fix articles 44706, single payer Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : single payer

single payer

HR 676 Is A Single Payer Health Insurance Bill That We Need (tags)

Single Payer Health Insurance Is a great thing to have in this country.

Paper Petition For Single Payer Health Insurance Read And Sign It (tags)

Its time that we have single payer health insurance here in America.

There Is A Petition For Single Payer Health Insurance (tags)

Read about this petition then sign it and tell everybody about it.

Single Payer Health Insurance Is The Best Deal (tags)

Single payer health insurance is much better than private health insurance.

HR 676 Is Single Payer Health Insurance With No Premiums (tags)

Single payer health insurance will save you money.

The "Fiscal Cliff" Is a Hoax ... and a Mel Brooks Routine (tags)

The "fiscal cliff" comedy routine in Washington DC is a staged act where Democrats play the "good cop" who want to tax the rich and cut social welfare programs vs. the "bad cop" Republicans who don't want to tax the rich and promise heavy cuts on social welfare programs. Where is the voice of reason that says maybe this so-called fiscal cliff isn't really such a big deal after all?

You Will Love Single Payer Health Insurance (tags)

You will fall in love with single Payer health insurance.

Single Payer Health Insurance For All (tags)

We need single payer health insurance.

Some Very Good Reasons To Support Single Payer Health Insurance (tags)

The american public well fall in love with single payer health insurance the more they learn about it.

Lets Replace Private Health Insurance With Single Payer Health Insurance (tags)

Single payer health insurance is much better than private health insurance for many good reasons.

Single Payer Health Insurance Will Save Your Life (tags)

Single payer health insurance is the best way to save your life and health.

Single Payer Health Insurance Will Save Your Health (tags)

If you want to save your health we should get rid of private health insurance and get single payer health insurance.

Single Payer Health Insurance Will Help All Of Us (tags)

Single payer health insurance is cheaper and better than private health insurance.

America Needs Single Payer Health Insurance (tags)

Everybody in america has the right for health insurance and health care that is affordable.

There Is Insurance Where You Can Take Your Kids To The Doctor And Pay No Bills (tags)

Canadian like health insurance in the U.S. would save money for you whether you are an adult or kid.

Single Payer Health Insurance Has No Bills For You To Pay (tags)

If we ever get single payer health insurance everybody will save money.

We Should Have Single Payer Health Insurance Like They Have In Canada (tags)

The one thing that americans need to import from Canada is their health insurance.

Democrats Defeated Single Payer; Vote P&F & Green (tags)

SB 810, a single payer healthcare bill, was defeated in the California Senate Jan 31, 2012 by Democratic Senators Ron Calderon, Lou Correa, Alex Padilla, Michael Rubio, Juan Vargas and Rod Wright, all bought and paid for by the insurance industry and most bought and paid for by the drug industry. The health care crisis is so terrible in this country that it is best called a death system, not a health care system. Only Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party support socialized medicine and at the very least, single payer healthcare.

Jump In To January Jump In To Single Payer Health Insurance (tags)

Its a new year and we should start by adding single payer health insurance.

Single Payer Health Insurance For Christmas (tags)

I like single payer health insurance and I want it for Christmas this year or as soon as possible

Single Payer Health Insurance Should Have Television Commercials (tags)

If you want to have single payer health insurance then you must advertise on television.

Vermont Enacts Conditional Universal Healthcare Coverage (tags)


BTL:Vermont Moves Closer to Establishing Nation's First Single-Payer Health Care System (tags)

Interview with Dr. Deborah Richter, president of Vermont for Single Payer, conducted by Scott Harris

Never Turn Back: SNCC's 50th and the Ongoing Battle for Democracy (tags)

Full and firsthand report on the SNCC 50th Anniversary Gathering in Raleigh, NC, April 15-18 .

Craven Democrats (tags)

"“The some 3,000 (corporate) lobbyists in Washington, whose dirty little hands are all over the bill, have once more betrayed the American people for money.” “The bill is another example of why change will never come from within the Democratic Party. The party is owned and managed by corporations.”

Dueling Strategies in the Defense of Public Education, Part I (tags)

The massive turnout across the state of California on March 4 in defense of public education provides indisputable evidence that this movement is just at the beginning stage. And much credit is due to the countless number of students, staff, and teachers who committed many, many hours of their time, tirelessly organizing for March 4; without this dedication, the event would have sputtered to a stop.

Universal Single-Payer Healthcare Coverage: An Economic Stimulus Plan (tags)

Imagine - doing the right thing is economically beneficial.


Organizers ratify Constitution, launch agenda, begin global movement for radical democracy anew.

Dioxin Deniers at the FDA (tags)

The FDA will ignore pesticides, chlorine, dioxins, radiation and other industrial parts of typical cigarettes in its new Act. This Act, supposedly against the cigarette industry, is entirely in support of that industry, even to the point of assisting it to evade legal consequences.

LA Health Reform Rally Sticks it to Fox (tags)

Protesters Bite Back at Fox Tales: Healthcare Reform Advocates at Rally in Front of FOX Bear Huge Banner Stating "FOX News is Bad for Our Health!" Tuesday evening, Sept 22, a lively group of approximately 70 activists brought a Pro-Healthcare Reform rally to the sidewalk in front of FOX TV Center at 1999 Bundy in West Los Angeles. To be repeated next Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 5pm-7pm.

Health Care, a Human Right: Report from Camp Healthcare (tags)

LOS ANGELES, September 4, 2009 – Longtime local homeless rights activist, David Busch, has begun a water only fast for a Single Payer Healthcare system. Camped out in front of Senator Dianne Feinstein West LA office, David and supporters hold nightly vigils calling for healthcare for all under a government backed single payer system. Also in the works is a call for a Camp Healthcare during the next six weeks or until congress votes.

Orderly Town Hall Meeting Explores Public Option (tags)

Civility and Decorum Take Precedence at Ward A.M.E Health Care Forum/Discussion

Universal Single Payer Health Care is the Only Way to Stop the Zombie Apocalypse! (tags)

A humorous way to advocate for single payer health care.

HR 676 Cosponsors (tags)

Obamcare - A Health Care Rationing Scheme to Enrich Insurers, Drug Companies and Large Hos (tags)

Obamacare will make a bad health care system worse.

American Private Health Insurers Are Nothing But a Bunch of Mass Murderers. (tags)

Whether you drop white phosphorus bombs on innocent civilians

Obama May Sign Pesticide Industry Protection Act (tags)

All Bad Legislation comes wearing a halo. That's how about 60 years of Reefer Madness drug war atrocities began. The just-passed law (not signed yet) giving the FDA power to "regulate tobacco" is not what mainstream media, or public officials tell us. This is Reefer Madness II, concocted by the same industries who did RM I...important whether or not one cares about "smoking" of any plant.

March 11: Burn Your Health Insurance Bill Day (tags)

Why is single-payer off the table? A round-table with Dr. Quentin Young, national coordinator for Physicians for a National Health Program; Geri Jenkins, a registered nurse and the co-president of the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee; and Russell Mokhiber, editor of the Corporate Crime Reporter. He is starting a new project called, "Single Payer Action."

Lloyd Levine Takes Hypocrisy to New Highs in Latest Anti-Pavley Mailer entitled "Inte (tags)

Today's Mailer Gives California District 23 Voters Fed Up With Both State Senate Candidates More Reasons to be Fed Up

Disgust in Senate Dist. 23 with Both Candidates, Levine and Pavley, Goes Off Scale (tags)

To replace a great senator in California History, Sheila Kuehl, voters have a choice of two sleaze bags that both belong in Orange County.

Senate Candidate Fran Pavley Upsets Supporters with Code Words in Health Care Mailer (tags)

Fran Pavley's Health Care Mailer included a photo of her with progressive State Senator Sheila Kuehl and identified Kuehl as author of the vetoed single payer Universal Health Act, SB 840. However, not only did Pavley not endorse Kuehl's bill in the mailer, she included code words accepting the role of private insurance and opposing single payer and the economies of it.

Cal Single Payer Healthcare Petition for Download (tags)

The California Health Security Plan, an outstanding single payer healthcare initiative for the November 2008 ballot, is ready for your download and signature. We need 1 million signatures and we need you to help yourselves put an end to this nightmare some call healthcare in the USA. Michael Moore's outstanding movie, Sicko, should be the distant past, not current, bitter reality.

The Case for Socialized Medicine in the United States, and the Struggle to Achieve It (tags)

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee blasted insurance giant CIGNA for failing to approve a liver transplant one week earlier for 17-year-old Nataline Sarkisyan, who tragically died just hours after CIGNA relented and agreed to the procedure following a massive national outcry. “CNA/NNOC Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro called the final outcome ‘a horrific tragedy that demonstrates what is so fundamentally wrong with our health care system today. Insurance companies have a stranglehold on our health. Their first priority is to make profits for their shareholders – and the way they do that is by denying care." "It is simply not possible to organize major protests every time a multi-billion corporation like CIGNA denies care that has been recommended by a physician," DeMoro said. “Having insurance is not the same as receiving needed care. We need a fundamental change in our healthcare system that takes control away from the insurance giants and places it where it belongs – in the hands of the medical professionals, the patients, and their families."

See Sicko and Win Trip to Europe/Canada (tags)

Sicko, the outstanding movie exposing the bankrupt US healthcare system and supporting single payer healthcare a la Canada, Britain, France and Cuba, is now playing at 500 more movie theaters and director Michael Moore promises you a trip to Europe or Canada if you see Sicko this weekend, July 20-22, 2007.

Leaflet Sicko for Single Payer Healthcare (tags)

Let's keep the ball rolling to pass California's SB 840 for single payer this year and have it become law by leafletting Sicko at movie theaters throughout California.

Crucial Week for Sicko 200 More Cities July 3 and 100 More July 6 (tags)

We, the millions of people who saw Sicko on its first weekend, were successful beyond all expectations! We packed so many movie theaters across the nation that it will now be shown in 200 more cities starting July 3 and 100 more cities starting July 6. This is a Make it or Break It Week for Sicko! Go there with everyone you can find over age 10 and then you and everyone you bring should sign up for your state's single payer health care plan campaign now! Ticket information, Single Payer bill SB840 websites and Mike's letter are below.

See Sicko for Your Health Care Now (tags)

Sicko is Michael Moore's Best Film Yet and we need your 100% attendance at every showing to bring a universal national healthcare system paid for with our tax dollars to the US, as exists in the rest of the industrialized world.

Compulsory Patronage of Private Business? (tags)

Forced Patronage of Private Businesses seems to violate Constitutional Protections against Compulsory Speech. It also forces people to give money to investments, by insurers, in what may be the very industry that caused one's illness!

Bad Solutions to Health Care Problem (tags)

The topic of just what is Big Insurance is too often left out of Health Care debates.

Green Party’s Kevin Zeese Has New Approach (tags)

On Dec. 14, 2005, the Green Party candidate for the U.S. Senate in MD, Kevin Zeese, ripped into President Bush calling his Annapolis speech, “filled with lies!” He also demanded the U.S. get out of Iraq and admit it’s a “failed policy.” He labeled the Military-Industrial Complex, the “greatest threat to our country.” Zeese also wants a “Single Payer” health care system, a “share the wealth” economy and a fair and balanced Middle East policy.

Mass Protest Called Of Injured and Disable Workers In Sacramento (tags)

The San Francisco Labor Council and other injured workers and health and safety groups have called for a mass protest on Workers Memorial Day April 28, 2005 in Sacramento to protest the attack on injured and disabled workers and to demand single payer healthcare.

Four More Years of Bush Please! (tags)

I cannot in all conscience support the platforms of any of the so-called front-runners in the Democratic Presidential primary including that of Senator John Kerry. The nebulous description of a universal health care system Senator Kerry is supporting that sounds like a repeat of Clinton's false promise in 92 does not contain the words "Not for Profit Single Payer Universal Health Care System".

Corp. Media Bias,Polls,Waffling,VoteBuying SPARKS New Dynamic of Self-Publishing (tags)

The candidates believing the assessment by the weapons-manufacturer-owned-media and their ridiculous polls, because they get coverage fall into trap of having to accept and be defined by it. Later finding out their dependence on orchestrated reality control and conventional wisdom, causes the rug to be pulled out from under them> as events, time and the fluidity of the new info-sharing environment made possible by real peoples participation with self-publishing, pushes the envelope to more accurate and genuine picture, actual portrayal of the environment, Here on the ground in 2004.The truth, morality and validity of the progressive message is that powerful. NPR DEBATE OBSERVATIONS

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