fix articles 444203, david copeland Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : david copeland

david copeland

Woodwalton PE285Y – The Village Where Nazis Are Always Welcome. (tags)

The inexorable march towards Fascism in the U.K. and U.S. continues unabated. And with each step, the inverted value system of the rich and powerful, is revealed in ever more hideous detail. David Wulstan Myatt kills children and he is protected by the police and politicians.

John Scott Yarn Lane and Sewing Street - Nazi Connections? (tags)

A sadistic Nazi police informer has used the staff at Yarn Lane / Sewing Street attack an anti-racist whistleblower.

The 911 Cover-up is starting to Unravel (tags)

Happenings: Los Angles Grand Jury finds 911 story FALSE, Rove leak tied to diversion of AIPAC and top Cheney aids complicity in selling Iran nuclear detonators Are leading to the unravelling of the 911 Cover-Up.

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