fix articles 45143, slobodan milosevic Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : slobodan milosevic

slobodan milosevic

What is literature for? (tags)

Since 1989 and the fall of the Berlin Wall, humankind has made a tremendous leap backward. We are witnessing the systematic dismantling of the welfare state, the atomization of the working class, the collapse of union membership, the abandonment of any attachment to republican principles. Mainstream discourse encourages us to resign.

The long prehistory of Russia's war of aggression (tags)

This analysis is intended to convey that this war was not unprovoked and that decades of U.S. and NATO actions prepared the ground for a military conflict - a war long desired by some megalomaniacs and war profiteers in Washington, London, Brussels and Kiev.

Imperialism (tags)

It was the West that, immediately after the end of the East-West confrontation, once again made war a "normal means" of international politics. Russia is now following suit, more than twenty years behind.

Historical ND Compromise Proposal Unveiled (tags)

The good news: It stands for itself.

"Syria's holocaust": The British media totally lose the plot (tags)

At no time in history has the perversion of the truth been so extreme. Once the NATO-led genocide on the people of Syria comes to an end, The Guardian and the entire British media establishment must be tried for crimes against humanity.

Greenpeace International Supporters Tell Russia's Putin "We Are Our Own Sovereign Nation " (tags)

Japan & Russia might be having problems over who gets which islands,but they both conspired to teach Greenpeace Activists a whale of a lesson..

Trafficking in Lies about Syria (tags)


Syria Is Becoming Obama's Iraq (tags)

In perfect Bush-like fashion, President Obama has invented a bogus pretense for military intervention in yet another Middle East country. The president’s claim that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons — and thus crossed Obama’s imaginary “red line” — will likely fool very few Americans, who already distrust their president after the massive NSA spying scandal.

Tariq Aziz: Victim of US Imperialism (tags)


Hillary Clinton: Profile of Imperial Arrogance and Lawlessness (tags)


Hagel and Brennan Nominations (tags)


Libya and Syria: When Anti-Imperialism Goes Wrong (tags)

Reflexive opposition to Uncle Sam’s machinations abroad is generally a good thing. It is a progressive instinct that progressively declined in the 1990s, as presidents Bush Sr. and Clinton deftly deployed the U.S. military to execute “humanitarian” missions in Somalia, Haiti, and the Balkans and progressively increased in the 2000s, as Bush Jr. lurched from quagmire to disaster in transparent empire-building exercises in Afghanistan and Iraq.

More Myth than Massacre at Srebrenica (tags)


The International Criminal Court: An Imperial Tool (tags)


Bretton Woods 2.0: Soros New World Order Conference (tags)

new world order

Pack Journalism Promotes War on Libya (tags)


Unverified Misreporting on Libya (tags)


Democracy promotion: America’s new regime change formula (tags)

"By the 1980s, the reign of terror that blazed across Latin America was too much for most people to stomach. From death squads to torture chambers and various massacres, the Latin American generals who trained in the US to spread democracy around the world quickly gained reputations for major human rights abuses. To replace the overt support for dictatorships, a new concept for regime change was born; one that sounds and looks better – democracy promotion."

Washington’s “humanitarian” war and the KLA’s crimes (tags)

"This may come as no surprise to those who have witnessed his rise from terrorist thug to head of the newly “independent” state. But what will be a shock to many is the grotesque way in the KLA helped finance its operations—by removing and selling body organs from kidnapped Serb and Kosovan Albanian civilian prisoners." "Any prosecution of the KLA was made “impossible” by Washington, which has been its main sponsor since at least 1998. Following the Bosnian war of 1995, the KLA, seeking to capitalise on popular resentment among Kosovan Albanians against the regime of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia, pursued a strategy of destabilising Kosovo by acts of terrorism in the hope of provoking Western intervention." "US Senator Joseph Lieberman declared that “Fighting for the KLA is fighting for human rights."

The True Richard Holbrooke Legacy (tags)

another war criminal

In the Streets for Human Rights: A People Without Borders (tags)

The recent immigrant rights demonstration in San Diego May 1 was inspiring, but a real solution to the immigration question will come only when we can disenthrall the American people from hateful corporate propaganda that pits disadvantaged groups against each other and convinces millions of Americans that their economic and social problems are caused by people below them, not people above. So-called “illegal” immigrants are just another in the long line of scapegoats corporate and Right-wing propagandists invoke to keep people confused and lead them to challenge each other instead of their corporate overlords.

Coup General: "We're Going After the Protest Leaders" (tags)

"The clock is ticking on this coup regime. And on television this morning, one could see the fear in the eyes of the macho generals that try so hard to show a fearless face. Their days are numbered, not because the other countries of the hemisphere and the world reject the coup, but so much more importantly, because the Honduran people are organizing to put a stop to it all by themselves. The coup generals don't have an end game. The civil resistance does, and is unanimous in it: The toppling of the coup regime, the reinstatement of the elected government, and a Constitutional Convention to remake their nation in a more authentically democratic form."

Color Revolutions, Old and New (tags)

Imperial America's ugly agenda


[B]oth Messrs. Obama and McCain are reiterating their commitment to good, old-fashioned American-style war making. . . . Rather than offering relief, the new entrant to the White House come January is likely to simply exacerbate the mayhem.

New Coup D'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela (tags)

Bush continues to target Chavez.

Stoking Tensions, Risking Confrontation (tags)

Risking world conflict.

A Review of Chris Hedges' American Fascists (tags)

Christian Right efforts to make America a theocratic fascist state

Sleepless on Skid Row (tags)

Guilty of Being Homeless in America!?

Imperial Interventions (tags)

Interview with Gregory Elich about his new book, 'Strange Liberators: Militarism, Mayhem, and the Pursuit of Profit'

Islamic Fascism Yhe New Hysteria (tags)

THE CHIEFTAINS of the never-ending "war on terror" are peddling a newly updated enemy: "Islamic fascism." When the rulers of the American political establishment start denouncing fascism, don't be deceived--they're out to promote an agenda of imperial conquest. No one who opposes U.S. wars and occupations should concede an inch to this lie.

Milosevic: 'no link to genocide found' (tags)

Fresh controversy has hit the war crimes trial of Slobodan Milosevic with a claim from a senior intelligence analyst that the Yugoslav leader is innocent of genocide. Dr Cees Wiebes, a professor at Amsterdam University, now says there is no evidence linking Milosevic to the worst atrocity of the Bosnian war, the massacre of 7,000 Muslims at the town of Srebrenica.

Brief Case Study: The Demonization Of Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein (tags)

Brief Case Study: The Demonization Of Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein

European Parliament 2004 elections and new constitution (tags)

The European Parliament elections, held June 10-13, showed a strong trend among voters against ruling parties that sided with Bush's war on Iraq, as well as those that have been imposing pro-business economic policies, as in Germany and France.

European Parliament 2004 elections results: Throw the Bums Out! (tags)

The European Parliament elections, held June 10-13, showed a strong trend among voters against ruling parties that sided with Bush's war on Iraq, as well as those that have been imposing pro-business economic policies, as in Germany and France.

My Parents were victoms of Saddam (tags)

The Demonization of Slobodan Milosevic (tags)

Another brilliant article by political analyst Michael Parenti challenging the orthodox viewpoints about the causes of the disintegration of Yugoslavia.

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow (tags)

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow

The ANSWER coalition is not your friend (tags)


Carving Up The New Iraq (tags)

Carving Up The New Iraq By Neil Mackay The Sunday Herald Tuesday 15 April 2003

Ariel Sharon: Israel's Prime Minister of Concentration and Absorption (tags)

"The failure of the Israeli legal system to act obligates the international community -- in particular the European Union since all its member states are High Contracting Parties of the Geneva Conventions -- to hold Ariel Sharon accountable, regardless of whether he is a private citizen of Israel, a cabinet minister, or the head of a government."

Wars yet to come - a fascinating Story (tags)

These two paragraphs from the full article are intro enough. The myth of easy American victory will be used in the worst possible ways for years to come and you'll need this for future reference and discussion.

The Rational Destruction of Yugoslavia (tags)

Now that the United States has completed a so-called humanitarian intervention in Iraq, I believe it is very informative to look back at the previous one in Yugoslavia. A brilliant analysis by noted author and political scientist Michael Parenti.

slick (tags)

HOLOCAUST 2003 - The ONLY Solution is The Final Solution


Vitally to make Global Jew Echelon to pay so long overdue reparations to worldwide suffered mass victims. At last to liberate our world from blood sucking hyenas slavery shackles. Whilst eradicating for good the factual anti-Christ plague on Earth. Mind you, when some still need referring to anthropology gurus or genetics expert analysts, the individual as myself got a natural God given faculty just to suss it at glance so uniquely typical our Jew kind of hereditary endowed Neanderthal features.

How the Reformists attempt to liquidate the anti-war movement (tags)

Recent New York Times article outlines a well-organized, massive and concerted effort by the reformist wing of the antiwar movement to derail the antiwar movement and turn activists into election fodder for the Democratic Party.

The Peace Movement is Being Hijacked by the Liberals? (tags)

It's very easy after all hard work has been done for those that have without any democracy involved to take the reins of the peace movement and steer it nose first into the ground.

Serbian puppet knocked out (tags)

Djindjic in Belgrade killed: Serbia Prime Minister shot. State of emergency imposed. Germany's important man on the Balkans dead. On Wednesday the Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic died into Belgrade with the second attempt within few weeks.

Going Off to War Supplied With Lies (tags)

Doubt everything. Trust nothing. Believe nothing. Governments and the media messengers are lying now and were lying then, as witness this small sampling of the lies by omission and commission told by the American government through the press over the last 65 years.

Why we don't support ANSWER (tags)

the reasons

ANSWER & NION losing the battle 4 the hearts of millions (tags)


Rabbi Rift (tags)

Lerner, ANSWER, etc

ANSWER does it again: The Banning of Rabbi Lerner (tags)

The Banning of Rabbi Lerner by David Corn

Analysis of ANSWER and NION (tags)

Written by Michael Albert of Z Magazine and Stephen R Shalom

so if ANSWER is IAC which is Workers World party does anyone care (tags)


Ramsey Clarke Declared Eternal Messiah!! (tags)


Chew On This My Leftist Comrades (tags) January 21 2003

The bankruptcy of the anti-Americanists (tags)

The End of An Era

Activist beware of ANSWER & Not in Our Name (tags)

vanguards & Authoritarians

Activist beware of ANSWER & Not in Our Name (tags)

vanguards & Authoritarians

LeCarre writes out (tags)

never read his pulp, but there are some bell ringers in his column re: West's fight w/ "terrorism"... he even mentions including Putin in the World Court trial.... pretty radical stuff for someone like him I imagine!!


Slaughter of the innocent bolsters view that this is war against Islam.

J. David Galland's ... "NATO's Collective Guilt" (tags)

J.David Galland delineates retrospective and guilt as to who is really responsible for causing the Balkan wars and death. It is certainly not just Slobodan Milosevic.

Christopher Hitchens Discusses Why He Believes Henry Kissinger Should Be Tried.. (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Hitchens who explains why he believes Kissinger is a "one man international rolling crime wave" who should be tried for war crimes. "The Trial of Henry Kissinger" is published by Verso Books.

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