fix articles 44441, new york regional office
Airports Consider Using Private Security Screeners Vs. TSA Transportation Security Officer (tags)
'Don't touch my junk' passenger sparks revolt against airport searches
Federalization of Contract Guards : FPS Improvement and Accountability Act of 2010 (tags)
Finally, and here is the crux of the DEM bill, if the GAO comes back with a “satisfactory” performance grade for the federal guards in the pilot FPS then FPS is commanded to federalize all contract guards at all Level III and Level IV facilities
FCGOA Defeats UGSOA Once Again 70 to 23 in a Humiliating Defeat at the DOJ (tags)
A Strong Labor Union requires that it's members understand that the Union is theirs and that the Union leadership be attuned to the desires of the members. Obviously UGSOA President Desiree Sullivan doesn't understand this...BUT FCGOA Does. That's Why the 340 Officers Working at both The Department of Justice DOJ and ICE Headquarters Voted for FCGOA.
FCGOA Defeats UGSOA at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Headquarters in Wash DC (tags)
"Today's VICTORY by FCGOA against UGSOA and it's UGSOA Local 44 sends a clear message to UGSOA President Desiree Sullivan that all is NOT Well at UGSOA" Stated FCGOA President Guy James.
Border Security Plan Adds 1,000 Federal Law Enforcement Border Patrol Agents (tags)
Obama said the 600 million additional funding for border security "answers my call to bolster the essential work of federal law enforcement officials," adding that the measures "will make an important difference as my administration continues to work with Congress toward bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform to secure our borders, and restore responsibility and accountability to our broken immigration system."
UGSOA Members Show Their Support For FCGOA and its President Guy James (tags)
Mr. Harsley’s 12-13 years of serving our membership under UGSOA local # 44 as president has been pure hell. He has abused his power and authority, misused his position, and undercut our benefits with his manipulations by telling un-truths in order to accomplish his goals by deceiving the officers into accept his untruths. It’s time to replace Mr. Harsley, UGSOA Local # 44 and UGSOA international with a new and more progressive, honest, user friendly, officer oriented organization that serves the union membership needs, not their own needs, wants and desires.
Federal Protective Service Building Security Agency's Workforce Plan Questioned (tags)
The Federal Protective Service agency has an annual budget of roughly $1 billion, and employs 1,225 full-time workers and 15,000 contract security guards at more than 2,300 federal facilities nationwide