fix articles 449777, monbiot
A Global Ban on Left-Wing Politics (tags)
That's what the new rules being smuggled into trade agreements are delivering. The Guardian journalist, George Monbiot, refers to Philip Morris, Pacific Rim Gold Mining (Canada) and other corporations that may be enriched by the "Investor-state dispute settlement" in TTIP/TAFTA
An Open Letter to Geoge Monbiot on his 9-11 Flip Flopping (tags)
George Monbiot has proven to be another 9-11 leftwing gatekeeper, and has published a series of vitriolic hitpieces disguised as articles attacking the 9-11 Truth Movement for its temerity in challenging the US government Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT). Ive written to Mr Monbiot, whose journalism ive usually admired for its intelligence, perception, wit etc, twice, and received no reply to my first, have written a second, based on new information. Here is that letter.