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Philippine Military report says it can’t defeat NPA by 2010 (tags)
The cat is out of the bag. Finally,the Philippine military, the Armed Forces of the Philippines(AFP) has admitted it had limited success in destroying the firepower of communist insurgents, putting it way behind the target of wiping out the rebellion by 2010, a classified military report said. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, who is also the AFP Commander in Chief, has said she wants the communist New People’s Army (NPA) largely defeated by the time she steps down from power in June 2010. She announced it after she “won” the hotly contested elections of 2004. But an assessment report seen by Reuters said “ the military was not winning enough victories against the NPA, which despite the collapse of communism worldwide, continued to strike a chord with poor Filipinos angered at widening inequality at home.”