fix articles 44747, detective
Fbi crimes and cover-up by local authorities (tags)
Fbi deletes this report everywhere I publish it.
Fbi criminal assaults & cover up (tags)
This report documents fbi crimes & cover ups by false * police reports.
Dirty fbi, cops, DA, AUSA,Judges, etc (tags)
Here are my findings after 45 years of inside knowledge of fbi really dirty operations.
Request for public integrity investigation of Detective Posada, Brownsville, Texas PD (tags)
See how the fbi corrupts police across the nation.
Police and prosecutors failed us in Debra Milke case (tags)
This isn't an isolated incident, Arizona cops have been framing people for murder base on coerced confessions for as long back as the Buddhist Tempe Murders when they coerced confessions from the Tucson kids. Well at least that is as far as I can remember. I am sure the have been framing people from before I was born.
Detective Saldate gets confessions from unconscious people on hospital gurneys??? (tags)
Phoenix Police Detective Armando Saldate who claimed Milke confessed to him had a history of lying to grand juries and extracting confessions even from unconscious suspects on hospital gurneys, according to the court opinion.
Chandler cops raise revenue by robbing dope dealers? Damn right!!!! (tags)
Last year the Chandler Police Department raised $2.7 million by robbing dope dealers.
Civil Rights on the Chopping Block (tags)
"What a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive." --W. Shakespeare
Ban is "postponed" at LACC! An unfinished victory, we STILL was Det. Spelatz Fir (tags)
As of November 20th ( 6 days after receiving the suspension notice) the administration backed down from banning Julia Wallace, Arturo Velasquez and Ben Alvarez from suspension until " an independent investigation was completed". Because of the pressure from staff, students, faculty and pressuring "liberal" politicians to act the administration has backed down. Students still demand woman-hating detective Spelatz be fired.
Students suspended from LACC in retaliation to standing up to Sheriffs (tags)
On November 1st Los Angeles Community College students from SER (Students for Education Reform?) occupied the campus sheriff's office after a rape investigator investigating a rape stated that 80% of rape claims were "illegitimate" made by " women who got drunk the night before and regretted having sex. The students have demanded the termination of detective Spelatz. He is a threat to women and potential victims everywhere. The LACC administration has refused to terminate the rape investigator for his views and have instead attacked SER members involved.
Sheriff's Detective at LACC: people who report rape were "just drunk" night befo (tags)
Students stand up to rapist sympathizer sheriff. We need community back up Monday 10am to confront administration and politicians (Angelides, Feinstein, Boxer) on taking action!
Cop flunks drug test. Cop blames it on his wife. Judge buys the BS (tags)
This cop uses the lame ass excuse that it is his wifes fault for him failing a drug test!!! I wonder if civilians can use that excuse if they get popped for DUI?
Article on CIA Child Trafficing (tags)
They count on the fact that the more bizarre and perverted they act the safer they are because the average joe cannot even fathom the depths of evil that this agency perpetrates.
Good Police Work or Just Dumb Luck - It's the latter (tags)
If the cops catch the serial killer, shooter, rapist it will probably be a result of luck, not hard work or good police work. That's according to them as Phoenix police Detective Mark Potts said "90 percent of good police work is luck. It's being in the right place at the right time". Plus this serial killer, rapist, shooter is a real jobs program for cops. Det Potts is probably making close to $200K with overtime.
Arizona police arrest NJ officer convicted in equipment fraud (tags)
DNC Official Pissed Over LAPD Treatment of His Daughter (tags)
LAPD harasses Philly officials for jaywalking while black. DNC officials' daughter gets strongarm treatment from LAPD.