fix articles 4509, speaking
BTL:Bicyclists Organize to Battle Budget Freeze Out (tags)
Interview with U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., speaking at the National Bike Summit, conducted by Melinda Tuhus
Animal Holocaust Denier, Author Lierre Keith Pied at Conference (tags)
"We Didn't Do It, But We Dug it."- Animal Holocaust Denier, Author Lierre Keith Pied at Conference
Speech of anti-vegan antagonist shut down by masked pie throwers in San Francisco
United Against Pro-Test for Science (tags)
The Pro-Test for Science vivisectors torture and murder animals, manipulate public opinion, consistently refuse to debate "real" scientists, and repress & demonize activists. This is no longer acceptable.
Docs, vets discuss common diseases spread by household pets (tags)
A group of more than 200 physicians and veterinarians met yesterday to discuss the “common infections” — including SARS, and bird flu – increasingly shared by people and their pets.
Contractors may train Plan Mexico drug forces (tags)
WASHINGTON — The U.S. and Mexican governments are expected Monday to announce an anti-drug package that will probably involve hiring private U.S. military contractors to train Mexican troops on the use of new technologies and equipment, senior U.S. officials said. The government's use of private contractors has been controversial, especially since a deadly incident involving contractors last month in Iraq.
Criminal Trial for Costa Mesa Activist (tags)
The charges of “disrupting” a city council proceeding stem from a free-for-all that broke out during a public comments session of the Jan. 3, 2006, Costa Mesa city council meeting after police, acting on Mayor Allan Mansoor’s orders to take an early recess, pulled Acosta away from the speaker’s podium and pushed him outside the council chambers before his three minute speaking limit had expired.
Audio of Webster Tarpley speech in San Diego (tags)
This is an mp3 recording of Webster Griffin Tarpley speaking in San Diego on July 8, 2007 on the transforming political landscape in America. He stressed the importance of inserting 9/11 Truth into the 2008 presidential campaign with grassroots media activism, known as "Truths Squads". He also articulated how 9/11 truth can be the fulcrum point for pushing the tide in a positive direction.
Dagan, the head of Mossad, has ordered his two security service in the US to merge and go after Pelosi.
Plan to attack New York tunnels: Yet another dubious “terror plot” (tags)
New Yorkers awoke Friday morning to lurid headlines in the New York Daily News proclaiming that a “Tunnel Bomb Plot” had been foiled. That afternoon, Federal Bureau of Investigation Assistant Director Mark Mershon, flanked by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, told a press conference that the FBI had disrupted a plan to carry out suicide bombings in the PATH train tunnels that carry hundreds of thousands of commuters between Manhattan and New Jersey. The alleged mastermind, a 31-year-old resident of Beirut, Lebanon named Assem Hammoud, was being held in Beirut and had, according to the FBI, confessed to participating in the plot and acting on the orders of Osama bin Laden. There were a total of eight suspects, two of whom were in custody at unnamed locations. None were Americans and none had set foot on US soil.
American Scholars Symposium
Bush in Irvine Monday April 24th 8am -- PROTEST! (tags)
You must show up at The Irvine Hyatt Monday to protest Bush. He will be speaking about immigration. Go to for details. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO BE HEARD BY THE PRESIDENT.
US Hispanic Direct Response Marketing Returning Big Rewards (tags)
There’s been a shift in the DRTV responses over the last few years – what used to be strictly an English speaking audience has changed considerably. Half-hour paid program purchases in the U.S. are coming from both English and Spanish speaking consumers reaping generous rewards.
Costa Mesa Resident Sues City After His Arrest During Costa Mesa Council Meeting (tags)
ACLU/SC Files Suit After Arrest, Beating of Speaker at Costa Mesa Council Meeting
Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor slammed with federal civil rights lawsuit (tags)
“We filed this lawsuit to help ensure that the Costa Mesa government maintains a forum for all types of discussion and debate and that residents do not fear that if they are opposed to something they will be arrested and beaten for speaking their mind.”
Palestinian/ Israeli speaking tour in LA (tags)
National Speaking tour on the non-violent resistance movement to the wall in Palestine featuring: -Palestinian Ayed Morrar -Israeli Jonathan Pollack
Military Father Speaks Out Against the Iraq War (link to mp3 audio) (tags)
A conversation with Dexter Kamilewicz, a Maine father who's son is speaking out about the conditions he and the other troops are really facing in Iraq.
New documentary addresses notorious question: Why Do They Hate Us? (tags)
Why does the world "hate" America? What is the base of the growing "anti-Americanism" in most countries? An American filmmaker talks to the citizens of the world to find out.
RC4 Tour Arrives in LA: July 23 (tags)
The Revolutionary Communist 4 (RC4) Speaking Tour arrives in the Los Angeles area. They will be spreading revolution and communism, and challenging those at the bottom of society to step forward and become emancipators of humanity.
URGENT! Defend Mukhtaran Bibi! - Pakistani Women's Rights Activist Prevented From Travel (tags)
Today's New York Times has an article by Nicholas Kristof entitled "Raped, Kidnapped and Silenced" about the case of Mukhtaran Bibi, a Pakistani woman's rights activist who has been essentially kidnapped by Pakistani officials to prevent her from coming to the US to do a speaking tour on Women's Rights in Pakistan. There is an urgent international call out to defend Mukhtaran Bibi, whose life is in great danger for her courageous fight against mutilation of women in Pakistan.
Mike Davis Speaking at UC Riverside (tags)
Mike Davis, socialist historian, will be speaking at UC Riverside.
Haiti Speaking Tour w/ Kevin Pina
Environmental Activist and Political Prisoner - Tre Arrow (tags)
ONE DOWN, THREE TO GO: an update from the Media as the Judge speaking tour
Governor Tough Guy, At It Again (tags)
Last week, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger garnered another round of media attention by denigrating a group protesting outside of a conference at which he was speaking.
Last Minute Alert- 'Human Shields' in Riverside Wednesday (tags)
Speaking event WEDNESDAY re: Iraq
Bush's 'interesting' speaking pattern (tags)
now that everyone is aware that Bush has an earpiece...
Are IDF members Anti-Semtic? (tags)
If Jewish members of the IDF speak out against the brutalization of innocent Palestinian civilians are they anti Semites?
Bush - Torture - The Inhuman Stain (tags)
All of the above facts -- each of them manifest violations of international law and/or the U.S. Constitution -- have been cheerfully attested to, for years now, by the organs' own apparatchiks, quoted in numerous high-profile, mainstream publications, including The New York Times, The Economist, Newsweek and others. The stories appear -- then they disappear. There is no reaction. No outcry in Congress or the courts -- the supposed guardians of the people's rights -- beyond a few wan calls for more formality in the concentration camp processing or judicial "warrants" for torture. And among the great mass of "the people" itself, there is -- nothing. Silence. Inattention. Indifference. Acquiescence. State terrorism -- lawless seizure, filthy torture, official murder -- is simply accepted, a part of "normal life," as in Nazi Germany or Stalin's empire, where "decent people" with "nothing to hide" approved and applauded the work of the "organs" in "defending national security."
Global Eye -- The Inhuman Stain (tags)
There is a horrible scandal eating away the heart of the American body politic. Among the many corrupted currents loosed upon the nation by the Bush Regime, this scandal is perhaps the worst, for it abets all the others and breeds new pestilence, new perversions at every turn.
Arnold, Bush and Baghdad (tags)
"Bring them on." GEORGE W. BUSH (AP) JULY 1, 2003: “You guys are the true terminators" Speaking to US soldiers on a visit to Baghdad. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER- (AP) JULY 4, 2003
Trade Talk: Speaking In Tongues (tags)
Recent ZNet Commentary on WTO
Garrick Ruiz Confirmed Speaker, Sept. 12 (tags)
Free Film Showing and Speakers. Garrick Ruiz, just returned, will speak about his experience working with the International Solidarity Movement in the West Bank, where he took part in a protest against the Apartheid Wall at which his ribs were broken by a soldier with the Israeli Occupation Forces. Also speaking is Emma Rosenthal, poet, writer, activist and educator. "Gaza Strip" is a documentary shot during the first months of the Palestinian Intifada.
Splitting The Sky Speaking Tour in LA ! (tags)
Splitting the Sky May, 2003, California Speaking Tour
The Day of Silence is put on by GLESN (gay, lesbian and straight educational network) and UUUA (united states student association) .
Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers) Slices Thro (tags)
Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, and now, he's speaking out strongly against the lies and half-truths within the Bush administration's policy on Iraq. This is a mind-changing interview - POWERFUL REASONING. 55 minutes (Real Audio Stream click "full story" link // Also, MP3 Format)
In the wake of charges brought against four young Oregonians, The Speaking Truth to Power Defense Fund has been established to defray legal expenses incured by targets of the Joint Terrorism Task Force.
From the West the West Bank (tags)
Tamara Rettino, a Young Jewish-American Woman Shares Stories & Pictures of her Journey to Occupied Palestine.Tamara's first public speaking engagement, will happen just one week after leaving the occupied Palestinian territories. She is the only Jewish activist from the Los Angeles area to join in this year's International Solidarity Movement's Freedom Summer, where she spent six weeks under fire in Ramallah, Gaza and Jenin.
Who Will be Kidnapped Next? (tags)
With all the Southern Cali activists arrested lately, some questions come to mind. Who's next? What can we do to stop it?
Elaine Brown (Black Panther Party Leader) is speaking tommorow at Cal State LA (tags)
Elaine Brown (Black Panther Party Leader) is speaking at Cal State LA tommorow
National Solidarity with Craig Rosebraugh (tags)
On Feb 12th, former ELF spokesperson, Craig Rosebraugh, will be forced to appear before a Congressional Subcommittee on 'Eco-terrorism'.
Jim Hightower Speaking in Unity, Maine (link to audio) (tags)
Jim Hightower speaking in Unity Maine on corporate power.
Bin laden spoke also in english (tags)
CNN+, i.e. CNN for Spain and Spanish speaking America, released two staments from Bin Laden in Al-Jazeera TV
Jack a plane,just get there
Speaking Truth To Power Against the WTO/IMF Speaking Truth To Ourselves (tags)
An article to give context as the March against the WTO and Globalization takes place downtown.
Making Protesters look like terrorists (tags)
“We are up against the strongest, well-trained militant revolutionary group that has ever assembled in America...They're worse than the brownshirts and the Communist element and the night riders and the vigilantes - Ohio Governor James Rhodes, speaking in Kent Ohio, May 3 1970, the day before the shootings Find out why the U.S. is starting to look more and more like the third world, and political protest is starting to look more and more like war