio on November 28-30, 2012 with the theme: Assiduously conduct political and organizational consolidation! Expose and Oppose Imperialism and Neocolonialism! Persevere in the Fight for National Democracy.

Evidence of Police State (tags)

See documentations of crimes against my person by fbi, mil intel, police, UT staff.

The Public Needs To Know (tags)

The fbi abuses the Global Disease Surveillance System Against Dissidents & Whistleblowers

McCain, Bachmann Confronted Over USS Liberty ‘Incident’ (tags)

John McCain and his wife (Cindy McCain) don't care about Israel murdering/maiming my USS Liberty shipmates

Some Thoughts on Last Night's Occupy L.A. General Assembly (tags)

Reposted from facebook

America's Cratering Economy (tags)


Chuck Schumer (D) Calls for Train Station Gestapo Zones (tags)

New York (D) Senator Charles Schumer is calling for a no ride list for Amtrak passenger trains. Anti-war activists may be targeted (as they were on no fly lists) for this no ride list, thus preventing them from traveling via planes AND rail. Guess the anti-war activists will need to either hitchike or take Greyhound if they want to go somewhere without a car?

Message from the opposition in Tahrir - Updates by phone from Waleed Al Musharaf in Tahrir (tags)

(Cairo, February 1, 2011, 9:00pm) The opposition leaders just met and want to release the following messages to the media and the demonstrators.

The Dictatorship of America's Aristocracy (tags)

Obama's betrayal

Honduras: Latin America's Murder Capital (tags)

murders in fascist Honduras

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: London Session (tags)

working for peace and equity

Aafia Siddiqui Sentenced: A Grievous Miscarriage of Justice (tags)

an innocent woman sentenced

Attorney Richard I. Fine Released (tags)

Bogusly charged attorney released

The Shortwave Report 09/03 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia. 

Obama – The Egyptian King (tags)

Before I get started id just like you to watch the following video. Just so that we are on the same understanding that Obama is playing out the role of the lying puppet that he was always supposed to be.

The Shortwave Report 05/28 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.


For Immediate Release

Pianeta di Amore Planet of Love Planeta lásky 愛的行星 Planeet van Liefde Planet of Love Плане (tags)

Radical global performative action: how 'bout a hug?

The Transparent Cabal’ : Information Clearing House - ICH (tags)

The Transparent Cabal’ (about the Jewish Neocons who pushed US into the Iraq quagmire in order to secure the realm for Israel in accordance with the 'A Clean Break' agenda (access the 'A Clean Break' link at the upper right of http://NEOCONZIONISTTHREAT.COM as well).

Protest & Vigil - HIV Budget Cuts (tags)

California dealt a staggering blow to people with HIV/AIDS this week when Governor Schwarzenegger eliminated all state funding for most of the state's HIV programs.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) greets the resumption of exploratory talks towards the resumption of peace negotiation between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) this coming weeks with guarded optimism We express elation whenever the peace process moves forward after almost five years of being stalled due to the intransigence and lack of good faith on the part of the US-Arroyo regime.

Cuba: The hurt of no longer being (tags)

* Fragment from a work by Daniel Barret about the evolution of Cuba’s political regime since November 17 2005 till today. This piece attempts to place the role of Fidel Castro these past months.

fbi/cia criminal operations globally (tags)

See the following two reports on fbi/cia corruption and criminal activities globally. QUESTIONS! geral sosbee (956)371-5210

Beware right-wing infiltration of KPFK (tags)

Right-wing material is creeping into KPFK programming. Why?

Follow Your Heart by Hale Dwoskin (tags)

There is a universal intelligence or knowingness in each and every one of us. When you are open to this intelligence of the heart, it guides you in the right direction to do what is best for you and those around you


President Gloria M. Arroyo is leading the Philippines-the Marcos Way. Pesante-USA scored today the apparent terrible insensitivity and serous callousness of Gloria Arroyo and her penchant for following the way of dictator Ferdinand Marcos in her wild dream of perpetuating herself in power, the way Marcos tried to do during his dictatorial regime.

Liberty Attacked by Israel: (tags)

Liberty Attacked by Israel

Israel & Gaza, calling in to Alastair Crooke on the Liberty Hour (tags)

Israel & Gaza, calling in to Alastair Crooke on the Liberty Hour


We, the organizations and groups of youth, women, community, seniors and veterans of different ethnicities comprising the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) based in Central Los Angeles are united as one in the following points of unity. As the new president assumes power on January 20, 2009 and will embark on a new direction for our nation, we in the EPCC unite with the rest of the nation in doing the best we can to improve our conditions and livelihood for the next four years..

War Criminal GW Bush Regime Escapes to Texas Ranch (tags)

Since GW Bush, Cheney and their fellow war criminals of the outgoing Bush administration are escaping their needed trail for war crimes following the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq based on fabricated evidence. Many needless deaths from invasion of Iraq and a crumbling economy are the legacy of this brilliant criminal regime. Are we content to allow them to simply retire to clearing brush on the Texas ranch without a war crimes trail??


We, the organizations and groups of youth, women, community, seniors and veterans of different ethnicities comprising the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) based in Central Los Angeles are united as one in the following points of unity. As the new president assumes power on January 20, 2009 and will embark on a new direction for our nation, we in the EPCC unite with the rest of the nation in doing the best we can to improve our conditions and livelihood for the next four years..

Join the SCIC this Wednesday 01/21/2009 for an Immigrant Rights Rally (tags)

Rally at the Federal Building demanding an end to the ICE Raids, and full legalization for immigrants. Wednesday, Januray 21, 2009 at 5:00pm

USA admits to brain entrainment (tags)

see the admission by usa of its brain entrainment program

Dr. Stephen Sniegoski discusses his 'Transparent Cabal' book on Press TV (tags)

Dr. Stephen Sniegoski discusses his 'Transparent Cabal' book on Press TV about how the neoconservatives pushed US to war in Iraq for Israel

CBS' Lara Logan, CNN's Michael Ware Involved In Steamy Baghdad Love Triangle: (tags)

CBS' Lara Logan, CNN's Michael Ware Involved In Steamy Baghdad Love Triangle:

View Videos: Expose' of adding TOXIC Fluoride to LA/San Diego Drinking/Tap Waters (tags)

The Southern California Municipal Water District, after just 12 Directors voted 'YES!' last October 2007 [e.g. without Public Ballot Vote] to add toxic Silicofluoride to most of L.A./San Diego Drinking/Tap Waters faces LEGAL CHALLENGES. Videos following LINKS put MWD on NOTICE:

Urgent Zapatista communique following repulsion of Mexican Army troops (tags)

Urgent Zapatista communique following repulsion of Mexican Army troops by a Zapatista village on June 4, 2008. Escalation is feared. The following is a communique by the Zapatista Good government Council in La Garrucha.

Osama: Palestinian Cause Was 'Main Factor' for 9/11 (tags)

Excellent panel discussion on the Middle East airing tonight on C-SPAN 2 at 8 PM on the west coast and at 11 PM on the east coast

Saudi Arabia 'braces for nuclear war' (tags)

The Kingdom 'braces for nuclear war'

Obama advisor: US Jews Hinder Peace (tags)

Obama advisor: US Jews Hinder Peace

Lieberman putting the Yarmulke on McCain at the following URL: (tags)

Lieberman putting the Yarmulke on McCain at the following URL:

Leftwing leader claims escaping slay try in Iloilo City (tags)

A top official of the leftwing Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (New Patriotic Alliance, Bayan) in Panay narrowly escaped an alleged attempt to abduct or assassinate him, militant groups here claimed Wednesday. Aurelio Bosque, spokesperson of Bayan-Panay, said two unidentified men who were separately riding motorcycles followed him from their office in Jaro District, Iloilo City on Monday and pursued him until he and two companions sought refuge at a Kababayan Center.

Egypt leaks information about an American military action against Syria: (tags)

Egypt leaks information about an American military action against Syria:

Police raid at Ramona Gardens- video and info-2/29 (tags)

Police raid at Ramona Gardens 2/29

Generals to quit if US strikes Iran (for Israel) (tags)

Generals to quit if US strikes Iran

Public Communication of the Anarchist Movement of Temuco (Chile) (tags)

In light of the events that occurred this past September 11 (2007) that led to our anarchist companions Lucas Machacán and Italo Sepúlveda being detained in the area of the Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO university) and imprisoned by the prosecutor the following day, we denounce and declare the following...

Malt Liquor: Targeting A Community (tags)

Certain types of alcohol, specifically malt liquor, are marketed in impoverished communities of color. Alco-snacks are market to kids.

Scandal in the Porn Industry - A summary (tags)

Now everyone be very very quiet...

'60 Minutes' NOT going to cover Mearsheimer/Walt book about pro-Israel lobby (tags)

'60 Minutes' NOT going to cover Mearsheimer/Walt book:

Re: WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation (tags)

Re: WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation

WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation (tags)

WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation

(JINSA/PNAC associated) Cheney favors attack on Iran (for Israel, of course!) (tags)

Cheney wants US to attack Iran for Israel!

Thanks for all the guns (tags)

says Hamas to Olmert

Shithead Employment Agencies (tags)

Stay away from Express Personnel, Summit, Sperion, CSR Personnel, Personnel Source and Aerotek.

Gov’t downgrades peace talks, MILF says (tags)

Manila-- The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has described the replacement of Secretary Silvestre Afable as government chief negotiator with a non-cabinet member as a deliberate downgrading of the peace process by the government following Afable’s alleged resignation the other day. Jun Mantawil, head of the MILF peace panel secretariat, told Luwaran that while the MILF leadership has the highest respect for Father Eliseo Mercado Jr. as “a person, friend and as a priest” but he does not possess the authority that a cabinet member possesses.

Stop Racist Military Recruiting at CSUF (tags)

While the CSU Fullerton recruiting event will be resisted, opponents are trying to prevent it from happening at all. Already, the University has expressed concern. For one thing, it specifically targets Latinos; for another, it uses state college facilities as a recruiting tool for the entire US military, not CSUF's own ROTC.

May Day 2007; A Report To Correct The Balance (tags)

The following is a summary of what occurred when LAPD decided to disperse a peaceful march. The following contents of this article may be used for non-profit only.

Maxxam Inc. Escapes CA for TX with Stolen Forests, Jobs & $$$ (tags)

Recent attempts by Maxxam Corporation to abscound with billions in profits as Pacific Lumber Chptr 11 Bankruptcy hearings begin. The location of the hearings should be in CA near the PL workers and their affected ecosystem where the damage occurred, yet Maxxam CEO Hurwitz engineered a ghost corporation 'Scotia Development' to hijack the right to attend bankruptcy hearings from the jobless PL workers..

The Appeal of Afghan Families & Orphans to the people of the United States of America (tags)

This is appeal of Afghan families and orphans to the people of the US and the world for help. They are affected by the US bombing and dying from hunger, cold and homelessness


NEW PUBLIC ACCESS CABLE PROGRAM NEEDS VOLUNTEERS AS WRITERS, RESEARCHERS, STAFF, FIELD REPORTERS AND MORE...... please view sample shows at the following URL's as listed below.......

Warning: You Are About To Enter The 4th Dimension Of Your Life. (tags)

This is about the truly astonishing story of a commodity trader of Swiss-Iranian and Baha'i origin (see who has sought refuge in the United States since 2000 and who is the object of an incredible conspiracy by the Swiss banks and other very powerful actors against him, in order to destroy him personally and professionally with the objective to prevent his democratic plans for world unity and economic justice from ever materializing. You can now access his new modest homepage at Geocities for more information.

Black Cross Health Collective's "What to do if exposed to Chemical Weapons" (tags)

author: Lupin

Shaking Uncontrollably: Does Guzzling Gas Make You Piss Fire? (tags)

Bad ideas are like starfish: You can cut them up, but unless you squash them into jelly and incinerate the remains, they will multiply. I’m not really saying that we should go around murdering idiots . . . but this week’s “news” certainly made me want to beat a few people mercilessly.

Nestle corporation & McCloud's aquifer agua theft (tags)

Water bottling giant Nestle corporation is pressuring McCloud residents to read two thick volumes of EIR before public comment period ends. Risks to aquifer and ecosystem following massive water withdrawal by Nestle are long term, more time needed to review EIR..

Solving ecological problems by restoring indigenous wisdom (tags)

Indigenous ecoknowledge can help in solving modern man-made problems with permaculture, decolonization, dismantling border fence, riparian floodplain restoration, etc..

The problem with the idea of “an immigration problem.” (tags)

Why so many different takes to "the immigration problem?" The answer lies in the oversimplification of the issue. I will not diagnose the source(s) of these over-simplistic notions, only attempt to clear up the mud.

National President - MAPA (tags)

A potential compromise on immigration reform might be reached soon in the Senate but some immigration advocates are against the Hagel-Martinez legislation. On Tuesday, the March 25th Coalition will hold a press conference calling upon Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer to support full legalization and vote against the Hagel-Martinez compromise.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.

Letter of complaint filed against Costa Mesa Mayor (tags)

The following "letter of complaint" was delivered during the public comments section of the Tuesday, January 17, 2006 meeting of the Costa Mesa City Council. It was filed on behalf of the Tonantzin Collective.

Cindy Sheehan disingenuous in denying that she wrote PNAC Neocon/war for Israel paragraph (tags)

Cindy Sheehan did indeed write that her son died for a PNAC Neocon agenda to benefit Israel



Summary Meeting on BP June 25th (tags)

Summary of a meeting held this past week with organizations that participated in the organizing of the Baldwin Park 2 event.

Bush Forever? (tags)

`The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is repealed.' Hulet is giving a public lecture July 8th in Commerce Calif. 7:30PM See website for info.

37th anniversary of RFK shooting (tags)

Today marks the 37th anniversary of the shooting of Senator Robert F. Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles in 1968. At the following website you can download my short book on the assassination, including a (free) preview!

Is this Happening? (tags)

For about one year I have noticed and experienced the strangest things. around me..

Civil rights, Latino groups charge Gonzales unfit for office (tags)

Torture role condemned, ‘No’ vote urged

The Logic of Military Intervention (tags)

Examples: Iraq, Burma, Sudan, Palestine/Israel

Are you ready for the Government Domestic Detention Camps? (tags)

This was just recently posted at and it clearly details WHAT our so-called "government" has in store of a select few of we citizens. I've posted it in it's entire length, and while it will take a while to read, it is well worth the effort to become DULY INFORMED. It is so comprehensive that I doubt even serious trolls/debunkers will try to refute it, but nonetheless, let the trolls begin their debunking....

A Bush/Rove plan to OUTLAW homosexuality (& dissent)? (tags)

In the wake of an election riddled with irregularities, before most states have certified their election results, with recounts being called for in several states, and long before the Electoral College has cast the only deciding "vote" for President, the Bush Gang is reportedly cooking up plans to continue marching toward religious dictatorship while shredding what's left of the Constitution. Read up, spread the word--and PLEASE DONATE NOW to the recount effort!



300 days sit-in strike... (tags) migrant workers in S. Korea

Egyptian Moslem Imams from Al Azhar Justify Suicide Bombing (tags)

Senior Clerics at Al Azhar University in Cairo (the oldest and most prestigious religious university in all of the Islamic world, and a university closely related to the Egyptian government) - these Imams justify Suicide Bombing and recommend it as a tactic

Media Coverage of Iraq Called “Shameful” (tags)

Media Coverage of Iraq Called “Shameful” By Peers

Prince Bernhards Nazi-history; open letter (tags)

In The Netherlands, Prince Bernhard placed an article through his freemason end-editors connections in "The Volkskrant" to cover-up his secret Nazi-history and other affairs.

A Good Mark for Target (tags)

Target refuses to support the war and the people who wage war as part of their national policy.



Cheney's JINSA/PNAC Neocon Hawks 'Hijacking Policy' (tags)

Cheney's JINSA/PNAC Neocon Hawks 'Hijacking Policy'

Santa Ana Activist Arrested (is this the Pomona guy?) (tags)

Josh Canole, an SAC student, was busted yesterday.

Wiesenthal Center: Germany Sold Poison Gas Iraq (tags)

The following report, commissioned by the Los Angeles, California based Simon Wiesenthal Center, was completed by Paris, France based Middle East Defense News. It clearly shows how Germany, particularly under Chancellor Helmut Kohl supplied Iraq with its poison gas, knowing full well that Iraq's aim was to use the gas on Israel.

Could You Have Passed the 8th Grade in 1895? Probably Not...Take a Look (tags)

Questions: What percentage of this year's seniors and last year's high school graduates could pass the following 8th grade test required in 1895, even if the few outdated questions were modernized? How many college students could pass it? For that matter, what percentage of high school teachers could pass it?

How to Find Work in Iraq (tags)

Since compiling our initial list of reconstruction contracts in Iraq, we have received inquiries on how to find information on job and business opportunities in Iraq. A common complaint is how difficult it is to find out where to start. Unfortunately, the US Govt has not made it as simple as they could have by posting all of the relevant information on one web site. Those unfamilliar with government contracts are placed at a disadvantage as a result.

U.S. military protected Baghdad's Oil Ministry from being ransacked (tags)

While most other public buildings in Baghdad have been left unguarded, the huge Oil Ministry headquarters on Palestine Street has been ringed by more than 70 US troops and protected by up to a dozen or more armoured personnel carriers

Is The U.S. Silencing the Really Free Press? (tags)

The question is: Is the U.S. Government following an active policy of shutting down any outlet contradicting their Lies?

Iraq War Quiz (tags)

A quiz for the neo-con thugs

The War Show ["Pulse"/Fox/Thursday] (tags)

Tonight on Fox, the show "Pulse" looked into various facets of the war. Here is my description and a suggestions to balance what was presented.


How much do you know about Iraq War II and our great government? found this on

Police Oppression at Anti-War Protest (tags)

Police clearly make is known that Black Bloc is not welcomed in Los Angeles.

Our Troops "They Died For Ariel Sharon" , (tags)

"Our troops will be fighting a proxy war in Iraq, and beyond, not to protect U.S. citizens from terrorist attacks, but to make the world safe for Israel. When the dead are buried, let the following be inscribed on their tombstones: They died for Ariel Sharon."

Our Troops "They Died For Ariel Sharon" (tags)

"Our troops will be fighting a proxy war in Iraq, and beyond, not to protect U.S. citizens from terrorist attacks, but to make the world safe for Israel. When the dead are buried, let the following be inscribed on their tombstones: They died for Ariel Sharon."

Liberated From Life (tags)

In early October, an Afghan woman, Nurgessa, roaming the deserted streets of Kandahar accompanied by her little boy said the following for the 'liberation' efforts of the United States of America:   "Last night, while we were sleeping the Americans bombed our homes. When I woke up I saw Agha Gul [her husband] shattered into pieces and my other two sons had their heads blown away....

Pasadena #2 Vigil Report (tags)

Dear Indymedia, Our vigil is an example of a totally grassroots effort. One week there were two participants, the following week five, and then there were 29.


Mothers of the World, don't let our Children Kill other Mothers' Children

Pasadena/west side protest of the state of the union (tags)

Friends, Critical events are unfolding quickly, as per today's headlines. The State of the Union address on Tuesday is an all-important watershed moment in our history as a nation and world... today's LA Times makes it clear that the possibility of a nuclear war being unleashed soon is very real.

Night for Bikes! @ Griffith Park Festival of Lights (tags)

See the Griffith Park "Festival of Lights" on two wheels in the fresh air! Bring friends and family to show demand for Car Free days next year. Enjoy the Christmas Lights show without sitting in a car burning oil.

Write a letter for Anarchist prisoner Jeff Free Luers (tags)

Dear friends: the following letter was written - upon his request - by friends and supporters of jeffrey luers, aka "free", from portland & eugene. Significant events for "free" will likely be occurring in the following months, and we urge you to fill out this letter - using a real name and address - and sending it to attorney general hardy myers. Also, please print this letter out and pass it on to friends and potentially sympathetic people.


The United States does not have a lawfully elected government. "Our" public servants are bribed and blackmailed by transnational corporations that issue so-called "U.S. dollars" out of nothing. "Elections" are fixed by the "Big Boys" (eg: Bilderberg Group) who own "our" money, "our" media and "our" vote-tabulation machinery. Just say NO to FRAUD, and YES to REAL DEMOCRACY....

NICKEL AND DIMED at the Mark Taper Forum (tags)

from the LA Culturenet listserve To subscribe from LA Culture Net, send an email to:

Intn'l Solidarity Movement Members Arrested In Nablus: What You Can Do (tags)

[NABLUS] Internationals and Palestinians have been brutalized and arrested following a non-violent protest at the Huwara checkpoint near Nablus.

MAN MADE AIDS ? (tags)

The US-NAS-NRC (National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ) has helped the military to develop " a new infective micro-organism that might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious diseases."

Madrid 17-19 of May: Resistance to the EU Summit Meeting (tags)

Last news in english and spanish in LA HAINEweb

Washington Post: Charges to be Dropped Against Raise The Fist (tags)

Newsbytes, the tech section of the Washington Post, reports that "Federal Charges will be dropped against the teen-aged operator of anti-gobvernment site"

Propaganda 101- How Corporate Media Lies (tags)

Most of us pretty much know how the corporate media lies to us. But here's an article that puts the current problem with the corporate media into historical context-a history of "spin" and mass deception, and precisely why we NEED Indymedia and as many other alternatives as possible.

The Inside Story: Laura Bush (tags)

Immediately following First Lady Laura Bush's address to the nation on Saturday

The Inside Story: Laura Bush (tags)

Immediately following First Lady Laura Bush's address to the nation on Saturday

Desktop Theater-Women In Black On-line protest (tags)

The following performance stills were taken from a series of "vigils" performed in the public chat space/application "The Palace" specifically in "Mt. Olympus" and "FireBirdz Forest". We performed it three times on 9/15/01 and then a few more times after that. Some of the women are in New York, and some in New Zealand & Italy. We walked a silent vigil across rooms with people in them.

zsee a merry kin spare it (tags) (the last third of this 84K file is about the terror attack; the tenor of comment on which I liked at www.indymedia where I have practically lived for months (posts in double digits) but the increase in traffic makes it practically unreachable so I hope yall will welcome me here (not all indy's pipe through the same peep rite?).


GUTIERREZ TESTIFIES BEFORE CONGRESSIONAL PANEL ON NAVY'S MISTREATMENT OF PEACEFUL PROTESTORS ON VIEQUES Congressional Hispanic Caucus conducts hearings on abuse of demonstrators Navy representative admits that video tapes show Congressman cooperating with police, not resisting arrest

An effective way to lower energy prices (tags)


Protest coverage: issues and context on internet radio station (tags)

Information on context and issues of the Los Angeles protests - Internet radio station

Protest coverage: issues and context on internet radio station (tags)

Information on context and issues of the Los Angeles protests - Internet radio station

ignored tags synonyms top tags bottom tags